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i.... r,\ic, .a i. n.cs » »ni. • ■ ~! , , ~. ■,M _ , ; U lU il! Iva. in t.iias and Ac.i . ear. special e..r- . i,• ig-viActl uii lib; sl ' L ’ I i lAS, i-Ul’AClll,'., \\ 111) SSciO pUir.cU ■ ii|i i, vanous ami. ions on ruiuo. -‘i |i,ran aliout iwolw t leraiiUne sUidems I .loiuedi 1 lie train, all eagerly looming ■ forward to the outing. | a Geraldine lady m Glmlit church in | th„> #nrjs,Uufis|J)olu|ayß' was* relieved of |her. liaiidts hajpf’ dOutaimng .fit while waiting for tv tram in Cathedral ■ Square. As the bag was not missed till the lady was seated in the Irani, it is possible that the strap was cut with a sharp knife, allowing the thief to make his haul without (he owner’s knowledge. )|'h.! pally thieving nuisance is rife at ••Winchester. Recently Si. dohn’s Church, Winchester, was entered and the eollecling boxes rifled : the store, however, was small. The sacr ligious burglars finally appropriated the sacramental boUle of wine. ’.l hoi Tciuuka poise have the matter in hand. Jl is understood that one or two suspicious looking characters have been about iViaeiicsler of late, begging from door ;o door, and otherwise irritating the residents. ■Mrs Dillon, the secretary, of the Tu : luUKa Floral and iiorucultunil ISoeh ly, will he pleased to receive gifts of cakes, sweets, etc., for the rclresh-

I meal, and .sweats .stall at the -Show cm j •■a.nuary itli. The proceeds from these j slabs v. ill la• devoted to the jklgian door Itelief ITincl, so thaf all donations of woods to I lie Stalls will in- ’ c 1 iiLJy he a edit to Unit :fimd, and will realise more limn the ordinary selling value, Mrs Hilton has forwarded schedules to all members, but should any member not have, received (lie same the secretary will bo pleased iio forward, one on application. [ .Much re.-lent in rut has been-excited in .; -mall settlement in the Jtangpnui district states the “New .Zealand lleri.l/' by tlie manner in. which, the daily bulletins of wan news are being virtually suppressed by the local post.jiyister. The olliec is held by a Cler-

in,hh fanner, and as is usual in country districts, tho postal business is transacted in his residence. Settlers in (Ik; neighbourhood slat? that the ! oilicial refuses to display the telegraph messages for generalj itu'oma(ion. "and inquiries for news are evaded by irrelevant answers or by statements which have frequently been found inaccurate. Messages reporting tba enemy’s successes have, however, hem promptly displayed. I We understand that as tho result of ■ prospecting operations in the AVhanga- ; main district an important discovery : of gold-bearing lodes has been made, says the Thames “.Star.” ; The exact | ioeale is being kept a secret, while the principles, who arc said to be lo- ■ rated at Wellington a nd Marlborough are being consulted as to future ini cations. it is said that one, of the lodes discovered has been ascertained to be (he continuation of a-well known and valuable reef system which has been worked to advantage on other parts .of the Held, and that tests have already proved the correctness of this ■. theory. No oilicial details are avail’idile. and will not be made known for some lime, but we are informed on V'lial should be reliable authority that (he assays and<ilhei' tests so far <nadn •show the discovery (q lie one of considerable value and promise. "'ll was on:-y a fortnight, ago that the sealing and whaling -party from Te A wall, Marlborough, which is on Campbell Island, heard that the war had broken nut between Germany and Great' Britain, states a southern paper the news was taken, to the islands by (he .Amokura, and nearly all the. men at once expressed a great desire to go to the li: -el. All tile members of the parly are well, but have not had the be-I of luck in whaling during Mm last. I'Tdii. Tlicv lire now ifoiuir in ux* Iriisiveb- for sealing, ami report s.m. ee-sfnl eatehes. By their e.outraet Ihev mils! remain on the. island until

I'.Mi;. Auctiiaail i juii mag j.i :-j me civ"i-■ f.s I iroutne, ••jui.i.ti H on; iao mull ri'l I'm y of m ill'.ii n< n i ;.11 i ■-i•. iJ pl.n ..d upon d.-gitiy L'-.l Hi ii Illy I 'ill',., I I, 111-: rlirioi;! I I . ■ |. j J.I A: ..-Mi. I,UI Ole i 11 11 ill.! C i’i.Ji;. I « - ii m. irU' i <j ll , iiu- 1 a ■■■ ! I '."-..[UoU P . in i ' i ilj,.' eases, )|i".'ly 1.0 in ‘.'.'ii"j i-aiilwnen a simpler nisi' < ■ • I -111 hi I'.flVo no I lull 111. ll' l lit I-i- 1 as io die correct course. In ;iii opin.on lucre ,'liniii'l Lie au oi- : r a; .j ■■ an;, ,i.l in enure,. of every i ' r U I i'i''l ( e, v. iio.-i,' lllllv if sIIOUtU I ;| ■ 'll 'a"!I only iVjlli all. .. lit rulers' J'ui - mu 1 a. 1 1 ■ I 5 a a I ■ i l-i 111 is, and in Ueepiim (.n- ---' M 1)1 ilia IjooUl. lilt; 1 1 1 1 [HI i y ruUMV.I Hy J'liif.'l :,! ill iltlg the ioeaf electoral "ora Mould no I. Ilian be interfered '•Ulii in their duly. Ibis appointment ilioiild be made a compulsory one li.V he .Registrar, If the duly of each deputy returning oilicer were confined, iay, to tine handling of ballot .papers if bis own electorate, instead ol in•lulling absent voters' permits and deiarallons, there would lie jinictically in joom for a mistake of any sos-l. Villi an experienced deputy in charge • I i lie hoolli, and parcels of bbO or ; ibb volinc' papers lor each man lo leal with, a sclioolliov would do (he \oi!; as well a.-, an account ant. This, .lib riiniplilied iiwlrnclions —lor the .vcnij.-e man is not going lo ''llloo no I,'i ieii'al.■ dire 'lions lor llie sake of ne day r'.'ei'v three w'ars ■ wonhl do 1 mi !i. in in* iioinioii, to remedy pp- i ■III ,I,■[■■'■!■/' ' ’ i -i I ISeml, 1 1 1 Id in l!,,- 1!,.,,1. : 1 1 h id I 1 i | 1. 1 ■ 11 1 e 11 blr amiiloia i id’ I." nocKbs. relieved and h.d \ ’/} 1 b ’ ■■ '! i'h per b' >i Me. I I

operators of tins paper will bo ■working only in the evening of Jfriday turn I, advertisers are asked to kindly bring in all advertisements Ibis day (Thursday) to faeililutu ■■the ipublicatibn of 'Saturday’s issue. Mariam Klliino, the eharaeler and future reader. will he present at lla/ellliorpe Night fair oh Saturday eve-n nir next, has!, year Madam Hld.jlno was literally rushed, and doubtI less t his year she will also be heavily j patronised, 1 Mare than medals are Hying round '(he lirllish Army at present. Tim fol- | lowin'; is from (he last issue of the | ''Naval and Mili(any Uncord”Royal | Warwickshire Regiment : IMeutenaiil I Colonel -lolln !•’. F.lkinglon is cashier■ed by seiilenee of a general courlj ßoyal Dublin fusiliers : l.leutenantj Roa |i; Dublin Fusiliers: Lieutenant- | Colonel Arthur K., iUaiiiwariiig; is cashiered by seiilenee of a general i-ourt-iniarlial. Dated September 1-1, 11)1-1.

j (hi Tuesday afternoon a lad named I’crey Naylor had Jack when sperilling cels in the Waihi River just above the Geraldine Irallie bridge. After patient jiy waiting for'half an hour knee deep |in water, Naylor sa w one cel with Us I head nlffl neck •'showing, fund; the j oporfsmari" promptly drove the spear home just below the head. Ten minutes of exciting work saw the cel safely landed. When measured the cel went Iff (in in length and IS n in girth, and weighed 21 lb. It is easily ih' largest eel caught in this nivor for at ha-l twelve months, and the river is W least rid of one more of the nilinies o' r saae Walton.

Tire diliicidlv of obtaining adequate .supplies of different materials is daily becoming more and more, apparent eo ! New Zealand importers. Dress-sluli's 'and soft goods, drawn largely from (lie north of France, are no longer !available. Linen is a lino likely to |be seriously all'yeled, for the llux used |comes largely from Austria and Rnsisia, and Irish linen is made up to a large extent from European supplies, ■ The glove trade is also going to be !-•u-iously afforded, the French manufacj faring (owns being mostly in the war '/one. Altogether the soft goods trade is, during the comibig year, likely to tile faced with a growing problem in the matter of supplies.

| "A. 11.” writes to the Sydney ~S uii" : ,Most Persons (including ojir Ministers) appear to imagine that when a I Carman subject lakes the outn of allegiance to the King of England, and receives a- eerlilicale of naturalisation, he ceases to be a German and becomes a I’rilon. Such is by no means ihe ease. He certainly receives all the i henelits and privileges of a Dritish 1 subject—as long as ho keeps out oi Germany. But he does not, cease, to owe allegiance to the Kaiser, nor is lie free from rendering military sc.r----1 vice until he has received from the (remain Government a certificate of ; 1 'on tlnssunprschcin” —a document by no ’means easily obtained. -Every German who obtains naturalisation without i nllassnngscliein kuo".-- perfectly well (hgt ho still remains' a German. It s as well that those in authority here should also know it.

| A I'hiiKirkuoie act'iiienl occurred to '.Mr Samuel Dennis, contractor, oi Aortueoie (Victoria), recently. Mr Dennis undertook', to conduct an expei'i mail, v.iili a new explosive iimmtedny Mr Duncan,' manager of the Commonwealth .Via tell S' aviary, and he decided lo test its power m a i|iiarry. A iioie was drilled into Hie rock, and .Dennis i was lamping the charge ot Uie explosive home, using a nroo.u-haadle tii tne tamper (states the ,'ieloourne correspondent ol the .Sydney "Dally telegraph"). Apparently Air .Dennis overdid the lamping operation, for the charge exploded, and drove the broom handle backwards through .Mr Dennis hand amt through llie ileshy part of his right shoulder. Mr Dennis was ■ also knocked down and bruised. lie was taken to fSt. \ incent’s Hospital in a serious condition. The broomhandle had to be sawn across betwc.n the back of Ihe unfortunate man's hand anil his shoulder before it could be withdrawn. Mr Dennis, who suffered severely with shock 1 , is now showing signs of improvement.

,V sensational experience Ird’ell the

steamer Queen Aiargarel, Wii'.eh a*‘irivui at -UieltJaiid from .Newcastle, on a recce L n il ', when llic vessel was in I lie vicinity ot llic Caroline Islands trading to Newcastle with a' cargo of limber. This region lias been patrolled since war broke out by Japanese warships, and it was a common experience tor the Queen .Margaret to be constantly slopped and examined by lie searchlight,; of these warships. One night, the v.-wvi pi; pursued for over half an hour by a warship,whjeli Kept its searchlights playing upon her continuously, Shortly afterwards the battleship drew ii[> alongside the Queen Margaret, and Jired a shot across bef iiutV'S, so that sho was contji.'.np.l lo licuvo lb. A ItoaL was luiif.clictl Q.r:i iJ.c patrolling cruiser, and thirty armed, Japanese sailors, accompanied by several oncers, boarded ihe tramp. Shu was thoroughly examined, and her ■ •aplain was informed that He Japan-

!:,so crnisor, ivhieh tuniou out to !w I h:> [ Idstuna, had previously lin'd blank 'shots as n signal fo>* ilia trailer In ;heave 10. Aflor a slrh.'l, a an eh liail I i.i-rii made. (.lie vessel w as allow ail In | ('t< nI on her course. ; A 'X.‘i' ui 'V am nil In' uwmtue I mine Mr i I uv r. j : t, .1 ..1 a! Uir 1, 'juri, ijiuavai I'.ni, wit'.n v. ..i. ; >:: domiKtoa wa*- CM.ov..a >■., 1.1 k-UUUrUIg two IkjJ’SoS, 1.-'; y "I '.Ur U'.Acdl, UU'.aiK.e. d, ,h :,n mg w lm-, ; I r.mjaoyineill is till.- fir: I), a ,-;ial- | linn, (MiiU) In ‘ O',all s l\i 1 in. anil, I bring under the inliia me ni Ibpior, "as iiuuierd in go ;i ■.;t\ . r nair lime | .l uLe 1 ’ down (lie road, hr met Mr :)- j aid’s iraui returning hnmr, ami jnv- ; vailed upon the driur, who knew uo- : Hung ut his visit the house, . lo give him a lift. hpou arrival at the guie, however, -Julmslun’s behaviour Mas such that the driver 0 f yhe (cam |)iu iiim oil (he cart ami refused to laini him any further. •Johnston then I np.'Ueil a pocket Kni." and stabbed th* leader hall a dozen times, then turned Jiis: attention to the shatter, which rareivi'd several stalls before Johnston I'oiiM be prevented. JohnsUui was ar-resb.-d and brought down from. DunI i nnn by ( unstable -Mel iregor. iloth animals maimed Mere marcs, and the h iidi'r is somewhat seriously injured, a lanm vein leaving been out. Most of the other injuries are superficial. John--lon wa- - n iiiahilial fur a week, In appear 1 elntv ill' SI i pcmliar v Mairlst rale. l ee leas ,11 men do uni accomplish ’’ ■" li'rv do not advertise A'l lilt e, mjiJ the World is wdh nil, diiti |. and you walk, alone.”

'l. lie mutual picnic of the Denmark Is treat Method st Sunday School will UuiC' place to-morrow. The picnickers ui’e usKud to assemble at the Church ut ami. to-morrow. ' f

A Oovj named iieuu, son of iM.ri.luhu. o( Arowhuu «u, tiled suddenly on Tues“dy liist, ‘riie boy, it : appears, was delie,• ire/ niidKluring- play burst' a i.di.od iessel. 1 lie died while being, brought, into Tcmulju for medical ati cm lion.

At J Jinnies on Christmas Jive, Alfred jlavey, single, need id, a minor, suiter lue from miner s complaint, was hoard, lo say that he was sick of it all and' 1 would end i(. On Christmas Jive and I since that date iu: had boon missing, I and no I race of him was found until } eslerday, when ins body was found in tlui district, reservoir. At the in- j (jiii-M, a verdict of suicide was record-

.1 lie Mauris of this .country still maintain some of their id. mourning customs. When a chief or native u) standing dies the mourning ceremonies are carried on Irom war lo [year, ollen for ninny years. During the pasl week some hi Maoris have been encamped in the hall at Arow henna, where (hey have been mourning flic death of .Henri T’ohio, (brother of Mrs Rtc.viis) • who died a year ago. Itach day a: good deal of the time is spent in recounting Maori history and reminiscences, and in discussing religion! and other"*'topics. The catering arrangements "have been liberally attended to, the Visitors taking their meals in a large marifiieu liuportell from Timam for the occasion.


Win. .Muir, cash grocer—l-'or new potatoes. Airs I'iU-tlrrald—Another visit from. Hj;ntn Claus.” Capper and iSliceu— : T» jam makers anil preservers, Ji, Inilloh—Crceiings and thanks. W. •), Keys-Watch repairing,. W. ('. Doulstou— '.For linoleums, vie.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 7662, 31 December 1914, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 7662, 31 December 1914, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 7662, 31 December 1914, Page 2


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