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Temuka and Geraldine A. & P. Association.

FIRST AUTUMN SHOW. A GREAT SUCCESS. President—P. Warring, Vice-president— Donald Grant. Treasurer—Donald Grant, Secretary—W. F. Evans. Committee—G. \V. Armitage, J. Holwell, W. H. Palmer, C. Austin, A. P. Kulland, J. Paterson, H. Bell, J. Kennedy, W. Payne, W. 8011, D. E. Lewis, A. M. Robertson, W, M. Bruce, R. Macaulay, A. Shaw, M. Charles, K. Alackcnzie, R. Smith, jun.. G. B. Croeiner, If. Aladdren, If. Smith, sent - . J. Chisholm, A, G. Macdonald, A. Stewart, B. DoRcnzy, J. J. Nolan, F. W. Tarbotton, J. A. Guild, E. A. O’Malley, G. Ward. Looking round tho Tsmuka and Geraldine A. and P. Association’s Show in Victoria Park, Winchester, on Thursday last!, wc came across an old identity who said that if ho referred to his diary he believed he would find that it was fully 35 years ago since the last Show was hold in tmU locality. Thirty-live years is a long way back, and our aged friend further remarked that he had made a carotin study of the people in the park on this occasion, and had seen very few faces of the old pioneers of the district who were preseot at the last Show. Although it was 35 years since a Show was hold at D inehester, the Association had not gone out of existence meanwhile, for a show was held about ten years ago in Tcmukia, a“d Messrs Wareing and Grant had since, been carefully shepherding Ihe funds, which have now accumulated fram rent to a substantial balance. As we slated ia a previous issue. Air Philip Wareing, president of the Association, a short time ago called a meeting together, and the Association was resuscitated for practical voik. The public, in both Temuka and Geraldine, enthusiastically responded to the call, and the names of 220 financial members were immediately handed in—a clear indication of the feeling amongst settlers that an annual show at Winchester would be a popular event. A strong committee of leading men from both districts wa s then formed, who drew up a programme which brought forth a most satisfactory entry, resulting in a show which, for a first attempt, was considered on all hands to be a most successful oneWeather prophets at a distance were sending warnings of coming storms, and local prognosticators, taking'their cue from telegraphed advice and the dull mantle overhead, were predicting that rain would come without fail on Show day. In this they were partly right, for there was a light shower in the morning—enough to lay some of the dust-and another heavier _ showerbefore the day was over. The dull weather, however, had not a very marked effect on the attendance, for there were nearly 3000 people present, a large proportion coming from the Geraldine and Temuka districts, where the shower was not so heavy as it was towards Timaru. The business places at both Geraldine and Temuka were closed at 11 a.m., and the public schools were granted a holiday. Shortly before noon the main roads to' Winchester presented a very animated appearance with horsemen, cyclists, motor cars, drags, and private vehicles, and it was not long after the judging when the show ground was alive wit* visitors. The Geraldine Alonnted Rifles, about 50 strong, under Capt. Kennedy, came to hand early in the day, and later on took pait in the military events. Considering that no permanent fixtures had over been made in the park for a show, the committee did wonders in the short time at thendisposal, the arrangements being all that could be desired in the circumstances. An excellent ring was made by roping off a portion of Hie ground, fences were erected for the jumps inside this enclosure, and everything put into thorough show order. To the right of tho entrance to the show ground a long row of tents and marquees took up a considerable portion of the ground. First came the secretary’s tent, then the Dress "diggings, ’ the" luncheon booth, the marquee for produce, etc., the business shows, the amusements, and last, but not Fast, the licensed booth. The catering w a s in the hands of Air G. Bryant, Geraldine, who had a booth for tho sale of soft drinks and confectionery, a large public luncheon booth (which was crowded throughout the day), and a smaller luncheon booth for the officials. The licensed booth was run by Mr C. J. AloKay, Temuka, who did good business. The Geraldine Brass Band, under Bandmaster J. Allan, were present, and treated the public to some of the best selections from their now extensive repertoire. The work of the class stewards, judge;, and ofijcials was carried out without a single hitch, and the president, vice-president, and the Association’s energetic and courteous secretary, Air W. F. Evans, are to be congratulated upon the success of their efforts, and the general satisfaction given to the exhibitors and the public. With such a capital attendance, the Show could hardly be anything but a financial success, the takings at the gates amounting to £9B 4s. About -4 thore_ was a shower of rain, but the public were prepared for it, and the majority remained to see the finish of _thc jumpino- events, farmers driving away shortly after 5 o’clock, with beaming countenances at the prospect of a, welcome deluge for their parched lands. A goodly number of thirsty souls from over the borders were not so eager to reach homo, and delayed their journey for a fond farewell to Bacchus > before going once more into the “dry.’ THE BUSINESS TENTS. Naturally for the first yc a r the show was not strong in displays by business firms. Messrs T. Buxton and Co. had a neat tent display of “Challenge” flour, and samples of broad made therefrom, also samples of the gram, bran, pollard, screenings, and various breakings. Air A. Bell had a stand for bicycles. The Singer Sewing Atachine Coy. showed several of their latest models in sewing machines, aitd made a specialty of the Singer ’darner, a young lady operator giving exhibitions of the work to into - ested visitors to the tent. 1 he dnmei ran bo worked on any lock-stitch machine. THE AMIISEATEYIS. As at all other agricultural shows ol late, the side-show ground was literally overrun with “Hoop-la,” there being no fewer than five stands erected for this attractive game, round which crowds ot young people gathered for hours, while the never ceased tempting them, witn “nine shots for a bob.” A few feet away was n circus tent, at the door of which n man with a most seductive voice, made ell manner «f offers on behalf of »■ °®

Gardiner, the English champion wrestler, who was u, mutually laucu on by a local man for a five minutes bout, ana by Guimard tieuiukaj for n sixmuiutua go. A great throng ot mo* surged ialo the Lent, and came out crying out that Uunnard had won. The Uuor-sliouter aiso announced an exhibition of what ho culled ooojitsy" by Alias La Mure, who would show them how a lady could boat her husband when ho comes homo drunk." THE EXHIBIT r. SHEET The sheep were exceptionally wull cared for, temporary [ions being erected round the borders of a central plantation, which gate plenty oi natural Richer. Tho pens Were oi stakes and wire netting, with a hurdle in front o. #acli, and were quite comfortable, t he exhibits chieliy comprised heavy-weight flats ’ and butcher’s "fats, ’ and, although it was not a big' show, the quality was all there. The moat succcd.vui inhibitor was Mr Folia Maekejizu, of Geraldine, who won Colonc. Hayliural's special one guinea prize lor most points, carrying oil six firsts and several seconds and h.c.’s. Air Donald Grant came well up with three Imßs and several seconds. Air D. G. t ;vu» .also found more than one place, and took Die Canterbury .Lrozen x eat Jov.'s two guinea prize for Die best pen in Classes 2 and 3. Mr Mackenzie lost a prize for Jive Down freezers, through his lambs exceeding tho S i Hi weight specified. CATTLE. The cattle weiv housed in rough peuo under a pmuiauou oi pines, wliuli on a scorching not day would Da,c ait’orued excellent snoiter. The cutiy ,vus a small one, but some' 'Ciy hue oeasts were shown. 'The highest prize, taker was Alt’ 3. Mcßride, who won Mr A. 3. Keith's gold .medal valued at guineas for most points. Hedley securod two nrsL prizes lor a fat bullock, which he entered in two classes. it Was a magmlicent beast, estimated to weigh about 13 ewt, and the admiration of all butchers and beef growers who visited the pen. Ah' A. Gimson got a second prize for a pretty little Jersey bull calf, seven months old, which, owing to there being only one class, had to be tutted against "n 12-year-old bull. Air Gimson’s little beast is “i’rinoe Ivan,” by -‘Brighton Twilish,” who won the championship two years miming in Christchurch. HORSES. A great feature, was the splendid ■how of light horses, which is said to have excelled that of the Timaru show. On the other hand the draught classes were not so well represented as at the bigger shows. Col. Hayhurst’s special prize for most points in draughts fell to Mr IV. Bell, who showed the brood mare Star, bay gelding Captain, and bay colt Craigie Alains. Air Bell also won tho prize for three-horse team. IV. Wharton’s J ock took first and Air J. Guild, jun.’s special for best walking draught, with IV. Bell’s Captain second. W. Wharton's Jock again cam*, first as a spring dray horse. The C.F.C.A. had the best tradesman’s turnout, with Mr R. B. Craig, Geraldine, who won at Timaru, a good second. H. Hawke’s Bloss took first as a spring carter. In light horses the special for most points was annexed by A. G. Alacdonald, who showed a roan filly by Te Kooti, Niggerhcad by tho same sire, King of Trumps by Trump Card, and the bay cob Hector by Koko. The firsts for buggy pair and tandem team fell to J. Sinclair Thomson, of W'inchester, with Pippin and Russet and Bobs and Lady re. spootivcly. D. Al. Robertson, Kakahu, and C. " Ward got firsts for singleharness horses, -and D. Shaw won tho driving' competition, with C. Holland second. D. M. Robertson also won with lady’s hack. W r . Wharton’s grey gelding Silver Streak by Grand Cross was picked as the best hunter to earry List 71h, R. Orton’s Bay Lapin second. C. A. Crowe’s Lancet took first for hunters to carry list, anti V. ffiareing’i Rawhiti by Gipsy Grand won in the maiden class. catch Weights. Among the hunters the prize for tho lust jumper fell to V. Wareing, with W. Wharton second. The jumping was watclied with very keen interest by the public, ami only one accident was recorded. At one of the jumps M. Orton’s mount struck the limber and fell will) him, the rider receiving a bad shaking, but no serious injury. There were very good entries also in the pony classes. The prize for the I yes I jumper wenl to I). S. .Slew's Qnc-onie, and the best pony in harness under 13 hands was Miss D. Coombs Betcr Pan, and under .14 hands AL A oung s t|hiec*io came first, Among the troop horses G. D. Lanrenson’s Conveyance by Phnethon was adjudged first, with G. Rainey's Billy by Te Kooti second. For (bo best half-section over hurdles the Geraldine Alonnted Hides had eleven teams entered, hut the first prize went to Corps. Oldfield and Black, S.C.AI.R., with W. Ford and G. Ford, G.AI.R., second. In the Lloyd-Liudsay competition Geraldine Alonntods entered four teams, but Sergt.-Alajor Edgar’s team, S.C.AI.R., proved victorious, with Corp. Johnson’s team, G.AI.R., second, and Corp. Brown’s team, G.AI.R., third. PIGS. Tho pig pens were located next those of the sheep, and, as the entry was small, took up comparatively little space. Air A. K. Taylor got first for a fine specimen of a fat pig. Air A. Shaw showed two nicely bred porker-, and Air E. Prattlcy a good breeding sow. SHEEP DOGS. The sheep dogs were tied up under the plantation trees near the cattle pens, and were given a good deal of attention hv farmers. Air A. ASilkins*n took first, with Mr S. Pierce second, for boarded dogs, of which there was a capital show. In the roughhaired class Air F. AL Young’s “Sharp’ | ~-ot first, with Air P. Talbot s “Scott second. In the smooth-haired '‘lass Air A. Bain got first and Air I). Grant second. PRODUCE, ETC. The show of produce was a very creditable one, which speaks Well for the quality of the soil and the ability of tho farmers and their wives. The exhibits were exceedingly well staged in an extensive marquee among the other tents in canvass town, and quite a crush of visitors crowded in ami out during the day. Air A. 11. Ensoi (Winchester) did well in dessert apples, and Mrs E-. TT. Young and Airs R. Smith in cookers. Mrs A. E. Taylor won the prize for the heaviest apple. There was rmlv one entry ot pears, Mr IT. Hill taking first. Mr H. Hawke got first for quinces, and Mr D. Grant for walnuts. There was a capital exhi'oit- of apples on exhibition o n iy, Inif 1 no name was given. fn the baking '.•lass Airs W. McMillan took Mr T. 1 Givt on's soeeinl for most points, and Mvra Shaw Mr H. E. Smith’s special guinea prize for most points gained by school girls under 15. In the homo-

made loaf of “Brownie" competition come of lac exhibitors showed brown loaves in mistake for the iruii loiu so well known to station hands, anti were, of course, thrown out. airs tv. Smith got first for home-made bread and oven-baked scones, Mrs jucAiiUan too.t firsts for giruiu-baeod scones, oat cake, se.ed cake, ami uuU'ole cake, and won tin* rn'i/.o foi most points in cookery exhibits, the fruit cakio competition was a keen one, Mrs G. Ward coming first, with Airs G. AlcCullough second. Airs McCullough also got firsts for jam and jelly. Thu competition in honey m glass pots gate Mr Budtl a Jot oi trouble. Airs It. hi. Davis, Geraldine, came first, and the judges had to place live others equal lor second place, \i/.. It. Aladdreu, W. Goodman, Aiiss Goodman, J. Henry and Mrs hi. i'rouaioc.. I he first prize lor honey in the comb went to Mr if. Hill, A first was awarded to Airs McCullough lor a aural wreath worked in butter. Airs McCullough did well in preserves, sames, and pickles, and also shami lirst place' with H. Hill for hen’s eggs. Air T. Buxton's special prize for the greatest exhibit ot useful article's m-a'ik out of “Challenge" flour bags brotynt forth a very interesting exhibition. Aiiss E. E. 1 nwood took first with about 30 articles, including table con ire, tea cosy, pin cushion, meat safe, .eftor rack, jolly bag, dish cloth, aprons, knickers, brush and comb bag, etc. Airs W. McMillan came a good second, and Aiiss E. Bennett h.c, EARAi PRODUCE. There was a very worthy show •! farm produce, Col. Hayhurst’s, guinea pn/.o for most points deservedly going to Mr A. ISouth, who had some splendid exhibits. The wheat, oats, barley, peas, grasses, etc., wore all well represented. lift the competition for field roots the Christchurch Meat Coy.’s special for most points went to Air J. 0. Bisdee. There was a very big entry of mangolds, especially of the Jongred variety, Mr B. Grant taking first, and Air J. Brosnahao second. Tor the other variety Mr B. Trumper scored first, with Air Bisdee second. The.prize for heaviest mangold went to Mr J. G. Barry, with Mr A. South second. Air A. E. Archibald took first for early potatoes, showing splendid samples ot ‘ Star of New Zealand” variety. Air A. G. Scott got lirst for late varieties. On exhibition only Mr E. 'Tetheridgo showed some large carrots and “Sinclair Champion” parsnips. Mr Geo. Lovens showed “Sinclair Champion” parsnips and sugar beet. Air if. Edgeworth showed “Lady Tyfe” and “Lp-to-dato” potatoes. Air If. Hammond (Te Aloaua) showed samples of ‘‘Hod Alarvel” and “Dc Hoe” wheat, and a Dent’s patent pneumatic horse collar. SHEEP. Judge—Air C. li. Besley. Class Stewards —Messrs L. J. Grant, and B. Deßcnzy. Tivc h a lf or crossbred freez?rs! Colin AicKenzie I, D. Grant 2, A. South h.c. J. Brosnahan c. Eive long-wool freezer iambs (all were disqualified as being over tbe stipulated weight of S'Bb) Five Down Freezer lambs, D. G. Cain I and sp., C. AicKenzie over-weight. Five fat lambs, any breed or weight, C. AicKenzie 1, executors late D. McLeod 2, D.G. Cain 3, J. Brosnahan 1. Five Butchers’ wethers, C. Bisdee 1, A. South 2, C. AicKenzie 3, A,. Gimson L Ditto, ewes, D. Grant 1., C. AicKenzie 2, C. Bisdee 3, J. Brosnahan (. Five crossbred flock lambs, C. McKenzie 1, D. G. Cain 2. Jive crossbred bseeding ewes, C. AicKenzie 1,1). G. Cam 2, J. Brosnahan 3. Five hah bred Corriedale ewes, C. AicKenzie 1, and 2, D. G. Cain 3. J. Brosnahan 4. Border Leicester flock ram, 1). Grant 1 and 3, C. AicKenzie 2. English Leicester Hock ram, D. Grant 1 and 2, F. W. Tarbotlon 3, C. AicKenzie 4. Flock Shropshire ram, C. McKenzie I, IfSmith jnnr. 2, 3 and 4. CATTLE. •J edge—Air A. J. Keith. Class Steward—Air U. Grant. Heifer in niill't, J. Alcßridc 1,2 and h.c. Dairy cow, It. Aladdren 1 and 2, J. Alcßride 3. Shorthorn bull, J. AleBride 1. Do. cow, J. Alcßride 1, AJb'dlev 2. Fat bullock, (any age and ruder 4 years), A. lied ley 1 in two classes. Jersey bull, A. F. Make 1, A. Gimson 2. DRAUGHT HORSES. Jude#—Air John Shearer. Class Stewards—Messrs .J. Guild, und J. A. Paterson. Brood Alarc, \\. Bell 1, J. Brosnah, n 2, If. Hammond h.e. Dry 'mare, A. Tooinnv J, J. Guerin 2 Four-year-oiil gelding or Lilly ■ Dell L Do, three years ok!, G. /-uslin J, C. Hewsun 2, B. Ddßer/zy h.c. Do, twoyear.old, If. Hammond 1, G. Austin 2, G. Ward h.e. Yearling, J. Brosnah.m I, C. Austin 2, if. Hammond 3.. I u Class 27, colt foaled since Ist July I HUtS, there was no award, the horses being- wrongly entered. Gelding, any age, W. Bell I, B. Delfenzy 2, Threehorse team, IV. Bell 1, Best Walking Draught, W, Wharton 1 and special, W. Bell 2, J. Guerin h.c. TSpring dray horse up to 25cwt, IV. Wharton 1, A. ifussell 2, U. Connolly h.c., If. Maddi’en and J. Philp c. Tradesmen’s turnout C.F.C.A. land special, R. P- Craig 2. Spring cart horse up to IV cwt, suitable for farmers, 11. Hawke 1, R. Aladdren 2, J. Ellis 3. Most points in draughts, W. 801 l FIGHT HORSES. J edges—Messrs J. IV. Freeman and 14 points. W. Parkinson. Class Stewards—Messrs Andrew Guild, It. Smith, jtmr., A. M. Robertson F. W. Tarbotlon. CARRIAGE HORSES. Single-Harness Horse, 15.2 or under, driven in two-whoelcr (24 entries).—!). AL Robertson’s Kakahu 1, G. Kcrslake’s Garry 2, M. Charles’ Dell Boy h.c., Andrew Grant’s Kitty c. SingleHarness Horse, over 15.2, driven in two-wheeler (13 entries).—G. Ward’s • lack 1, J. Mullan’s Tom 2, J. XL Palmer's Radiant Mom 3, Watson-and Hlftornley 4. Buggy Pair, 15.2 of under (5 entries).—J. Sinclair Thomson’s Pippin and Russet 1, C. >l. Alahan s ■ tack and Jill 2, P. Warning's Samt and Sinner 3. Tanijpm team (7 entries)—J. Sinclair Thomson’s Dobs and Lady I. Watson and Thornley 2, A. Beal lie’s 'l’oolsic and Billy 3, C. J. Mahan’s -lack a r.d Jill 4. Driving competition—D. Shaw 1, G. Boland 2, C. AlcKen/ic 3. PPM IT HORSE'S. Colt, irckling, or fillv, foaled since Ist duly, HUH) (10 entries)—A. G, Alacdonald’s Te Kooti 1, IV. AL Coombs Amicoe 2, J. Walker’s (illy 3. Filly or gc W»g., foalw'j since Ist duly, 1908 (n entries) —C. Austin's Boy Blue. 1, C, Brim’s blk. (illy 2, A. G. Alaedonald’s roan filly 3. Coll, foaled since Ist July, 100 k, by Thoroughbred horse (1 entries)— lV. Payne’s br. colt 1, 0. H. Bri’aiiit’s bnv Colt 2. 10-al by Geneial Wood (/j. entries) —T. Toohoy’s bay col I I. J. C. Barry’s br. colt 2, G. IVilcoeks’s bay (illy 3’ Brood mare, hackney (13 entries)- P. Howard’s Kell [. ■ I. Gresham's chestnut 2, J. G. Barry s Maine 3. T.adv’s hack'. ridden by lady (IS ontries)--D. Al. Robertson’s

iakal, J. 11. Palmer's Radiant Mom 2, 11. Crowc’e Dawn 3. Cab) 15 hands or under (5 entries) —A. i■. Maedonakt’s Niggcrhead 1, J. Sinclair Thomson’s Pippin 2, H. Montgomerie Spencer’s bay mare 3, A. G. Macdonald's Hector I. liadp mare or gelding, 11.7 (21 entries)- —H. Crowe's Dawn J, A. G. Macdonald’s Nigyerheud 2, A. P. Barklio’sl'.Katerfolt 3, A. Grant’s KiGy J. Ahck, mare or gelding, 1 I.U (11 entries)—M. Charles’s Jettu 1, il. C. Barrett’s Dandy 2, 11. Mon ■ wile Spencer’s dk. ciios-tnat 3, J). ’. Uo bertson’s Hak a 4. PONIES. Jndyes-John \V. Freeman, Esip, and W. ParHiuson, Esij. Class Stewards—Messrs Andrew Guild, R. Smith, junr., A. M. RouerUun, and E. \V. Tarbotton. Pony, mare or gelding, under 12 hands, m saddle —R. A. Dixon 1, J. S. Ellis's Tom Tit 2, Miss It. Tnliunl s lit 3, W. 11. Palmer I. Puny, mare or gelding, not over 13 hands, i u saddle 1,7 entries)—R. A. Dixon t, Mrs A. .ilmdonald s Broke 2, D. S. Shaw's Quceaiu 3, Miss M. Hurt’s Erisco -1. nony, mare or gelding, not over 11 hands, in saddle (13 entries)— IE M. luuug-s Qucenie 1, it. Orton’s prince 2, Mrs A. Macdonalds Broke 3. Dost jumper, 13 hands or under, over 4 llig’hls of hurdles (2 entries D. S. .'■'haw’s Queonie 1, W. 11. Pmlnier 2. Pony, in harness, 1,3 hands or under (S entries) —Miss D. G. Coombs’ Peter Pan 1, J. Sutherland 2, 3. Ellis’s Tom Tit 3. Ponies, in harness, 11 hands or under (IS entries)—M. 'Young’s Queonie .1, U. S. Shaw's Maori The prize, for the best boy or girl rider was awarded to Master J). 8. Shaw. IL INTERS. Judges—J. W. Freeman, Emu., and W. Parkinson, Esiy. Class Stewards—Messrs A. Guild, R. Smilk, junr., A. M. Robertson, F. W. Tarbotton. Hunter, to carry list 71b (IS entries) —W. Wharton’s Silver Streak 1, V. Warning's Rawhiti 2, It. Orton’s Bay Lupin 3. Hunter, to cany list (G eu tries)—o. A. Crowe’s Lancet, 1, It. J. Edgar's Brown Bird, 2, E. G. Temple’S' Matai 3. Maiden Hunter, catch weights, (20 entries)*—V. Wareing’s Rawhiti 1, A. G. Mlaedonald’s King of Trumps 2, T. Palmer’s Rapanui 3. Mare or Gelding, calculated eo maKo a Hunter, under 5 years, to be ri-hden over two Rights of hurdles (3 feet) ; for horses that have not been hunted (11 entries)—C. Brien’s Ballyseidy 1, V. Warning's Darkey 2, H. T' Oldfield’s Donald 3. Bosu Jumper on the ground (18 entries)—'V. Warning's Rawhiti 1, W. Wharton’s Silver Streak 0. TROOPERS. J udge—Mn jor E bull ay. Best Troop Horse, to bo owned and ridden by member of any 'Mounted Corvs, in uniform (4 entries)—G. 1). 1. Conveyance I, A. J. Black’s Flossie 2’ G. Rainey’s Billy 3. Best Half-Section (twos) over four flights of hurdles (13 entries)—Corpl. Oldfield and Corpl. Blade, S.C.M.R. ((51 points) 1, Sergt.-Major Edgar and Corpl. Gliddens, S.C.M.R. (58 points) 2. W. Pord and G. Ford, Geraldine Mounted Rifles (sfl points) 3. HoydLindsay Com petition (5 entries)} —Scrgt ■Major Edgfnr’s Team, S.C.M.R. (70 points) 1, Geraldine Mounted Rifles’ N T o. 2 team (I!) points) 2, Geraldine Mounted Rifles’ No. 1. team (48 points) 3. STTFEB DOGS. Judnie —Mr W. Hcwsoir. Glass Steward—Mr J. Chisholm. Boarded Bog (4 entries)—A. Wilkinson J, S. 11. Pierce’s Toss 2. Roughhaired Dog (7 entries)—E. M. Young's Skarp 1, P. Talbot’s Scott 2. Smooth-haired Dog- (2 entries)—A. Bain J, D. Grant’s Mac 2. PIGS. •Judge—T. Langdon, Bat). Class vStoward—Mr J. Chisholm. Fat pig, not over ISlllb (2 entries)— A. 11. Taylor 1, A. Shaw 2. Two porkers, weight about BUlb (I entry) -A. Shaw 1. Breeding so"’, under 12 mold hs (1 cutrv)—E. I’ratlley 1. ‘FRUIT. Judge—l. Seely, Ear). Class Steward—Mr G. Ward. Apples, dessert (le) —A. W. Ensor I, Mrs It. Smith 2, Mrs It. !)awe, soar, h.e. Apples, c’vjssert, 4 varieties (2o)— A. W. Ensor J, Mrs It. Smith 2. Apples, cooking (Go) —Mrs E. 11. 'Young 1, Mrs R. Dawc senr., 2, A. W. Ensor h.e., Donald Grant e. Apples, rooking, I. varieties (2o)~Mrs R. Smith I, A. W. Ensor 2. Heaviest aPpE (2)--A. E. Tnvlor I. ti pears, cooking' (Ie)-H. Hill I. Quinces (2)-H. Hawk 1, Donald Grant 2. 50 walnuts (le) — I’on.ild Grant 1. M ISCELL.VN ECUS. Judge—A. Budd, Esp. Class Stewards—Messrs J. 11 olwell and F. A. Jo.vnt. Home-made loaf of “brownie,’ not less than lib weight (3c)—M,rs G. McCullough 1. Home-made lotif of amutl, not less than 41b weight (Gc)—• Mrs R. Smith 1, Mrs A. Russell 2. half-dozen scones, oven baked (Gc)— Mns R. Smith I, Mrs G. McCullough 2, Mrs G. Ward 3, Miss Myra Shaw c. Half-dozen scones, girdle baked (Gc)— Mrs W. McMillan and Mrs R. Smith (epial) 1. Hate of oatcake (3) Mrs W. McMillan 1. Fruit cake, not less than 2lb in weight (Ho)— Mrs G. Ward I, Mrs G. McCullough 2. Seed cake (lie)—Mrs W. McMillan I, Mrs G. McCullough 2. Marble cake (Gc)—Mrs IV. McMillan 1, M'rs G. Ward 2. Sponge cake (tie)—Mrs G. McCullough 1, Mrs W. McMillan, Mrs G. Mat'd, and Mrs J. Barrett (ojual) 2. Collection small Cakes (lo)—Miss Myra Shaw I. Most points in baking classes —Mrs M. Me. Millan, M points, I ; Mrs G. McCullough, 12 points, 2. Most points in cooking classes, girls under 15—Miss Myra Shaw. Three glass pots homemade jam (3e) —Mrs G. McCullough 1, Mrs Janet MeCaskill 2. Three glass pots home-made jelly (le)—Mrs G. McCullough 1, M'rs 10. R. Young 2. Throe glass pots! honey (lie)—Mrs R. E. Davis J, W. Goodman, Miss .1. GoodMan, Mrs G. McCullough, J. Homy, and M l ’S' E, Proudlock (equal) 2. Plate of honey, in comb —11. Hill 1, Mrs E. Proudlock 2. Plate of fancy butter (Lc)' —Mrs G. McCullough 1. Two lib pals plain ’ separator butter (7e)— Mrs G. McCullough I, Mrs G. Elsomi 2. Two lib pats plain butter, dairy ((»'■) -Mrs A. Russell 1, Mrs G. McCul lough 2. ’Home-cured’ ham, smoke (le) —Mrs G. McCullough 1. Home cured ham, unsmoked (le) —Miss E. Tiplady J. Side or roll home-cured baeo« (to) —Mrs G. McCullough 1. Preserved gooseberries (le) —Mrs G. McCullough 1. Four bottles or glass jars of preserved fruit, (5e) —Mrs G. McCullough 1, Mrs J. MeCaskill 2. Tomato sauce (se)— Mrs J. MeCaskill I, Mrs A. Hawke 2. Pickles, tw.,i varieties (3e)— Mrs G. McCullough E Mrs J. MeCaskill 2. Chutney (lc)—Mrs G. McCullough 1. Pickled onions (3e)--Mrs E. 11. Young 1, Mrs G. McCullough 2. Dozen hen’s eggs (Gc) —Mrs G. MvCidloiigh and 11. Hill (e.|iual) 1. Most useful collect ion of household a l ’-! lieles made from “Challenge’ Hour bacs (lo)—Miss E. F. Inwood I, Mrs. W.'McMillan 2, Miss E. Bennett h.e. j

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Temuka Leader, Issue 5991, 1 April 1911, Page 4

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Temuka and Geraldine A. & P. Association. Temuka Leader, Issue 5991, 1 April 1911, Page 4

Temuka and Geraldine A. & P. Association. Temuka Leader, Issue 5991, 1 April 1911, Page 4


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