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1 annual meeting. i Tim gfinl annual meeting <>f the. 'lVimil<a (Vledoniau .Society was held in Ihe ollice of tin' lion. secretary, Me, W. I’. Evans on Tuesday. Present Messrs T. (lunnion (president), IV. 11. Brown. A. Hissed, A. AleCallum, G. Thomson. -V. Ik Smith, 11. AIOM illan, A. E. Hmvsim. Geo. Ward. A. 11. Smith. 11. Macaulay. E. A. doynt, M. and M. 11. McLeod, A. McDonald, IV IV, Salmon, P. Mitten, E. Cooper, Dr Hi icy, 1). Mel nnoi,. 0. llaueox. T. E, Hooper, A. Bain, and the hon. secretary, Mr IV. E. Evans. Dr Cruwsliaw seat an apology. The minutes of the last meeting Hire rend and continued. 11 was agreed that, the report and balance-sheet as printed be taken ■ 0,1(1. 'Hie report was as follows : We have pleasure in submitting herewi.h the 23rd animal report and bale nee-sheet for the year ending 30lh September, 1910, and in doing so wo again desire to congratulate the members on the coutihued prosperity of th - Society. The membership roll no v stands at the respectable total of L LI. This, in view of the loss of so-. Tal members occasioned through re ovals from the district and other < a . es, must be considered thoroughly satisfactory. The great interest manifested in the welfare of the Society throughout the past year was highly gratifying to your directors. Tho animal Boxing Day gathering again proved a monster success. 'I h attendance at this function was highly satisfactory. The total gate receipts amounted to 1175 11s 3d, as against .1104 17s for tho previous year. This result fully justilied tho action of your directors in providing such a liberal programme for their patrons. On account of the decision of the Geraldine Licensing Committee not to grant conditional licenses, tho sports tliis year were conducted without a licensed booth. To counteract i the loss of revenue to the Society (caused through non-disposal of this privilege-, donations totalling 113, were kindly contributed by the following gentlemen : —Messrs T. Buxton, M.E., McKay Bros., C. Coombs, M. Cranuiteh, JJ. Lee-, M. Lagan, and C. Laslilie ; to all of whom your directors tender their best thanks. The social functions held during the year consisted of Boxing night Cinderella dance, two inglosidcs, and the annual ball, each ot which proved an unqualilied success, more particularly the latter function, at which a special effort was made to cater for the, comfort and convenience of the patrons of tho Society. The total receipts from these functions amounted to 180 0s 9d, as against 171 6s 6d -for the

previous year, which in turn showed a decided increase on the preceding year. The attendance at the social gathering more than once t on. Diluted a record, and dearly demonstrated their popularity, and wo have to recommend tfv (he incoming directors the continuance of these functions. Special prizes for the encouragement of juvenile Highland dancing and other items were donated by Messrs iA. Bisect. T. Gunnion. G. Ward, A. Bain. IV. F. Evans, and Dr Cruwsliaw to whom the thanks of the Society is duo. Tho total receipts from all sources dur ng the year amount to C 430 12s Orl. ns against .C4lfj 12s ild for (he previous year. The exTondi'ure totals C 314 15s Gd. leaving a cr’di* balance of £1.1.5 IGs lod, : which it must Ito admitted is highly ; creditable. In July Inst your direc- , tors nweivod an appeal for assistance pn behalf of Piper David Campbell, an old and highly respected South ’ Canterbury performer who had done valuable service for the cause of Calc--1 donia. in tlie early days, and who I was then Iving seriously ill in tlve (Wellington Hospital. A’our directors voted the sum of £3 5s to this very worthy cause, and have since received information to the effect that their action relieved a most nee- ly and deserving case, and was greatly appreciated. An item in the balancesheet which might be specially referred to was a vote of £5 for educational purposes, to be devoted to a scholarship. The prize was won by Afnster Douglas Tveraeh, who, we are assured, was well worthy of such an honour. Yonr Society’s credit balance at the Bank of New Zealand is £4O LGs IGd, and your directors have placed n further £75 on deposit in the P.O. Savings’ Bank. 'in-alci'iig ;\ tivtal of El5O now on deposit, on which interest has accrued to due amounting to £5 5s Gd. With regard to the sum of El 00 loaned to the Sports Association on the. 22nd Janu ary, 1.90 G, a request was made, from the Association for a donation to their funds „ of the balance of this amount. Your directors decided to grant the request, and the balance due, principal and interest, was accordingly donated to the Association. The balance oi assets, over liabilities now amounts to £220 12s -Id ; Ibis taking into consideration the liberality of tho Society above referred to

must be considered a highly satisfactory position, and most gratifying to the members, and augurs well for the Society's future success. It is with regret -that wo record the loss the. So ciety has sustained by the death of the late Air T. Burr, and also of Dr d. S. Hayes (intimation of whose decease has just reached us), two of our oldest and most respected memburs, to whose relatives your Society tender their sincere condolences. Your directors have held mine meet ings tinring the year. The following are (lie attendances T. Gammon 9, G. Ward 9, G. Thomson 8, G. llancox 8, IV. 11. Brown 8, A. Bissel 7, A. K. Rawson 7, R. Alacaulay G, 11. AleCallum G, A. E. Smith G, A. (.'-nth ! hert G, F. A. .loynt G, D. Rodgers 5, A. IV. Smith 5, Dr (Tawsluuv 5, W. .McMillan 3. Jn conclusion, wo desire , to place on record our sincere; thanks to all who have in any way assisted in tie; furtherance of the Society s welfare during the past year, and more particularly to those who assist ed as judges, etc., at the BoxingDay sports. Eor the directors, Tho;. E. Gunnion, I’resident; Robt. Macaulay, Patron; W. F. Evans, Ibm. Secretary. In moving the adoption of the report and balance-sheet, the president mid he desired to congratulate the members on tho highly satisfactory rosuKs of the year’s work, and also on (lie highly satisfactory position of the fund-- of the Society, as shown by the Ilahiiiei'-shect. There were one or two items to which he should like, to refer. Tlie first was to (he loss cause,l to the Society by the deaths of the late Mr T. Barr and Dr -L Mayes, two very old and respected members of the Society. A wellknown South Canterbury performer, whose death was, recently recorded. Piper Campbell, of IVelhngon. was al wavs nulling to assist the SoeiVfv. The directors were informed some time ago that Piper Campbell was ill

[in tlie hospital, and they forwauled I him a donation to assist him in his time of need. That the action was appreciated was shown by the letter of thanks recently received from Mrs Campbell. As suggested at the last annual meetiiur the loan to the Sports Association had been wiped out, nearly 1100, which had assisted the Sports 'Association very materially, and he was very glad it had been done. The directors also gave a sum for a scholarship this year. This he thought was a step in the right direction, and he hoped the Society would do the same this year, as he believed they could afford it. In conclusion, lie desired to lender his thanks to the directors and vice-presi-dents, and particularly their patron, Mr .Robert Macaulay, whose advise and help were always willingly given; also to those who assisted at the social functions by playing extra dances etc. 1; to their old friend Air Robert Campbell for assisting us judge, coming all the way from Dunedin to do so, to Piper Gavin, for playing at tho ball and inglcs’idos, and to Mr Cullen for auditing the accounts. Mr Macaulay seconded the motion. Ho said ho could not do so without referring to tho excellent work done hy the "president, Mr T. Gunnion. AL though they had had a groat deal of trouble last year in getting anyone to accept the oflicc of president, they had been very fortunate in getting Mr Gunnion to take the position. He, had done splendid work', as wavs prov cd Ivy the balance-sheet- presented to tho Society this year. lie believed it was a record. Tie was glad to see that the Society was not now devoting its energies to sporting and social matters only, but that this year tiicy had taken up another of the objects of tho Society, viz, making a grant for a scholarship, and ho hoped they would be able to continue it, and do much more in tho same direction in years to come. ’ Air M. McLeod than' ed the Society for the grant ot a scholarship for the TemuUa District Iligh School. He was sure it would do much good, and he hoped the Society would -be able to malic a similar grant in future, years. On behalf of the school and school committee he wished to thank them most sincerely for their grant. The .motion was then put and carried unanimously. Mr Macaulay mentioned that while coming to tho meeting he met Air D. Henry, a former president, who asked him to convey to tho Society his best wishes for their future success. Tho hon. secretary was then asked to retire for a few minutes, and after ft short discussion it was resolved, on tho motion of Air Thomson, seconded Ivy Air Brown, that Air W. E. Evans be appointed secretary at a salary of £25 per annum. It was then resolved that Air Evans ho voted an honornriom of £25 for his services as hon. secretary during last year. On returning Air Evans thanked the Society for their kindness. lie had performed his duties with much pleasure, and to tho best of his ability, and those duties had been much lightened by tho willing help accorded to him by the officers of the Society. Messrs -I. T. Smart, Geo. Cartwright, A. May, J. Maze, A,. C. ITnl ton, .1. if, A. Tedder, H. Opie, were elected members of the Society. Mr Gunnion then vacated the chair, and it was taken by the secretary, Mr Evans, during the o'cction of patron and president. Mr (Evans lirsl thanked the officers of the Society f or the help they had given hiim during tho past year, and especially mentioned their president. (Mr Gunnion), patron (Afr Robt. Alacaulay), and Mesais Thomson and Ward, -directors, the latter giving assistance at the doors, etc. To one and all he recorded his sincere thanks. He then called for nominations for die office of patron, and Air Macaulay was unanimously elected amidst ar-pfi, use. Nominations for tho office of pu sident were then called and Mr Alacaulay proposed tho re-election of Air Gunnion. Ho had no need to say more than mention the report which spoke volumes for the presidout’-s -cork. Air Brown seconded the motion, a. (I it was carried amidst applause. Ah' Gunnion then resumed the chair, and in thanking members for re electing him explained that both their vice-presidents had found it impossible to accept the office of president this year. Mr Grant, whom it was understood last year would lake the position, was now living at Winchester. and had much of his time taken up as a member of local bodies, and Dr Crawshaw also had his hands too full to accept office. Under the circumstances lie had consented to take (lie office again, and would endeavour !o do -oven better than last year. (Applause.) Twenty nominations Were received for the positions'-of directors and only 15 being required a ballot was taken and the following were elected ; Messrs G. W-nrd, A. Blsset, IV. McC'allnm, Af. H. Alclxvod, E. A. Joynt G. TTaneox, W, H. Brown A. E. Rawson, G. Thomson, A. E. Smith, D. Grant, A. Bain, T. F. Hooper, F. W, Salmon and Dr Rugg. The president said the secretary had revived from Wellington a lament on (he death of tho late Riper Campbell, with the request that the versus should be publish'd in the. Tcmuka Lender. Amidst silence the secretary read the verses, which are published in another column. The president then (hanked members for their attendance and (he meeting dosed. MEETING OF DIRECTORS. A meeting of (he newly elected directives was held all being presen 1 with the exception of Air Grant. Mr Gunnion presided. Messrs A. Bissel ami AleCallum were elected V-ice-pre-sidoiits, Air IV. 11. Brown Was elected treasurer. Air W. F. Evans secretary, and Mr George Thomson standard bearer. On coming to the office of delegate to the League of AVheelmca, the secretary said the South Canterbury centre of the League of IVheelmen was now defunct, (heir functions having been taken over by the Athletic Union. Air Alacaulay said to his mind the delegates had no power to sever the eonnecliou without the eon-

sent* of the sports bodies appointing the delegates. Tho secrotury made an explanation, and the president said he had attended the meetings of (lie Centre and had heard the correspondence, and thought the right thing had been done. Messrs E. A. .loynt and IV. F. Evans were, appointed delegates to (he Athletic Union. Mr Evans was appointed the Society’s representative on the Technical School Board of Managers, and the president was appointed delegate to the ■Sports Association. It was unanimously agreed that a donation of £3 3s lie. granted to the Temuka Technical Classes. The president brought up the question of top-dressing the cycling track, and asked for the opinion ot members. Air Thomson said (lie railing also wanted painting. The matter of top-dressing the track and painting tho rails was left in the hands of the president, secretary, and Air IV. AlcCallum to report to next meeting. One or two other matters were left iu abeyance, and the, meeting terminated.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 5919, 6 October 1910, Page 4

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TEMUKA CALEDONIAN SOCIETY. Temuka Leader, Issue 5919, 6 October 1910, Page 4

TEMUKA CALEDONIAN SOCIETY. Temuka Leader, Issue 5919, 6 October 1910, Page 4


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