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THE Temuka Leader. SATURDAY, MAY 29. 1909. LOCAL & GENERAL

At a meeting of the Cabinet, hold at Wellington on Tuesday, a tender of .C3OO was accepted for the Courthouse at 'Faii-lic.

TJie Geraldine Racing Club's annual meeting of members will be held ia the Geraldino Hotel on Wednesday, June :2nd, at 8 p.m.

The Geraldine Road Board advertise their intention to strike a general .rate of three farthings in the pound for the year ending March 151st. 1010.

A concert in aid of the funds of the l.'resb\ terian Sabbath School will be held in the. Temuka Parish llall on Tuesday evening next, commencing at 7.30 p.m. A good programme has been prepared. Among the- visitors to Temuka this week were Mr Nosworthy, M.l\ for Ashburton, who wae the guest of Mr G. W. Armitage ; Mr Anderson, manager of the J. G. Ward Co., who was the guest of Colonel llavhurst ; and the Rev. Dean Regnault. The Girls' Friendly Society will give an 'interesting entertainment in the Parish llall, Geraldine, on Thursday, •lime 3rd, when the. programme will in elude tableaux, theatricals, etc. 'A pepper will be provided, and a very pleasant evening 'should be spent by all who attend.

The annual meeting of members of the Canterbury Jockey Club was held on Thursday. The committee's report stated that though over .CI 000 was added to the stakes the. profit on the year exceeded any other i_n the his-tory of the club. The profit and loss account shows that the receipts amounted to C Hi,B 12 S / li. and expenditure to £3S,3M 0/1.

The Canterbury Farmers' Co-opera-tive Association will hold their weekIv sale of horses at Tattersall's yards Timaru. to-day. The entries include a number of specials on behalf of Messrs .1. Stumbles., A. If. Vincent, S. "Kingston. Geo. Sullivan, and other clients. Mr -Jordan. Government auditor, has just completed the annual audit of the Temuka Borouyh Council's and Temuka IJoad Hoard's accounts. At a meeting of the Clandeboye School Committee it w;js decided to hold a social in aid of the school funds on Friday evening, June I Mil. It was also resolved to have a few musical items to vary the evening's amusement. The committee derided to spare no pains in order to make the social a siieee-.s. After attending to a few ee: e/al details fhe meeting terminated.

The Pleasant Valley Social Club held a progressive eue!n-e party and dance in the schoolroom on Wndnesdn v > niijhf, when it was one of tin) most successful functions even seen in the \ alley. Then- was a laree attendance, and (In- caehre party went off -well, and was followed by a very enjoyable dane,/. Mr ColVey a ete<l as M.C., and music was provide! by Mr ('. (irec-an Fxtras «,•!-,. played by Miss Hrophy and Mr (iililford. ' At the euchre partithe prizes fell to Miss Md'liersoii and Mr K. tjuaid. The booby prizes went to Miss ,1 Tail and Mr doe iirophy.

A l.ondoji eal.>le m.-.ssa-e slates that ;l1 tl'- second da\- oT the Fpsom summer mediae.- the Derby wits won by' His Majesty the Knur's Minoru, witt' Mr \\ Raphaels Louvier second, and Sir -lohn Robinson's Fourth third.j I he raie was won by a head in 'Jmhi' l-'ser. Sir Martin, (he favourite, fell. Kite- Ivhvard an d Eileen Alevaudra Were ~l l( husi. ~|,r e red. and (he c'leerii,,,- was redoubled as Ihe Kinled Minora in. The cheers were s - pe-iie.| ,-, i Yirloria station on arrival of tic h'o\al train.

.\( tln> nioiitlilv im-eline. ~f tho I'lca.—«i ii t I'oiiil Town t '.< >; iii I. ike rli.i i irn :u: iv;mi|'| ( -| J Tin hail |>ro<'inv.| the l ; ini|i posts from the 'l'l'iMiika I'ioi-oii'jli Council. 'l'll.. clerk appliol for an in ■ ■!•<■ !s<- of saarv, an<l it wh- n-solm-l < lo in.-iva-,. il, \>v Clll. mnkiim it C'M. I Th.- t.-n.1.-r of W. al L'l IT C u.,- j aiTi'itril for rri'i'liiiLT 11' vt • lamp posts. With' i-.-f.-i en.-.- to fln> repairs (~ ( '.4 iiihrrl on tlic -ali-\ anls mail \\hicb| wen- an 1 lioris-il at .last hum-: i iilt. I'd. cliaii man explained thai tin- Works | ('oinmittri' hail roctiiiiMi<-n<!••<I thai aa| op,'ii fonl In' put in in-tcn-l of 111.• nil- | \i-i-|, at:<! the Work was m-w. in pr ■ '_' I'." s. (in 111 • ino- intiTvii'\\i>'l a 1 \nehlaml tin' political -iliiaiion, Mr , ; ai.l that he ihat Ni'O /calan-l >lioiiM !.,• rep respite, I al Ihe ('1 inf. i'i-mi c, im I in \ ii'\\ I.l' import • ant ma! Ici - wailiim |o li. i|.-all with. he hchl that I'ai'liamnit shouhl timet, ami Iniuai'l its I msi nc- -; jn the onlii! ai'v u i\\ lie 'li'l mil think il m-,*...;. -ar\ that 1 Sir .10-epln Wan I sh-mM ~,, to ill-- r.lllf rence. ;,|l<l he the fact (hat Mr Hall -lon.-: ami Sir Rohcrt Stoin were iii Km_.|aml. an.l the fact that Coloims 11.-i\i.-s was ._.,. iim , a : a solul ion of t In; i|ii.*;l ion of limlin.- a nilalilo ivpre en (a I i\'c. \> to the 'iiL'm-'tioil llial In- hinrell sho.iM m, home with Sir Joseph Wan! he !m<P no opinion to cxpruss,

Mr D. Mahoney, Tiniaru, advertises a new list of properties for sale. Tenders for two contracts for carting shingle for the Temuka Itoatl Board close on Monday next. The Primate of New Zealand, Bishop Neville, arrived in Tiinaru yesterday, • and will probably spend a few days there,

The sale oi Mr Jo\n Charles' farms ("situated near Rangitata) by Messrs Guinness and LeCren, has been postponed until the 16th June. The annual meeting of the Gcraldine branch of the British and Foreign Bible Society will take place on Wednesdav. June 2nd, in the Presbyterian Church at 8 p.m. A football match between - the boys of the Pleasant Point and Temuka schools was played in Temuka on Wednesday, it resulted in an easy win for Temuka by 21 points to nil. The train arrangements for the Prince of Wales' Birthday (June 3rd), Dunedin .Winter Races and Show. Christohurch Poultry Show, etc., will be found in our advertising columns. Holiday excursion tickets will bo issued, and will bo available for return until June 19th.

On Tuesday evening, next the Good Hope Lodge, Temuka, will hold an open social in the Good iTemplar Hall commencing at S o'clock. A good r-ro-orammo has been arranged, and refreshments will be provided, and the admission being only tid there should be a large attendance.

Tho following players are chosen to play for Temuka in tire golf match against Timaru at Teinuka on Monday next,: Bradmore, Adcock, I'earse. A. Guild, Dr. Curtis. B. Aspiuall, S. K. Richards, iG. X. Feilden, Dr. Crawshaw, 11. P. Pulleine : emergencies— Bowden and Br Hayes.

A farewell afternoon wad given to Dr and Mss Hayes in the T'/muka Parish llall yesterday. Friends fathered from near anjl far to bill them goodbye. The ball was very prettily arranged as a drawing-room, delicious aftesnoon tea was dispensed, and the musical items were particularly enjoyable. During the afternoon songs were sung by Mrs ]•'. Raymond, Miss Clapper, Miss Dick, Miss Wright, Rev. Mr Adcoek, anil Dr Curtis. Mrs Brown, Miss Clapper, and Miss F.i'.een Twomey 'accompanied the singers.

The Rev. W. Beckett will preach at both services at Wesley Church, Temuka, to-morrow, and also at 3 p.m. at Waitohi. It being the bi-centenary of Charles Wesley, the rev. gentleman will take that illustrious man for the subjoet 'of his addresses. At Temuka in the morning his subject will lie '.'Charles Weslcv, the. man," and in the evening "Charles Wesley, the poet." Miss K. Ward, M.A.. Duncdin, is expected to giv# a solo at the evening service. Mr G. Andrews will preach at Orton at 3 p.m., and at Rangitala Island at 7 p.m. On Tuesday ncxi the annual concert in aid of the Temuka Presbyterian Sabbath School will be held in the Parish llijll. A good programme is always arranged iof this fixture, and there will no doubt be a large gathering of th" children and their friends. The cricket match between the Australians and Oxford resulted in a draw. In their first innings the Australians made l*J7 and in their second 107 for three wickets. Oxford i„ their first inniiiijs made l.'i:?. The first, test match is now being playwd. The Primitive Methodist Church 'at Timaru propose building a new church to replace the present one, built about •'55 years ago. The estimated cost of the new buildim/is .CIUOO. and a start is to Id made when ,l'soO isin hand. They have collected JJ.'SOO within the last IS months, and have just held a

*'J'\)iest Fair," in aid of the buildie- fund. The fair was opened li.v t!i.' .Ma vol- on Wednesday evening. there Leiiiir a laree attendance, and u-ood business wal ilotie. Th«» Teinuka Boxing Chip's room (Oddfellows.' Hall) was open ayain as. usual l'ust eveim:;. l ', when there was n eood attendance of members, and some useful work was put in. The members 11 iv nvtliiiLT some very eood tuition, ami take a ureal interest in it. At a committee meeting of the club a hearty vote of thanks was passed to all those from Timani, (ieraldine, and Teinuka, who helped in any way to make the opening of thu season, held on 13th -Mav, a success. It was also decided to L.-et some placards printed prohibiting smoking in the room. The room is open every -Monday and Friday evenings, and non-members may sjaiu admission iii payment of lid' Tie- club wish to thank Messrs .1. (iUh-spie, .1 . Moiwi.'ll. and I Irs t'rawshaw and Kmrir for donation-- towards the club's funds.

The, .North i.Un'/o Tine-s says: The Waitaki Hi-li Schools Hoard of tiove,uors on Wednesday made tie- appointment of a second assistant in the UirJs* {School, for which there were seven applicants. After careful consideratj' n of the testimonials oi the a'iplicnn ts, it Was resolved to confer the appointinenl on Mis- A. M . P.add. M.A.. at pre-cnt a teacher in the (..'eraldine Dis-lrki |||,.-h Seho..|. Miss liiidd. who h;id an excellent hieh school and university career, took her I».A. dejree at the Otaeo l.'nivereily in I'.Kll'. and subsequently obtained her M.A. with fu-.-t-elass honours in Fmdidi anil I'rt'iP'li. She has been lenehiu;;- for live vi'.'trs for three! \-i'.-n-s ;.s secondary asd-tanl in the' St|-atf-.|d District Hied) School, then

a..- - eondarv (cache,- of the Uinlo., Di !ri. I lliedt School. and linallv in the I Ic-aldine Distrii t Jlieh School and her work as a teacher has e\erv-wle-re m ej with hi-jh commendation.

Mr K. K. Ivi-derbrook, bale -rardene,at Lincoln Ayrieull u r.d Cdl vc ha taken over Mr T. 11. I've' : nurse,., liu-iti. - s at (ieraldine. Fa derbrook with hi- L'l-eal e\perie!ice In horticultural matter should prove an ac,|iiisi tioa loth- I bTaldine Horticultural Society. |.\, r vr ;,|S ],,, u; , , ~ ,| (he mot sucecssM pri/e taker in N'orll, Can!' rbnry. and Kvld (he position of c'lalrmali of tie- l',elfa-l I lo|-( icul I Ufa I Society. Mr Kasferbrool: has bee,, ;i I Wee e\llibilor at all shows in the ■li Hiets he ha re-.-ided in up north, an i hi.- advice and assistance v, ,|| „,, donb) be ela.llv welcome,! ~, .leraldine Where we | la Ve at, eVellcnt show Jt'Ver^ var. Mr Iv, stcrbrook 1,.,- made a

-I- cinlif \- of potato e row ],,._, :ill ,| ~ain >-d lir--t pri/e ■ for .-•.! |e •! j„e ~f 70 v ai-ieti,.-. ,•_' I v aried'c . and .">."> \ ari't ie I a-t y.-o- at Ihe I im oh, l' n ||,,, |, . ■■• wheh were -, • , I. \ "l.i'l ■ 'ar i IV ed'ed •'The Talk" he de.. erio. ,- a a remarkably line |,„i M le, II . was the art (o imaol t th • "Facto, " I'OW C.e: .Idel-eT to i, e ~f ||,,. |. ( . , p..laioe i,, \ew /eland. Mr l-'atc brook 1,.-, br..u..di' v. i; b him l.etv„.„ 7(1 aild Ml \al ietie hi pot afoe... For Inllue,,-, fd.e Wood-;' (',,-eat Peppermint Cure. NYver fails. 1/C, and 2/G.—Atlvt,

J Tho date of the clearing sale of Mr i.W. Armitage's farm, stock, and plant is Thursday, June 3rd. In the advertised it appeared as on Thursday, liJune Ist.

L A complimentary social will be teu- ( dcred by the managers of the Presby j terian Church, Geraldine, on Thursday I .June 3rd, to Messrs Rodman and Campbell, who are shortly leaving the district. The social is to be held in the Oddfellows' Hall at S p.m., and members of the church and all friends are cordially invited. The South Canterbury Acclimatisation Society have received a notification from the Tourist Department that it has been -decided to again strip trout in tho local rivers. It is understood that a strong protest against this 'action has been forwarded by the local society, but so far no reply to tho communication has been received. The majority of anglers are strongly in favour of giving the fish in the | rivers a rest for a season or two. j

An Ashburton telc-iram states that Hugh Uri|iiliart, aged 2o >e~is, a single man. was killed by falling over a clilT while rabbit-poisoning at Mesopotamia on Wednesday afternaon. Deceased's parents reside close to Geral- : dine. About three years ago a man ] named Gillman was killed in the same manner in the same locality, and the country is known to be very rough and dangerous. I Speaking at a meeting of the Trades and Labour Council at Auckland, Mr A. Rosser said that he understood., that next session a strong effort would be made to dndu'eo the Government to | bring out domestic servants to New Z'ealand from the Mother Country. lie strongly advised the Council to pro-. test against this. Let the wealthy classes, if they wanted luxuries, pay for tliem. He did not sec why the country should. He moved that a strong protest should lje made against granting further assistance towards briHiring out domestic -servants to New Zealand. The motion was seconded and carried. Last evening the committee appointed to make arraugements for the concert in TomuKa in aid of the Barclay Memorial Scholarship, mot and reported progress. Promises of support hav e been received from •prominent Timaiu and Tciuuka- amateurs, and a li'rstolass programme of songs, recitations, dancing, musical selections, etc., is assured. Tickets will be out in a day or two. it is hopcAl that the concert will be liberally supported, inasmuch as the scholarship will |x-rpetuate tho memory of one who did splendid pioneer work in South Canterbury, and devoted much of his time to further the cause of education, and also be the means of placing free education within the reach of many children iu Liu- years to come.


Nurse Meredith —Is still youiy; out

inirsiuir. Wesley Church, Temuka—Services lor to-morrow. Daw.-ioti Bros., Geraldine—Lost lady's browii| mulT. T. Edwards—Special prices for ready-' made skirts. A. Gnbites, Temuka—Great sale of ladies' coats. 1). Mahonev, Timaru—List of properties for sale. Presbyterian Church, Geraldine —Ser- \ ices to-morrow. Spillane Bros., Temuka—Lamps, mud i>-uards, bells, etc. Primitive- Methodist Church, Temuka —Sunday services Ceraluine Racing Club-»Aimual meetin it on June '2nd. Guinness ifc LeCren, Ltd.— Entries Geraldine live stock market. Barclay Memorial Scholarship—C-uii-ci'ri Temuka oa l/Zth June. flood Hope Lody-e, Temuka —(Jpen social on Tuesday evening. Clandeboye School—Social in aid of school funds on 11th June. Milfurd School—Social in aiil of prize fund, on Friday next. Geraldine Girls' Friendly Society Entertainment on June 3rd. i Geraldine Road Board—Notice of intention to make and levy rate. J. \\. .Miles, Temuka—Ladies' tailormade <_rari%cnts at moderate cost. -National Mortiraire aird Agency Co., Ltd.—Entries Geftildinc Jive stociv market. Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association—Geraldine live stock market. J). Cretan, Pleasant Valley—Lost I Jack and white pup from Temuka sale yards.

John Sim, Temuka —"Zenith'' and iiolhcrham watches, nickel lovers, etc.; fashionable jewellery. Geraldine Branch British and Foreign Bible .Society—Annual meeting on Jail June, at S p.m. Geraldine Presbyterian Church—ComI liinentnry social to Messrs ltodman ajiil Campbell on 3rd Juno. Canterbury Fanners' Co-o|H'rative Association Lpworth and town property, in Temuka on Sth June. R. R. Kastcrbrook—Has purchased Air T. iL. Bye's nursery ami seed busiaess in (Jcraldino ; all kinds of forest and fruit trees, etc., for Halo. .New Zealand Railways—Train arrangements for Prince of Wales' Birthday. Dunedin Winter Races and Show, Christchureh l'oultr.v Show. etc. Canterbury Fanners' Co-operative Association, in conjunction with National Mortgage and Agency Co. -Sale i'f lii'_: li-'-lass subiii'lian property near I iniaiii racecourse at Tiuiaru on sth J uae.

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Bibliographic details

Temuka Leader, Issue 5823, 29 May 1909, Page 2

Word Count

THE Temuka Leader. SATURDAY, MAY 29. 1909. LOCAL & GENERAL Temuka Leader, Issue 5823, 29 May 1909, Page 2

THE Temuka Leader. SATURDAY, MAY 29. 1909. LOCAL & GENERAL Temuka Leader, Issue 5823, 29 May 1909, Page 2


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