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THE Temuka Leader. THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1909. LOCAL & GENERAL

It is stated that Mr. Robert McNab will be present, as a visitor, at tho .Defence Conference in London.

Mrs T. Eee, wife of tho president of the Wesleyan Conference, died at Wellington on Tuesday morning. Mr R. McNab had a very good meeting at Christchurch on Monday evento listen to his address on Compulsory Training. He speaks at Timaru on Friday night. To-morrow evening (Friday) a grand social will bo held in the Hilton schoolroom in aid of tho school funds. Good rmisia and refreshments will be provided, and a large nttendanre is expected. Mails which left Wellington by the Taluno on 21st April, connected with the San Francisco steamer at Papeete,/ and arrived in London on tho 25th May. The New Zealand Fanners’ Cooperative Association of Canterbury report having, on account of Mr F. W. Moir, Kyle, disposed of 984 acres to Mr S, Jessep, of Temuka. To-morrow (Friday) evening a dance will bo held in the Rangitata Station schoolroom in aid of the school funds. The notice is short, but it is hoped that there will be a largo attendance. Good music, etc., will bo provided. This evening a gift auction the annual distribution of prizes will be held in fit. John’s Sunday Schoolroom, commencing at 7.30 p.m. This function is always a populaf one, and the schoolroom should be crowded. A meeting of all interested in forming a branch of the Hibernian Australian Catholic Benefit Society .is to bo hold in the Geraldine Hotel tonight at 8 o’clock, A good attendance is requested. A close holiday was observed in Geraldine on Monday *in honour of Empire Day. All business places -were closed, and shopkeepers and others enjoyed a day’s shooting in the country, ideal weather prevailing' for the holiday. A social in aid of the Woodbury Moms Tube Club will bo held in the Woodbury Schoolroom to-morrow evening (Friday). Good music and refreshments will be provided, and no doubt there will bo a largo attendance of members and their friends. Ladies will be admitted free, gentlemen being charged 2/- for admission. Mrs Pembcr Reeves, wife of the exIligh Commissioner for iNew Zealand, will bo a candidate for the London County Council at the next election. Mrs Reeves is a prominent Fabian Socialist, and Ims been a member of tin* Council of tho Fabian Society for some years. She is a practised speaker, and on many platforms in England has advocated tho enfranchisement of women and the endowment of motherhood. Messrs Guinness and LcCrcn, in eonjunction with the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd. will hold a very important sale at the Raukapuka Homestead, Geraldine, today, on account of Mossss Campbell Bros. Tho estate has been disposed of, and now all the stock, implements, etc., must go. After the implements tho 'household furniture and effects are to lie offered. ’The sale will start at B) o’clock sharp (not II o’clock-as at first advertised.), and luncheon will be nrovided. The order of sale will be found in onr advertising columns.

On Tuesday the Canterbury Farmers’ Co-ofierativu Association submitted to auction Mr J. A. (I. Roddick’s property on Jtuilway Terrace, Temuka, consisting of 1 rood 21 perches laud, together with nearly now' brick house of six looms, brick stable, windmill, etc. Thera was a largo attendance but bidding was not at all brisk. Ihe opening bid was £125, the next CloO. and by CIO bids the price rose to £OOO, at which figure it was knocked down to Mr W. Snell.

Lho first '‘ingk-sidu” of the Temuka Caledonian Society this season will lie held to-night in the Temuka Drill Hall. Weather conditions are favourable, the moon will be almost at the full, and the roads could not be in better order. The arrangements for usual standard—music will be good, the dance will be quite up to the the floor in the best of order, ami refreshments will bo plentiful and good. The decorations made for the volnnpy.r ball have been a'lhXvod to remain, ami the hall never looked better. Altogether members and their friends should thoroughly enjoy themselves.

The contractor {or the Geraldine Bowling Club a green has completed the laying down of tho subsoil and seed bed, and the formation of the ImnlvH and ditches. Tho kerbing has also l)een neatly put down, and those who have seen the site predict time it will make nnc of the finest greens in (he Dominion, and a great attraction to tho town. It has now been dceidwl (o lav the green down in tnrf, in place of sowing with seed. This will enable players to .-tart early in (he season, and will no doubt save the club a good deal in upk(>ep, though the initial cost will be greater Mr M ontford, who has had a great deaf of experience in having' bowling greens, says that the club would save the extra cent from three years upk(*©|) of a newly-sown gi<vn, What with weeding and top-dres-dug the sown given Js expensive at the start, whereas lho turf green is lit for play in a very short time,

It ia stated/that the Millers’ Association propose to make a further drop .1 of £ 1 per ton in the price of flour. j

1 At Palmerston North, a Christchurch j tailor, whose agent altered a suit for i , a customer, was fined £B, with costs j (10/-). The Inspector of Awards said the case was of great importance to the tailors of Palmerston, as if defendant were allowed to make suits to order and alter them to fit, it would bo doing tailors out of their legitimate business.

Messrs Guinness and LcCren, Ltd., will hold a sale of farm property at tho upj>er saleyards, Geraldine, on Juno 2nd. The sale is on behalf of Mr John Charles, and comprises freehold property at Rangitata. ini two lots of 313 acres and 212 acres respectively. The properties will l>e offered first of all in one lot, and if not sold will be offered separately. At the Supreme Court, Dunedin, Oscar Kosub, for housebreaking after breaking out of gaol, was sen tweed to twelve months’ extra imprisonment Joseph Sweeney was charged with Stealing a horse and bridle. The Crown Prosecutor mentioned that the accused was undergoing a term of imprisonment in Timaru gaol on a sentence imposed by a Magistrate,, and he asked for an order to bring the accused to Dunedin fbr sentence, /flis Honor said that pbobably a simpler method would bo. to ask the Exe.cutipo to have the accused transferred to another gaol.

|n addition to the Empire Day prizes mentioned in our last issue as having been given out at the Volunteer Wall on. Monday evening. Private. Webb was meson ted with the company’s Ijolt and Major Richardson’s gold medal- for the best shot for the vear. Veteran ‘T. Edwards was also presented- with Major Young’s special prize for the Veteran making the highest score on Empire Day who had served in the Temuka Rifles. The names of Messrs Aspinall and Co., and Messrs Spilhme Bros, were inadvertently- left out of the list of donors of prizes published in our last issue.

An interesting trial of strength i» likely to take place'.(says the Oaraaru Mail) in consequence of the inclusion of Hampden and Palmerston in the Nolicenso district of Oamaru. It is understood that publicans in the former district are applying for licenses on tho ground that the Hampden and Palmerston districts never had an opportunity of voting on any of the throe proposals. since the issue was license oi no-license in the last election. H the licenses arc refused it is understood that the interested parties will make a test case for tho court.

On Monday afternoon the Old. Men s Homo al Blenheim, conducted by Mrs McKenna, was totally destroyed by lire The inmates- numbering eleven were all rescued, one of them, who was in bod, having to bo dragged out by the girls in tho house. Practically nothing was saved. The home, which, consisted of thirteen rooms, was insured for £2OO, and the furniture for £IOO in tho same office. Mrs McKenna is a heavy loser.

At the Magistrate’s Court, Dunedin, Mrs J. C. Stephens sued Miss McKollar for 12/6 for breach of agreement after entering plaintiff’s service as, a domestic. The Magistrate, in giving judgment for plaintiff for the full amount and .costs, said that the sooner servant girls realised their legal position tho better for them. If they took a position they should fulfil it. If they did not fulfil it, they were liable to damages just the same as an employer would be.

Me have received a postal reminder from Mr John Black, of the wellknown Black Family of Musicians, ■stating that the family arc now in South Australia, and doing good business. Tim company purpose returning to New Zealand in October next, after un absence of three and a half years, and will open in Invercargill. The company now numbers 10 performers, including a brass band of 7They have also one of the very latest 1000 candle-power dee trie, plant, biograph and pictures.

At the meeting of the Auckland Board of Education yesterday a letter was read stating that as the Board had not complied with the conditions issued in October, and did not propose to do so, it would not be possible to pay tho Government grant for free school books this year. Tho chairman said that the grant was insufficient in the first place to cover the Cost of the books required, and tho Board delayed action pending inquiry. Now they were evidently not to receive tho go-ant at all. Sia-h action did not tend to increase 1 hois confidence in the bona lides of (ho Government. The Board would not suffer, but parents an-1 children would. Tive department's communication was formally acknowledged.

Yesterday afternoou the members of St. Peter’s (juikl met at Mrs Edmund •James’ to bid good-bye to their president, Mrs J. S. ilayos, who is leaving lenuika to take up her residence at Kakahu. Mrs Jla ves iuis been the oresident o_f the guild for many years, and although compelled to resign the olliee of president she still remains a member of the truild, and will take an active interest in ijts work. During the afternoon Mrs Aspinall on behalf of the iniild presented Mrs Hayes with a Ipmint pair of brass cobra candlesticks (of Indian workmanship) ns a memento of her connection with the guild, and accompanied (he little gift with all -ood wishes for (he future. Mrs Haves, who was taken by surprise, (hanked them for their pretty present, and said her association with the enild had Ixvn of a very pleasant nal ure. and she much regretted that, she would he living too far away to continue to aid as (heir president. Mrs dames entertained (he party to afternoon lea, and a few hours wore spent very pleasantly.

The ehanre of trespassing in the Volunteer Hall brought against the (wo young men at (lie Magistrate’s Court, Temuka, yesterday, should be a warning to them and to others who act in a similar maimer, tn mold thejr ways, for although the penalty iii/lieted was onlv small, the Bench sdiowed the young fellows wry plainly Hint they had committed a serious offerin', and that if they were again brought up they would be severely dealt with. It is to be hoped lhal not only (lie aeeused. pip nmny others who are in the habit of erowding round the doors when dances are in iini..r.without intending (o pay for admission, will (U'otit bv the warning, Their own sense of self respee(, should deter them from such eonduet, mid if they do md intend to pav for their .■ idmis -i o n th e v should lielmve in a manlv ni'inner and Keen avvav . They can snielv oeenpv themselves more profitably elsewhere, and av oid giving offence to others and getting them--"•lves into (rouble. l\;r Chronie Chest, Complaints, Woods' Croat Peppermint Cure. 1 /Cl and 2/6.—Advt.

The Canterbury Farmers’ Co-opera-j tive Association -will hold their weekly sale of : horses at Tattersall’s yards, Timaru, on Saturday. A number of special entries are advertised. The annual concert in aid of th J Presbyterian Sunday School prize fund] will be held in the Tomuka Parish j Hhll on Tuesday next, commencing at 7.30 p.m. A first-class programme will bo provided, also refreshments. The admission will be 1/- for adults and (id for children.

Mr T. Buxton, M.P., received a telegram from the Premier asking him to be in Wellington on June 7th, as ho desired to discuss with members of Parliament what should bo done ia connection with the imitation he had received to attend tho Imperial Naval Conference to he held in London not later than July. Twenty-throe members of the Winchester Morris Tube Club fired on Monday evening for a trophy presented by Mr M'. Harrison. Tho wanner was C. Opio (1) 35, and tho next highest were J. Cripps (sot) 34, A. Cripps (scr) 33, A. Taylor (1) 33, A. Wilson (scr) 32, L. Nicholas (1) 32, A. Gillum (4) 32, T. Young (4) 31, T. Stone (3) 31, B. Watson (3) 31, J. dill (scr) 30, G. Taylor (scr) 30, A. Louden (5) 30, 11. Young (2) 30, J. Doolan (5) 20, R. Maddrcn (scr) 29, T, Gillum (1) 29.

The following occurs in the annual report of the Timaru Chamber of Com ’narco It is to be regretted that a comparison of the imports and ®xPorta to 31st December, 1908, show a marked decrease in tho exports, vig., £3,759,015, whilst the imports remain about the same, and the falling ofi is not limited to wool alone, as neatly every produce shows a decline. Wool is, however, responsible fo c nearly £2.000,000, and as the actual weights are about ccpm! to previous years, the heavy falling off is attributable entirely t<s reduced prices, which mav roughly be computed at 2.jd per lb. ~ The ordinary meeting -of the Winchester School Committee was held on Monday evening. Present -Messrs •!, Wilks (chairman), J. Boston, A. Ruasell, D. Enright, A. McDonald, W. Harrison, and R. Maddrcn, ’The headmaster reported a roll number of 79 with an average for the month of 75.5 The inspector. Mr J. G. Gow, M.A.. had visited tho school on 29th April. It was decided to get the school piano timed and to give winter holidays from May 31st to June 11th. The question of forming a school library was discussed, but it was resolved to let the matter drop. It was derided to lift 75ft of a drain and put the pipes in deeper. The secretary reported that £ll IS/- had been paid into the committee’s account since last mooting.

Gentlemen will be pleased to know that rive have just landed, an entirely new stock of hats and caps suitable for present wear. Caps from 1/- to ‘I/O in all the. smartest shapes and patterns ; hats of all descriptions at various prices. We have also landed a new lot of oilskins at 14/(i, IS/G, 29/0 .each ; wo would especially recommend you to inspect our new oilskin ; it is quite free from that horrible stickiness so prevalent in the old class ol oilskins. Our stock of mpn’s goods was never greater, nor the prices lower. Mo have a splendid line of men’s nllwoal colonial underflanncla at 2/11. Everything sold at Timaru prices, and I/- in each pound discount for cash. —A Gabitcs, Tho Corner,” Temuka, C. Lash lie, manager.—(Advt.) Mo have a little information for the laches which wo wish to bring Ixfforc thoir notice, and that is the liberal discount T. Edwards is allowing off liis winter coats. Most business people allow ]/- in the £ discount for cash, and others won’t allow any, but T. Edwards is offering 2/- in the £ off any coat ho has in stock, and as ho lias purchased two or three full rang) is of warehouse samples, customers can rely up,,,, having plenty to select from. —(Advt.)


Rangitata Station School—Dance tomorrow evening.

Guardian Office—Lust small bronze statuette of ‘‘Mercurv. ’’

A. C. Matson, Temuka-Two Whitechapel carts and gig for sale. 1 emuka Hockey Club —Kuehre pat'lv and dance on dune 3rd. lotnnka Presbyterian Sunday School Annual concert in aid of prize fund <m Ist dune. Canterbury I'anners’ Co-operative Association■■■ Entries for sale of horses at '1 aftersail’s op Saturday. K.uinness and 1/eOren ■ Important auction sale of property on account of Mr dolm Charles, a l Cerahline on 2nd Juno. D. Tavlor, Temuka—Barge stock of Hour, hran. sharps, fowl wheat, etc. : large stork of groceries and china ware. •1. Beely Meeting of persons interested in forming branch of the Hibernian Australian Catholic Benefit Society in (,’eraldine Hotel to-night. Cuinness and I.eCivn and New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency tkimpany Raukapnka clearing- "sale to-dnv : order of sale; eommeaec promptly at 10.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 582, 27 May 1909, Page 2

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THE Temuka Leader. THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1909. LOCAL & GENERAL Temuka Leader, Issue 582, 27 May 1909, Page 2

THE Temuka Leader. THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1909. LOCAL & GENERAL Temuka Leader, Issue 582, 27 May 1909, Page 2


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