Without assuming all's, the now cele-"‘ brated Black Family can claim that their return visit to Temuka l as been pleasurably auticiaatcd by the music loving portion of the community—that means the majority of the public On Tuesday evening this lalenlcd troupe will have the pleasure of presenting to their Temuka friends an entirely fresh programme. The ’ .ss of entertainment offered by the Black Family, while musical and artistic in the highest sense of the term, is popular, and appeals to all taste?. They are musicians to the very tips of their lingers, devoted to their profusion, and possessing the ability which comes of lung and careful training on top of a natural, ingrained bent of things musical. It is thof& who know say so Miss Nellie Black is an artiste Ivory much above the oi’dina l '}', both as a singer and - violinist. Master Bertie Black, too, is very accomplished. Miss Elsie is a very clever flautist, vocalist and dansiuse. Miss Doris, the youngest member of the family, though only 13 yours of age, is a skilled musician. This will be the first appearance of this young lady. Mr J. Black, to whom the funlily owe their talent and training, is the most genial, of entertainers, and all arc musicians much above the common, so that it is no trouble to them to put on a bright high-class show. The programme will include new comic songs, new comic sketches, latest songs by Miss Nellie, new orchestral selections, new mandoline quartettes, latest serio songs by Miss Elsie, new violin artel flute solos, new double dances, new gaiety dances, now jockey dances, new novelties, etc., etc., A bumper House is expected, as ttie family are worthy of the host patronage the district ran give.
Temuka Leader, Issue 5394, 5 May 1906, Page 3
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