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Extortionate Natives.—Oomp'aint is made that the Natives at llotorua are charging extortionate fees :o tourists who wish to see the sights of that district. Wksletan Ohuboh, Tbmuka. Mr J. Knott will oonduct the morning and evening services in the above church tomorrow, and the Bev. R. 3. Bunn will preach at the Maori Pah in the afternoon. Crown Lands. At the Wellington Land Board meeting 4718 acres of the North Puketoi block were sold, realising £6588, the price being an average of 25a per acre. Geralbine Stock Sale. This sale takes place on Wednesday ne*l, and numerous entries ate advertised elsewhere. The auctioneers are booking further entries.

Cricket. —> The match batween the Temuka and Colonial Clubs has been postponed until a future date, owing to several members of the latter club being unable to get away, Co-operation.—The Wellington Trades and Labor Council bare decided to submit a proposal to the various trades unions for the establishment of a co-operative coal and fuel yard in the city. Temuka. bHEEP Dip.-—This Bheep dip is now completed and Messrs Mundell and Co. advprtiae that it will be open for use every Wednesday and Friday. The dtp should be largely used by sheep farmers. Dougherty Islanb. Captain Stannard, of the barque Thurso, reports having fallen in with an Island marked on the chart as Dougherty Island, deemed by most mariners as having no existence. Its bearings are 59deg. lOuiin. S., 120 deg. 180tnin. W.

Presbyterian Church, TEMUK\.~Tbe Rev. Mr Waters officiates in Presbyterian Church on Sabbath first (to-morrow). The Rev. Mr Watt giveH an address on New Hebrides on Tuesday evening, and will show lantern picture?. Mrs Watt sings Tannese hymns. The Fed : ration Conference. Sir Hurry Atkinson and Captain ItusseM, two of the New Zealand representatives to the federal convention, for Melbourne oh Monday. They will be accompanied by Mr Amelius Smith, who will act as private secretary. Whitiaker v. Hutchison.—At Welington yesterday the Chief Justice dismissed the appeal in Whittaker v. Hutchison re striking out the reference in the amended defence to the private accounts of Sir H. Atkinson and Mr Mitchelson, with ten guineas costs.

Severely Damaged.—lt is estimated that it will cost £4:500 to repair the American ship Leading Wind, scuttled in Auckland harbor to put out a fire in the cargo, and it is probable that she will be sold by the underwriters. Temperance Meetings. Temperance meetings will be conducted in the Temuka Wesleyan Church on Monday and Tuesday evenings next by Mr J. Knott, who will give some of Gotigh's great orations. The meetings should be well worth attending. Meetings will be held at Geraldine and Winchester during the week.

The Akawa.—The Arawa arrived at Wellington on Wednesday night from London, which place she left on Dec. 27tb. The health of the passengers was excellent. The following are the Tiraaru passengers— Saloon, Miss Overbury; second saloon, Miss Moorcock ; steerage, Mrs K. Hayes, Misses M. Hayes, and A. &f. Young. Mr W. S. Allen, the member for Te Aroha, was a passenger.

Girls' College,—The Girls' (Jolbge at Waimanui w«* opened on Thursday by the Hon. W. P, Reeves, the Minister of tiducatioo. Another Delay.—Heavy rain brought down a large slip on the Manawatu Gorge line, it is stated that (hie slip wilt delay the opening of the line for a month.

Reception of the Premier. The Hon. J. Balance was enthusiastically received at Wanganui on Thursday at the railway station, where an address was read by the mayor. A banquet wa3 afterwards held in his honor at the theatre. The Bishop of Christchbbch. Bishop Julius arrived at Pleasant Point on Saturday last, accompanied by Mrs Julius and Miss Cowley, and in the evening attended a garden party in the parsonage grounds. On Sunday morning His Lordship administered the rite of confirmation to twenty-one candidates, who were presented by the incumbent, Ihe Rev. T. Jasper Snoythe, M.A. The church was crowded, and many had to stand outside. In the afternoon the bishop, accompanied by the incumbent, went to St. Paul's Church, Totara Valley, where he preached an eloquent sermon to another crowded congregation. From Totara Valley they went to Albury, where a service was held in the school, when a very large number were present. Afterwards Pukaki was visited.

Fatal Accidents. A sailor named David Davis was drowned at Wellington on Wednesday. With a sailor named Arrowsmith he was going aboard the steamer Duke of Sutherland, when a struggle took place oo the gangway (Davis wanting to go for more drink), and both fell into the water. Arrowsmith caught a life buoy and was saved, but Davis was drowned.—Josiah. C. Jones, J.P., a fljur miller at Ophir, Southland, was accidentally shot on Wednesday. In the moroiog he left his house with a double-barrelled gun and dog to shoot rabbits in a paddock about a mile from his residence. The dog returned without him, and ou search being made he was found lying dead alongside the fence «vith a gunshot wound in the temple. The gun was lying three feat away with one barrel discharged. The circumstances point to his having been shot while crossing the fence.

Presbyterian Assembly. —At the Presbyterian General Assembly at Ohrisfcchurcb, on Wednesday, the Bev. J. Patterson, in tlie absence of Mr MoKerrow, convener, read the report of tbe church property trustees. The report gratefully stated that a bequest had been left by Mr J. Phimpton to the public trustee in trust for tbe widows and orphans fund of the Presbyterian and Wpsleyan Churches in New Zealand in equal portions. He will allow the pub'ic trustee to sell the land and divide the proceeds when he thinks fit, but the Assembly considered it udvisable the sale of property should be postponed. Inference was made to the gift of 20 acres for a manse in the Mackenzie country, by Mr Donald MeLean, of Strathconan. The Rev. G. JB. Munro gave in n report of tbe committee on the state of religion aod morals. The adoption whs moved by the Rev. J. K. Elliott, who called special attentioa to the totaliaator. In the debate whioh followed "Bales by chance" at biziars were condemned, and the Rev. W. Gilies called attention to the evil of young men beiag kept at work late on Saturday night. Tbe report of the temperance committee was read by tha Rev. J. K. Elliott. Both reports wertT adopted. Oo Thursday the Rev. J. Treailwell submitted the report of the committee, on the scheme of studies for students of the ministry, which provides for a new student missionary, course and fall subject course. Mathematics are excluded. The report give rise to an animated debate, and it was decided to remit the scheme to the committee for reconsideration.

Oddfellowship, Geraldine.—An adjourned meeting of tbe Victoria Lodge of Oddfellows, Geraldioe, was held on Thursday evening last. Bro. J. Pizzey, N.G., occupied the chair. As the regular night of meeting clashed with the Volunte'er parades it was decided that in future tbe night of meeting should be every alternate Thursday, oaoting from that meeting. The Vice Grand appointed his subordinate officers, and tbey were duly installed by Bro. G. H. Patrick, D.D.G.M. Audit, Visiting, and Standing Committees were elected. The balance-sheet and Grand Lodge returns for the half year ending December 31, 1890, were read and adopted. The meeting had been ad journed from the previous week for tbe brethren to consider the question of the election of a representative to the Grand Lodge session. The principal question in deciding the choice wtts that of the proposal to centralise tbe sick funds of the order, which will be brought before the Grand Lodge. Two representatives bad been nominated, Bro. Jus. Blyth, P.G., of the Temuka Lodge, and Bro. Robert Docn,

P.G., of the Tinoaru Lodge. The former lodge and also theFiirlie Creek one, mere decidedly opposed to the scheme, while the flmaru lodge was io favor of it. At a meeting of the Geraldioe Lodge held on January 22, 1890, a resolution had been passed that the lodge was in favor of the scheme. Since that time the metnbeis had reoeived some little information on tbe question, but the facts ascertained weighed against the scheme rather than in its favor. Those present regretted that such meagre information with respect to the question was btforo the lodge, and tbe majority appeared Very unwilling to commit themselves to anything in the dark, preferring rather to allow matters to remain as they were than to declare themselves in favor of a scheme of which they knew little or nothing. Bro. O. H. Patrick moved passed on January 22, re the centralisation of the sick fund, be rescinded, and that the lodge proceed to discuss the question." An amendment to the contrary by Bro. J. Pye was lost, and the proposition

carried. The ecbeme having been dincussed according to the facts before ibe lodge, the ballot for a Grand Lodge representative was taken, Bro, Blyth securing 10 votes and Bro. Dodo 5. Bro. J. W, Pye read the balance-sheet of the late social, which showed a credit balance of £2 17a 3<i. Votet of thanks were accorded to the social committee for the manner in which ihey had managed the gathering, and to Bros. Kelaugher, Bowkett, and J. W. Pre for their services in connection with the seme. On behalf of the Good Templar Lodge Bro. J. W. Pye asked for the nee of the hall for Mr Knott's lecture on Wednesday und Thured;ty uext. Granted, on the UHUail conditions, The meeting then terminated.

Unpaid Rates Ratepayers in the Temuka Road District whose rates are in arrear are reminded that legal proceedings will be taken against them after the 7th March. Good Grazing Country.— L<»rge numbers of sheep are being taken into Southern Otago and Southland from North Canterbury, by train, for fattening. Seven thousand have arrived during the last few days.

Death of a Resident Magistrate.— i Mr Whitefoord, resident magistrate at Kaiapoi, died yesterday morning at Dunedin. Mr Whitefoord's death, which occurred at two o'clock, was the result of apoplexy. He was about to spend six months on sick leave visiting his parents at Mania. He-had been in the public service Bince 1871. Hd leaves a widow but no family. The news was received with great regret in Christchurch. Morris Tube Match.—The following are the scored in tlie above match, Officers versus Privates. Conditions seven shots, Wirableton targets and scoring. The match was fired in the Drill Shed, Temuka. The possible was 35. Officers —Lieut. Cutten, 25 ; Ssrgt. Clinch, 21 ; Corpl. Levens, 2C ; Lieut. Findlay, 30; Sergt. Whitehead, 33; Corpl. Watt, 28; total, 163. Privates— H. L»very, 25; Scott, 10; Phillips, 19; Sim, 29; Quino,]9; Ouas. Clinch, 24 ; total, 126.

Meeting of Gkeditors. A meeting of the creditors of Messrs Williams and Colville was held yesterday in Timaru, Mr Robb, the Deputy Assignee, presiding. Five creditors were present. After some discussion aod re-examination of the bankrupts, Mr J. Brown made an off-r of £75 for the estate over and above the amount of bis own preferential claim. After some discussion the matter was postponed for the purpose of consulting absent creditors. Out of the £75 there must be £4O paid in wages, so there will not be a great deal for the other creditors to get. Hallelujah Wedding. A gigantic gathering in connection with the Geraldine corps of the Salvitiou Army takes place during the next fortnight. The fust item on the programme will be the hallelujah wedding of Captain Rattray, of Geraldine,; and Captain Noble. This interesting event takes place in the Volunteer Hal on Suor day, Feb. 22, at 3 p.m., when no donbt there will be a tremendous crush. The ceremony will be performed by Major Rolfs, assisted by half-a-dozm held officers, so that there is little doubt but that the happy couple will be firmly and securely “spliced.” Captain Rattray aod Lieutenant Scott, the two popular officers now stationed at Geraldine, will also farewell that evening. On the following day, Monday, a gigantic wedding banquet will be held in the Oddfellows’ Hall at 6 p.m., and on Friday, Feb, 27th, the officers will finally farewell from Geraldine. It will be seen from the above that some rare things are in store for Salvationists and their friends at Geraldine. Our readers are advised to carefully peruse the advertisement which appears in another column. SYNOPSIS OF ADVERTISEMENTS. Dr Campbell—Has resumed practice in Temuka. Wesleyan Church, Temuka—-Services for to-morrow. J. Bari—Funeral notice re the late Mias F. Greaves. H. B. Webster & Co.—Publish entries for Geraldine stock sale. A, E, Cox and E. R. Guinness—Sell sheep, cattle and pigs at Geraldine sale on Wednesday. Miss Henderson, Dressmaker, Orari—ls prepared to receive orders for dressmaking or do work at customers’ homes. J. W. Miles, Stone Store, Temuka— Advertises some special bargains in imported and colonial clothing to be bad tb is week. T. Richmond —Has opened a fish shop in Temuka (in premises lately occupied by Mr Jackson, bootmaker) ; fresh fish and oysters daily, J. Knott—Delivers some of Gough’s great orations at Geraldine on Wednesday and Thursdey next; at Winchester on Friday evening. Salvation Army, Geraldine—Hallelujah wedding and farewell on 22nd iost. ; wedding banquet on ihe 23rd ; fiaal farewell on the 27tb. J. Mundeli & Co.—Sell sheep, cattle and pigs on Wednesday at Geraldine stock sale ; have full sizj cornsacks and seaming twine on sale at Timaru prices at Temuka ; Temuka sheep dip open for use every Wednesday and Friday.

J. H. Walker, Machinist, etc.. Temuka— Is prepared to repair all kinds of machines; agent for Walter A. Wood Patent Single Apron Harvester, which has been greatly improved; has several second-hand machines for sale ; also binding twine, machine oils, etc.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 2163, 14 February 1891, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 2163, 14 February 1891, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 2163, 14 February 1891, Page 2


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