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Temps a Public School.— I Tim Temuka D sinct High School viili be reopened to-day. ‘ huiSCO Mail —The Alameda M I, f-e ma’Js left San Francisco ar 6 a m. cn Wednesday, the 15 h i/ist,, four days’ kte according to time table. County Council Conference. A telegram f-otn Dunedin s-.ya he ‘on t, Councils Conference wag a fizzle, only throe chairmen attending. Sale at Winchester. Messrs Gray and Montgomery hold a sale of old bridge tmibsr at the Winchester bridge to-day immediately Mi-r the sale of stock. Sweating Commission.— To j Wellington members of Tie Sweating Oommis-on <ro Fisher an > J. B. B air ; Canterbury, Mr Jones, member for Sydenham, and Mr E F. Wright. Pphipuhi Silyer. Mr Gordon, inspector of mines, has left Wellington fur Auckland. He will visit the locality where silver is alleged to hava been found, and report to Government on tli3 advisability of granting mineral leases in the Pnhipuhi forest.

Exports and Imports. The exports for i he colony for the year ending 31st December, 1889, were £9.131,373, being an increase of £1,3fi4,048 on the previous year. The imports for the same period were £6,297,097, being an increase of £355,197, being an increase of £355,197 on the previous year. Circus. —On Wednesday evening, the 29th January, Wirth Bros.’ great consolidated circus will give a performance in Temuka, The company is a very strong one, consisting of 47 performers. There are seven ladv riders, and plenty of fun is provided by six clowns. The circus has been giving performances at Dunedin for some time past with great success. Full particulars will be found in advertisement and bills.

St. Mary’s, Geraldine.—lt will be seen by an advertisement appearing elsewhere that the annual Sunday school treat and parish festival in connection with St. Mary’s, Geraldine, will be held in the small park on Thursday next. The children and teachers will assemble at the school at two o’clock, and will then march to the grounds in procession. This fixture is usually one of the most popular and enjoyable gatherings held in Geraldine, and given a fine day there is every prospect of the coming treat proving as successful as those of former years. SwiMitiN® Matches. —ln the report of the meeting of the Hilton School Committee published on Saturday it was made to appear that a number pf prizes for sewing had been receiyed from Mr D, W. M. £urn, and that Mr Hiskens had been appointed judge. In place of “sewing” the word “swmmaing” ! should have appeared, Mr Burn Laving forwarded a number of onzes for swimming mutches of various diSrunces. The races take j place tj-mmow, A splendid stretch ..f wa'er '■’lists m 'L- jv-kthu "ive.- almost o, twite the school, an, should the day be fine Ucdoubt a good contests will be witnessed, as some of the Hilton boys are expert swimmers, ,

Flower Show.—We understand there have boon nearly 400 entries received for the coming flower rhow in Temufca, and that it promises to be a great success. An attempt will be made to gat a half-holiday proclaimed next Thursday, and most of the business mtn have signified their assent to it. Fortunate Anglers. last Friday night Mr N. C, Nicholas and Mr W. Smith did some “ tal! ” angling at Rangitata. Their big comprised seventeen fiah weighing in all 145|1b, The heaviest fish weighed 18'b. Mr Nicholas took nine fish, scaling 741 b, and Mr Smiih eight, totalling 71^1b. Primitive Methodist Conference.— At tlie Primitive Methodist Conference at Dunedin on Saturday, the state of the trust properties was reperted to be, on the whole, satisfactory. The statistics showed that ihere were thirty four schools, 425 teachers, 3463 scholars. The money raised was £655. It was determined to take up Stratford as a new station. Another Apple Pest.—With reference to the telegram received by the Government from South Australia re ihe apple i sect, the contributor of toe “Garden Notes" to an exchange says “ that a statement com-rs from Toowoomba, Queensland, that a fj nite.-ar and practical

gardener there exhibited at the Chronicle ■ >ffic‘ a bottle containing hundreds of live i'.asctp or small beell- s which had bem

tak>n out of the Californian ‘-topics jus;, rec : ved. These proved >o be tho -pp >• wc-vii, a mot des pest loan oodlin »»«i ti," Wesleyan Conference. The 000Eeimuch opens Oiinatci: ;.ch to-day, it being the fifth gathering of the kind hdu in Christchurch. The first conference iu connection with the Church was held at Christchurch in 1874, whan the late Rev. T, Buddie was elected president. There were theu twenty ministers present and about a dozon laymen, about one-third of the number expected to be in attendance this year. At that first conference there were reported 2937 members and 23,793 adherents, this year there will be reported 7434 members and 50,000 adherents.

Saltation Ahmt, Tbmuka.— On Saturday night and all day on Sunday special meetings w.'re held in connection with the above. Major and Mrs Hammond were in charge, assisted by Captain Orowl (of the Flying Brigade). Captain Noble and Cadet Taylor were also present. The meetings were well attended throughout, the hall being packed on Sunday night. Mrs Hammond sang several solos very cicely. Major Hammond and the other speakers urged upon those in need of salvation to come forward, to which invitation several responded. Captain Crowl was detained in Tetnuka, through having lost his horses. However, they have since turned up, and he proceeded on his journey yesterday morning.

Feel Foebbt F. and H. Show.—A meeting of the Peel Forest Horticultural Show Committee was held in the Scotsburn schoolroom on Friday evening. Present—Messrs W. B. Barker (chairman), Pithie, Irvine, Johnstone, and Sowerby. The chairman, in the absence of the secretary, reported that Messrs Pye, Coombs, and Cooling had kindly consented to act as judges at the forthcoming show on Jan. 24, and that the Misses Acland had very generously offered to supply and supervise the refreshment stall. Mr Irvine again volunteered to provide lunch for the officials. After transacting some routine business the meeting adjourned. There is every probability of the show proving a very great suocess, All exhibits must be at the school at 11 a.m., and the show will open at 3 p.m. Political Items. The Premier, though better generally, bas fallen off greaily in weigh*, and will still have to be in the heads of the doctor for some b 1 m-, No cabinet meeting was held on Fnd-.y as Sir Harry Atkinson was somewhat indisposed after the trip up Ministers had an informal talk for an hour in the afternoon. It is pretty well settled that Sir J. Hull and Captain Russell will be the delegates to the Conference Government have ■ haadoned all hopes of having a big surplus ai’-c-" Ihe Customs have persistently f Ten i ff. The land' tend also na.-s dropped ■in an tjnprecedotirnd manner. Toe Customs deficiency h■« greatly puzzled 'he official <i, won ■■■-■•.. _ > less to account for it.

?ale os' Freehold Properties, —Last brnDy 'i B'iio of f'*'eho!d properties ntu - i'll iu the Team Is* and Tim mu disiricis was held ii Timuu, o ■ account of :he executors of (he Sale Mr D.vid C ! ka.n. Pif y c ~f a„d DH * C i-inuka was bough. ; / the occupier, Mr O.ofi d, at ,-£lB per acre. For the ahnp Hud la id "j Ttmuka occupied by Mr J. Brown, £SOO W.s bid, and Urn lot was passed id. For an acre in Deal Town a suburb of Timaru, win, f our sn)ll jj cottages, £l9O was only bd, and it was also passed in. Two quarter-acre sections fronting Bernard Street, at the back of the Timaru Hotel and Mr Hitch’s tinsmith’s shop brought £l7O and £l4O, Mr J. Gibson, che owner of the holel, and Mr Hitch being the purchasers. A site and shop near the Theatre was passed in at £750. The Criterion Hotel and site (30 perches) brought £I2OO, and was secured by Mr L), M, Hose. The property is leased at a low ground rental, and it will be some years before the purchaser can get possession. The sites and shops lately oecupied by Mr Amos and Messrs Wade aud Shea, were bought by Mr J. Whittaker for£2ooo, “ The Corner” was also offered but passed in.

Papanui District School,— On Friday morning last the pupils and teachers attending the Papanui School assembled to present Mias L, M. Phillips, the late infant mistress, with some memento of her connection with the school, and to offer some alight acknowledgement of the services she had rendered during her five years’ tenure of office. The head master Mr Hughes,explained why the presentation hud not been made earlier, aud spoke in very complimentary terms of Miss Phillips’s work and influence for good whilsj mistress. He then called on Miss N. Woodland, one of the older pupiig who, after reading an address, presented Miss Phillips with an elegant work-table and a very handsome volume of Longfellow’s poems. In acknowledging the gift, Miss Phillips said she was at a loss for words to express her sense of the kindness and thoughtfulness of the teachers and pupils in providing such a handsome present. As infant mistress of the Temuka District High School her duties were now somewhat more arduous and at first she had greatly missed the familiar aud kind faces of her Papanui friends. She trusted, however, to m kc : lends -i Pernnlu, whilst she retained -bn kind r.f iiSf-i pupils at Papanui, n j whoso outiaued “uacassea she v/onhj b-> (

i>- -,;’o,;t)y inlmesiou mi heretofore. H«a>tv cheers were then given by the children for all teachers, past aud present.

Temuka Dairy Company.— The usual monthly meeting of the above company was held last Saturday afternoon. Present—Messrs J. Brown (chairman), Austin, Barker, Hayes, and Scott. The chairman reported that he had made arrangements for shipping to England a large quantity of cheese, and that other shipments had been sent to Australia. The action of the chairman was approved. The secretary reported that in November he hud received 18,045 gallons of milk, coatiog £220 10s Bd, and iu December 23,231 gal ona costing £290 6s Id. Accounts amounting to £74 8s were passed for payment, and after some routine matters the meeting adjourned.

School Tbbat. —Some of the children of i the Geraldine Flat school, with a few of the ] older people, went for a day’s outing to the coal-pits at Kakahu on Friday last. On arriyal there they found that the drive bad been the means of sharpening their appetites. The edge having been taken off their hunger, they dispered in various directions in search of enjoyment. This they readily found, as a climb up the hills or a wander in the bush was net with them an every-day occurrence. Hunger, rendered more keen by their ramble, soon drove the wanderers bask to camp agaiu, where they found everything in readiness ta restore exhausted nature. Full justice having been done to the good things provided, races, for which a large as.-ortment of toys had been procured for prizes, and games of various kinds served to pass the time till tea was ready. Tea disposed of a move was made for home. The having been gaily decorated wuh the spoils of tho bush let everyone know they had been a picnicking. At the outset it s-'emed as if the day’s enjoyment was to be marred, all not turning up, but on arrival home those who had gone agreed that the absent one had missed a real treat. In the Folds of an Octopus. —Mr Wm. Oollis, the Timaru Harbor Board’s diyer, had a very exerting time of it when under water on Saturday afternoon. He was engaged at the slipway,, north of fcha Moody Jetty, in about 20 feet of water, fixing some details of the “ cradle,” when a large octopus rushed at him. The diver raised his arms so that it would not at any rate render them useless, and as he did so the fish grasped him about the body, and dug its parrot-like beak into the breast of his diving dress. He next got hold of a rope which led from the foot of his communication ladder at the side af the jetty, and dropped off the slipway to the sea bottom— 1 about four feet. As he did this the octopus reached out one of its arms, and grasped the plank of the slipway. With such a grip Collie could not tear himself away, so he hauled on the rope, and after a fearful strain ®a his arms, rope and ladder fortunately holding, the octopus let go its grip of the plank and took an additional grip on Collis, right about the helmet of his dress. Tha diyer then quietly walked to the foot of the ladder, dimed up it out of the water, and landed on the Moody jetty, with hi# horriblelooking prize still embracing him. The fish had to be almost chopped off Collis. It measured 6ft Gin frsm tip to tip of longest tentacles, on which were over 1000 “ suckers.” The verdict of all who have used the “Jumbo” brand Baking Powder, ia that it makes light, nutritious, anl digestive bread oakes, pastry, eto. As the ingredients are of the finest qualities, and no injurious elements being used in the preparation, bread, etc., made with this powder will keep fresh and moist longer than with any other powder. Ask for Anderson’s “ Jumbo ” brand Baking Powder. — [Adtt. 1 ] . SYNOPSIS OF ADVERTISEMENTS. Wirth Bros.’ Colossal Consolidated Circus —At Temuba on Jan. 29th. Temuka Floral and Horticultural ShowIn Temuka on Thursday next. Peel Forest Horticultural Show—la Sootsburn schoolroom on Friday afternoon. Guardian Office, Geraldine—Offers rewaul for return of watch lost on Saturday evening. • E. Fronting, Undertaker—Funeral notice re late Mr Richard Gould j tabes place to-day. A. Metcalf, Orari Flit—lnvites tenders for cutting and stocking 250 acres of wheat and oats. St. Mary’s, Geraldine Annual Sunday school treat and parish festival ou Thursday next. Southern Star Lodge, Geraldine—Notice to brethren to attend the funeral of their late brother, R Gould. H. Citron, Chemist—Has bought the business carried on in Geraldine by Mr Eichbaum, and solicits continuance of patronage.

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Bibliographic details

Temuka Leader, Issue 1997, 21 January 1890, Page 2

Word Count

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 1997, 21 January 1890, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 1997, 21 January 1890, Page 2


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