Wendy and Her Family
LETTERS to be addressed to "WENDY," c/o P.O. Box 119, Taranaki Daily News, New Plymouth. WENDY replics this week to letters from:—
"Rose Valley," Ratapiko: 1 wonder if Jie spring fairies have been working in /our garden lately, Tink. In Baby Mar?aret's garden they have opened ever so nany anemone buds, and they have been hanging fresh green leaves on all he trees. "Sllver Fern," Ohaupo: Thank you for your pieces of poetry. The Hut people like. them very much. It was sad news about your little budgies, wasn't it? Barbara Goodchap, Hawera: Of course you may become a member of our Hut Club, Barbara. We are calling a loud welcome to you to-day. "Happy-Go-Lucky" is a bully pen-name the Hufc twins think! Vida White, Puniwhakau: We are glad you enjoyed- doing the competition, Vida. Your entry arrived at the Hut quite safely you will be pleased to hear. Peter Hargreaves, Eltham: A big welcome,, Peter! The Twins at the Hut are very nnxious to hear all your news so I hope you are going to write again soon. When you do will you tell us the date of your birthday, please? Mary Gordon, Stratford: Well done, little Tink! That was splendid news about the elocution exam. The Hut people were ever so pleased to hear it. "Poily Perklus," Inglewood: , Your riddles have kept the Hut people guessing hard this morning, Pamela. It was good of you to send them, Billikins thinks. Kevin Lowe, Stratford: So you have got some little chickens at last have you, Kevin? What fun you must have watching them when feeding time comes. Joy Maskelyne, Koru: We are very pleased to welcome you to the Wendy Hut to-day, Joy. The pen-name "Golden Kowhai" has been taken but you may have "Yellow Kowhai" if you like. "Grasshoppcr Green," Eltham: The Hut people could scarcely believe their eyes when they saw yoUr letter amongst the pile of opened ones waiting to be answered to-day. It was a big surprise and it made them very happy. Beryl Maskelyne, Koru: We bid you welcome, Beryl, but we are afraid we cannot give you the pen-name that you. asked for because it already belongs to somebody else. Your entry arrived quite safely, and so did Joy's. "Always Smiling," Eltham; There are two letters of yours to 'be answered this week— the one that 'you posted late last week and the one that you sent for today. Have you won any more marbles lately, the Twins want to know. "Tlie Girl in Red," Rahotu: Just fancy having a doll that came all the way from Auckland! When you told us about it last" time you did not tell us hpw far it had come, so of course we. did not realise what a beauty it must bp. "Little Red Riding Hood," Lowgarth: What a surprise to get your letter this week! The Hut people loved hearing all your news. Have you seen your name on the Honours Board this moming? "Stars Over Devon," Korito: Fancy having all those little chickens and goslings now. We are ; hoping there are going to be somc^chickens at the Hut soon for Baby^rg^fs bahtamN is, sitting on; seven .eggs. » Campbell Smith, Patea: Thank you for the jokes you senk.- ,They were. good ones and made the Hut people laugh. Billikins wants to know if the bicycle shed is finished yet? "Lilac; Queen," Pihama: Yes; ' we sl^all all be glad. .when. :the . swimming season is here once more. The Hut people have been getting: out their bathing costumes so as to be ready for it when it comes. Eunice Clarke, Okaiawa: We were glad to get your letter this week, and we like the piece of poetry that came with it. "White Rose" is the pen-name of another Tink, but I wonder if you would like to be called "White Rosebud" instead? Peggy Sorenson, Fitzroy: There are lots of Tinks like you, Peggy, who have never yet won a prize in a competition, but still they find it is good fun to keep on trying.V"Competitions are meant to be for fun. • Audrey Hueker, Stratford: Tinker Bell is wondering if you have moved to a new home now, Audrey, for there was a different address on your letter this time. Your competition entry arrived quite safely. "Peaches," Okaiawa: Baby Margaret is wondering if you are going to keep the new dress for your doll until its birthday. Will you be giving it a birthday party? she wants to know. "Cinderella," Auroa: Ever so many competition entries arrived at the Hut this week and yours was one of them, "Cinderella." Baby Margaret can remem■ber watching it being put away. "Mountain Mist," Rowan: It is not often that a letter. comes to Baby Margaret all for her very own self, so you can imagine how excited "she was at getting your letter this week. It was very good of. you to write to her, Tink. "Water Sprite," Rowan: We did not expect to find an entry , with your letter this week for "Mountain Mist" sent us one last time. It was. grand thkt you were both able to enter, the Hut people think. ; "Mischievous Pup," Opaku: No, Baby Margaret's lamb has not been feeling the cold, for he is a very spoilt little fellow and has the tool-shed to sleep in when the nights are cold. What do you think of that? "Queen Etizaheth," Auroa: The Hut people cannot help you about getting a pen-friend in South Africa, I am afraid. Billikins thinks you must be fond of writing letters and he wishes he could be, too. "Starry Eyes," Rahotu: The concert you are practising for sounds as if it is going to be very good. You will have to write and tell us all about it when it is over, won't you, Tink? Eric Gibbs, Tututawa: We were glad to hear that you had such fun in doing the painting competition. The Hut people were ever so pleased to get your entry."Coral Cup," Rahotu: Dressmaker lias been having a holiday all this week Tink, so I am afraid we have not been able to ask her for that pattern. Perhaps one of your friends at school will show you how to make it. Elliott Riddick, Rowan: Yes, the fruit trees at tlie Hut are losing their blossomE now. A little wind has been drifting through the orchard to-day and it .ha: carried showers of pink and white peak to the ground. "Pussy Wlllow," Toko: Your. piece oJ poetry seems to have a line missing sc I fear it cannot be put on our page today. We were glad to hear from yot again this week. "Jumping Joe," Huiroa: Billikins say: he hopes you had a good game of hockej last week. He supposes the season musl be nearly over now and he is wondering if you are sorr.v.
"Cherrio," Cardiff: There are not many days left now for practising tiie-items for you school concert are there? You must be feeling . quite ejicited- about it, the Hut people think: "Desert Gold,". Matau: It is fun hav-; uig a pen-name, isn't it, Tink? We are glad to know that you are pleased with yours. There are some pretty pen-names oh the page, aren't there? "Lady Gay," Okaiawa: It wai; liardluck that your letter arrived too late ' to get an answer on the page last Saturday. Still, we are answering it now, Tink and we hope you will see it to-day, "Kay," Okaiawa: Baby -Margaret says she hopes you enjoyed doing; the competition. Your entry arrived quite safely and was carefully put away with all- the pthers. ? . "Mr Iledgehog," Midhurst: The pet lamb at the Hut is growing very quickly now and everybody makes a fuss of it. It tried to follow Baby Margaret to school yesterday so that she had to "shoo" it back. "Godctia," Midhurst: Tinker Bell is wondering if you have had any games of tennis yet. She and Billikins -afranged to liavc a set dhe day tliis week,-. hut ■ the rain came down. and so (that. ofcourse was the end of.it. "Silver Birch," Rahotu: "A happy - birthday Tink!" That is what the people .' at the Hut are calling out to you to-day. I hope you have seeii your name in the Many Happy Returns column. Lenare Gill, Inglewood: Many happy * returns, Lenare! I hope you have seen your name in the birthdays corner to--' day. -Billikins thinks you are lucky hav-:; ing your birthday on »• Saturday; this year; . : "Richard Liouheart," Inglewood: •.Ydjit rhyme is quite an.mnusing.one but it^is' not suitable for the Wendy Hut .pages;' , Your joke is being published, "though;; thank you for sending it. ;• .. "Scottie," Te Kiri: The Hut people eiijoyed reading your letter, for it .was ;iuH of news. What an interesting ; pen-friend that must be in Figi. I am sorry we cannot get you one in Scotland. ' Lola Honeyfield, Tataraimaka: The Wendy Hut bids you welcome, for there is lots . of room fotr you, new . Tink.Somebody else has "Rose-'Maria" for 'a pen-name, so wliat would yoti like' to' be' called instead? " "Daisy Bell," Okato: Tliank .you. Jor . your piece of poetry- We all hkp it-aU. the Hut and are glad to have it for .;our ' page. " ; "Hawth'orn," Tatu: We are glad to-hear that you are getting on so well with your music now. Do you have tcTprac- ' tise every day,- Baby Margaret wants, to know. . . ^ ' "Grace Darling," Waitara: .What iun you ai'e going to .have when you - go away to your Aunty's to stay! I suppdse it seems now.. as if the holidays ' wili never come. : "Sunshine," Tataraiinak|i: Yes;/ we should, love to have. that ^piiotpgraph^ij -you can really ^aredtrJKnk! have an album at thf Hui with p^o^vof ever so 'many' Tinks in it. ' "Silver-eye,'.- Tarata: Hullo Tmkl; You will see that Betty is your name no longer now for Tirtked Bell has wavqd her x wand and behold! you - aite .'.'Silver-eye?' Pearl( Topping, Tarata; Tinker Bell wais glad' to hear •teat yoim ei^otoea^t.'-.c^d had arrived, aiid she was'*ever*80' pleased when she found • there was. anotiieft. letter from you • this- weeki -J^vo -your . budgies finished. bpildmg1 their; ne^ti 'yet? "Paulownia," Eltham: Thank: you' for your jokes and" poetry, We Were ^ever so pleased to get . them'. '- -Tinker ":Bellhopes that cold of yours is -better--'by now. • - ■ ^ ; "Elfin Artist," Blenliehn: Hullo, "Elfin . Artist!" So you have been busy again and this time . with anothpr letter jo. tlie Wendy, Hut. The Twins arid Aahy garet have -just finished readipg iti •. , . . "Fairy ■ Feet," Mt. Messenger: It -is "rit{i often tliat your letters arrive too latri uf the week to be answered, but that-'iS; what happened last week, Tink. I hope: you were not disappointed. . We re4|.. ceived: your 'entry this weeki 1 iJ ' ' j; "Star Dust," Tokoi,. So you are. an"in{| ■valid just now, are you Tink? „,That is; too bad, the Hut people say, and. they; hojpe your leg will soon be well againi* , "Daddy's Boy," Mt. Mes^ngerr- NoW> . that the hehs have a.~hou^ to:liVe in,| With a perch and restri; I suppo^e they;. ; will not want to go away to.lay.. It will save you looking fpr their "nests then, won't- it? "" " " * ' "j "Lilac," Mt. Messenger: We missed seeing the names of otu- Mt, -Messenger. Tink on. the page last weefe . It hacd* • ,luck that - your letters- arrived- a.'. ^little too late, wasn't. it? . ■ "Peter Pan," Mt. Messenger: There -are two letters of yours at the Hiit this weelc so that means there is all the- more- news for tlie Hut people, doesn't it? - .. > "Lily of the Valley," Mt. Mcsscttger: ; Wliat fun you all must have on the . days - I when you take your dolls to school. Baby* Margaret says - she expects the dolls enjoy it too. . ' "Lfly," Te Kiri: No, you do.-'no^needgto send us your answers to- the . riro^SwcjriJ puzzles. They are published every.'week and so you are able to see ' f or^yoprselves whether your answers are coiTect or not. , * "Emu," Mt Messenger: We are answer- . ing both your letters together , this. time Emu. Billikins was sorry •Wheri ;^ hq found that last 'week-'- . •' not arrived iri time.- ' . .v , "Bush Boy," Tc Kiri: You will .bj^Y^y proud of your calf. if it does i-well in. thfe competition, won't -you, Tink? Ilave' y0ri commenced. teaching it to lead yet? "Beverley," Te Kiri: It sounds as though there is plenty of cleniatis ^una ai>out' your ptece," httie" Tirikr *'Baby Margaret want to know if you like go- : ing out and 'picking it.' • "Goldtisli," Kaponga: We Were^ sui-- " prised to find a diiferejit address- *at :the ; ■ top of your letter this AveekV ThiKjr ':, er BeH saw it she "thought ; at first itwas a letter from' a mew Tink,- but she was ivrong, wasn't she! "Rambler Rose," Te Kiri: What :a:surprise to find a letter. from --'RanibleF;; Rose" in Postie's bag to-day! We are so glad that "you have not forgotten ihsiall . at the Wendy Hut.- ; "Gilbert Valley," Mt Messenger: Dickji "*• Boy thinks you are ever so lucky to have a new pocket-knife all of yoiir own ^ f now- Wh y , yoy. .must feel just- lifee^*,^, boy scout, he says. ' ; "Princess Rosebud," Rahotii.. Nq,. your.. competition entry was not . too late. It. ■ arrived at the Hut. with several others;; so they were all able to be put away to-: ■ gether. Thank you for the puzzles yo» , - have sent ' "
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Taranaki Daily News, 9 October 1937, Page 14 (Supplement)
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2,231Wendy and Her Family Taranaki Daily News, 9 October 1937, Page 14 (Supplement)
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