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DISPLAY ON SECOND DAY POULTRY SECTION OPENED awards given for birds . entries in rabbit show Tile poultry show, and the. rabbit show, held under 'the auspices of the Taranaki Metropolitan -Agricultural Society, were opened in the ' winter show buildings, New Plymouth, yesterday. The poultry show was remarkably well patronised, the entries numbering 614, ah advance of nearly 200 on' the entries last year. • Rabbits showed a slight decline/ entries being four less than those in the previous year. The feature of the poultry show this year was the increase in the number, of canaries and cage birds. Over 70 birds, mostly in fine condition, were exhibited in this section. ,

Cups and trophies in the poultry section were won as follows: — Cup, best bird in fancy (including bantams and utility sections): H. McNeill. <• J. K. Hawkins Cup, best utility lighl breed: A. P. Lister (won outright).

Best Orpington fancy and utility sections: J. Herberts. Minorcas: A. P. Lister. Wyandottes: W. Parker. Leghorn, English: T. Doig and Son. Leghorn, American: H. R. Alldridge Best young bird, utility: E. M. Galvin. Utility heavy breed, best bird: J. Herberts.

cash prizes were won as fol-lows:—-Fancy section: Orpington, W. Scott; Rock, A. G. Hall; Wyandotte, W. Parker; Rhode Island*, W. E. Jones; English Leghorn, S.' Teed; American Leghorn, H. R. Alldridge; s Minorca, L. Hartley; Hamburg, G. E. Hooke; Campine, K. Mouldey. Utility section: Orpington, J. Herberts; Rock or Wyandotte, W.,Parker; Rhode Islanu, W. E. Jones; Sussex, A. J. Davey; Minorca, A. P. Lister; Leghorn, A. P. Lister; best bird in sfiow, H. McNeill. The ‘prizerlist is as follows: -y POULTRY. . ' FANCY. SECTION; . - Judge, Mr. J. Nixon, Auckland. J Old English Game. Black-breasted red, cock or cockerel: A. Mills 1 . Partridge, hen or pullet: A. J. Mills iri .jSpangled, hen or. pullet: Miss Claudia Russell 1. Orpingtons. Black, single comb, cock: W. Scott 1, R King 2, W- Scott 3. -: Black, single comb, hen: W. Scott 1 and 2, W. Ireland 3. Blacky single comb, cockerel: Mrs. A. B. Meiklejohn 1. ./ ; Rocks. ' Barred, cockerel: A. G. Hall, Lepperton/ -1 and 2. / Barred, pullets: A. G. Hall I. Wyandottes. Golden, - cock: N. J. McKenna 1, W. Parker 2. (jblden/cockerel: F; Kirkwood, Stratfoyd, I.' ; ' ’Golden, pullet: N. J. McKanna 1 and 2, W. Parker 3. ,/■ -< ' '» Silver, hen: W. "Parker 1, W. Hall 2, W. Ireland 3.

Silver, cockerel.: J. N. Barrie, Otane, 1, .T. j. Bates, Takanini, 2. Silver, pullet : W. Parker 1,.. W. Ireland 2, )W. Hall 3 and v.h.c... . White, hen: S." Teed 1, T. Doig and Son 2 .and 3. - Partridge, pullet: W. Parker 1. Any other variety, cock or cockerel: W. Hall 2.

Any other variety, hen or pullet: W. Hall 2. <• ■ ' Pullet sored golden, cock or cockerel: N. JJ. McKinna 1, F. Kirkwood, Stratford, 2,W. Parker 3. Pullet bred silver, cock or cockerel: ,W. Ireland I, H. McNeill 2 and 3. Rhode Island. (North Island Championship). Red, cock, single comb: J; O. Law, Taupiri, 1, C. J. Holswick 2. Red, hen,; single comb: G. W. Petch 1. ' ' ■ ' , . ■' Red, cockerel, single comb: W. E. Jones, Stratford, 1. Red, ppllet, single comb; W. E. Jones 1, A. E. Burgess, l Palmerston North, 2, G. W. Petch 3. Light Sussex.

Light Sussex hen: A. J. Davey, Stratford, 1. " - Light Sussex, pullet: H. J. Kirkwood, Stratford, 1, R. R. Gannon, Stratford, & * Leghorns —English. 'White, single comb, hen: T. Doig and White,single comb, cockerel: T. Doig and Son 1,,S .Teed 2. White, single comb, pullet: T. Doig and Son 1. Brown, single comb, cocki A. P. Lister!. Brown, single comb, hen: J. K. Hawkins 1, Miss Winnie Mack 2. Brown, single comb, pullet: J. K. Hawkins 1, Any other variety, hen or pullet: W. Hall 1 and 2. Leghorns—American, 1 White, • single comb, cock: H. R. Alldridge 1. White, single comb, hen: H., R.' Alldridge 1. ; White, single comb, pullet: H. R. Alldridge 1. Minorcas. ■ Black, hen: T. Doig and A. Thomas 1, J. K. Hawkins 2, T. J. Bates-3. Black, cockerel: L. Hartley 1. ' > ' Campines. (Jock: Chas. Briscoe 1. Cockerel: K. Mouldey 1, H. L. Gilbert S. Pullet: H. L. Gilbert 1,2 and 3. Hamburgs. Silver-spangled, cock: G. E. Hooke 2. W. Hall 3. Silver-spangled, hen: G. E. Hooke 1, W. Hall 3. Silver-spangled, pullet: W. Hall 2. 4 . Silkies. Cock: W. Topless, Waitara, 2. Cockerel: Mrs. E. A. Webb 1 and 2. Pullet: Mrs. E. A. Webb 1, ;■ UTILITY SECTION. Judge, Mr. J. Nixon, Auckland. ■ Leghorns. Whiie, single comb, cock: G. E. Hooke 2, Miss Winnie Mack 3. White, single comb, hen: W. Scott 1, W. J.'McAloon, Stratford, 3, B. E Bennett v.h.c. White single comb, cockerel: E. M. Galvin, Hawera, 1, G. E. Pilcher 2, W. H. Barker, Hawera, 3, A. J. Davey, Stratford, v.h.c., W. Kisby h.c. White, single comb, pullet: A. J. Davey, Stratford, 1 and v.h.c., E. M. Galvin 2, W. J; McAloon 3 and v.h.c., S. Teed h.c.

Brown,, single comb, cock: W. Kisby 1. Brown, single comb, hen: A. P. Lister 1, B. E. Bennett 2.

Brown, single comb ,cockerel: W. Kisby 1. Brown, single comb, pullet: A. P, Lister 1, W. Kisby 2, Orpingtons. Black, cock: Mrs. A. B. Meiklejohn 1, G. E. Pilcher 2, T. R. Luff, Wanganui, 3, H. Calgher v.h.c. Black, hen: L. Anderson 1 and 3, G. N. Fuller,. Urenui, 2. Black, cockerel: J. Herberts, Henderson, 1, T. R. Luff 2 and v.h.c., W. Scott 3, D. M. Peek v.h.c. Black, pullet: T. R. Luff 1, Miss’A. E. Baker 2, W. Scott 3, Miss D. Swadling v.h.c. Rocks. Barred, hen: G. E. Hooke 1. Wyandottes. Golden, pullet: W. Parker 1, F. Kirkwood 2, Mrs. A. B. Meiklejohn 3. Silver, hen: W. Ireland 1. Silver, pullet: W. Ireland I, W. Park-, er 2. . .

White,‘hen: T. Doig and Son 1, C. C. Webb 2. White, cockerel: C. C. Webb J. White, pullet: C. C. Webb 1. Rhode Island. (North Island Championship.) Red, single comb, cock: J. W. Carrick,' Tangarakau, 1, W.- E. Jones. Stratford, 2, J. O. Law, Taupiri, 3. Red, single comb, hen: W. E. Jones 1, L. J. Fisher, Taumarunui, 2. Red, single comb, cockerel: W. E. Jones 1, L. J. Fisher 2, J. W. Carrick 3, C. R. Murray v.h.c. Red, single comb, pullet: W. E. Jones I. K. Mouldey 2, W. E. Jones 3, J. W. Carrick v.h.c., L. J.' Fisher h.c. Light Sussex. - Light Sussex, cock: A. J. Davey 1. Light Sussex, hen: H. J. Kirkwood 1, R. R. Cannon 2, A. J. Davey 3. Light Sussex, cockerel: R. R. Cannon 1, A? J. Davey 2, T. C. Eversfield, Ratapiko,. 3. Light Sussex, pullet: A- J - Davey 1, R. R. Cannon 2, H. J. Kirkwood 3. Minorcas. Black, cock: A. P. Lister I. Black, hen: F. W. Prentice 1, Miss D. Swadling 2, L. Hartley 3. Black, cockerel: H. Otto, Wanganui,1, F. J. Aldous 2, G. W. Clark, Hawera. 3. Black, pullet: J. K. Hawkins 1, G. W. Clark 2, F. J. Aldous 3, Miss D. Swadling v.h.c. Anconas. Pullet: W. Wordsworth, Waitara, 1. Selling Classes.. Any other variety heavy breed, cock or cockerel: D. M. Peek,-Lepperton. Any other variety light , breed, cock or cockerel: D. M. Peek, J. S. Paton. Novice .Classes. Best heavy breed, male: W. Wordsworth 1. • - Best light breed, female: J. N. Stevenson 1. Bantams. (Judge, Mr. T. Doig, Wellington.) Trophies were won as follows:, Black Pekin, H. McNeill; best bantam in show, H. McNeill; best rose-comb in show (H. McNeill’s trophy)/ H. McNeill. Game—Old English. Any other variety, cock or cockerel: G. E. Hooke 1. Any- other variety, hen or pullet:/ G. E. Hooke 1 and 2. - ■ '■ ; .Game—Modern.. .. . Black red, cock-: H.,; M c KeiJl .!• ; Black red, heri: H. McNeill 1 and<2. „-\pjle, ;^<wk':-'G;: '-GreeneKf Wanganui/ 1, P. N. Hatcher 2, H. McNeill 3. "J Pile, heri: P. N. Hatcher 1 and 3, H. McNeill 2. . ........... . ... Duckwing, cock:.H. McNeill 1. A Rosecombs/-A ... ■ Black, cock: H. McNeill 1. J /■' Blapk;i hen: H<scNriill,LBlack, cockerel: H. McNeill 1. Black, • pullet: H. McNeill 1. Seabrights.. Silver, cock,-or cockerel.:., ,M. Jury, Bell Block, 1. ~ /- ~7'"' Silver, hen or pullet: Mr Jury 1 arid 2. ■ Pekin. ..-j-.-.i. (North Island Championship for Black Pekins). Buff, or cinnamon, cock: W. Hunt 1, R. Smith 2. Buff or cinnamon, hen: W. Hunt 1 and 2. Buff 'or cinnamon, cockerel: W. Hunt I. Buff or cinnamon, pullet: H. McNeill 1, W. Russell 2. Black, cock: G.- Greener 1, H. McNeill 2 and 3. Black, hen: H. McNeill 1 and 2, G. Greener 3. ' - • Black, cockerel: H. McNeill 1.

Best trio, feather-legged: T. Ilorence 1. DUCKS • ' (Judge, Mr. T. Doig, Wellington). The special prize for the best duck in the show was won by A; P. Lister. Indian runner, fawn, drake, over 12 months: J. Magill, Normanby, 1, J. W. Carrick, Tangarakau, 2. Indian runner, fawn, duck, over 1months: J. W. Carrick. Indian runner, fawn, drake, under months: J. W. Carrick J, J. Magill -, C. J. Holswich 3. Indian runner, fawn, duck, under 1months: J. W. Carrick JIndian runner, white, drake, under 12 months:‘A. P. Lister 1, R. J- Quickfall 2, J. Magill 3. Indian runner, white, duck, under 12 months: R. J. Quickfall 1. Any other variety, drake, any age: Miss M. Pratt, Bell Block. Any other variety, duck, any age: Miss M. Pratt. Trios (Ducks). Best trio: J. S. Paton 1. Pheasants. Any variety: B. A. Layard 1,2 and 3. '• * PIGEONS. (Judge, Mr. H. Nightingale, Pukekohe). Special prizes were won as follows: Fancy pigeon, B. Sole; adult lacing homer (open classes), J. J. James; young racing homer, J. H. Alldridge; adult bird, in distance classes, J. H. Alldridge; young racing homer, in distance, classes, J. J.°James; best adult homer in sh<?w, J. H. Alldridge; , best adult homer in show, opposite sex, J. J. James; adult in .distance classes,, J. H. Alldridge; adult in distance classes, opposite sex, J. J. James; young bird, in open/classes, J. H. Alldridge; young bird, in distance classes, J. J. James; fancy pigeon, . Sole; Fantail, F. HorsupTumbler, Miss M. Beale; North Island Championship, Tumbler, Miss M. Beale. CANARIES. Judge: Mr. R. Rae (New Plymouth). Special prizes were won as follows:-— Best canary in show, E. R. Looney;best canary in Norwich classes, j K -K. Looney’;' best canary in Yorkshire classes, R. Forster (Hastings).;. ~ Norwich, P.H.N.C.F. . '-f. Yellow, clear, cock: E. R. Looney 1, G. I. McKenzie 2, R. Forster (Hastings) 3, L. G. Geden v.h.c. . Yellow, clear, hen: L. G. Geden 1. Yellow, ticked or-marked, cock: G. V. Lambert 1, B. E. Bennett 2. Yellow, ticked or marked, hen: R. Forster 1. r Yellow, variegated, cock: G. J. McKenzie 1, R. Forster 2. Yellow, variegated, hen: G. V. Lambert 1. ’ ; Buff, clear, cock: L. G. Geden 1, R., Forster 2, F. Stansfield 3. Buff, clear, heri: R. Forster 1, L. G. Geden 2.- _ ' Buff, variegated, cock: H. J. Hall I,; G. J. McKenzie 2. Buff, variegated, hen: E. R. Looney. I, G. J. McKenzie 2, G. V. Lambert: 3, Miss J. Pellew v.h.c,. Green, cock: R. Forster 1. ; Norwich, P.H.N.C.F., Unflighted. ; .Yellow,, clear, ticked or marked, cock: W. Hunt 1, Mrs. A. F. Wilson 2.. Yellow, variegated, cock: G.' J. McKenzie 1, G. V. Lambert'2. ~ Yellow, variegated, hen: G; y. Lambert I; . - Buff, clear, ticked or marked, hen: G. V. Lambert 1, W. Hunt 2, F. Stansfield 3. Green, hen: F. Stansfield 1. Novice Classes (Norwich). ’ Yellow, clear or ticked, cock: F. ■Stansfield 1. Buff,' clear or ticked, cock: Mrs. A. 'FL Wilson' 1. • i • ’ 1 ■ . ' r* . . V Yorkshire, Non-Colour Fed. » ■ Yellow, clear, cock: C. S. Ward 1, J. Pellew 2.- ■ . ■ ' ' Yellow, clear, hen: C; S. Ward 1. Yellow,- variegated,, cock: R. Forster I and 2. Buff, clear, cock: W. E. Inch I.■■ Buff, clear, hen; L. V. Edwards 1, C. Sz Ward 2, R. Forster 3. ' , Buff, ticked, hen: C. S. Ward 1. Green, cock: R. Forster 1. Cinnamon, hen: R. Forster 1. ■ -.Yorkshire, N.C.F., Unflighted.

Yellow, clear, ticked or marked, cock: L. V. Edwards-1, W.-E. Inch 2. Novice Classes (Yorkshire). Yellow, clear or ticked, cock: E. Beale 1, A. W. Jasper 2. ■ Yellow, clear? or ticked heri: R. J. Beale (Wanganui) 1.

Buff, clear, or ticked, cock; Miss M. •Clarke 1. Buff, clear or ticked, hen: E. Beale 1, A.0.V., Open. ’Mule, cock: H. W. Melton 1, J. Wall 2. Goldfinch: J. Wall 1, H., W. Melton 2, W. Hunt 3. A.0.V., finch: L. Murray 1. A.0.V., cage bird; A." W. Jasper 1; W. Hunt 2. Parrot, any variety: R. Forster 1, CHILDREN’S CLASSES. Judge: Mr. E. James. Special trophies were won as follows: Best pigeon, Bill Mack;' best bantam, Ruth Eva. Class Awards. Best bantam, cock or cockerel, cleanlegged: Peggy Jury 1, Tom Mack 2. Best bantam, cock or cockere., featherlegged: MisS Winnie Mack 1, E. C. Martin 2, Ethbl Eva 3, P. E. Aldous v.h.c., I?.. D. Ward h.c. Best bantam, hen or pullet, cleanlegged: Ruth Eva 1, Tom Mack “2 and 3, €'. Wilkie v.h.c. ' Best bantam,' hen or -pullet, cleanlegged: Ruth Eva 1, Tom Mack 2 and .3, C. Wilkie v.h.c. Best bantam, hen or pullet, featherlegged: Phil Meiklejohn 1, Tom Mack 2 and 3, R. D. Ward v.h.c. Best homer pigeon; Bill Mack l and 2, Mervyn Jury 3, Kenneth Bellringer v.h.c., Monty Alldridge h.c. Best fancy pigeon; Betty Alldridge 1 and 2, Neville Moverley 3. Any variety cage bird: E. C. Martin 1, C. N. Adams 2, Merle Charman 3. INDUSTRIAL RABBITS. Judge: Mr. A. T. Moore. Angoras. Champion: Mrs? A. Cameron. ■ Buck, adult: Mrs. A. Carncross' 1 and 2, Miss V. Hunt 3. Buck, three months and under four: R. Beale (Wanganui) 1. Doe, adult; R. Beale 1, Mrs. A. Carncross 2, Miss V. Hunt 3. Doe, three months and under four: R. Beale 1. Chinchillas. Champion: J. Beale. Buck, adult: J. Beale 1, Rowe Bros. 2 and -3. Buck, three months and unde- four; J. Beale I.' Doe, adult: J. Beale 1 and 2, Rowe Bros. 3. Doe and litter: J. Watt 1 and 2; Wool and Pelt Classes. Best Angora wool; R. Beale I, Mrs. A. Carncross 2 and'3. Best Chinchilla pelt, undressed: T. Beale 1 and 2. Standard Exhibition Pigeons. African owls, cock, adult: 8.-Sole 1, D. R. Piumtree 2. African owls, hen, adult: B. Sole 1, D. R. Plumtree 2. Fantails,, cock, adult: F. Horsup 1 and 2. ■ Fantails, hen, adult: F. Horsup 1. Fantails, cock, under 12 months; L. G. Geden 1 and 2. Fantails, hen, under 12 months: L. G. Geden 1. Tumblers, long-faced, clean-legged, whole colour, hen adult: Miss M. Beale 1. Racing Homers. - ' -, Blue, -adult, cock: ' B. Sole 1, J.-H. Alldridge"2,. E. A. Carveil (Wanganui) 3. ", 7 Blije; Adult,,; hen:. H,. J. Moverley 1, J.; J,.' James.-2.,. /. ■ .

Blue, rung 1931-32, cock: J. J. James l and 3, L. Rosemergy (Wanganui) 2. . Blue, rung 1931-32, hen; J. H.' Alldridge, 1, P. Knowles 2, B. Sole 3. Blue or black chequer, adult, cock: j. jj/James 1, J. H. Alldridge 2, H. J. Mdverley 3.’ Blue of-, black chequer, adult, hen: N. H. Bellringer 1,,J. H. Alldridge 2. Blue or black chequer, rung 1931-32, cock: J. H. Alldridge 1 and 2. Blue or black chequer, rung 1931-32, hen: N. H. Bellringer 1, E. A? Carvell 2?" ' Red or red chequer, adult, cock: H. J. Moverley 1, 'P. Power 2, E. A. Carvell 3. Red or red chequer, adult, hen: R. Bullot 1, H. J. Moverley 2. ? Red or red chequer, rung 1931-32, cock; J. H. Alldridge 1. Red or red chequer, rung 1931-32, hen; A. Paton and J. H. Alldridge equal 1. Pied, adult, cock: H. J. Moverley I, J. H. Alldridge 2, J. A. Cook (Wanganui) 3. Pied, adult, hen: E. Murphy lj J. H. Alldridge 2. . Pied, rung 1931-32, cock: J. H. Alldridge 1, -B. Sole 2. Pied, - rung 1931-32, hen: J. H. Alldridge 1.

Any other - colour, adult, cock: A. Paton 1, E. A. Carvell 2. .Any other colour, rung 1031-32, cock: J, H. Alldridge 1. Distance Classes. 'Eighty miles or over, cock,-under 12 months, rung 1931-32: J. J. James 1, 'F. K. Glass (Onehunga) 2. Eighty miles or over, hen, under 12 "months, rung 1931-32: J. J. James 1, F. K. Glass 2, N. H. Bellringer 3. 100 miles or over, cock, under 12 months, rung 1931-32: E. A. Carvell 1, B. Sole 2, F. K. Glass 3. 100 miles or over, hen, under 12 months, rung 1031-32: J. 11. Alldridge 1, L. Rosemergy 2, E. A. Carvell 3. IOQ miles or over, cock, over 12 months: J. H. Alldridge 1, B. Sole 2, J. A. Cook (Wanganui) 3. 100 miles or over, hen, over 12 months: H. J. Moverley I, E. A. Carvell 2, B. Sole 3. 150 miles or over, cock; E. Murphy .1, B. Sole 2, H. J. Moverley 3. 150 miles or over, hen: H. J. Moverley I’, N. H. Bellringer 2, E. A. Carvell

200 miles or over, cock: J. H. Alldridge 1, E. A. Carvell 2, B. Sole. 3. ‘2OO miles or over, hen: J. H. Alldridge 1, L. Rosemergy 2, E. A; Carvell 3, ‘ 300 miles or over, cock: L. Rosemergy 1, J. H. Alldridge 2, J. J. James 3. 300 miles or over, hen: E. A. Carvell 1, F. K. Glass 2, B. Sole 3. 400 miles or over, cock: B. Sole 1, M. Innes Jones (Franklyn) 2, J. J. James 3.

’4OO miles or over, heri; A. R. Langton (Onehunga) 1, B. Sole 2, E. A. Carvell 3-.‘ 500 miles or over, cock: E. A. Carvell I, B. Sole 2, J. J. James 3. 500 miles or over, hen: J. J. James and M. Innes Jones, equal 2, E. A. Carvell 3. * Show race, interval: A. Paton’s entry 3hr 44min 1, J. James’ entry 4hr 12min 2, B. -Sole’s entry 4hr 27min 3. VOLUNTARY AGENTS’ SALES. Undaunted by the difficulties of the times the Auckland Blind Institute is again conducting a stall of Blind-Insti-tute goods at the Taranaki Winter SUow.° The display is interesting and varied and contains new designs of basketware at prices within the scope of reduced purses. At a recent meeting of subscribers the trustees stated that the institute was experiencing serious financial difficulties, due to the cutting out of Government subsidy and a fall in its income from investments arising from the reduction of interest rates. Thr.oi-gh the increasing efficiency of its blind workers, the institute had been in recent years growing steadily more selfsupporting, and now it must look more than ever to the sale of wares to keep its men and women maintained, occupied and happy. Under these circumstances the trustees are profoundly grateful to its many friends who assist jn marketing these very attractive wares.

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Taranaki Daily News, 9 June 1932, Page 9

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WINTER SHOW Taranaki Daily News, 9 June 1932, Page 9

WINTER SHOW Taranaki Daily News, 9 June 1932, Page 9