TARANAKI BOARD MEETING REQUESTS FROM COMMITTEES. REVIEW OF THE MONTH’S WORK. The monthly meeting of the Taranaki Education Board was held at New Plymouth yesterday, when there were present Messrs. J. A. Valentine (deputychairman), P. J. H. White, A. Lees, W. H. Jones, J. McAllister and H. Dempsey and Dr. W. M. Thomson. The Hon. B. G. Smith was re-elected chairman knd Mr, J. A. Valentine was elected deputy-chairman. Committees were re-appointed for the ensuing two years as follows: Finance, buildings and reserves, Messrs. A. Lees, J. McAllister, W. H. Jones and P. J. H. White; appointments and manual, Messrs. J. A. Valentine, H. Dempsey and Smith and Dr. Thomson.
Teachers’ resignations were accepted as follow: Mr. C. V. Smith, head teacher, Rawhitiroa; Mrs. L. F. Effer, sole teacher, Waitui; Mias D. M. Shepherd, sole teacher, Te Popo; Miss I. Power, assistant, Kaponga; Mififl B. G. Millar, ’assistant, Tikorangi; Miss I. Wells, additional assistant, Manaia; Miss E. Flavin, sub. assistant, Okaiawa; Miss.E. Pitcaithly, infant mistress, Okato.
Leave of absence for various terms was granted as follows: Miss J. Gibson, Moturoa; Miss M. Collins, Moturoa; Miss N. A. C. Andersen, Rahotu; Miss 0. -Flavin, Mimi; Mr. T. Jensen, Otaraoa; Miss D. Abraham, West End; Miss L. V. Finlay, Stratford; Miss' E. Birkett, Whakamara; Miss D. Elliott, Urenui; Mr. B. K. Fairbrother, Musher's; Miss G. V. Scarrow, Opunake; Miss U. Granville, Waikaka; Mr. J. R. Nairn, Hawera; Miss E. H. Hawkins, Fitzroy. TEACHERS’ APPOINTMENTS. The chairman reported havim- made the following relieving appointments: Miss D. E. Callaghan, assistant, Manaia; Miss Nicholson, assistant, Bell Block; Miss E. S. Black, assistant. Stratford; Miss E. S. Black, head teacher, Mimi; Mr. G. W. Graham, assistant, Moturoa; Mr. G. W. Graham, assistant, Central; Miee E. S. Giddy, assistant, Urenui; Mr. Wagstaff, ‘headmaster, Central; Mr. H. Clarke, assistant, Moturoa; Mr. H. Clarke, assistant, West End; Miss E. Nisbet, sole teacher, Waitui; Miss G. Leech, assistant, Rahotu; Miss M. I. Douglas, Canadian exchange teacher, additional assistant, Stratford. The teachers’ selection committee recommended that Miss Douglas be appointed additional assistant at Stratford, Mies E. S. Black to hold the position until her arrival. That Miss E. S. Black be appointed substitute assistant at Okaiawa and if the attendance warrant it Miss D. E. Callaghan be appointed additional assistant at Manaia in place respectively of Misses E. Flavin and I. Wells, who had received permanent appointments. That the Lincoln School Committee he informed that the board could do nothing in the ma ttervof .appointing an as-
sistant until the roll number was 40 or over.
The committee also recommended that after consultation with the senior inspector, Mr. C. S. Wood be appointed assistant master at Stratford, and that the following necessary transfers be effected for the beginning of next term: Mr. R. Hancock, from Mokaka to Te Popo; Mr. J. V. McMahon, from Mangahume to Tokaora; Mr. W. J. A. Parnell from Mangatoki to Kaponga; Mrs. Mansfield from Newall to relieve at Tikorangi; Miss J. C. Nisbet from Tuna to Te Kiri; Miss Vooght from Kiore to Makahu; Miss C. McGregor, from Mangatoki to Kaponga. Mr. G. Pascoe, attendance officer, reported that for the past month he had sent 36 irregular attendance notices and had visited the Pembroke,. Waingongora, Cardiff, Ngaere, Rawhitiroa, Kaimiro, West End, Inglewood, Durham, Tataraimaka, Oakura, Hurford, Omata, Norfolk, Waiongona, Lincoln, York and Tariki schools. Attendance at the schools visited, except for colds, showed
very little irregularity. Miss H. Jobe was appointed sewing mistress at Mahirakau and Miss Boyes at Uruti.
The Durham School Committee asked that steps be taken to consolidate the school with Inglewood on the completion of the new school there. “They are progressive out there,” remarked Mr. Lees. Members of the board considered that where the settlers were. favourable consolidation should be encouraged. It was suggested that it might be possible to arrange the consolidation even with the present Inglewood school. Application will be made to the department for approval for the conveyance of the Durham Road children to Inglewood.
The Tataraimaka School Committee wrote asking that steps be taken to re-model the school. It was stated that one of the rooms in the school was the oldest in Taranaki, having been built in 1875. The architect will report upon the condition of the building and the school committee will be informed that in view of the present financial stringency the board can offer little hope that funds will be available this year.
Advice was received from the Education Department approving of a grant for additions to Waiau, also for the removal of a portable room from Opunake to Fitzroy and for a shelter shed at Heao.
The department notified approval of the following grants subject to contributions from the school committees concerned and from the board’s maintenance fund: Rahotu, septic tank system; Tawhiti, Mahoe and Vogeltown, heating. Grants were made towards the cost of installing chip heaters at Kaimiro and Pukearuhe residences.
In reply to the board’s application for a grant for the replacement of the Inglewood school notification was received from the department that the application would be reconsidered later when cases higher on the board’s list had been disposed of. Similar replies were received in regard to the re-build-ing of the Pihama school, the re-model-ling of Oaonui and the replacement of Oakura school.
Mr. Lees stated that the department gave replies in that strain regarding items lower down the list but gave no consideration at all to the applications higher,, up on-.’the list. He considered
the reply unsatisfactory and moved that the department be asked to expedite the grants for. Westown and Midhirst, which were first and second on the list. Mr. Jones seconded the motion, which was carried. CONVEYANCE OF PUPILS. The department advised that owing to a number of the children residing within three miles of the school no special conveyance would be provided for the carriage of the pupils from Te Wera to Huiakama. It was stated that at present about 30 children were being conveyed and that the. customary allowance of' 6d per day for those residing beyond the three mile limit was being allowed, but was not sufficient to pay. The matter was referred to the chairman to take action.
The department advised approval of a contract for conveyance of pupils from Mataroa Road to Urenui.
The department advised that payment of tram fares may be made of pupils attending special classes for over the prescribed distance from such class. ■ln view of the financial stringency application for a grant for the erection of a headmaster’s residence at Lower Mangorei could not be acceded to, the department advised.
Messrs. Lees and White and Dr. Thomson reported that in conjunction with ,the board’s architect they had visited Mangahume school, where they had met Mr. R.- J. Morris (chairman) and members .of the committee. In view of the fall in'grade of the school they recommended that instead” of having a septic tank system installed, the architect should remove the present latrines to a more sanitary position. They had recommended the committee to send in an application for assistance in connection with the erection of a new fence round the playground.
The Otakeho School Committee drew attention to the urgent need of providing heating for the. junior classroom. The committee pointed out that the present fireplace, despite numerous alterations, could not be used owing to the chimney smoking so badly. The only way of inducing heat at present was for the children to wear their overcoats in the classroom. The committee’s suggestion that a stove should be substituted was referred to the architect with power to act. Application is to be made to the department for approval of subsidies as follow: Inglewood, library, £lO, board’s liability £3 5s 9d; Kaimata, material, £2; Manaia, infant material, £4; Ohura, typewriter £9, pictures £7, records £1 ss, library £6 4s; Ohura district, library. £22 10s, board’s liability £5; Okoke, library, £2 15s 3d, board’s liability 6s 9d; Okoke, grounds, £8 4s 9d; Opunake, library, £G; Rahotu, library, £1 3s fid; Rotokare, library, Cs 9d; Tahora, library, £2; Tahora, first-aid cabinet, I6s 3d. MANUAL SUPERVISOR’S REPORT. The manual supervisor (Mr. R. G. Ridling) reported as follow:— Woodwork classes at all centres are proceeding in a highly satisfactory manner. Attendances are well maintained and the standard of work is steadily improving. The benefit derivel from the conference of instructors is already being manifested in a higher standard both in drawing and in bench work. The manipulation of tools is everywhere being well, taught. The weaknesses due to over-eagerness on the
part of the pupils are being steadily climinadcd.
Cookery work proposed for the second term is approaching completion and in some centres revision work of a practical character is being carried on. In general the girls are businesslike and attentive to their work and sound training is being given. '■> Light woodwork is being well done in some of the schools and in other schools very definite weaknesses are apparent. The pupils are allowed to hurry too much over their tasks and the teachers have not yet developed a standard to which pupils should attain. Constructive ability has been stressed and careful, accurate work has not been insisted. upon. The weaknesses have been pointed out to the teachers and improvement should quickly be apparent. However, it would help teachers considerably if a short course under a woodwork instructor could be arranged to enable them to realise the importance of correct tool manipulation.
The woodwork and metal work equipment and material for conducting classes at Ohura have been forwarded and arranged in the building. The department should be asked to approve o-f the appointment of a part time instructor. Shortly, an improved train time-table will be arranged by the Public Works Department on the line and it should then be possible to arrange for the boys of outside schools to attend for instruction. The possibility of the establishment of cookery classes for; the girls should not be overlooked. ARCHITECT’S REPORT. The architect (Mr. C. H. Moore) re-, ported that the West End fresh-air classroom was completed and in occupation. The remodelling of one of the classrooms at Rawhitiroa was also completed. The building was in good order as far as the room in occupation was concerned. In the event of this school going up a it would be necessary to renew the windows in the other room and probably another doorway. The spare room would be used as a free room in the meantime.
The Waiau additions were completed. The school was closed for the holidays during the past fortnight to enable the work to proceed. The new school at Tarurutangi would be started immediately. For the Courtenay Street dental clinic a start was made with the foundations. Owing to the Central school fire they needed the men for the dismantling work. Plans had been prepared and application made for a grant to cover the cost of the proposed additions to the Westown school of the fresh air type. In the .meantime, with the approval of the committee set up to go into the matter of temporary accommodation, it was decided to shift the partition in the covered-way and make provision there instead of hiring the church schoolroom. The hot water heating installation at Vogeltown had been carried out and the whole school was complete. It would be necessary to renovate the Otangiw'ai residence throughout as tlio present teacher intended to marry at the end of the year. Mr. Ridling made inquiries about conveying the children to some centre and. came to the conclusion there was no possibility at present in that direction. The workshop had been kept busy on joinery and general school furniture. There were a great number of dual desks in the schools that required more or less replacing, although the board was in favour of single desks there was
! noting definite in regard to that. Probt ably, single desks might eome in when the classes were reduced to 35, At the same time it was not good policy to renew the dual desks if there was any prospect of the single desks in the near future, Regarding the Eltham manual building, the architect recommended that the present windows on the northern end be replaced, the new windows to be fixed much nearer to the floor. At present all the windows were very high. A. new stove would also be necessary, The board’s list of projected works in order of urgency was submitted as follow: Westown; additions; .Midhirst, re-modelling; Oakura, replacement; Oaonui r re-modelling; Whakamara, reinstatement; Pihama, replacement; Inglewood, new school; Tataraimaka, remodelling; Korito, replacement; Lincoln, reinstatement; Central, re placeJ ment. !. Residences and Repairs.—Tahora, | movable bach; Central, repairs; Lower ; Mangorei, residence, 5 rooms; PohoI kura, movable bach; Mahoenui, resi- , deuce; Omata, reinstatement; Tlillsj borough, reinstatement. MANUAL AND TECHNICAL. The manual and technical committee recommended that Mr. W. Landy, Waitaanga, be complimented upon the continuance of the work he is doing in ground improvements; that Mr. Chas. Kibblewhite be appointed part-time woodwork and metal work instructor at the Ohura District High School, subi ject to the approval of the department; that the head teacher of the Ohura school be asked to advise the board when the time for establishment of cookery classes is. opportune; that the Hawera Technical High School Board ■ be informed that the Education Board i is prepared to allow the use of the ' room at the manual school for woodj work classes, provided that the-instruc-i ter is Mr. Win. Entwistle and that all expenses of the classes are borne by the Hawera board; that the supervisor be authorised to spend up to £l4 9s 6d for shelter trees for Kohuratahi, Whakamara, Waingongora, Maskers, Turuturu, Pukengahu and Opunake primary i schools, and £5 for replacement of i equipment at the Hawera cooking cenI tre; that application be made for a grant to cover the cost of new benches at the Stratford woodwork centre.
A grant for a new stove at the Hawera cookery centre has been approved.
The Lincoln School Committee wrote askino- that the school be remodelled.
The° architect considered that it was ridiculous to consider remodelling the school, which was obsolete and should be replaced. If it had been advisable to re-model it he would have recommended it long ago. The opinion was expressed that it would be preferable to convey the children to Inglewood, the opinion being expressed th'-t the department would probably undertake the conveyance of children rather than build a ‘new school.
It was resolved that the architect be instructed to prepare plans and that applications be made for a grant to cover the cost of re-building the school. The Tikorangi committee wrote applying for immediate additions to the school, which was overcrowded. . There were 23 children of a roll number of 85 being ,a cloak room. There
were 57 children of school age in the district. Mr. McKenzie said that conditions were very unsatisfactory and something should be done at once. He suggested the provision at once of a moveable classroom.
Mr. White considered application should be made for a grant for permanent additions. He pointed out that the average roll had increased from 68 last year to 82 this year. The chairman . pointed v out that a moveable classroom at Newall was available. The architect suggested this should be used until such time as the attendance warranted additions to the main building. If the report of the senior inspector was favourable it was resolved to apply to the department for a grant to cover the cost o<f removing the classroom from Newall Road.
Mr. White did not favour moveable classrooms being regarded as permanent attachments to a school. When permanent enlargements were justified provision should be made for them and the moveable classrooms made available for temporary requirements as- they were intended. FINANCE AND BUILDING. The finance and building committee recommended that the following maintenance matters be referred to the architect with power to act: Tarata residence, bath and cupboard; Normanby school, repairs to ceiling; Waiteika, stove piping; Pihama residence, electrical installation; Mangatupoto residence, repairs to roof; Moturoa, defective. chimney; Ohura, account for piping; Otunui, application for desks; Huiroa, application for cupboard, etc.; Huiroa, defective chimney; Te Kiri, application for desks; Riverlea, application for cupboard; Riverlea, application for painting repairs; Fraser Road, application for desks. It was recommended that bubble fountains be installed at Normanby, providing the committee finds £2 10s by voluntary contribution. In view of the department’s attitude towards subsidising the cost of flagpoles the bdard decided it could not accede to the Tarata committee’s request. It was recommended that application be made to the department for a grant to cover the cost of installing electric light in the school residence at Otakeho; that the board find up to £l6 for the erection of a boundary fence at York Road. Rahotu and Ahititi committees are to be informed that subject, to the committee finding the shingle and labour, the board will grant cement. The board will find half the cost of a boundary fence at Mangamingi up to £4l
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Taranaki Daily News, 21 August 1930, Page 16
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2,858CONTROL OF EDUCATION Taranaki Daily News, 21 August 1930, Page 16
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