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FROM GUS RESIDENT REWRTER. j i__ : ) Office and Job Printing Works: York Chambers (upstairs). Telephone No. 118.

ST&ATFORD BOROXJGH ! Tho usual monthly meeting of the Boroiigh Council was held on Wednesday evening, there being present: His Worship the Mayor (Mr. W. P. Kirkwood), Crs. King, J. Masters, Marison, Richards, Boon and Thompson. J. R. Diveliall wrote assigning his position of poumdkeeper.—Resignation accepted, and applications to be called for I vtho vacancy. Messrs W. E. Bannister, E. W. PlowTight, M. Hartigan, C Jago and S. 11. •James petitioned the Council for the .formation of a footpath on the west side eof Flint roa4, -for a distance of .about 20 chains irom the Mountain road. -—lt wa3 decided :<to inform the appli- . cants itliat the work will be favorablyconsidered what* 'the estimates sue brought down. Formal consent was given to (the transfer of the lease of sections .864, 865, 902 and 903, Stratford, from C<F. Osborn to Archbishop Redwood; also to the transfer of section 214 Paget; to tfce transfer of sections■' 173, 174 and 213 to Mr. Cecil Wright; amd to the transfer of a lease from Sangood, Son and Ewen to E. Jones. Mr. S. M. Porritt wrote objecting to the incorrect statements made relative to himself at the last meeting of the Council in >conneotion with, the 'electric light patitkn. • He explained that 1 after the petition had been circulated • some three of four weeks he got a number of nignatures, and he challenged arty ratepayer to prove that he had been misled in any way.—Received. "CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS." The Defence Department wrote asking for suggestions as to the nature .of work most suitable for "conscientious object- i ore," and as to supervision. Cr. King moved that the request be not entertained. Cr. Boon moved thai the Minister be informed that the scheme is not workable, as in ■■ view of the .arbitration awards it would not do to pay some men 2s 4d a flay and others 8s or.9s. The amendment was carried. JENCDJG REPAIRS. Rev. Eather Maples wrote asking the Council to assist in the eoM, jot repairs to the fences adjoining the presbytery. The csgineer stated that there were about 16 chains of fencing. Tho matter was referred to the Reserves Coniimittee for their mqport. Cr. Jung mentioned another section belonging to the Council in .the same street, the fencing of which, jieeded repairing. Ho moved that thie be also referred to the Reserves Committee.— The motion was carried. THE ELECTRICAL CO.'s LICENSE. The Minister, of Public Works wrote notifying the Council that lie had received, from 235 borough ratepayers and 49 .consumers asking for the granting of a license to the .Electrical Supply Co. within the county .and borough, .and requesting the viewsi of the Council thereon. It was decided to ask the Minister to Bupply..the names of those signing the petition, and to.intimate that the views of the.Council would be furnished after the receipt of the information asked for. A. .REFUND. The secretary or the Mountain' Club wrote applying for a refund flf the ■ eharge. for t'he use of the Council Cham..bera for the last meeting of ilhe club, pointing out that the club filled aJongielt want. j Cr. M orison moved that the reguest j he complied, with. Cr. Thompson seconded pro forms, on (Condition that the Council would be in order in making « refund. .Cr. King contended that as the Council had refused a rebate of charges for .tlie Town Hall to the Salvation Army it .should be. consistent and refuse £he application of. the Mountain Club. Cr. Boon favored a subscription to the idub, a. refund. Cr. .Masters reminded the Council that whej! the.charge .was..fixed it was rnade email so as to. bo within tho reach of everyone, the oidy exceptions being for the Hospital Board and the Chamber of CommerceCr. itiehards pointed out that the subscription to thc.iclub was very small, and he considered it might well he put In the .same position as the Chamber of Commerce. All the money received by the club was spent in promoting the good of the mountain.. Cr, Boon contended that as ..a matter of principle the charge sSiould be adhered to. Tho motion was^carricd. THE pou^y. The secretary of .the Hospital Board wrote calling attention ts the state of the public poanft. It was decided to reply that as thji pound required rebuilding, the matte* be deferred until the estimates are considered. THE TOWN HALL. Mr. King wrote forwarding at: account for blinds used for darkening tke Town Ball when used for picture matinees. The matter was referred to the Town Hall Commiuititee for their report. FLINT ROAD. Tie Works Committee reported thai the County Council had agreed to spent £25 on repairing Flint road if the kor ough would spend a like amount. Cr. King urged that the work shouli be done at once, and the Mayor state* that it would be put in baud as soon ai possible. It was decided to spend X.')o on til i road. The engineer, Mr. T. D. Sullivan, sub . mitted his report. OTHER MATTERS. Considerable discussion took place o the question of the delay in the hou' der contract, and the contractors wer called in and explained that the dela " was caused by inability to get men an teams. They stated their intention o getting out 80yds a day.—The contrad lors were warned to do their best t comply with the teiims of the contrac Authority was given for the purchas of spare parts for tho crusher. Tho engineer reported regarding- tli efficient working of the septic tank an filter beds, claiming that he had save the borough an expenditure of £lOl E jUiat had been (recommended by tl: Health Officer and an outside engineer s necessary. Cr. King considered the engineer d' served great credit for his successful a tion over the tank, which at the tin referred to was considered to be in. furious condition.

I Cr. Masters agreed with the .previous ' speaker. I The borough inspectoT reported having impounded two head of cattle; 'that I six persona were convicted for driving without lights and two cyclists for the same offence. Eight street lights had been put in. Cr. Fredric was granted an (extension , •of time to move that the resolution passed on June 9, 1913, to upend £25 ■on Juliet street south be aresefaded. On the motion of Cr. Morison' it was ■decided to refer the question of getting shingle out of the river to the Works i Committee, with power to act. The Library Committee reported that the present system of filing papers in the reading-room had had a fair trial and had not proved a success. 'They recommended that desks be placed around the reading-room walls. —T&e report was adopted, it being a recommendation to the committee to arrange the shelves so as to enable readers to be seated while reading the papers. i The Council went into committee on i.tho question of booking the Town Hall. i On resuming, it was ''.decided that the matter be referred to the Town Hall Committee for their TOport. Cr. Masters commented on the solicitor's bill of costs in relation to the collection of rates, contending that if the town clerk was unable-to collect rates I he should hand the names of the de- ' faultcrs to the solicitors to sue and not '"to collect at the expense of the Council. Cr. King enquired why the borough I solicitor had interviewed Or. Richards in- : stead of the Mayor in connection with ■ electric light matters. Cr. Eicharda explained that the solii citor went to him for information, as he was chairman of 1 ! the Electric Light ' I Committee. Cr. King contended that as the Mayor I was deputed to grvdsthe information he ' | should have done so, and not Or. Riehi ards. The tender «jf Mr.,"P. Lennon for tenI ancy of the ©ld cemetery reserve was 1 accepted. Accounts were passed for payment KETBOSPECT. The Mayors annual, report was read (to be pnWished to-nuerrow). ) Cr. King considered that on the whole the Council -was to be congratulated on the work of the year. Councillors had I had their differences, but these were | passed xwer.. With ."regard to the Opnnake railway, he fel# that the Council j had not received "the assistance it should j from the quarter where it was looked ' for. As to the coming election, if the j present Mayor won,"h«.-{Cr. King) would ) be one of the first !to-"«ongratulatc him, and wotfld do liis best to assist the I Council if Tie won. He also referred t© | the question of the wages of the Cormjcil's employees, He denied ever saying • that if an employee ireoeived £2 a week he did very welL 'He paid a trihwte to the Mayor for his universal courtesy. Cr. Masters considered the Council had on the -whole been a .very happy family, and if the Mayor were reelected he would do liis best ascist him in upholding the .interests ibftlie borougK. Cr. Richards thariked'the Mayor and councillors for their 'kirithy courtesy to him as a -new councillor. He complimented the Council on the work of the yeaT, and considered Dhc expenditure had been very (beneficial. 'He highly enloigised the services of the Mayor and thanked him for his courtesy to all the councillors. With regard'to the railway, he considered that at whatever point it joined the mum line it Tvolild be an advantage to Stratford, tout, still he re- | grctled the action of Wie "Government. j Or. Morison .complimented the Mayor j on his excellent report. "So believed I that if the Council had asked for a loan of £15,000 for roads, etc., it would I have been granted, but he -was opposed I to a loan of £40,000. He concluded by , congratulating the Mayor on the ability i and courtesy shewn by him Airing his j mayoralty. | Crs. Boon and Thompson joined in the j tribute to the Mayor and to the satisfactory condition of borough affairs. J The Mayor returned thanks and stressi ert the fact that after leaving t'lie'Council [ table oil the difference* of opinion' had j been put aside. An an opponent .of Cr. ."King he could assure him that there j -would be no .break of amicable, relations. :Thcy were nil desirous to do the -fight thing, and it was for the Council to-fin-j ally decide. He claimed an equal right I with Cr. King to criticise public action. j In conclusion, he said'hc had very much Ipleusuro in presenting a photograph <tf i the whole of the Council | On the motion of Cr.'King, % vote ■of, ■ thanks was accorded to the Mayor fori [the photograph. " | ] | The Mayor then left the chair, which \ |Cr. King was called upon-to occupy. ' Cr. "King, referring to •the imual cusjtom <si voting an honorarium to the j Mayor, remarked that thetgrant of £SO : was by no means adequate to the work j involved. He- did not bring the matter forward 'because he was a candidate for the mayoralty, but in order to obtain the views of the Council. ' On the motion of Cr. Mori sou, the honjoranum was fixed at £SO. I The Mayor resumed the chair, «nd was i informed of the action of the. Council in ! regard to the 'honorarium, wh«fe he acj knowlcdged. T!ie Council rose at 11.40 p.m. [ BERNARD'S PICTURES. [ One of (lie most magnificcntly-iwHiiit--1 cd I'athe colored productions is ''Psyche j and Cupid," and this great mythological legend will form the star film at Wis , Majesty's Theatre to-night. It is described as a reproduction on a scale mi , ! magnificence never before attempted, ana its glittering palaces, sylvan glades, gorgeous pageants and radiant costume* | cannot fail to charm picture patrons | while the story of lovo and jealousy is _ j in itself one that will appeal strongly j to the audience. Included in the proJ gramme will .be found a sensational Knj lorn draima, "The Railroad Inspector's j'™l," a. charming Tlmnhouser di-ama. ' j ''The Children's Hour," two particularly | bright comedies, in one of which John • I Binmy is seen hanging on a rail, a ma»- ■ nificimt scenic, the latent Pathc Gazette, | and others. Special music br the talI ented professional orchestra will aiM to j ™c pleasure of the performance. °A TOWN HALL PICTURES The current programme at (he Town .'- '■ Hull is meeting with much .appreciation c- 'Tresses and Curls" proved to be up to ic the Patho standard. "The Converts '' a n . drama by the A.B. Company, was much applauded. "Trout Fishing in 5,.. v

j" shows Lake Taupo. "When [ I Love is a Lubin drama. "Tempcruncc Lecture," a comic, is a laugh •from start to finish. "Indian Uprising" shows 2000 ft of star drama by Kalem. A matinee will be held on Saturday at 2.30 for the children. Appropriate music is rendered while tho pictured are being screened. GENERAL HEWS. Local football commences next Thursday with a seven-a-side tournament at the showgrounds. Rain, hail and a cold driving wind yesterday enabled people to realise the approach of winter. At Holy Trinity Church, on Wednesday, Mr. Chas. Liildington, a lay reader ■and member -of the choir, was married to Miss Charlotte Lavinia Wilks. The service was choral, and a large number of relatives and friends were prseent. Among the payments to suppliers of dairy factories this month are': Stratford £0865, Ngaere £'2515, Lowgaifh £1957, and Cardiff £I7OO. A ton and a-half cheese, was this week ' made at the Ngaere factory, its destination being the Manawatu A. and P. As- ' Bociation's Winter Show. It emtained ( a. number of coins, amounting to £ls ' in value, i Considerable uctivity is .being evinced i by the supporters of the tw& candid- ' atcs for the mayoralty, and the contest < is likely to he keen. The-supplement- < ary roll has been largely increased, and ' it is gratifying to find so much interest < being taken. If ifihe electors will only ' take the trottble to ascertain for them- : selves the true state of borough affairs their verdict will Wall'the more satisfactory, and the welfare of the town furthered: "It has heen suggested to me by •■ several said "Cr. Smith at j the- County Council imcetnig on Wednesday, "that a smaTl motorcar in which an overseer could carry his tools, levels, etc., 1 would "be a good thing." "And a bottle of wliisTsy in the locker','" interjected th* chairmtm. The 'Stratford County Council very -wisely decided -on Wednesday to hold a, special meeting to discuss the questions of toll-gates and overseer. This meeting is contingent on'*he reply of the ■Government to the suggestion for taxing motors, "but as Cr. Walter's proposal is not likely*to "catch on," the special meeting will "doubtless eventuate. Tho Council's method of despatching business might well ho improved, much valuable time being lost in conversa- t tion round the table instead of councillors the collar." ( Either the population of Stratford his increased or else their meat-consuming powers have become enlarged, for during the year there was an increase of 'butchers'-meat at'the abattoirs amounting to oO'cows/ITS heifers, 18 oxen, 525 ■sheop, 'SO lambs wnd 06 pigs, while 85 more tripes weTe -prepared for sale. The number of cattle slaughtered at the 'borough abattoirs last month was: 'Csws 78, 'heifers "21, oxen 9, calves 3,' sheep 302, pigs and 2S tripes were dTessed. The fees amounted to £OO 3s. The Stratford "Public Library has re'ceived a subsidy df £l4 lis 4d from ths "Education Department. "¥ou'teTdly , 'feelf'the razor pass over your face when'man. Sharp handles the •^haTing-operation. Added to this delightful -sense of comfort is the know-, ledge that every utensil is sterilised, and •everything absolutely clean. Next Bel'lringcr's, StTatfofd. i 'The new winter clothing for men is •attractive in many ways. Wise men '. will buy -now -wfi'ile the variety is Wg ■and they will 'ftritl "The Kaeh" pTice.» ;j ma-fc to suit them. Eor high quality and !| 'low price 'Mullen i&nd Marshall easßyl lend in Bfcmtfor'd. Your photograph will please them M '■'< —some of your friends have been ex-i pecting one for a Ion? time—don't be :i , satislted with one taken years ago. ii ! Send fliera a 'fresli portrait, just \ as yon are to-day, in your evervday) attire. Having your portrait taken is ' •us pleasant as an informal call on i . o-ood Srien'fle. Make an appointment! fa-flay 'McAlister, Stratford.

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Taranaki Daily News, Volume LVI, Issue 271, 17 April 1914, Page 3

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STRATFORD NEWS. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LVI, Issue 271, 17 April 1914, Page 3

STRATFORD NEWS. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LVI, Issue 271, 17 April 1914, Page 3


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