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A general revision of pareel-post ariiijigeiiients is under review, and consideratiou will be given to places like >ew l'.yniouth if it can b 0 done at iPitsonnble cost.

I here is much in tl„. financial pidicv oi the Government, says the Wollingln'.i lost Jan Opposition organ), that calls Inr severe censure, but criticism overreaches itself when it ignores tile patent lads that Ihe chief causes of the pre Stmt depression are world-wide in lli-ir operation, and that there are .r,,0,| points in the policy ~f Hie Government who have done somelliiag t.,, check thein.

In connection with the impending pro .sedition of bookmakers, it is rumor'd (says the Waiigantii Chronicle) that a local "bookie" recently challenged the pulice to prosecute hiiu for street betting, threatening that if thev did so he would reveal some speculative transactions in which some members of the force arc alleged to have been interested. Jit is also sail) that in consequence of this throat the informations hliyo. I>"'U li/nited to the charge of "street loitering" oulv.

In view iif the many hostile criticisms [ Weillly based on t|i(! qualify of the I mountain metal by |»cn) bodies' in other "■litre*. i| nmy l,e mentioned isavs the I I'osli I.lml .Mr. I'. I'. Mobilise:!. r ,, c Steal ford engineer, Is not quite of Hie siuiie opinion. Questioned on the subjeft at Wednesday's iiicciiiijr rif fir '-'iiumy Council. Mr. Itobioson siatud flint Hie metal supplied the niouniiiin for use on the East road compar I | r'nriTiilily wiili any yel put on (lie road. The iiieial, however, he believed, sometimes varied in quality. The chairman. Oouiicillor (I. A. M-irchnnt, was of opinion that much Unit was not instilled hart been said concerning the poor ipiai-j it.v of the-inounraiii melal. The novel sight of u cat mothering a litter of young rabbits may be seen a! Mr. Bennett's farm near fnlnierslon (savs the Manawalu Fvening Standard). ' Mr. Bennett, while ploughing, discovered four small rabbits only n few hours old, and brought them home and gave them to his sister, who tried the experiment of rearing lliein with her cat, who was suckling kittens' at the time. The cat had six- kittens, anil four were drowned. The young rabl»ts, which Immediately tnpjf the place of the drowned animal's, at one,, settled down with their new mother, inid at present are doing well, their fostermother treating Iliem us members of the family. The rabbits run about and do nut seem the least upset in their nxnv i quarters.

Members of t'"> Equitribh Building Society of New Plymouth (First and Second Groups) are notified that subscriptions will be due and payable today (Monday) at Secretary's office, Currie-street, from 9 a.m. to 12.30, from 1 ri.ra. to 5 p.m., and 7 P-m. to 9 u.m.— Advfc.

In the visitors' hoof at Messrs SoU Brothers' ground at "Aotea," some wag has written that he r d like to be the "sole" possessor.

It Is stated that, amongst the next batch of cases against persons for breaches of the borough by-laws is one in whfeh a female is charged with riding on a borough footpath at ten minute* to live in the morning. I It. is understood that negotiations have been recently completed by Mr.

Henry llayward, the well-known entrepreneur, for the erection of a new theatre at Wanganui. The site fixed on is a most central one, being in the centre of the Avenue, almost opposite the Anglican Church.

The Kiore "tunnel on thr StratfordOngnrue railway was traversed lor tne first time on"Vridny morning by a bni-1 last train which proceeded to the mil-1 timid. The train was officered by Gun.-d Riclmrds, Driver Ciddicott and Fireman Tartalini, Mr. Hill (Overseer on the lineVjeinjj also on hoard.—Post. The hand rotunda m Kawnroa I'ark, erected by the citizens in commemoration of tlie accession of King Edward to

the throne, has been receiving further attention at the hands of the larrikin element. The black filling in the lclteiin» on Die foundation slab lias been picked out until vefy" few black letters remain.

I'erry's Bioiahia Band played some capital'music "tin trie march through the irmcipal streets on Saturday morning, out too responsive listener was a hone. Upon the band breaking into a fresh piece almost under its nose the animal iiroke into a gallop, and one of the bandsmeri wae knocked oveF, without sustaining serious injuty.

Hie County Council has been at its

wits' end in endeavoring to keep down tns expense annually entailed by the o>r. rosion of its slccrbridgcs. These have proved an expensive experiment. Now & trial is to lie made of a new "Arvo" cai lion paint, the milkers of which claim for it that it will last lor several years on outdoor iron work.

The following tribute to the excellence of the Eltham Dairy Company's butler and the high opinion neld Dy it in the Oid County, has been lurwurtiiiu to Ue

Hthani Argus 'oy Mr. James Law, 01 Kaponga:— "1 have just returned from a trip to the Old Country. 1 had tne privilege of taeting Eltnam butter in MrubuVghandwas very pleased with tile way it turned' out; m met, it was just as

good as when it leaves the factory. 1 advised the hotel 1 was staying at to try the ICaponga brand, but they said that when they could get liltham butter they would have 110 other." Kg boy and small boy alike delight in "playing out' Mr. Ben Tipping, the borough inspector. "Ben" is death on the cyclist riding without a light. On Sas. unlay nightTi. lad was seized with a bright idea, and ostentatiously cycled Devon street carrying in his hand a lighted caudle in an inverted vinegar bottle. This, is a iieTv departure in the pranks of the smaTl boy, who formerly contented himself with hiding liis bell under the saddle of liis bike and keepiag it i'idden until the inspector had "taken hi* name" as an offender against the bylaw which makes a bell on a bike compulsory. The local branch of the A.S.R.S., as already reported, has voted against tin recognition of the Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association by the Minister of Ka'lways. "Loco" writes to the editor: '"Tiie resolution was carried by members ' of other departments who can havo no- | thing t.o do with the new Association, to misrepresent tiie organisers anil [ the objects of the Association. Mr. G ! Lee, delegate to the E.K.C. Association ; Conference held in Christchurch last month, stated, when addressing the local branch last week, that the Association ' would work in conjunction with \ the ' Amalgamated Society on all matters con- | cerning the service as a whole, but I ; would deal with all locomotive matters ' on similar iines to every other Englishspeaking country." 'Am I the only Tady here?" queried a lady member of the 'l'eniiTs Club on Saturday evening at the door of the Town 1 Hall, where the annual meeting of the cluo was to take place. "Well, I think > you arc at present," replied a male voice 1 from' the gloom 'neath the porti :o. i "There was quite a crowd of ladies h -re ,• a bit ago, but they've gone off some--3 where, to buy sweets, I flunk." And he '• thought correctly, for the meeting was t not far advanced when in they trooped, i carrying lillle paper bags, the frequency . of tiie dips into these indicating clearly 5 that they contained "goodies." Those , litile bags were in evidence all t'a': 1 evening, and claimed from the ladies I more attention l,liat the business did. t Tilt scrutineers who collected the ballot- „ papers returned with a heterogenous col k lection of gums, jqbes, caramels, and P 'lollies gencrailj' in their hats. And r whilst the votes were being counted a ladv Willi some slight idea of the con I juring art attempted to catch in her mouth lollies thro wit into the air, and foiled. Altogether, the lollies played no j inconsiderable part in allowing the meu> , men to carrv~on file club's business as they thought - belt. The Beautifying Association has definitely arranged (D.V. ami W.P.) for a Sunday afternoon concert"of band music • at "Aotea," Messrs Sole Bros.' ground?, 1 on November i4IIt. TBe Taranaki Gar- » rison Band is to lie asked to contribute li a ;>rogrammc_in aid of this deserving obt ject, and tlTc conuhittee will make ar--0 rangements for a drag to convey them 1 to and fro. It is understood that the c programme will include renderings of s well-known old hymn tunes. Patrons f will be given an opportunity of contributing to the funds of the Association. This will he the first occasion of the opening of the grounds to the public this season, and they arc more beautiful than ever, various improvements having been effected and hundreds of native ferns and trees planted during the winter months. The Association has decided to take in hand immediately tile extension of (he walk on Baiue's/Terrace, through the nretty little plantation made by Mr. (!. 11. KleGahey during his occupation of the ground, anil for wllich lie is deserving of Hie thanks of the community. Seats are to be provided along the pro menade as funds permit. The Association has an eve upon several other little pieces of public property which can be converted from wilderness to useful beauty, and it is hoped that the public will not be backward in providing the funds for the earVylngout of a work whose value, will in a few years be almost inestimable. There were afiont forty ratepayers of the StratFord borough present at the J ■ meeting convened for Friday evening to ■ discuss the question of the' advisability i or otherwise of the Borough Council ac- ; quiring tile undertaking and plant of the Electrical Supply Co.. says Die Post. His \\ nrship the Mayor, (Tfr. fl. Sangstcr) ocupied flic chair. The town clerk read :he history of the Supply Co. from ils •neeption to the present day, mentioning llic many conferences Held between tiie Council and the companv. whieli had company J|i 1007 the company offend to sell for .€<15(10, and ir innn the sum of c 10,000 had been asked. His Worship briefly alluded to th-j uK-i ihat for two yours negotiations lmd nem goin% on on botwpon tin* Council and the company, and as nothing defunic could be arrived a! it was thought advisable to submit the .matter to the | ratepayers in order to ascertain the ; r views on the vexed question. Aft-r lengthy discussion the following resolution was carried: 'That this meotin" of ratepayers favors n poll 0 f the ratepayers of the boroiHi being taken on the .question of sanctioning (he loan to take oye, the interests of Hie Electrical Run. ply Co., provided Unit previous to tbo noli a m-i.r is agreed upon by commit- < lees set mi by the Borough Council and . •io syndicate respectively. The Bor- I • I'gli I film CI I committee to be formed of ' U-.-e ■remfiers who are not linancially i j '• -n the syndicate's undertak- '

,* T ''" I '' '' '''!"; "fMler than ever"'••In-! about |he same." These are l-lMled Ibe .Melbourne Argus on the a«li nil.) (he various vl,. w " H expressed iv business people 1,, iilnvrenf Melbourne suburbs as to the result of (be SjUiinlny half- lay, Those who find llieir trade ruined are In a minority. I hose who lind business better seem to have benefited-by some of the trade diverted from other channels by reason n f lhc_ half-holiday. The people whose business has neither expanded nor fallen oil' are perfectly content, and do not; wish for a reversion to the Wednesday half-holiday. Interviews with suburban shopkepers indicate that at least the amount of money formerly spent, on tho necessaries of life is still so expended, and few complaints are heard from grjvers, clothiers, ,„• butchers. If an injury has been done, if is to pastrycooks a ill confectioners and to sellers' of fnnev goods and toys. Pastrycooks do not ehis'e on Saturday afternoons, but, they lose a "catch" fraile from people, who used to shop on that afternoon. This they sav thev cannot regain; as w en now make at. home what tliev used o 'my for S lav. These tradesmen also lose the Saturday afternoon lea business. Fancy goods dealers find that money formerly spent on toys and onn ineiits is 1 now used to pay for amuse incuts.

Tn the American Nnvv officers arc paid 30 to 70 per cent, better than ill the | British Navy. r A famous Chinese proverb say?; I "Everytiling is easv at first," '

An extraordinary accident bel'el an allmlross which was skimming along in the wake of the Wurrimoo on a. recent passage from Sydney to Wellington. Somehow (says the Xew Zealand Times) the big bird got foul fof the line attached to the patent log which is towed over the stern of the vessel to record the distance covered. The apparatus is | spun around as it trails through the i water, and the bird was mangled to death by the log. The apparatus had to ho pulled on board to free the re-1 mains of the bird.

"Parliament in the most difficult of all audiences to address," said Mr. Herdman, M.P., at the Wellington Harbor Board employees' dinner on Saturday night. '-When the young member rises to speak he may notice his best friend sound asleep. Another member, perliaj.*, closes a book he has been reading, gets up, and walks out of the chamber, with an expression which plainly say*. 'I can stand a good deal, but 1 can't «tand that!' I assure you, gentlemen, there are- some very able sleepers in the House." (Laughter.)

The Commissioner of Taxes sued James Cower Chambers ill the .\lagis trate's Court, Wellington, for ,C:2n, being income tax on the sum of £375 made by

the defendant as the Xcw Zealand rcpr»sentative of certain British traders. l)e. fondant contended that neither directly nor indirectly had he sold the goods on which the tax was sought to lie levied, nor did he hold any money for the linns concerned, nor hold power of attorney or authority to pay money on their be half. The Magistrate held defendant liable, and gave judgment for the amount claimed, with four guineas costs. Pages of Australasian history wnich Dr. W. 11. Kitchen is writing for -Life" seem to hi! creating an extraordinary

amount of interest right throughout, the Commonwealth and New Zealand, lie is at present dealing with the,exploits of the famous gang 1 of bushrangers led by Ned Kelly, and the Oetolier number, just to hand, contains the account of the st.icking-up of the little town of Jerilderie, and stops short on the eve of the most daring and sensational j plunge into crime in the history of Australian bnshrangiiig. Side by side with

this is a paper of great literary interest, giving the fullest account, we have seen of the life of Adam Lindsay Gordon—

that pathetic figure in the story of Australian poetry—in England. It scorns that Cordon 'lived till he was' twentyone at Cheltenham, and made a name for himself as a bright, pupil, a rare scapegrace, a hard rider of other people's horses, and a clever boxer. It need scarcely be added Unit the various departments which make "Life" so excellent a magazine for men and women are replete with good things. "Life" is certainly splendid value for sixpence.

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Bibliographic details

Taranaki Daily News, Volume LII, Issue 222, 25 October 1909, Page 2

Word Count

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LII, Issue 222, 25 October 1909, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LII, Issue 222, 25 October 1909, Page 2


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