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Our Best Reference M Cur Cures / ] \'}\ are *«&■*s% | Speedy, !'' Reliabl?, i?:ii"vl*S-B>. 1 and ' Inexpensive. , N ,,,, i We Cure Mr ll,.wnrd Frcti.nn Principal. To Cured. 1 Varicocele. We cure iV.s olr- I ease without mm,-. H ntton or ligature, ami under our treat merit the congested condition c,vltn:n 9 '.':.".. 'L' l! . f) .'■'■" appears. The rarta at-.' k Vi V .' nB , ""* ru l>ture complt Loss of Vigour. Yr Contagious Blood Poisorj. It may he In Its primary !■' -n. or It may have Iwn hereditary or contracted In early days, therein- heir,? r-r,..ulitn. from the system, without the use ~f mercury or potjsh. Kidney, Gladder, and Pro-s-plic Blsease. K , cnrc „„ lrri . union, frequent desire or mopiiire rain in tlte back, and catarrhal u.„dltlon. mhuhiai, akvii i: fhkk. Our Guarantee lo Cure Is: ''Wc«;ui'i!toMt.-.y('iirrd." U'o specially Inylte all DISCOll;AUKD and DJSSATISFIKI) SLWEIII'.US, who have been treated vviih,., u MEDICAL BOOK FREE. Men Made Vigorous nt Heme The Freeinaa & Wallace Electro-Medical and Surgical Instit lite, Cor. Elizabeth and Bathurst strscis KY, ami nt Melbourne. White, M.D., Vi'-jok i-sS^^M f% &mm with Nel«»n, Moate s „«.'« Pure Oeylon or Blendec Teas, order fromaomti other store or drop m a post card and we k will neo you »re supplied. . %. m * T4psmr4s RefUSE|ALLOTKEB BrAndS

SKIN RASHES Instantly Relieved by Baths with And gentle applications of Cuticura Ointment, the great Skin Cure and purest and sweetest of emollients. This is the most speedy, permanent, and economical treat' rnent for torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and pimply skin and scalp humours, eczemas, rashes, and irritations, and is sure to succeed when all Other methods fail.

A FRIEND IK. NEED.. DR. ELMSLIE 1.f., i'Hys., k-t-. sunt;., ulakg., 1.5.a., lond. 1.m., etc. (Registered by the Governments of Great Ilritiiin, Now South Wales and New Zealand. . No. /13, WELLINGTON TERRACE, WELLINGTON. "1 HIS highly-qualilied Physician and Surgeon, from the hospitals of London ;l nd I'aris, lias, 2r, years' study and 'research, Ijccome an expert and specialist in the treatment of Chronic, Nervous, lllood, Skin, and the special diseases of Men and Women. i„ i,ie »,„i.y successful treatment of the above class of cases, there is lenting and no failures." Consultations are Free to all, so that a friendly thnt either personally or by letter costs nothing,. and may save you treat's of misery and suffering, so none need despair."DON'T WORRY ANY LONGER, as the ambitions and joys of life will he restored to you, and my treatment in cases of (Kidney l and Bladder Diseases, Hack-ache, Lumbago, nsomnia, Failing Memory, Specki 'before the Eyes, Giddiness, etc., braccsup the, system in all cases and i RESTORES VITAL ENERGY. New Scientific Treatment and New Unfailing Remedies of the very best and purest are honestly and faithfully used. Moderate charges. Call and see me or write full details of your troubles in your simple, homely language, and I will, treat you with the strictest, success, and fairness.—Patients at any distance may ENCLOSE A FEE OF £1 in their first letter to ensure immediate attention and prompt despatch (when possible) of remedies necessary for their case. As my remedies are sent direct from Wellington my patients save heavy Customs duties and avoid the inspection of packages. All correspondence is. held sacredly confidential. Consultation hoursl.O'to 12, 2t04, 7 to,B. YOUNG MEN I If you are suffering, or weak, or call or write to Dr. Elmslie, No. : 13, Wellington Terrace, Wellington,as he thoroughly understands your troubles and their causes. He guarantees a perfect cure in every caso undertaken, or.he will make no charge. Strictly confidential. Moderate charges. Consulting hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. LADIES ! May consult Dr. Elmslie at his residence, No. ■!.'), Wellington Terrace, Wellington, from 10 to 12, 2to 4, 7 to 8 daily, who is a legally qualified Physician and Specialist, and whose up-to-date treatment gives nhe greatest satisfaction ■ . .Ladies'- Famous Corrective Tablets, 10s (extra), 2.1s post free. Guaranteed Safe and Reliable, Strictly confidential, Moderate charges. Call .SUBJECTS OF MOST DREADFUL EXHAUSTION CURED AND MADE HAPPY. MY'DEAR, DOCTOR,—r have no hesitation whatever in saying "Yes'in reply to your letter received to-day, in which you ask me whether I am willing to let the people know the benefit I received at your hands. When 1 saw you upon the recommendation of Mr Griffith (whom you had previously completely cured of a similar complaint) , 1 think I ,\vas in about as bad a slate of misery and depression in both mind mid body as any human being could be;' in fact, I thought Jlifc was not worth living, and my future was a blank. I was an object of misery and despair. Well, I called upon you, and you spoke some kind cheering words to me, and pointed out the cause of these troubles, and the grave character of the follies of my youth. You told me plainly and honestly lhat you could and would cure vigours of manhood, so that I should no longer be bashful and stupid in society, and could tako my part and interest in the amusements! and sports of others, and have an amtiiion in my business. At lirst I thought your promise was too good to he true. I am thankful to say I tried your treatment. I swear solemnly 1 feel a different man. to-day. I have put on flesh and muscle, and have any amount of confidence in myself. I am perfectly healthy, and ([uite happy, ami capable of enjoying myself as others; 'do, and I don't move, about by myself and shun society. I earnestly recommend ah my fellow sufferers to put their confidence in you as your treatment is perfect, and your charges are small.—l am, yours truly, LACHLAN CAMERON.

Guns Guns. Guns BINCILE BARREL BREECH LOADEHS. No. 12 bore, Kss. JINGLE BARREL BREECH LOADERS, £3 15s to £4 5s )OUBLE BARREL BREECH LOADERS, £3 15s, £4, £4 ss. £4 3 os, SALOON RIFLES, REVOLVERS, AIR GUNS. tEVOLVER CARTRIDGES, ROW DER, SHOT, CAPS, ANJI ALL SPORTING REQUISITES. H. WARD & Co., THE CHEAP IRONMONGERS. The Canadian Government states hat Orapp-Nnts contains almost s much dextrin as any other food ested. IVxtin is lb» part that lakes human energy. Also that th» IRAPE-NUTS are about two-tifrda lora digestible than any other food.

IJWM W.M.M.M.M Id I Wree Udeligfjtful ffiiseuits ti£»& masEmmE^^ ttfttftlw'rtg

HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHfc. BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTIOI HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. th !? medicine are amazed at its wonderful i ufluence. Sufferers from any form o( Bronchitis, Cough, Uilßculty ol Chpst it I'c inv''n' ° T ,x ,° re nc ' B , S in L ' ie experience delightl ul and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to colds oo tiki nod it neither n rll til ft Complete Cure. It is most comfor ting in allaying irritation in the throjit and giving strength to tho voice, •Oouirhs" '•svb I,»n I,r ~.1 , . J - a . L become chronic, nor Oonsum tion to develop. Consumption has 1 never been k no wn to exist wher» end a Complete Cure L certain 0,13 medieme ' Na houße Id be without it. as. taken at .the b« ginning, a dose is generally sufficient

"I have iitvd Ileurue's UroiroliiUs ,tine with spluntlid i-usults. Always keq) it in tho homo fur übo. Il acts* like magic.'' (Jiuv.) JAMIiS SAIITJi, Methodist I'iu'soiiagL', Duukulrt, l-'ormcrly of Oakleigh, Victoria. " Votn- liioucHilis Cure suited Mrs 'icholson splendidly. Her couth is one. ft eased her directly, atid there really no stuiiiness or shortness of breath present now. I must Say the j.roneliitis Cure is wonderful. I did not think .she -could live until' morning, but sho surprised use liv rallying' pnd is now able to be out of bed lice more.'' A. HI. WKSTON, "Thorpe,'' Warriuunbol, Vie Your Uroiicliitis Cure is a splendid ledieine. It is the best medicine I Jave ever used for Coughs, Colds on ■this Chest, and Sore Throat." (Mrs) J 011N McKENKIe, Werona, Victoria. ' I suffered very much from Asthau for lour years, and,tried lots of ;o-called cures, without deriving any euelit. I got a bottle of your iironli;tis Cure, i\o. la, last Friday, and tt bottle of your No. 2 Medicine, for obstinate Asthma, on Saturday. Since tho lirst doso of your No. 2 Medicine have not had tho wheezing at all." V. CAHEKOi\, "Leongatha," ltiversdale Kd. ; Hawthorn, Melboui'ne. " Your Bronchitis Cure really acts ike magic, " (Mis) E. L. SYMES, Narracoorte Hotel, Karracooi'te, South Australia. " As my purchases show, your renedies are itiirtusing in sale. From ,ime to time 1 hear people speaking ibout the good result obtained from .hem. Wishing yon a very niurh enarged sale and great prospei'ily." JOH.V KI.N'Cr, Chemist, liallarat. c/o A. li. ilnssiua & Co., Australian Jourhal Ollice, Melbourne. "f'or nine years my wife sulleral from Asthma and Bronchitis. 1 tried .UU'ioiis treatments for Jier, but none succeeded until 1 got ileai'iie's Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. Sho found benelit from tho lirst bottle, and 3 bottles completely cared her. 'This was nine months ago. She is quite well now, and has never had an attack siuce." A. 01111, Clonljinane, Sunday Creek, Broadford, Victoria. '"The cough was, jtisL terrilic, but J'our lirouchitil Cure acted splciulidy■"—Vours very sincerely, I''. C. UHEEN, State School, Hoseliud, via Uronuuia, s.'i!. f. i.... 3/|icturia. I feel truly graU'Tui to you for our invaluable medicine. It* is marvellous the good it did me." ISABEL I'. WILSOX, Coauwood, ' Uruminoud-slivet, Ballarat, vievjria. "1 have purchased a small bottle of our Bronchitis Cure, and ha\e only Liken four doses, and am glad to tell on that I am cured." 0. WRIUHT, ' c/o Mr I). McLean, Camperdown, Vic. "1 was laid up for twelve months ith llronchilis, during which 1 tried any remedies, without success. 1 ;eil two bottles of your llronchilis ire, and am now completely cured." ■ I AMES WILLIAMS, inlly-stivet.Elsteruwick, Melbourne. "11 affords uic u'l'eat pleasure to itil'.v lo the uiar\elluus eii'eet. onchitis Cure has upon coughs and Ills. 1 have proved its value in my il home." F. W. HINNS, idorah, via Charleville, Queensland ''l am glad to tell you that 1 have beee quite free from Jliijmclwtis foi,' tne last tw-j years, the result of taking your Bronchitis Cure." W. IJTTON, t, Little Kailway vSti'eet, Burban, Natal, South Africa. 1 have used y our Brwnchilis Cure, and am pleased to say that it is without doubt absolutely the best medicine on the market for coughs and colds."A. E. ANDEKSOX, Telegraph Ollce, Freeman!le, West Australia. My husband was cured of Asthma, your llronchilis Cure, more than 31* months ago, and lie has not hnd an attack since. I have now coiu- | inenceii to give if ?o my son, o years old, who has had a cold ever since lie , was born. 1 have ouly given him a f few doses, and he. is better ali'eadv." (Mrs) W. J. WISH ART, Warwick, Queensland. '"Having used your Broaeliiitis Cure in my family for years past, I wish 1o lestjiy to the relief always afforded by it in colds on the chest, or my complaint arising- therefrom."— Yours, etc., E. V. GODIIARTi, J!>, Fitzgerald-sl-., Soulli Yarra, Melbourne. "Your Bronchitis Cure is best medicine I have ever taken." D. WILLIAMS, Hill-street, Ldlligow, U.S.W. I can thoroughly testify to the iWonderful eflicacy of your Bronchitis Cure in a consumptive cough, it having relieved me when other prescriptions had no eltect whatever." T. LEWIS, Kim'oolton, via Wellington, New Zealand. " Y'our llronchilis and Asthma Cure has been more to nw than money can ever pay. 1 am quite free from asthma now, and feel \cry grateful to you,." ISA S. TOSACH, Virgi il i a.-stlree t, t! eel ong. " Your Bronchitis Cure is all you describe it to be."—Yours most respectfully, It. J. M'CLELLANI), lied Jacket, via Walhalla, Vic. " I have used your Bronchitis Cure myself, and have recommended it to others, with most boneficial results." Rev. E. J. HENDERSON, ' Guinerachu, South Australia. "I'pun looking through our books jve are struck with the steady and rapid increase in tho sales of your Bronchitis Cure."—ELLIOT! 1 BROS. 'Lid., Wholesuale Druggists, Svduey, N.S.W. "The bottle of Bronchitis Cure I got from you was magical in its elitects.—CllAS. WYIUIOW, Enoch's Point, via Harlingford, Victoria." I used your Bronchitis Cure foi three of my family, and it cured each of them in fiom one to three doses. -P. F. MULLINS, Cowie's Creek, I'icloria." Your Bronchitis Our: relieved my ron wonderfully quick. I only gave Mm four doses, and have some of the Medicine yet; but lam sending for "I'lease send me half a dozen of your another bottle in case I sh.mid \vant l!ro ". cl ' : }} s Cure. This medicine cured I.—R. M'DONALI), Trinkey, via Qui about your Bronchitis Cure, 1 decide to givo it a trial. I used live boi ties of your Bronchitis and Asthm Cure, with tho result that the dill cully of breathing and distivswiii! cough liavo all dteujipctired. 1 can ot speak too highly of your value bio medicine, ami I recommend il t all my friends." ELIZA LANGTON, Wiseman's Ferry, New South Wulet "My wife is 82 years old, and 1 an 'J. 1 am glad to inform you tha your Bronchitis Cure has done us ; wonderful deal ot good, having quick ly cured us both." li. BASSETT, S Ira 111 Creek, via Broadl'ord, Vic, "1 havu used one bottle of 'youi Bronchitis Cure with great benelit li myself, as the. smothering lias com letely left me." (Mrs) JOHN RAIIILLY Clenmaggie, Victoria "I have tried lots of medicine, but yours is the best I ever had. 1 au ecomineuding it lo everybody." S.STEELE, Yanko Siding, N.S.W. "I Buffered from Chronic Asthma •lid Bronchitis for which 1 obtained jo relief, until I tried your medicine, ut I can truly say' that I am asonished at my present freedom, as a 'iroci result of my brief trial.' JOHN C. TRELAWNEY, Severn liiver, via Inverell, N.S.W. " Last year I suffered severely from Bronchitis, and the doctor, to whom paid seven guineas did not do me ny good ; but I heard of your Bronchitis Cure, and two bottles of uade me qui to well." 11. HOOD, irooklands, Avoca st., South Yur. Melbourne. Your Bronchi!is Cure has a g reputalion here. We .sell more o Shan any otli r chest medicine .•4ock." WILLIAMSON" & CO. rilidi, N.S.W.I " Your llronchitis Cure is n wonderful medicine.—A. B. SIjUMO.n'S, J. I'., No. 7, Itenny-Pt,. Padding-lcm, Syfafcy.** ' | "I nm very pleased vnh yonr Bronchitis Cmv. The result wits niarHlotis. It easd no right oIT at )ncc.—(i. SEYTEK, Is< ;irke, N.S.W." tin I'riend hitis."vinter, and lias no\\>ciired iniiac of a very bad .BronALLEN", VictoriaOzone House, l.orne, "I sullVred from Asfhnin fur about ißFl.wn years; was (}uit ill lime* Could scarcely walk from oiif room to nolhiT ; often had to up in l»ed " Kindly forward another bottle ouv famous Bronchiiis Cure without jClay, as I find it to be a most valuable med^inu." (ISlrs) .1. SLATtfU, Warrngul, Victoria. irt of tho night.. Tried doei 1; medicines, and horl)alist.> out success ; was almost tin-d ng anything, when, one d. S.pat- ( its d the midersiLHied, have had occasion to obtain Hearac's Hrmiclutis ami we certify Hint it was perfectly and rapidly successful under cirinstanees wliich imdoiibteiily |>rove ■ithIn- Mic U hearing essidenls.. ct healing powe] 1 ." Signed jv. JOHN SIiVCL.VIH, Myers ■•long, and 59 other leading HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE—Small size, 2s 6d ; Large, 4s 6d Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors or by the Proprietor) W. <i. HEAHNE, CHEMIST GEELON'O, VICTOHIA. I'onvardcd by post to any Address when not obtainable locally. New Zealand Branch Office, No. 11, Floor, Hume's Buildings, Willis Street, Wellington Sold Wholesale and Retail by Teed, Hall and leed, and by I. Fraser, Cliemists, Kew Plymoutli.

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Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 8038, 27 January 1906, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 8038, 27 January 1906, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 8038, 27 January 1906, Page 4


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