Saturday, October SO.
The Council met at 11 a.m.
The Local Bills which pasted the House were read a first time and referred to the Local Bills Committee, The Osuncil adjourned till 2.80 pjßj The Council resumed at 2.30 pjn. The Uriwera Native Bsosrvos KB was committed without important amendments, read a third time, and passed. The Aid to Public Werb and Land Settlement, Land Tax and Immm Sue and Defenoe Amendment BOb were wad a second time, assimltisi without amendment and patted. The Local Bills Committees mortal on the Bills referred to themwUeh were all read a sooted time* sd»gt the Oamaru Endowment Lands and Be-.. sumption for Mining Bill, wbJoh waa thrown out ontheseoond readitf by 12 votas to 9. The Bills wan then committed sad the Council adjanntsd from 5 p.m. till 7.80. The Council resumed at 7.80 pja, The Local Bills wen paaaad thraagh all stages. After the supper adjournment she Hon. W. O. Walker moved that representatioas be made to the Imperial Government praying for them to relieve Fiji from the position of a Crew* Colony with a view to its beosating an integral part of the ooleur of New Zealand. It would be jut* as well he said iftheoolony wished to obtain an influence over the Islands tohojdoct the right hand of fellowships to their brothers in the Islands, and the Fijian* have don* their best to show the* Federation was their wish. Hon. Mr, characterised tbe proposal an Imperialism ran mad and moved the a*V journment of the debate. After some discussion the aaeasV ment was lost by 10 to 6 and the resolution was carried.
A further resolution was tdaptad favouring the annexation *f Sana Island, which posseaseH a good bsrhttjr mi occupies a central position aaaonf the Pacific Islands. '
The Appropriation BOlvMftpaattd through all stages. Before its final adjournment, th» Council, on the motion of the Hon. W, 0. Walker passed a resolution of thanka to the Contingents in Sjuth AfrioV tnd sympathy with tht relative* ef the deceased. *
The Council then tang the Neman*! Anthem and rose at 12,46 a.m.
Satosdat, October 20.
After going to press on Ekturhf tb following buuofM was tranaeotad.
The Auckland Harbour Board Xa> powering, Wellington Oite Bettarme«l| Auckland Electric Lighting, Welling." ton Corporation Lud Exchange, EUwera Borough Drainage Empoww _ iug, Timara JBadotrawat, Lands 80-,' lumption for Mining, Oily of Aodctaai'' Loans Act Amendment, Nairn Bus' war Board, Wellington Ottr LavyutfV' Ooromtndel Harbour Board' Disebfo* 'ion, Masterton County, Hawora * Borough Reserve*, Glutha Birerßoarl ' Empowering, Greytown Eleetrio Lighttog, Daronport 'Borough KnaMiaf, : , \lnandr* Borough, and a Bill fcaV' ibling Supplementary Estimate* to (ftfe itnount cf £269,096 were patted, m #hs aim unauthtriard expenditure to h'„. amount of £79,831. The Water Supply Art AmendßM&t was thrown out by 23 to 11. The House adjourned at BJO Ma. It ' 9.30 a.m.
The Houss returned at 9.80 a.m. All the load Bills dealt with earlier in the morning were put tbrovgh their final stages. The Premier laid eo the table a document which he said proved that she {Government had not muled the Souse in stating that the Poriroa, Wairerapa, and other Native Behools Grants Bill dealt with a matter that was still before the Court. The Horernment intended to take the matter to the Court of Appeal. In fact, if necessary, the Government would go to the Privy Council to prevent whaj they coasidertd would be a |t»ve Injustice if the native schools ooot+bsf in this trust were removed from' the wMtawsttothsWatarapedistrift. ' On the rcation of tlu Premier, It wm decided that power be given tats* Olerk of the Howe to destroy oortafas aooumulated reoerds of the Houee, and that the Olerk be empowered to destroy one year's additional noorwe* tjuj end of every session.
At 11.30 a.m. the Howe adjonnktl till 3.30 p.m. The House resumed at 3.46 p.m. Mr. Seddon said members no deobt I would have observed from the last « , balance-eheet and re«>rt that the Bank B of New Zislind had made verysi*- ; faotory progress, and it was with pleal sure he announced the bank had reL duoed its liabilities to the ottanybr ' ;\paying off the half-million, of ftf* E ferrenoe shares. Hon, msmbere wen ; aware that during the present Parltai ment the position of the bank and ita ; relation to the colony would require . consideration, and he was assured that I ere the time arrived for so doing, if not \ sooner, the Bank's position, iq far as . its liability to the colony under the , guarantee was concerned, would be • oohsidsrably improved. Replying to questions, the Minister , said he thought it advisable to •upnly t wire netting to settlers at cost nrioo in rabbit infected distriote; thtt the question of dejlaring the Qrey River a sludge ohannel was under otnaJdentfon of the Government; that the Government thought about three months and a-half would be set apart as a season for rabbit trapping, and that poisoning would be made obligatory before the f pring act in; that steps wen being taken to secure a number of Boer Mausor for presentation to each . „ borough in thu colony; that the 43Mflf rerctaont would, duiiug the sake into consideration the question of aim kots for stock end [ roduoa of this wioDy, with a view to saving the promts of uiiddlemcn, ond attaining out ncti p li.-H; that the questions of re'ila'hi/ioation and superannuation of •ailway employees were under om« nidoration. lUw House adjourned at 3.30 u «
f atiM.jiii ~~r-~-gas»<—a—i— mmtm EVENING SITTIKG. The House resumed at 7.30 p.m. ~ % In reply to questions, Ministers that about 65,000 acres in the ifting Oeuntry would be ready for in January, and that there mi a considerable area left over from the last sales; that it was the intention of the Government to appoint a chief health officer for the colony, under the Public Health Act, and he would consider whether it was advisable to declare phthisis an infectious disease; Oat the Government had agreed with the Australian Premiers that the peace celebrations should be held on the same day throughout the Empire, and representations to that effect had been made to the Imperial authorities, and the Government was awaiting a reply. Timely notice would be given to the people of theudato fixed upon. Beaolutions from the Committee of Supply wen reported to the House. In reply to a question by Mr. Pfrani as to whether the Government would carry out their promise. to subsidise a toahniral school at Palmerston North, Mr Seddoa said the Government would ' meet, as far as possible, every reasonable application fer assistance in technical instruction. If a promise had been made as suggested by Mr. Pirani he felt sure it would be kept by the Minister. Mr. Symes complained that the back block settlers in his district had not received the votes they had been promised for roads. Mr. Seddon said the district had received very fair treatment cs compared with other districts. He thought the Government could claim to have fairly spread expenditure over the various parts of the colony, ' ' Mr. Monk considered a more judicious allocation of. money might have been made on the Supplementary Es- ' Jinwtes. There was wasteful extravag- , ancein some, cases, and-unjustifiable neglect in others. Mr. Witkeford urged that Ministers ' should take the trouble to make themselves acquainted .with the requirements of the Nerth Island. He acknowledged the. .courteous attention he ' had received from Ministers daring the session,
The resolutions from tie. Committee of Supply wars eventually agreed to. ( Mr. Bedden said that in the Cook Islands annexation resolution passed by the How be bad overlooked one ■mall island,. Suwarrow, which poejtwad one of the Best harbours in the Pacific. He therefore moved that the House approves of the alteration of the beuadarias of the colony so as to include the; Island of Suwarrow. The ■lotion was. agreed to en the voices withoutdebate. Mr. Sadden said he had not made it quite clear that af terooan that the XWOjOOO from the Bank of New Zealand had been paid to the credit of the Government in hard cash. There was no such thing as a convurßion. , The Appropriation Bill was introduced. Captain Russell asked whether the Bill differed from similaV measures of the-previong years. Mr. Seddon eaid the only tion* %ero to the'effect that where
a focal body had adopted rating on the unimproved values nosabsidy should be, \ payable on any amount exceeding, the ' spa which should be recoverable under a rate of |d in the £ on the capitalW gross valua of property in the district; and another clause provided that where local bodies refused to pay the costs of a Ikwipng election the Government f— might deduct the amount from any subsidy payable to the local body. '- The BUI was passed in Committee without amendment, - On the motion for the third reading Captain Russell said he considered he would be consulting the feelings of the members if he did not open up a debate on the motion. He had no wish, however, to create precedent in the matter and he hoped that next session the Appropriation Bill Would be properly debated, even if they had to extend their stay in Wellington for a week. Mr. Seddon said he thought this
oource was most satisfactory. Che Bill r thenpassed its final stages on the The Speaker then left the chair until the supper hour had passed. The Appropriation Bill, in the interval, being filled in by the usual mock Parliament, in which most of the memben took part.' It was 12.35 a.m. when the Speaker resumed the chair aiuFannounced that the Appropriation Bill had been signed by the DeputyQfrernor. Mr. Seddon said the next day would be the anniversary of the departure of the First Contingent for South Africa, and no words of his could adequately expresshis gratification or the thanks of the colony for the services if s sons had rendered. He moved: —That this House desires to place on record its appreciation of the gallant and heroic services of the officers and men of the New Zealand Contingents who have ' go bravely fought for and upheld the prestige of our Empire in South Africa, tenders tbem the best thanks of twHouse and the colony; and also tJCtders to the relatives of those who mjye fallen its sheerest sympathy.
Captain RuEsell, in seconding the motion; said they had all formed a high i- opinion of the services the NewZeaJanders would render, but these services had exceeded their utmost expectations. The motion was carried unanimously, Whereupon all present in both Bouses and galleries'rose to their feet and, led by the Premier, sang the first verse of the National Anthem, .Mr. Seddon, in moving the adjournment of the House, said he desired to tender to the Speaker the sincere thanks and appreciation of the members for hie kindness and courtesy during the session, The Speaker, in acknowledging the Premier's tribute, said it had been a mat'er of extreme gratification to him to find that the members had unexpectedly and unsought thought proper K> considerably augment his salary, and he could assure them that he deeply
appreciated the kindly feeling which ~"i«fcid prompted the House to pass the He added he had never sat in a Parliament in which members weiej deposed to be so industrous and hard working, Mr, Seddon remarked that it had been an eventful and most profitab'e gassion. > The House finally adjourned at 12.55 PjU. and the session closed.
The Tutanekai left shortly afterwards with the northern members. The bulk of the southerners left for Lyttelten by the Hinemoa this afternoon.
EPITOME OP BUSINESS FOR THE SESSION. WKU.IHQTOM, October 21. A schedule of business transacted during the session shows that 25 select committees were set up, 197 Bills received royal assent, 3 were reserved for signification of Her Majesty's pleasure, and 107 were dropped or otherwise disposed of; 670 petitions were presented, 850 questions asked of Ministers, 291 papers laid upon the table, and 511 reports received from select committees. The House sat on 75 days, the average length of daily sitting being 9 hours 4 minutes.
The following is the list of the Acts passed during the session:— PUBLIC ACTS. Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement. Agricultural and Pastoral Societies Act Amendment. Animals Protection Act Amendment. Appropriation. British Arresters ia NZ. Government Securities. Bubonic Plague Prevention. Giril Service Examination. Companies Act Amendment. Criminal Code Act, 1893, Amendment. Crown Tenants Rebate of Bent. Customs Duties Amendment. Defence Act Amendment. Education Boards Election. Egmont National Park. Electoral Act Amendment. Fisheries Encouragement Aot Amendment. Foreign Insurance Companies Deposits Act Amendment Government Loans to Local Bodies Amendment. Government Railways. [ Government Valuation of Land Act Amendment. Hospitals and Charitable Aid Boards. Imprisonment for Debt Limitation. Imprest Supply (Nos. l; 8, S, and 4). Indictable Offences Summary Jurisdiction Amendment. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration. Inspection of Machinery Act Amendment. Land and Income Assessment Act Amendment.
Land for Settlements Consolidation. Land Tax and Income Tax. local Bodies Loans Act Amendment. Lunatics Act Amendment. Manawatu Railway Purchasing. Manual and Technical Instruction. Maori Councils Maori Lands Administration. I Midland Authorised Area Land Settlement. | Military Pensions Extension to Contingents. Mining Act Amendment. Ministers Salaries and Allowances Amendments.
Municipal Corporations. : Native Interpreters. N.Z. Consols Act Amendment, N.Z. Institute of Surveyors and Board of Kxamirisrs, - Noxious Weeds. , Old kgfi Pensions Act Amendment. Pacific. Cable. Post Office. J *v •Private Industrial Schools Inspection and Industrial Schools Act Amendment. Public Contracts. ■' Public Health. Public Revenues Aots Amendment. Pjiblio School Teachers Salaries, Public Works Acts Amendment, '' Railways Authorisation, Rating on Unimproved Values Act Amendment.
Representation. _ Uale of Poisons Amendment, Shorthand Reporters. '■ Slaughtering and Supreme Court Judge Appointment, Testator Family Maintenance. Stamps Abolition and Diiconnt Stamps Issue. *■.
Urewer*.. District Native Reserve Act Amendment. . Weights and Measures Act Amendment, West Coast Settlement Reserves Act Amendment, Railway, Workers Compensation for Accidents /
OWGAi ACTS. • Alexandra Borough. Bace Enabling. Auckland Electric Lighting. Auckland Harbour Board Empowering. Borough of Rangiora Wator Supply. Canterbury College Empowering. ' Oastlepolnt County (Ghristahftoh distriot) Drainage Act, 1875, Amendment, City of Auckland Loans Aots Amendment and Council Empowering. Olutba Biver Board Empowering Act, 1897, Amendment -. Coromandel Harbour Board Dissolution, Devonport Borough Enabling, Dunedin City and Suburb* Tramway*. Dunedin Distrigt Drainage and Sewerage. Gisborne Harbour Board Farther Em. powering. Greymouth Haroour Board Loan, ' Oreytown Bleotrio LigTOag and!- Loan Empowering. Hakataramea Public Hall Eawera Borough Drasnage Empowering; Eawera Borough Reserves. Hopson Bay Watershed Sewage. Johnsonville School Act Amendment, Masterton County (No. 2), Mokau Barbour Board, Kelson Harbqur Bpaid. Queenstown Electric Lighting, Kotorua Town Council. Thames Borough Endowment Leasing. Thames Borough Loans Conversion Act, 1898, Amendment. Thames Borough Waterworks Acoonnt. Wanganui Biver Trust Aot, 1891, Amendment Wellington City Betterment Wellington City Leasing. Wellington Corporation Land Exchange. Westport Harbour. Board Loan.
The following Public Bills were reserved for the signification of Her Majesty's consent :— Deceased Husband's Brother Marriage. Governor's Salary and Allowances. New Zealand Ensign and Code Signals.
PBIVATB BILM, Bank of New Siealsnd Oncers Guarantee and Provident Fund, Paeroa Gas Works. I Pauiatua Gas Works.
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Taranaki Daily News, Volume XXXXII, Issue 204, 22 October 1900, Page 2
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2,511PARLIAMENT Taranaki Daily News, Volume XXXXII, Issue 204, 22 October 1900, Page 2
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