1 £sta&3Ssfi©d IBM* jLand and Estate Agents, iiifii! Street,-Kelson. COUNTRY. PROPERTIES FOR SALE. . &&&Q 6-roomod house, with every ?-/*•/> Arrro 7~Tt> ■ i; ' ' convenience and in good OeiO AL>f xilh V P -' cari'ymg 400 repair. Land (JO by 150. tion. PriS CS(m '^^ Sti^£H|>o. broomed hOUSO with i o%v _j». _«_vj^ \>^ o ©very convenience 5300 carrying 7°o sheep and handy to town—and very suitable for dU cattle; 830 acres ia grass, a boardiugliou.se. The house is in good /0 acres of .bush. 1J miles from order. school and post office. Good district : Q 7 j n- -^ Price £5 per acre. ,£1250 8-roomed dwelling with t „ n) OWJLWW-" every convenience. 1000 ii , 1- 3 -' carrying Motor shed, asphalt yard, paths, etc. lUUD sheep. Good dwelling, Handy to town. i fJO'iTAGE MtOPEBTY at AVakofieH, iln good repair. ro., m rn-- ss Ta^ 1*1250. j-«T° d rf *t -i £460. u"y .wj-wo-v. Mount street. Every ' modern convenience, motor shed, etc. ... I Land has a frontage of 125 feet. TOWN PROPERTIES. «4?1QOO 12- acrGS of good land 5 <*«/ Atf t>*y. with 13 . roomed dwelling JSOoO. 6~r. oomecf house in best [having every convenience. Workshop, residential quarter of \ cowshed. Half-mile from Nelson railJNelson; f-acre land. House is re-i way station, cently painted. This a cheap property, j -* An iM r<?sidcntial pro£soo' A verj cheap family resi-! cW' JL*-/VV'-0 perty at Suburban North, deuce close to centre of j 2-J miles • from G.P.O. Dwelling concity. Eleven rooms. The house is old, I tains 9 large rooms, has every convenibut_the timbers are good. Land 53 I ence. Stable, trapshed, etc. Five x I^4. acres of land KftHUY STREET TELEPHONE MO, %\. WEL3O?S:. J w r ?//? fvt -^ ¥ }- s f | JM tor, tffc U **f #^ fj | | ! | LANDED FHOiil BESr BKITSSH POTTERIESB | Ffcs Haf2ge 01EG0RATE0 FLOWER POTil j^ j I Newest Designs. !| J # . —ALSO— | j TSBLS7 SETSI J I «iicss | <> PEACE A&ID DfiGKE^S IiSUCSS F©^ rHE GHgLDREW.I X SEE WIMOOW. ~ I ji BIEECT IMPOETEE'S, | STAFFQRDSHSRE HOU^i. f ■ SiEEP, DAIRY 9 AND RESIDEiTIiIL MIXED FARM ;-- •■■--.--„. --— of 150 acres freehold; 40 acres flat land, 433 ACRES FREEHOLD. balance easy slopes, most of which 50 acres in grass, balance standing have been ploughed; 11 acres bearing bush. Abundant water. Good roads, orchard, 8 years old, 15 acres in crops, Healthy country. Only £1000 for the balance grass. Now carrying 110 block. This is cheap, sheep, 5 cows, 2 horses. Dwelling of 6 rooms, bathroom^ washhouse, dairy, RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. stable and trapshed cowshed, and SJ acres in grass paddocks and fowlhouse. 1J miles from rail, school flowers. Dwelling seven rooms and and post on good road. Daily motor conveniences. Elevated sunny posi service to and from Nelson. tion. Magnificent view £500 cash R.CHMOND. required, balance arranged. 10 acres (more or less) Freehold Lfcnd. COMMERCIAL ORCHARDS. Easy elopes, sheltered sunny position 3 Absolutely genuine properties commanding a magnificent view of the First class soil, planted and cultivated Bay and surrounding country. Con- on the latest and most apnroved venient dwelling of seven rooms, town methods. Bona fide returns available water supply, drainage, electric light, for the inspection of bona fide ourtelephone, large verandahs motor shed, chasers. Easy terms can be arranged outbuildings, etc. Only £500 cash re- and satisfactory reasons given for isSllquired, balance for term. ing in each instance. SHEEP AND CATTLE. SHEEP AND CATTLE. 900 acres (more or less) Leasehold 1000 acres (more or less) JLe-isehold (rent and rates say £40 p.a.) 300 acres 340 in grass, balance bush When all ill grass balance in bush. Partly fur- cleared and grassed estimated to carry nished dwelling of 5 rooms with con- 1000 Sheep and 50 Head Catble Abonf veniences, h. and c. water, etc. Small 300 chains fencing abundant wntw shearingshed and stock yards. STOCK: supply. Large frontage to good road Over 2W really good sheep-inostly Modern dwelling of 6 looms and con^ ewes, 16 head cattle (10 3 and 4 year veniences (only built 5 years) imDlp bullocks, 4 3-year heifers, 2 cows) and ment shed, etc. Stock comprises -—400 2 horses. Implements, dog cart, spring sheep, mostly ewes; 5 rams • 5 cows -10 dray, harness, blacksmith's forge and heifers; steers and yearlings • 4 hor'spq anvil, one-man shearing machine, 1 Numerous farm implements and tonk separator, etc. TO BE SOLD AS A spring dray and ha^ess do- cart ?nd GOING CONCERN FOR * 2 500 PLUS harass, separator, | shareVoolpress cost of extra Bush-felhng which is now stacks oaten sheaves and faav TO BE in hand. This property will find a ready SOLD AS A GOING CONCERN FOR sale as it is one of the cheapest proper- £3000. ties on the market. 1S J? Ji i^ I*l Auctioneer, Authorised valuer, Licensed JllTPPfi ilflllifl Land and Estato Agent, I HARDY STREET, HELSOft, Telegraph: "Gould, Nelson." Telephones: No. 1. No. 656^ IMPORTANT NOTICE. ___ . a nONDTTFONS ON*WHTCrt ABvSSR- Be*!lfoT awpvv iarks in Sewer Gaa TTSEMENTB ARE ACCEPTED. Q°^D Sanction means good health Wh^-) every car© ia exercised in m the ■ regard *o the due insertion of A<2- Wo erect WEPTIO TANKS on th«> vGrtwements, the Proprietors; clo latest p-rindplo, with all modern cor not hold themselves responsibk for i; town or country ■actn-insertion through scridspt or . NQUi&IFS SOLICITED. from other causes, and the Pro- • JPhono 327. js-riotors reserve to themselves tie ri.cht of oraittins? adv»rt;aementa |J, J B FiATT»that they w.7 deem objsctionablo, MNITABY PLUMRFP even though such Advertasemcaitß Undsa Kbw &«!„,, xanj have "feen received and^ paid '_ '^ fur in the Gbim! cottrso of businesa. ~~ BOND, FINNED & CO., HT A NT* A 1> Ffe, ':The Coloni^fc." JWMJRAWCE CORgpANY OF WEW ZEALAND, LIMITED. WJM ST IN a^£^°^ ia^ Occident :*ss£* OFFICE 'SS^^TSS^^l^ ISs^osh,, 1710. Cutentl^/ 01"168 UuaU)d &t L°WOS* lctresfc prerainmß. . and offers Absolute Seonritv SimnhV t4 CLsima arranged by the Local Agent,. c f Contract. Prompt and LibS l«t and paid with promptitude andliberaHty.' fclomont ofOisims. S^lTiill iaCori?iation from ..* lU _ _ \GEOKOB M. ROUT m a ■** * if^rv,* t^ Chief A Pflß t F« A. lIAMFOKD,, { MANAQhM, ■friAFALGAJS STREET-
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Colonist, Volume LXII, Issue 15239, 28 November 1919, Page 8
Word Count
985Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume LXII, Issue 15239, 28 November 1919, Page 8
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