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The fortnightly meeting of the City Vpuncu was held last evening. Present, Mr T^A. H. Field (Mayor), and Crs C. J. Harley, J. Kershaw, W. S Hampson, B. Tasker, W. W. Snodgrass, J. C. Mercer, T. L. Adams, C. R. Fell and A. H. Bisley. Thfl statement of balances waa presented aa follows:— Dr. C*. £ s. d. & ■ g. d. General A/c ... 17 821 is) a Water „ ... 3)i yo 12 0 ?« .» - 842 1 9 interest „ ... 572 0 7 Abattoir „ ... 011 2 Hospital and Charitable Aid A/c ... 228 v 6 Bailee Dr. 20)971 g 7 '^fi2 1,813.10 4 21,8.13 10 4 Cemeteries (Trust Ac.)' 304 3 6 Contractors' Deposits (do) 20 0 0 Trafalgar Park (do) 50 i 6 9 Rocks Road Renowal De- ' bentures £300 0 Q foJJewT^ 8 Wer° passed for Payment as Abattoir 34 X J § Rocks Road renewal loan 200 0 0 £1065 10 0 CORRESPONDENCE. ♦h^w"?' Wt rren >. !?<». secretary of the Nelson Beautifying Society, wrote fonvarding vote of the grants passed by the Society to the Council for assistance mT^° rt of beautifying the city ihe hon. secretary of the Nelson Fire W assess quarter's Bubrt ?Jr f• G' 6jN» informed the Council that at a meeting of those interested in tne promotion of swimming Laths a, large majority expressed themselves strongly in favour of salt water baths —(consideration deferred until later in the meeting. Xt Ti? iS. n- secr6tary of the Palmerston JNortn Chamber of Commerce forwarded resolutions passed by that body expressing appreciation of the attitude shown by the Minister of Defence regarding the law relating to the compulsory provisions of the Defence Act. Tho Coune.u was asked to endorse same.—Received. Miss Sophia Smart requested tho Council to cut high trees near her property m Brook street.—The Engineer to report. Messrs Pitt and Moore, city solicitors, forwarded a legal opinion as to Council's liability in regard to the damage done to Messrs Adams and Harley's premises by the Council's^tar tank catching fire. The opinion was expressed that on the facts submitted the Council was liable for the damage.— Reaolved that tho Commercial Union Insurance Company be offored £10 towards the cost of repairing the buildI ing. An amendment that the estimated cost of repairs, £19 10s, be paid was lost, tho Ayes being the Mayor and Crs Kershaw and Mercer. Mr F. St John wrote in respect of his property in Hardy street, known as the Dresden Chambers, stating that the Engineer required him to erect the new verandah he was contemplating with iron posts instead of wood. He was willing to erect wooden posts in. a suitable manner, but objected to being ordered to nse iron posts, claiming "that under by-lay No 69 such posts could be either wood or iron, subject to certain conditions laid down in the by-laws. "' The City Engineer said that the Council had passed a resolution insisting upon iron verandah posts in the main streets. After some discussion Cr Tasker.moved that Mr St John bo informed that the instructions of the City Engineer must be carried'out. Seconded b" Cr Snodgrass and carried. Mr John. Scott, hori. secretary of tiiQ Nelson Builders' and' Contractors' Industrial Union of Employers, wrote stating that at a meeting of his Union • | the Council's building by-laws had been ' discussed, and the opinion was expressed that some of them were not suited to the conditions , obtaining in Nelson. Others were considered to be too oppressive, and others again appeared unworkable. The Union had certain proposals for the amendment of the bylaws, which it was desired to submit for the Council's consideration and asking that a conference be arranged between representatives of the Council and his Union for the purpose of discussing same. Cr Harley was of opinion that it was time the question of the by-laws was taken in hand. He considered it would be wise for the Council to meet the Builders' Association in conference. Ho moved to that effect. CV Tasker seconded the motion, which was carried. Mrs Maud Hood applied to havo a lamp erected in Shakespeare* Walk—Referred to the Works Committee. Mr A. P. Lucas wrote in reference to the ro&d'in Wellington; Terrace, stating that if not altered hundreds of pounds worth of damage could- easily happen t6 land* owners below.—Left to the Engineer to report. l! ! ' , ■Messrs J. Redpath; arid Son, Christchurch, wrote in refefeneo to the cargo of Aberdare coal per the barque Lindstol.r—Referred to the Gas Committee. Mr. B. B. Jones, Britannia Heights, informed the Council that- he required water supply for the use of stock. — Referred to the Finance Committee. Mr Thos. Cawthron acknowledged receipt of estimates and particulars r© the proposed fence at the Port,- and informing the Council that it could go on with the work, and asking that a good strong fence be erected. The City Engineer state<J that, before the railing was erected it would;be necessary to repair the sea wall between the Rocks road and the boat shed. A low parapet would have to be erected. On Cr Mercer' 6 motion it. was resolved that tenders be invited for the iron - In reply to €i Tasker the City Engineer said he could not state how much the repairs to tho wall would coat. Cr Tasker thought an estimate of the cost of the repairs to the wall should be obtained. , , The Engineer roughly estimated tlio , cost at about £100. Cr Fell said that the wall would havo to "be repaired very shortly, and ho thought they should go on with the work? He moved that the Engineer be • instructed to report on the cost of repairs to the wall.—Carried. ■ ___ ■ On the motion of Crs Harley and Mercer a hearty vote of thanks was accoraed Mi- Cawthron for his offer. COMMITTEE REPORTS. The special Committee of the whole of tho Council reported as follows— \s to remits to Municipal Association, that the following bo a further remit to tho Municipal Association, namely, "That the Rating Act, 1908 bo amended so as to provide that a discount be allowed on all rates paid within seven days from the date of service of demand." As to Botanical Reserve, that the fences bo repaired in accordance with tho City Engineers report, and that tenders bo invited for leasing for grazing purposes. As to Milton's Acre, that the matter of taking out or transplanting any trees that may be necessary be left in the hands of tho City Engineer. As to Hampden street, stdrmwater drain, that the existing ditch in Hampdon street be cleaned out. As to cabbage tree, Trafalgar

': street, that the City Engineer arrange 1 with tho Telegraph Department to re- . move tho telephone posts on tho best terms possible. As to footpath, Trafalgar street south, that repairs be car- ■ Tied out at a cost of aboxxt £5. That tho following letters havo boon received and ; I considered by the Committee since the I I dato of tho hist Council mooting and they beg to reDort thereon as follows: From Mrs Johnson as to watercourse, fiimano street, that tho willows on the oast side of tho ditch bo taken out and that Mrs Johnson be allowed to dant the west side in order to protect her property, tho work to bo done under the supervision of tho City Engineer. Irom .VJj M. Lightbantl, applying for permission to cut dead trees on river bank for firewood purposes, consideration deferred. From Messrs F. and D. Edwards tin behalf of Mr Arthur Giblin, reauestiug financial assistance to catrry out drainage work to a property in Nilo ■ street east, that Messrs Edwards be informed that tho Council is considering this application with others of similar nature, and will take action very shortly.—Adopted. Consideration of other matters was deferred. The special committee re Maitai lands reported as follows: That they recommend that steps be taken under the Public Works Act to.acquire all the land coloured pink on the plan of tho northern bank of the river from and inclusive of the land marked "D" as far as k Sunday Hole. Also the land on the eastorn bank from the iron bridge to a point two chains distant from the corner of Denny's Hole. Also a strip of land on the western side of Sunday H.OIO as far as the comer, and also seclion 14a. The Mayor reported that the Oommitt<ss had conferred with the Land Traffic Committee of the Chamber of Comraoroe, :uhl the urea of land proposed to bo taken hud boon cut down by (37 acres, 'the moot the funds that were available for tho purpose. Cr Kerslnw opposed the purchase of any of tho Lvyl i.nontioiK>d. The Couns cil, ho said, had a very beautiful park up the Maitai, which was sufficient for all purposes. Tho adoption of tho report was deferr■MJppending tho 'obtnLuai; of a legal on the matter. Wr. SWIMMING BATHS.n I Cr Snodgrass moved that tho smaller I scheme, costing £2000 for salt water swimming baths bo placed before tho ratepaj'ers. In reply to Cr Bisley, tho City Engineer said tho estimates were £3000 and £2000 respectively for salt water ki.tlis. aim £3500 lor v fecwh watnr bath at the back of tho Baptist Church. Cr Hampson thought that if they could have salt water baths in the centre of tho city tho revenue would be doubled than if they were at the Port. •Before tho question was put before the ratepayers an estimate should be obtained for salt water baths near the city. Ho believed a central scheme would have a better chanoo of being carried. He moved that the matter be deferred for a fortnight to enable the JJhigineor to report on a scheme for salt water baths near the city.

Cr Adams agreed with Cr Hampson's suggestion. He believed that salt water could he carried to any site near the city by the aid of a water ram and a pipe line from the sea. The ram could be worked from tne ordinary water supply. He seconded the amendment. Cr Fell considered that in all circumstances the salt water baths at the Port was the best scheme

Cr Kershaw thought Cr Adams' sofeeme was feasible.

«■'-Or Bisley supported Cr Hampson because he did not believe the ratepayers would support a. scheme for the expenditure- of £3000 on baths at the Pore simply to suit a lot of f'addista. Ho i ..would'strongly oppose this loan. The amendment was put and carried. lAyes: Crs Harley, Kershaw, Hamp- '■ son, Bisley, Mercer, and Adams. Noes: Ors Tasker, Fell, Snodgrass, and the Mayor. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT. j Tho City Engineer (Mr J. G. Littlojohn), reported that a number of street repairs in various parts of tho city wero eithor completed or in hand, including i patching in Waimea street (which was costing about £3 per chain} and Van '■Pieman street between "Waimea street and Waimoa road. Water.—The eareifeaker of the waterworks had reported that th© upper weir had ceased to overflow and the water fell below stream level on Wednesday last. He had ordered the weir to be cut off during the night, and it filled to within a foot of ithe top by tho morning. The night consumption lowered the big dam about four inches. Drainage.—The main outlet sewer in Waimea street was being ■cleaned out, about eight chains being completed. The cost would average about 20s per chain. The pressure of .water at Halifax street was practically ■useless to sluice out the sewer owing to .-the inadequate reticulation. It might be brought into use when the ;work reached the Haven road main. This sewer and the one joining it from Halifax street were practically blocked by the drainage mains, and he recommended tnat. trie sewer be 'enlarged at this jwint to restore the capacity of the cixl.vejrt, at a cost of about £43. The eewor' from Halifax street to Hardy street seemed to have been badly constructed, or1 it had simk and therei was now a dip ofaome 18 inches in the gradient, which ,vas in some measure the cause of the silting up of the drain. In rolling Wairaea and Van Dieman streets one gas main and one house Bervice had been •brokon, and the gas found its way into ■both the old and tho nevr sewers, thus clearly indicating the defective nature of •both in that locality. Gas mains.—The laying of mains in Victoria Crescent would be proceeded with when work in North Esk street was completed. (Sfconmwater drains. —The work of cleaning out stormwater drains would be ■proceeded with during the next two months. In conjunction with this work icho. street watertables and culverts .were being cleaned out and the streets themselves tidied up. Administration of, by-laws.—Six permits under the building bjr-laws have been issued. Public, health.-—No cases of notifiable In-1: fectious diseases had been. ..reported. Miscellaneous. —Gravel carters had ' re^ riioved a quantity of gravel from the mudflat from the Council's property, and had taken material from alongside fche septic tank and Trafalgar Park wall. Ho- h:id marked, out the boundary of the raservo and asked the Council to confirm his prohibition of the removal of any further gvavol. Ho had visited a soam of rock pointed out by Mr Worley in a gully about a mils above the brick works at Bishopdale. The stone was of fch& samo kind and quality as in Brook sfctoet. A quarry in this locality would seduce tho cost of delivery for the streets soutli of the Collegq by morethan half, but he doubted if the initial ofcßgnse- of opening tho quarry would be justified at present. The Engineer also submitted tho io:----iowing special report: — !1 Van Dieman street.-—The cost of the Work in this street had amounted to ■fiWS 18s lOd. In this work both gas it»d water miuns wero unearthod. Tlie waterinain -was out out and tho iibrv.icos connected up with tho ./ inch Kirjn. Tlm) 'gas main was reluid,.a.nd jurafl subsequently broken by the roller. About 128 io:uif of material were -carted from the Muik'i quarry and used to licbal -tho^ucW i'ormatiou. About .v.i loads were use-! on the >ix chains rehiiirod. Tho iv!-010 of tho work wnt {Swouftblv roliud. He allowed 20s a day , for. the! roller.- Ir.bour £26 2s Id horse | I-lw £49"Js '-''J. materials £20 9s Bd, j total £95 13b 6d. •., ' The fT»t,v TOnsii'ieor wodvecd ponio, nicots of- Water pipo taken from Van-

guard street. . These were in a loaky oondition, and the Engineer stated that the condition of these pipes no doubt accounted for the waste of water. On Cr Mercer's motion it was resolved that tho City Engineer bo atuhorised to ,take stops to prevent persons from taking gravel train near Trafalgar Park. Cr Tasker said that he had been handed a list of 50 places whore there was v j leakago from cisterns. If this was go- j ing on all over the town it was only reasonable to suppose that this acoounteu , in a largo'measuro for the abnormal quantity of water passing through the ; meter at night. A high pressure cock ' was stated to be the solution of the difficulty. Ho thought an inspector, 'should bo put on to report. lffiffl&sittttKkiUlj- :.l .. ■.sro-ES'Svafei. GAS ENGINEER'S REPORT 7 The Gas Engineer (Mr W. J. Hookey) reported that since last:meeting.':■ 30± tons lqr of coal had been carbonised, and 3,528,000 cubic feet of gas manufactured. Gas per ton of coal, 11,720 cubic feet; illuminating power, 19 candles.. There was in stock 170 tons of New- , castle and 8 tons of Westport coal ana | 4500 gallons of tar. THE ABATTOIR MANAGER'S REPORT. ] Tho abattoir manager reported that ] the following' animals woro slaughtered (during the fortnight: Cattle 69," calves 5, sheep 599, lambs 268, pigs 44; total 985. One sheep was condemned. TENDERS. Tenders for the supply of Jtoulder Bank metal were received ;<s follows: Langlands and Co., 3s lid :.< v;:rci; A. S. Johnston 3s j E. V. Johnston 8s 9d. The last tenderer stated he could tupply stone on the punts at 3s lid a yard. In reply to a qiiestion the Engineer estimated that tho stone could bo delivered at the Gasworks wharf and got ready to be put on the streets for about 4s a yard. The lowest tender was accepted. OIIDINAJU BUSIINEbS. Under ordinary business it was resolved that the telephone bo installed ;ib the ■City Engineer's residence, and that the question of a gas lamp on Haven road be referred to the Gas Committee*. Cr Fell mentioned that when tho rocent deputation waited on the Hon Mr Maedonald a request had boon made that tho Railway Department should fill up tho ditch on Milton's Acre, which was referred to as a disgrace. Cr Foil said that the ditch belonged to the .Council, :;.nu ?.;o dl<\ not want i.c- !.>.•■ a j party feu such a request, and ho thought tho attention of the member for tho district should be called to the fact. He moved in this direction, and tho motion was carried. Cr Hampson considered that the Council should obtain data for the installation of a" motor tram service or tho one mentioned by Alderman Hartley. He did not think an electric tram I service would bo suitable for Nelson. , He believed the service he had suggested could be installed for £15,000. If the city did not take the matter up, he had reason to believe that private enterprise was prepared to do it. He moved that a special committee consisting of the Mayor, Crs Mercer, Kershaw, Tasker and himself should be set up to deal . with the in attar. —Carried. Or Bisley said that ho noticed that the expenditure in Van Die-man street amounted to £148, while the Council diad bees led to believe that it would be only £28. When the Engineer found that the estimate was to be. exceeded by £120 all work should have been stooped. Tho Engineer explained that a large portion of the work had been authorised i before he took up his duties. Tho Mayor said tho Engineer was not tn blame, as'.thc^Council had authorised all the work that had been carried out. The Engineer said that he had been careful to report every fortnight the • works that were in progress. Cr Fell asked that some gravel should be put on a cycle track leading to the golf links. He moved that the Engineer prepare an estimate of the cost by next meeting.—Carried. Tho Council roso at 11.15 p.m.

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Colonist, Volume LIV, Issue 13414, 11 May 1912, Page 5

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NELSON CITY COUNCIL. Colonist, Volume LIV, Issue 13414, 11 May 1912, Page 5

NELSON CITY COUNCIL. Colonist, Volume LIV, Issue 13414, 11 May 1912, Page 5


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