G. F. HINGSTON IS NOW SELLING Glass Jars for Fruit Preserving fvt- very low prices '',-'"' Wide Mouth Atlas Special Jars in pints, quarts, and half gallons Wide Mouth Eagle Jars in pint?, quarts, and half gallons Mason's Jars in pints, quarts, and half gallons Tie Over Jars in one and two pounds Jelly Glasses with lids Preserving and Stew Pans, Wood Spoons, etc. Best Crystal Sugar, 8/6 per 561 b bag Brewer's Crystals, 9/6 „ „ „ Moist White and Yellow Sugar Icing, Castor, and Cube Sugar cheap Dark Brown Sugar, 10/- per 70lb, bag Flour, 13/- and 12/6 lOOlbs. Fine Salt, 4/- per cwt bag Soap, from 7/6 box Best Rice, 9/6 per 561 b. bag Corn Flour, from 3d lb. Canary Seed, CA or . or 1/9 Dessicated Coccanut, 8d lb, Best Loose Raisins, 4d and 5d lb. Cleaned Currants, 4id and od lb. „ Sultanas, 2/3 for 61bs. Seeded Raisins, 6d and 7d packet Cooking Figs 4d lb., Dessert Figs 6d Prunes 5d lb.. Best Dates 5d Lemon Peel 6d lb., Ess. Lemon, &c. s 4d bottle Pine Apple 6d to 1/- tin, Marmalade sd, 1/-.1/6 Worcester Sauce, fid large bottle Lime Juice 1/-, Ships Lime Juice 1/3 Teas in 51b. boxes and tins, 5/<5, 6/6, 7/6, 9/6 Splendid Ceylon Tea in half chests, 1/2 per lb by the half chest Genuine Brown Windsor Soap, 7 cakes for'6d White Starch 1/6 and 1/9 pkt., Colman's 2,3 Clothes Pegs J2doz. 1/-, Sand Soap 3d cake Carbonate Soda, 61bs for 1/Cream Tartar 1/3 lb., Nutmegs 1/6 lb. Cocoa from 1/5 lb., Bourne ville Cocoa 3/4 Lunch and Cabin Biscuits, -Id lb. Mixed Lollies 4d lb., Scotch Mixtures 6d Cuticura Soap 1/3, Sunlight Soap 1/-. All other goods equally cheap. Goods Delivered to All Parts of the City. G. F. HINGSTON, Cash Groceb, anv> Direct Importer, H\rjvs Street, Nelson. Telephone 194. Drapery. Drapery. CTELENIUS, of Spring Grove, will • OPEN a Branch Business in premises just erected, New Main Street, WA KEF I ELD, on MONDAY, 3rd FEB. When will commence a GENUINE 10 per cent DISCOUNT CASH SALE OF HIGH CLASS DRAPERY. Also will be offered a JOB LOT of Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Hats, and Caps; Men's Straw and Felt Hats ; Ladies' Fur Necklets, Cashmere ami Fur Lined Gloves and many other lines, at a reduction of 50 per cent off Regular Prices. 196 "FOK'SALIsr Sheep Farms. 31C0 ACRES.— Good sheep oountry, eight miles from Railway Station, 1400 acres in gras9 and rcugh feed, balance bush, ring fenced and sub-divided, 6 rcomed house, 2 roomed cottage, man'B whare, bawmilling plan* on property can be taken at valuation. Prioe £2 10s per acre. 110 ACRES.— BO acres in grass remainder \ under cultivation, sub-divided mo 10 good paddooks, limestone formatter, property specially adapted for producing eaily crops and early lvnbF. Township, railway, and sehco! within two miles. New ' Bis-roomed bouse sod all necessary farm buildings, Price £21 par acre. 84 ACREB. Nearly ail in grats, good sheep oountry. half level, bal&noe low hill?, S new roomed house, Et. ble and barn. Price £700. 500 ACRES —Good kheep country, fenced Bnd st-b-divided ; 4 roomed house. Price £2 per acre. 270 ACRES— Gooi )aod, 40 acres leve), balance uiduletiDg Bheep country ; good house and farm building-. Price £1650. AGRICULTURAL PROPERTIES. SPLENDID Orcharl Property, enna'ed within |-mil 3 from Railway Sra-i.-n, and cne mile from Post Office and School. The property oomprises Five - acres first-class land ; 3J acres in orchard comprising best varieties ef fruit trees, &U io f-ill bearing. Esght roomed house, bathroom, Dantry, dairy, washhouse, fruit packing Bhed, sable, trapshed, workshop, large glasshouse containing fifty grape vines, windmill and tank ; water laid on to dwe'lin?house, glasshoase, orchard, and pa<idcok. AbargaiD. Prioe £1050. MR. GEORGE HEATS fine property, known as "Allington," situated in Brightwater, oomprisiDg One hunched and forty-two acres ol splendid agricultural land. Fif y aares now in bail-y, balance in English grasses. Improvements compiise good eight-roomed reside- cc, stab'es, barn, and 0 her necessary farm buildings. 53$ ACRES splendid agricultural lacd situated at Brigbtwater, all level, balance in grass; small whare and large ba?n> Pries £1600. 247 ACRES of splendid land, situated in tbe most fer-.ile district in Nelson, within four mi'es of wharf by good level road ; 40 acres splendid agricultural land, the very best land for crops, hops, or orchard ; balance low bills, of which 120 acres has recently bern felled and grassed ; remainder is in rough feed. The property, which is ef limestone formation, is excellently staated, and wel'i watered by streams and springs. Improvements comprise good seven-roomed house, five-stall stable wifcb two 1 OS9 boxe*, and all necessary farm bu lding^, sheep ya ds, etc. Water laid on to bouse and stables, 2.J acres in raspbemcß, 5 acres in orchard, comprising best varieties apples, currants, canning peaches and pears; 1J acres hops on wi.er 1 . Price, £3100. 16 ACRES of Land at Stoke, with b'u£ roomed House and farm buildings. Would make an ideal poultry farm. Prioe £800. 30 AORES.— At Waimea Wee*, 8 aores level, temainder undulating, an ideal orchard property. Price £175, 60 ACRES,— Farm, splendid land ; 40 aores under plough, 10 aores in grass, balance bush reserve ; 10 rcomed house, hop kiln, stable, 2 aores hops, 3 acres orohard. Price £1650. 34 ACRES— Magnificsnt Dalrjing Land; new five-roomed house and atablep, within two miles of sohool, township, railway station and butter factory, Prioe £1400, of which £1000 can remain at 5 par cent. 21 AORES— Splendid level land, within 8 miles from City and Port; would make idea orchard property or poultry property. Prioe £1050, 25 ACRES— Good Fruit-growing Land. 7 roomed bouso, stable, six paddocks, near Post Offioe, eohool and Raiiway station. Price £1050. 75 AORES. — AH good Agricultural Land S roomed bouse and farm buildings Price £1300; City Properties. WAIMEA-ST.: Good Cottage Property 48 feet frontage by depth of 153 f c:, together with two small Cottage thereon, ell in good order. For said 0. easy terms. Prioe £350. HOUSE Property in Mount-street, ha?irjp frontage of 60 feet by depth of 122 fe^t. New 6-rcomed HouEe, bathrotm, liaeu p l^*, pnotr^, wasbhome, cti- Price £65U. MANUKA and ALTON STS — Buildioc sites at £3 104 per foot. HARDY ST.— 2 Acrre, suitable for sub division Pncs £300 par acre. HILS-Sr. BAST. Pp'.endid building -i «; rt £2 los per fcot. TORY ST.— BoHtmful section, 50 feet bj 150 feet. Tree £200. TOTARA BT: Fits a lass seotiooe, 50tt 150 ft, horn 3O?peifoot TBE Kt.CKf, TUB lOhT, - Fp *r.d Lmldii k Etc, magnificent vi w «• Neleon Haven. Prioe £450, o? whi<r £350 can remain on mor'gsge at fi» per cent. BAMPDEN ST.* New fi?e roomad h-.u* wath onvenienees. L^nd 42ft t>: 100 ft 1 Kew g-asa benae. Price £450. PITT ViOORE. SOLICJTOPP. SFLBON "
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Colonist, Volume L, Issue 12158, 5 February 1908, Page 3
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1,122Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume L, Issue 12158, 5 February 1908, Page 3
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