The Theatre was c owded yesterday afternoon, when the annual distribution ( f prizes to the papila of the Town Schools took pace. The body of the building was filled with the senior scholars, while the jnoiors oooupied seats upon the stage. The members of the Committee w<-re also seated upon the stage. A large number of parents, frier ds, old soholarß, and visitors were in the gallery.
Bey J. H. MacKenzie, Chairman of the Committee, asked his Worship the Mayor to preside. His Worship, in addressing the children, expressed bis pleasure at seeing so many bright and happy faces. He nrged that while education was extremely useful, i; should be combined with a moral and religious training to help them live good and useful lives. He referred to Nelson taking the lead in educational matters, ani its Pro vinoial education sy tern forming the basis lor the present excellent Byatem now in vogue in Sew Zealand. He woald like, he said, to see the Act altered so as to permit the Bible being read for twenty minutes eaoh day in the poblio Schools. He considered the children's gratitude was due to the teachers who bad co ably taught them, to Mes-rs Allan and Anoell who had collected the money for their prize?, and the Sohool Committee who devoted so much time to seeing to the schco's, their work, and ftheir comfort. (Applause,) Hia Worship distributed the prizes according to the following list : — Grate* Obntbal Fchool. Toi Toi Valley.
Presented by the Chmmittea for highest marks:
Standard VII J A ShirtliS 1, 0 Martin 2. Standabd VI; A 'Child 1, J Eaadala 2, M Gaily 3. Standabd V: F Shir lift 1, E Griffia 2, E Wise 3.
Siihdabd IV : A Na'der 1, D Frazer 2, E Henry 3, L Shone 4. Standabd III : E Bedgrave 1, C Palmer 2, L Dayman 3. Attendance Certificate;— First o'ass: G Fowler, E Hodgson, E Rive, B Leach, N Slatter, A Basley, L Dayman, I Henry, E Kitobing, A Anderson, I Mollison, L Shone, E Vickerman, 0 Watson, 0 Martin, B Black.
Attendance Certificates — Second class: E Dement, J Easdale, A Stanton, E Mellett, E Hill, J Nehon, B Day, J Boon, J Stovell, H Bamford, E Organ, E Crosbie, L Laird. Ptizeß presented by friendß, and teachers' prizes. Best pass at examination : M O'Brien 1, E Dement 2.
Composition end oral work (Miss Hughes' prize) : B Hanby. Composition and paraphrasing (Miss Jobnaon's prize) : J Greig. Ctmpo&ition and oral work (Miss Bond's prize) A Anderßm. Arithmetic (Miag Mcßaohen'B prize).' G O'firen. £9£is Drawing, : (Mies Hughes' prizes) F Gilbert M Trent, (Miss Jehnson'g prize) F Horton, (Mrs AnceU's pris-e) B Edwards, Mrß Viokerman B prizes) F Johnson, C Friir. ■
Good Conduct : (Miss Gißtnigne's priz r s) BOhin»,*G Fowler, A Taylor, B Kidson, (tdist|Hughoß' prizes) h Matthews, £* Hale,
E Fojn, (Mrs Ancell's prizes) E Edwardo, B Black, (Miss Bond's prizes) Q Paoker, M Black." i Science! (Dr Maohie's prizes') B Hanby, B Black, 0 Wis», A Ander-en, E Vickerman; , Needlework: VI, E Brown, F Hale, E Boon ; V. E Organ, C Johnßton, E Baal, F Borton, O Martin, M Foote ; IV, B Anirews, M Leaver, E Vickerman, G Packer, I Moore ; 111, L Dayman, B Kidson, A Waterbouse, A Stanton, A Taylor. ' Cerutisiies of pass in drawiog of the 2nd grad% Wellington Teohoioal School: Gr Nalder (excellent), M O'Brien (go id) F Taylor (good) A Sh rtliff, M Trent, F Gilbert. E Boon. E Boddington, E Ching, A Child. F Djbb, E Hobden, G Fowler, M Gaily, F Hale, I Hobdoo, A Jaisop, E Jabnstin, A Jeffreys, L Laird, L Matthews, M Newman, I Poole, E Bive.
Haven Boad School.
Presented by the Committee for highast marks :
Standabd II: Baby Stallard, Charles Heath, Ella Child, Eatrina Anderson.
Standard I: Margaret Hanter, Harry Bioketta, Habert Atkias. ; Pbepabatoey I: Norman Allan, George Henry, Cyril Baigent, Pbepabatoby II: Inez Bickette, Amy Heath.
Infants: Henry AUdridge, Alice Trot*. Needlework: (For the year's work) Standard 11, Baby Btallard ; Standard I, Daisy Conatab'e ; Preparatory n, Beatrice Henry ; Preparatory I, Hilda Bowe. For specimens done before the ezammsr : Standard 11, Cassandra Walker ; Standard I, Maggie Brown ; Preparatory IT, Charlotte Soott ; Preparatory I, Hazel Eeteoart.
Scripture: (Presented by Mis Mack&y) Baby Stallard, Louise flarlay, Frances Browne^ Cassandra Walker, Elizabeth Cowley, Mabel Bowe, Coral Krabegen, Beatrice Viokerman, Mary Coles, Mabel Vosper, A Hoe Bioketts, CothberS Christophers, Joseph Peart, Norman fercival, Charles Heath, John Emerson. Presented by Miss Melhnieh: Margaret Hanter, Mary Graham, John Nelson. Presented by Miss Hodgson : Hilda Bioketts, Thomas Walker.
Good Conduct: (Presented by Mra Christ ■> ophers) Daisy Bradley: presantad by Mra Child, Joseph Peatt. Copy Book: (Presented by Mrs Leapsr) Cassandra Walker, Frances Brown ; preseated by Mrs Scott, Frank Laitd, El a Child. Geography: (Presented by Jlra Bowdsn) Cutbbert Christophers 1 ; (presented by Mra Cbristopbers) Alioe Rioketts 2. Good Work : (Pressnted by Mrs Viokwman), Boy Jones; Best Ezeroiee Book.' (Presented by Mra Stallard) Mabel Vosper. Attendance prizes (the ohildrennot having missed half a day) were award d to ;—Standard II: Coral Krabagan, Baby Stallard, Oassatdra Walker, Beatrice Viokermao, Eatrioa Anderson, Jessie Cross, Elizabeth Cowley, Gladys Everett, Charleß Heath (pre* sen'ed by Mra Soott). Standard I: Needlework (Mrs Bialey'a prize). ;Ciarioe Bolton ; best copy books, Daisy Constable, Frank Bedgrave ; conduct, Mar* gater Brown; attendance, Ethel Molliaon, John Nelson, Harry Ricketts, Olive Oxley (Miss Dernent's prizes). Pbefabatobv. (presented by Mies Eitobing : General efficiency. Frank Dayman, Elaie Scully; mental arithmetic, Herbert ßisley ; writing, Arthur Hurst, Ikfants (prfsentei by Miss Salmon): Writing, Hilda Kiokets, Bedeia MoDjnagh; Sewing, Annie Maokay, Martha Gabriels on. I. Certificates for regular attendance were gained by Beatrice Viokermao, Katrina Anderson, Jessie Cross, Coral Krahagaa, Elizabeth Mollieon, Cassandra Walker, Eliz ibeth Cowley, Ruby Stallard, Gladys Everett, Charles Heath ; Ethel Mollison, Beatrice Henry, Walter Wdtson, Ernest Qnirk-
11. Certificates for regular attendance were awarded tt John Nelson, Harry Riokettß, Ada Hurst, Olive Oxley, Caroline Philips, Lionel Johnston, Mabel Vosper, Ella Child, Florence Raff, Norman Pereiva?, John Emerson, Fred. Barton, Tom Walker, Noiman Allan, Geo. Henry, Mildred Nblaon, I nez Rioketta, Hilda Rickets, Ella Allan, Wil' Oowley.
[Very pre ty and ua fa presents were given to Mr 3 Scott by her class, i oMißaSilmond by the sohool upon he leaving for Tasman B'rett.J HaJIPDEN TBBET. Presented by (he Committee for highest m -rks : Standard II: Harold Eidson 1, Ethel fihase 2, William Stone 3. Stahdabd I: Edith Eobb 1, Gwendoline Isaacs 2, Kroest Thomson 3.
Preparatory III : Myrtle Bobb 1, Harrold Pettitt 2.
Pbepabatobt II: Ivy Bennett 1, Harold Bebufald 2 Prepahatobt I : Phyllis leaac 1, Eva Boyle 2.
SEwiKa Prizes '. Standard 11, Floranoe Gribble; Standard I, Ellen Wimsett; Preparatory HI, Cecilia Bobertson; Preparatory 11, Ivy Milroy; Pieparatoryl, olive Warnook
! Special Pr zes : Standard II (Good conduct — presented by Mrs Metzinthien) Elsie Trencher; Standard IT, (good conduct—presented by Mr Light) Lilly King ; Standard I, I (good conduct— presented by Mrs Thomson) | Hilda Edwards ; Standard 11, (perseverance— presented by Mr Light) Jan? Brewster; Standard I, (perseverance— pre-ented by Mr Light) Eva Light ; Preparatory 11, (psrseverance—presented by Mr Light) Winnifred Brewster ; Preparatory 11, perseverance — presented by Me Neve) David Jennet ; Standard 11, (special prize for sawing) Florenoa Mills, Bbook Street Sohool. Presented by the Committee for highest marks : (standard II: Grace Sowman 1, Mary Culiihane 2, Harold Fathers 3, Bernioe Nalder 4. Standard I: Eila Newport 1, Lena Hookey 2, Nellie Onllinane 3, Nina Oonetable 4. Preparatory I : Harry Kitohing 1, Herbert Waters 2. Preparatory II: Vincent Trask 1, Clifford Colea 2. Sewing Frizes : Grace Sowman, Ella Newport Constance Hitching, Louisa Thetford. Special Prizes. — Presented by Mrs Sherwood : Edith Frank, good conduct ; Evelyn Kcbertson, Bertie Johans^o, Presented by Mrs Constable: Clar<j Nixon, sewing. Presented by Mrs Kennedy: Vera Bamford, sewing. Presented by Miss Kitohing : Sydney Rudm*n, Brie Bamford. Presented by Alias Nalder : Frederick Chittenden, L. Tatton.
Attendanae Certificates. -Ist Glass, Constance Kitcbing; 2nd Clasp, L9slie Ward, Bernioe Nalder, Kate Hookey, Lena Hookey, Bertie Kitohing, Bertia Jonaneoo, H. KitOhing. Freseoted by Mrs timallbonel Ivy Cullen, for Bewiug
Boys' Central Schdoli.
Presented by tbo Committed for highest marks:
Sandard VII: Harold Stanton 1, Dudlty Ghißholm 2.
Standard VI: George Day. Standard Va; Edward Allan 1. Benjamin Neale 2.
standard Vb: Piroy Fieldea 1, Thomaa Louisßon 2.
Standard IV: Frank Hurley 1, Maurice Hurst 2.
Standard IIIa: Wiliam Draper 1, Walter Hause 2.
S taadard IIIb ; Oharles)dimmoDß 1, Claude Obant 2.
Habdt Stbeet School.
Pr rented by the' Committte for h'gheat marks :
Standabd I: Gertrule Allen 1, Florence Shone 2, Annie Wtb'.ey 3.
Pekpabatoby I : Leslie Bhone 1, Ettal Tregea 2, Norman Eerr 3.
Pbxpabat. by II : Dorothy France 1, Joßopb Bufif 2, Gladys Fathers 3.
N eilewoik: Standard I, Alice Bowden ; Preptratoryl, Marjory Mercer; Preparatory 11, Bet* Yanee; Preparatory 111, Koniha Brown.
Tasman Stbtbt School.
Presented by the Commi^e for highest marks :
Standabd II: Percy Stewart 1, O.barlea Morley 2, Edward Brown 3.
Stand 4ed I: Wilbm Baton 1, Sydney Vaasa 2, Thomas HawksworthS.
Barcett 1, Hazel
Pbefabatobt: Percy Hookey 2, Cecil Dixon 3,
Hiß Worship said the certifiiatea for d awing came from the Wsliagton Technioal School, and credit waßda9 to Miss Hughos for the ecbool being connected with that osefal institution, (Applatre.) Mr Piper said he would like to see prizes given with the regular at endancs certificates. He reminded the children that thtir education bad oniy begun when they left school, and that they were n w receiving the power to teaoh themselves. Be was pleased to hear his Worship's remark' regarding the Bible, wbiob was the bes' • f doW^b, and wa? st tb c foundation of ibs crftlißfttiofn of the.l9th oen.
lury. Ec wished theobildren a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and expressed a hope tbat they would grow up men and women tt at their country wculd be proud of. (Applause). His Worship called for. and the ohildren gave heartily three oheers for the teaohers, Messrs Allan aid Anoel*, the pub io who §aye the money for the pri/^B, for tbe memerß of tbe School Committee, and for Miss Gasooigne, who, the Mayor ia ; d, had proved the best teaoher in the Nelson Province. He i expressed a hope that that lady would enjoy her retirement, and look with pleasure upon tha good work she bad done in tbe past.
Bey. J. H. MftoKenzie oalled for three oheers for his Worship, whiob were heartily given, and (be interesting procediogs dosed.
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Bibliographic details
Colonist, Volume XL, Issue 8748, 23 December 1896, Page 2
Word Count
1,734NELSON TOWN SCHOOLS. Colonist, Volume XL, Issue 8748, 23 December 1896, Page 2
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