(From the ' Colonist ' November 27th ) Tnr rain that set in on Wednesday evening thy >atennd to continue and mar this year's Show "but fortunately the morning of yesterday broke fine, and the rain that had fallen had only a beneficial effect, for the dust on the roads was laid, so that travelling was mad.; move pleasant, and the country was wonderfully freshened in appearance. By the fir?t train a large number went out to Richmond Park, where as usual the Show was held, and from that time till two o'clock in the afternoon, each train arriving atßich-
montl was crowded. The country folk, too, ' were pouring in from all parts, and we never remember to have seen so many conveyances on the grounds before. The attendance could not have been less than five thousand, and undoubtedly was the largest at any of the shows yet held. In the afternoon clouds gathered overhead but no rain fell, and the heat was pleasingly tempered thereby. Profiting by past experience arrangements were more complete th in in former years, and everything paßßed off without ft hitch of any kind, and tho work wbb got through more expeditiomly than formerly. Thonghoat tbß day the Stoke Orphanage Hand, fam ibeir station on the lawn, discoursed plossing musio and, as is nsually the case when the boys are beird in public, their performanoes were much enj yed. At neon Mr J. W. Marsden, President of the Associatirn, fsrai&lly opened tbo Show, and in his ac'drees ha said that on behalf of the Ccm-
mittce and management of the Association he gave a cordial welcome to all, and offered bis congratulations upon the fine weather, for peihaps no oiher gatheriog depended fo much £.r success upon this as an agricul tural show. Wet woathtr meant smatt »t«pnd nee, and consequent financial 1038, damages to exhibits, and disapoointmant all rouad, lie hoped that all would find n?uob to interest them in the live stock, produce, etc. displayed. Of cours9 it waa a small Bhow oompared with some of the Bouthern shows, wanting? a 9 we were in the grtat areas of frrtila country such as there were in Otcgo and Canterbury upon which to draw, £till that made it all the more desirable that the live stock and the farm produoe should be the very \>< st that the Und could be made to produce- (Hear, hear.) To ensure tbia being done he knew ol no bettar sfleana than those provided by suoh an Association as theirs when intelligently conduced andloyalb Bappo ted. (Hear, hear.) Not only would the farming community bacefit, but the town al3o, for whatever benefited the country of necessity benefited the town. He would not entar into details about the Show ; the exhibits we;e upon the ground, and the publio oou!d Bee for themselves, judge for themselve?, and in the awards read the judgment of competent judgeß upon what they saw. Ho was heartily glai to see so many present, and declared the Show to be open. (Applause.) Taking the classes in their order, the fust to be dealt with would be draught horses— not a l9rge class, but Bhowing some very pood animalß. In the entire das?, there were tbjee hordes only shown, and the Jndge'* award here did not meet with anything lihe general appn-val, nor the approval of many good judges cf hcracfleah. Mr Green's Lcckslny, though at the disadvantage of oomi etirg againßt older hors'S, ip, by those wa have referred to, considered the best hprso in this class. Th 9 light horse olass, including as it does the hack, driving, and jumpiog competitions is undoubtedly the moat popular feature of the Show. Two thoroughbred entries were shown, Merry King secured first award judrftd as the best thoroughbred horse, had the Judge bsen allowed the latitude of judging for the horse best fitted for g ttinj? Btook the award would have been reverse d. Mr Golemnn's carriage entire Boomerang is epohen of aa a pood horse that has got good stock in Canterbury. In the opinion of the Judgo tbe brood mares were not a good class and without good mares good strck cannot be fx pected. In tbe pony, hack, and carriage hrrse classes many good animals were include)*], but there is need of some further classification. For instance in the pony class, j\ larse one, there wera ponies of two entirely different ttimps, one a diminutive thoroughbred suitable fir a ohild to ride upon, the other stout little cobs suoh a^ it would be too mnch for a child to straddle. It is suggested that it would be well in such cases to give the Judge power to pool the prizes, and award equally to the best in each class The same need of classification is mentioned with regard to tbe hunting classes, lor in giving a prize for the best jumper, a three-legged animal may be placed first, merely through being able to jump an inch or two higher than a sound hunter, a safe conveyance across country. In hack classes too, it is suggested that entires should be excluded, and the leaping without saddle or bridle is hardly safe enough to have a place in the Association's catalogue. The pair of ponies shown in harness, which took second place to Mrs Glasgow's Dot and Dandy, have wo understand, been purchased by Mr A. W. Tatton, Mr Isaac Walker was again successful in winning the President's prize for the best jumper in limiting stylo The cattle as regarded quality and breed, were in the opinion of the Judge, as good as were to be seen at the Christchurch Show, but they had not been properly done by in the way of feed. The Jersey, Ayrshire and Hereford, were the best and most numerous, Shorthorns were very few in number. Pigs were n ueh more numerous than at any previous Show, and of good qua ity. The Judges had great difficulty in coming to b decision in rainy oareg. The Yorkshire breed had one rep-esen'ative only. In tbe sheep the Ii mney M-.r?h were the largts; and tbe b st oiase, and included some very good sheep. The Linolns also were a good lot, and the champion ram wa^ a very fine sheep. The Downs were also good sheep, ihe ohampion ram being described as a g'and animal. The Shropshirea also were good, but exoepting the Rumney Marsh, in the judge's opinion the sheep as a whole are behind ether parts ol the Colony. Two pet lambs, Lity and Ivy, exhibited by Mrs Gardner, attracted a lot of attention, and thtyhad oertainly been got up very nioely with their fleeces washed and combed. The domestic produce class was one of the attractions of the Show, and the large tont wherein the exhibits were displayed was thronged at all times. Butter, home-made bread, eoones, bams and bacon, jams, &c, were all classes in which competition was keen, and there were some splendid exhibits. Mr May's show of hams and bacon, for exhibition only, deservedly attracted a lot of attention, and nothing could look nicer. Meßsrs Haddow & Pettit had a large exhibit of the various brands of soap made by them. Mr Hornig showed a glass case containing bees at work. The faim produoe olasa did not bring out keen competition, and there was a falling off compared with last year. Agricultural implements &o, were not. as numerous as last fhow, but there was not much shrinkage. The stands were as follows: — Walter A. Wood Company, Massey, Harris Co, P. and D. Duncan, W. K. May, Booth, Mac Donald and Co, Andrews and Beavan, and Buckeye Harvester Company. The Wellington Woollen Company, showed a grand assortment of their manufactures, which included tweeds, in the piece andmado into clothing, rugs, mauds, shawls, blankets, flannels, yarn Ac, the whole of which formed one of the most interesting exhibits on the ground, Mr H Mirams, district representative for the Company was in charge, and he informs us that he has disposed of tbe whole exhibit to the Beehive Importing Company. Amother other things was a suit completed in 8 hours 42 minutes from the wool being shorn from the sheep's back. Mr John Black showed his recently patented knapsack pneumatic epraytr, and Mr Bromell a very efficient wire strainer. Mr A F. Scholtz had hie only exhibit of traps upon the ground, a neat iusWc dog cart and a Whi'.echapel cart, both nioely trimmed and finished, The amount taken at the gates and for the , stand amounted to £131, and there has still to come from the Railway Department the Bmonnt for ticket; sold that admitted to the grounds in addition to train fare, so that there should bo a larger incomo than last y<.ar. We have to thank Mr John Glen, the Secretary, Yte aFßisiaut, Mr licb^rt Louisaon, the jud^eH, and tbe nvmborß t-f the Com mittee for their courtesy and assistance to QUt renroßentfttives.
The following gentlemen acted as judges .— Draught Home, RE Mcßae, Manaia -Light Horses, George King, Chtiatohuroh ; Jumping and Driving competition, Messrs K K Moßae and George King, gh'wtohwoh; Cattle, Mr M Peaoh, Ashley; Traak and 0 J Birfl j Sheep, P 0 ThretteUl, Rutherford ; 'g"canural Implementa Harnes*. &o, MeSBrB P Best, Thos A Cook and G Ta'bot. The following is the PBIZB LIST. Class I— Dracght Horse*. Best entire, any age: Macmahon and Puttie. Champion 1; F Green, Locksley 2 ; J Wadsworth, Bloorafield h.c Gelding, any age: JAOrsman, Clyde l , H Cballies, Skipper 2; H Schv/ass, Dick 3 Yearling colt (one entry only, but tne Judge considered this of sufficient merit to award a first prize) Geo Best, colt, by Bay pS draught horses: H Challies, Skipper and Gipsy 1; .J A Orsman, Duke and iMare any age*. WL Palmer, Primrose 1 TT Challies Gipsy 2 ; D W Calders, Jessxe c Mare, Stt Sat'foot.W LPalmer, Primrose 1 ; H Bliok, Dolly 2 Yearling filly: W L Palmer 1 K ma«, or gelding snitaUe for carrier's work, to be shown in spring dray . JSmith, Waimii 1; F Green, Darby 2. Foal by Brighton Jock (prize by Mi Jos WadswovtW W L Palmer 1 Clydesdale entire special prize S.Z Fa mer' for one year from the proprietors) Macmahon and Pattie, Champion 1 I Ciiisa 2.— Light Horses.. Best thoroughbred entire, any age: :H, O'Loary, Merry King, 1 ; F Green, Avrarua I °Thoroußhbred brooS mote: J E Battle' t, Jet, 1 ; O'Oonnnr Bros., Masthead, 2 Brood mare: J E Bartlett, Jet, 1; W Mcore, Waverley, 2 ; John Bovey ,0. Hackney or oarriaße entire horse. Wm I Col' men. BoomeraDg, 1. .tot Yearling oolt or filly by Honduras : W L Palmer, Lady Glasgow, 1 ; 0 2. Fony entire, under 14 hands: J A Harley, BI B?Bt"ony' under 14 hands: Mrs Glasgow, Dandy, 1 ; Frank Hart, Twink, 2 ; E F Healy, Pr pa°ir'o 3 f buggy horses, to be driven in harness : F Hamilton, Bob and Geordie 1 ; a Mcßae, Tom and Myrtle 2. . Mare or gelding in harness, to be judged according to action, power, breeding and speed combined: G Cave, Cable 1; Dr Roberts, Rob Roy 2 Hack, up to list, to be ridden: Arthur F Trask, Maori King 1; Miss Glasgow, Frou Frou 2 ; Percy Sutten, Maggie 8 Hack up to 15st, to be ridden : Wm Coleman, Boomerang l;E J Thompson, Toss UP Hack, ridden by a lady: Miss Glasgow, Frou Frou 1 ; R Hursthouse, Floss 2 ; Peicy ""SS'oS&bM-:*-"" o»-* Darkies 1 , , . » r» n™ Trap horse, to be driven in harness . A r Lostobadie, Nugget 1; G Ingram, Topsy 2 Pair carriage ponies, driven , by a i lady Mis Glasgow, Dot andDnndy 1 ; E F Healy, Capsize and Prinny 2 High Jump, not less than 3ft 9m. E J Thompson, TossUp 1 ; O'Connor Bros, Kitty
Dogcart, horse or mare, driven in harness (for Mr R Mcßae's and M O'Brien's prizes) : ' Percy Adams, Enoho 1 ; F Hamilton, Bob 2 ; Wm Coleman 3 -,.-, i .„„ Best and most competent lady rider, horses to be walked, trotted and cantered (prizes given by Mr J W Marsdon, Walter A Wood s Company, and Mr J H Leonard) Miss L Hunt 1 ; Miss 'Zoe Best 2 Jumper, over five fair hunting fenoes, riaaen at a fair hunting pace (prizes givenby Messrs J W Marsden, R Mcßae, and P J Diokson): I Walker, Cheis 1 ; J 0 Connor, 2 • O'Connor Bros, Kitty O'Shea 3. 'jumper, over three f*tr hunting fences, riaaen without eaaaie or bridle (prize given by Mr Peroy A^ams). She only two competitors were Mr John E'iok on Kohai, an.3, Mr John O'Connor on Ma.ok, and as the yaige considered that they di« equally good work. They divided the prize. Farmera 1 turnout, spring trap, horse, and harness (prize 3 given by Dt Roberts and Mr Kingaon): A Ohalliea. Tom, 1; P. Best, Jerry, 2. Cli^ps 3— Cattle, Best Shorthorn bull, any age: H W Betbwaite, Young Mnsselman 1 ; hton J W Bamicoat, Dunlop 2; P Beet, Major vhe. Shorthorn bull, under one year: R McRae 1. _ Ayrshire bull, any are: Wm Coleman. Lora GlaFgow, 1; Wm Coleman, Lord Cranley, 2; Wm Colemam, Lcrl Buia vh 0; J Glen, Marquis of Lome, c. Ayrshire bull, tinder two j ears I Wm Coleman, LordHuia, 1. Ayrshire bull, under one yar: William Coleman 1. Boat Aiaerney or Jersey tul', any ege . Nelson Asylum, Dio&ald, 1 ; W D Harkness, Goldsmith, 2 ; Gtoen, Lord flosebery, vho. Alderney or Jersey bull, under two years : J Mortison, Stratb, 1 ; Wm Coleman, Dake2 ; W D Harknese, Richmond v h c. Alderney or Jersey b^ll, under me year : W D Harkness, Richmond 1 ; W D Harkneeß, Pukaka 2. Hereford bull, any age: W L Palmer, Panmare 1. Heref rd bull, under ko years: W L Falmer, Yccng Batsford 1Hereford bull, under one year : W L Palmer, Bismarck 1. Shorthorn cow, any ago : F Trask, Ino 1. Shorthorn heifer, under two years 4 E Track, Uno 1 ; S Avery 2 Ayrshire cow, any age: Wm Coleman, Peeres3 II 1 ; Wm Coleman, Baokßia Rose 2 ; j Wm Coleman, Lady Bauka, h 0. Ayrshire heifer, under two years: Wm | Co'eman 1 and 2. Ayrshire hSifer, under one year : Wm Coleman, Daffodil 111 1. Alderney or Jersey cow, any age: W D Harknes3, Queenie I;CE Molesworth, Norah 2, and Daisy h 0. Alderney or Jersey heifer, under two years : W D Harkness 1. Alderney or Jersey heifer, under one year; W D Harkness, Trilby 1; S Avary, 2 ; G GreeD, The Fly, vhc; WD Harkmsa. Myrtle c, Hereford cow, any ape : W L Palmer Bem'y, I;WL Palmer, Rebecca 11th, 2. Hereford heifer, under one year; G Green, Jnlia 1. Fit beaEt. locally bred : P Best 1. Fat beast, the winner to be sold: Fairsy Bros, and Boyes 1. Class 4.— Figs. Best Berkshire boar, any age: W R May, Neleon 1 ; W D Harkneeg, Sir Roger, 2. Berkshire boar, under 12 months: E Webby, Diofe I;WD Harknesß, Imp 2 ; W D Harkoess, Shanghai 0. Berkshire boar, under 6 months : Hon J W Barniooat, Romulus 1 ; W R May, Mttsket 2 ; W D Harkness, Socket 0. Berkshire how, any ago : W R May, Maid of Honor, 1; Hon J W Barnicoat, May Maid, 2. Berkshire sow, under 12 months : E Webby 1 ; Joseph Best 2. Berkshire sow, under 6 months: W R May, Trilby 1 ; Hon J W Barniooat, Juliette 2 ; W R May, Yrung Maid 0. Yorkshire boar, any age! Hunt Bros 1. 3 Porfeera under 6 months: Hunt Bros. 1. Litter of pigs : W D Harkness 1 ; J 15 Battlett 2. Class s. —Sheep. Merino. ' Best ram, any ags : Charles Goulter 1. English Leicester. 2 ewes, any age : F Track 1. 2 eweo, under 18 months: J W Marsden 1. Border Leicester. gg: Rim, any nge: J E Salis^u'y 1. R*m, under 18 months'. J E Salisbury 1 2 ewes; ary age: J W Marßden 1. 2 ewes, under 18 months : J W Margden 1 and 2, J E Saliebury h c. Lincolns. Ram, any Rge*. D Bißhell 1, W C Baigent b 0, Bam, uuder 18 months: D Bisbell 1, F W Cole h 0. "2 ewes, any age : D Bishell 1 ana c. 2 ewes, under 18 months: D Bishell land vho. Long wool ram (champion prize medal) : D Bishell. Romnry Marab. Bam, any age : J W Marsde n 1, Hunt Bros 2, H Wratt 3, Hunt Bros h 0. Bam, nnder 18montbs: H My-to.i 1, H Wmtt 2, J E {3alisbnry,3 Uwt Bro 3 h C .
" 2 rams uuiet 18 mcmtht ! JB) Salisbury 1, any age: Hut/tßrosl, J Glen 2, Huntißroßho, 2 ewes, under IS months: Jtohn Glen 1 Huni Bros 2 and v h o, J E Sail pbory he.J, and R Best c. Ewe, with Inmb at foot : Hun fc Bros i, 2 ewes under 13 months, o\v nad and bred by exhibitor, for Mr Tyree'B priza: John Glen 1. Southdown Bam, any age : W Bigg»r juvir, 1, Jos ß*aS, 2* ewes, any age! Job Beet c. 2ewo» mvlor 18 months: Jos, Beat 1. Short wool rara (champion prize medal: W Biggarjonr. UrosabTßd. f« 5 fat lambs, onj bres d : George Beat 1, H Cballies 2, J Best, o. 2-tooihed crossbred owes: Huntßroal. 2 ewes, any age, Hunt fcroa 1 10 wethers Buitsble for frczon moat trace J? Trask 1, Bunt Broa h c. Fat Sheep. 5 fat oroSEbred wethers: T W Cole 1, R Moßae2. Sliropshires. Bam, any ag»: J v Marsi!en 1, 2, and ho. Ram, undtr 1« awctlis: J W Warsden 1 and 2. 2 ewes, any Bgffl «T W Maisden 1 and 2. 2 ewe?, under 18 months: J W Marßden 1< and 2, Class 6. iMrLEMKNTS, &C OTHER EXHIBIT 3. (Certifioates awarded.) Best sampla of wool: Hunt Bros. vhe. Fleece of crcssbred wool (prize by Bieley Brcs & O.) : J Loverdge 1, Joseph Befft 2. CI:AS3 7.— POMKSTir FjSODUCE. Best 31bs fresh bntor in rolls, net separ^ a'or: Mrs J Cortzen 1, Mrs W Hill 2, Mra Garanu-3, MisaZ c Seat ho. . 3!bs Separator froh butter in rollf : WD HarkGo b 1. ASbeat 2, Mrs W Hill 3. Ke" or bos pot'od lu'ttr, not than 9lb3:°Mrs Gardntr 1, Mrs W Hill 2, W Bipger, janr, ho. Keg or bos potted batter, not loss than 501bs- Mrs Hall f, Mra Wra Hill 2. Display of fancy butter, not le3.t than 2lba Mra Gardner 1, Joseph Eeit 2, Mra MoMurrav ho. New oheese, not less than 301b3 each; S Avery 1, F Dimmiok 2. Old oheeEe, not less than 151bs eaoh : F Dimmick 1 and 3 ; S Avery 2. Loaf home made bre id, not lees than 4lts : W Win 1, W Bigger, jnnr, 2. 12 Home msde eoones: W Win 1. Mis 3, Wont O
Collection of home made jam, 6 vatic ie:: Uti Merrick 1, Mrs J Johnston 2. Jar of honey, not le3S than 21bs: D O'Connell 1, W Bißger, janr, 2. Best comb honey not less than 5lb? : W L Avery 1, Mrs Menick 2, Wi fred Ching h.c Side provincial cured bacon : Joseph Best 1, Miss Zoe Best 2, S Avery h.c, Geo Best c. Side provincial cured bacon (smoked); S Avery 1, Joseph Best 2 Best side provincial cured bacon (rolled) Jos Best 1, N Dodgshun 2 Ham not less than 141bs : Miss Zoe Best 1, Joseph Best 2, S Avery h.c Smoked ham not less than 141bs : S^ Avery 1 , Joseph Best 2, John Jellyman h.c 31bs fresh butter in rolls, not SopP^ator (Mr Snodgrass' prize) : Mrs J Cor' afcn " 3lbs fresh butter in rolls, not • parator to be deposited with the Secretar j- {1 c fore tbe show (prizes given by Mrg Q f asgow and Lightband and Co; : Mr / Wm Hill f c E Smith 2, W Biggar jnr h c Display fancy butter fo Qaukrodger's prize : Mrs Gardner. ° Keg or box potted b >(|Ue nQt mt and not less than 91b* for CoroJIMT pro ie . tor's prizes: Mrs Gr ncr 1( Mrs Wm tf m 2 Keg or box pott d but;er> not legg ih&n 5Q lbs, to bo drpof lted with the g eoretary 15 days before in i ShoWi for Mr W R May's prizes I Mra F Mrg Wm Hrn 2 Bes! nom d-made fruit cake, not leaa than m P r ' za K'ven by Messrs Brown & Kerr; M' iS Me Murray 1, Miss Ching 2, Mrs Gardnp y , ho and Cj -_<** of horns-made bread (for Kaiipoi W'jollen Company's prize): Mrs B Pattie, \anr. The President (Mr J W Maraden) offered a prize of £2, and Mr W R May a prize, value 2le, for the greatest oumber of point 3 taken in cia*s 7. According to the prize lißt above, Mrs Gatdner, Mra Wm Hill and Mr Joseph Baet have each gained 14 points, Mr S Avery 12 points, and Miss Zoe Best 7 points. As the regulations state that in the event of a tie the winner of Ihe greatest number of fi st prizea shall be successful, Mrs Gardner occupies first position. Mr J A MeAitney off.rtd a prize of two bucket?, two milk cans and a strainer for tbe greatest number of poiots taken in three butter classes and'tbe bread and scone classes. Mrs Gardner BcCjred 7 point 3, Mr Wm Win 6 points, Mrs W Hill 4 poiats. CLAS3 8 - FAI JI P*ODSCE. Malting barley: J and B Beit 1 arid 2, Haye3 Cioucher vhc. Mali: H;»jei C-oucher vbo. Long oats: W Biggar, junr, 1 and 2 ; G Best o. Short oats : Hayes Croucher 1. Dun oat* : W Biag^r, junr, c. Spring wheat: P Best 1, H Laukow 2, W Biggar, junr, o. Winter wheat J Hayes Croaoher h o. New potatoes: F N Jones, Crown Jewel L F N Jones, Charles Dow nirg 2. Hound peas: J and tf Best. Wriuk'edpeis: H Lunkow 1 and 2. Horse beans: F W Cole 1, W Biggar junr, 2. Rye: J and RB st c. Truse hay : 8 Avery 1, G Beat 2. Bops : P Best 1, R Arnold 2. Colonial wine 3: Mrs Merrick 1, Mrs J Johnston 2, Mrs D K^i re. j Ale in kega : Harley and Bon 1, Docscn and Son 2. Ale in bottles; Harlev and Son 1, Dodson and Son 2. Porter in bottles: Dodeon acd Son 1, Harley and Son 2. Class 9. Doaa. Collie dog: Miss Itubie Askew, Rimu Duco : W S Pike, Moana-nui 2 ; J W Askew, Feny 3.
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Colonist, Volume XL, Issue 8746, 21 December 1896, Page 1 (Supplement)
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3,756Summary. Colonist, Volume XL, Issue 8746, 21 December 1896, Page 1 (Supplement)
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