The annual distribution of awards and presentation of prizes to the successful pupils at the Ne'son Colleges took place in the. Provincial Ha 1 last night before: a large number of the friends of scholars. His Honor Judge Bobinson occupied the chair, and there were seated on his left Miss Gibson, M A., Lady Principal of the Girls College, Miss Gribble, M.A , and other teachers, while on hisright Bat Mr Joynt, M.A., the Principal of tbe Boys'" College, Mr Littlejohn, MA,, and Messrs Cooke, Gibbs, and Broad were also pre-ent. The College Governors were 'represented fay Mr O V Fell, Mr John Sharp, Mr A Pitt, Mr J Bird, M* H Cook, and thegearelary, Mr 0 Curtis.
The Chairman said it was with pleasure he complied with the request thai he would preside over that meeting," and he expressed gratification at seeing so many present.' After a very few/introductory remarks -he requested Miss Qibson to read the reports of. the examiners, and these were of a very complimentary nature. The examiner in mathematics was Mr A B Meek, MX, L L.8. ; in Latin and English, Mr 0 J T Alpeis, M.A. ; in French, MrO Tunrell, Ph., D. ; in science, Mr H T Lang, M.A., B.Sc; in theory of music, Mr Joyofc, &1. A. ; &od. ft Bi&ntforte
playing, Mrs Houlker, Mrs Norman Bains, and Mr Joynt. " Mr Joynt then read the reports of the asm* examiners on the work of the students 6f the Boys' College in Latin, English, matheraatioi, French, soience, physios, and chemistry. ' Thereupon the certificates of aoholaraliipt and prizes were presented by Judge Robhwon as follows: — -■ '..., GIRLS' COLLEGE. \ '' . .... SOHOLABBHIPa. ■ Form Vl— Bertha Black, Earthly Fant<}iM, (W. Morris) ; Bessie Grabam. ' Form V— -Governora'Feea, £15 foe 2y<jar», Daisy Max ; general work, £15 for I .year, Marie MoEaoben ; mathematical, £12 12 i far 1 year, Minnie Demment, Form IV -General work, M. Hoalker; mathematical, A. Enright. Form lll— General work, M. BUokett. PbizbLisx. Form V— Old girls* prize, Lizzie flewraw 3rd English, Ist geography and Ist hwftory, Effie Perrin; Ist English, Ist Latin,. Ist French, let algebra, Lizzie Newman f 4th English, 2nd eaolid, lßt German and 2nd Frenoh, Amelia Beuke; 5,h English, 2nd algebra, 2ad trigonometry, 3rd arithmetic! and Frenoh, Fanny Hughes ; Ist euclid, lit soienoe, sch English and 2nd Latin ; Mabel Graham ; general work (Mr Pitt's Bpeoial prize), ifimmie Tennent ; general work, BlheS Hodson ; general work (MissTendall'a prize), Amy Kennedy. Form IV— lst Prize, N Enright ;lst-Eng-lish, 2nd history, H Haycook ; let arithmetic, Ist French, Ist botany, E Hpuiker; lot algebra, 2nd Lathi, 3rd* Frenoh,> and geography, M Thompson; Ist algebra, Euclid, 3rd Latin add 3rd arithemetlo (Mi- Pitt'i prize) B. Atery. . Form Hl— lst English, Ist histosy, Ist Frenoh, Germany, geography, B Tohaiisen; 3nd Engnsh, 2nd aritbmetio (Mr Pitt's prize), A Edwards; 3rd English, 3rd Frenoh, 2nd history, 2nd Botsny, D Catley j 2ndhißtory, 2n£Frenob, Brd geogtapby (Mr pitta prize), M Day Form 11-lßj English, Ist hifltorjy 2nd geography, 3rd pnyeiolbgy, Eva LiTesey ; 3rd English, Ist geography, 2nd history,, 2nd arithmetic, F Edwards Certotoateb. FormV— Kathleen Fell, B. Oorrigttn, E« Gilbert, A Kidson, M, Preabaw, V. Cowlea» M. Colthart, A. Bradley, F. Holland, B« Talbot, j. Tomlinaori, 0. Liveaey. Form IV— N Calders, E Allport, B Ladley, J MaoKenzie, M Mills, B Nalder, V Pearleas, A Faulkner, N Petrie, G Wright, N Livesey. Formlir-KHabbard, G Ivey, E Ksinpthorne, G Nelson. Form II— M Baina, G Broad
Reading (Mr Fell's prizes)— Form V, A Kidson ; Form IV, M Thompson • Form 111, E Johansen.
Drawing— Drawing from the antique, E Hodson ; best set of flower drawings, C Live-* sey (Miss Morgan's prize). Fainting (Hon J 0 Bichmond's prizes)— E Busby Ist, K Fell and D May 2nd. Certificates for drawing — E Tennent, K Hubbard,
Mapping (Miss Gribbfcn'a prize)—E Hodson, J Tomlinßon.
Music— Class A, B Houlker (Misa BiohI mond'a prize) ; certificates, A Kennedy, M Demment. Class B, senior, F Homer (Miss Crump's prize). Class C, R Douglas (Miss Richmond's prize). Singing— M Demment (Miss Crump's prize). Tennis -Doubles: G. Nelson and V. Pearless (Mr Littlejohn's prize) 1, G. Ivey and NPetrie (Miss Gibson's prize) 2, Sewing— Seniors ; A Bradley 1, R Nalder highly comcoended. Juniors; G Nelson 1, L Campbell highly oommended. Bible Class— Effie Perrin (presented by Mr Kempthorne) 1 , Minnie Demment (pre~ seated by Mr Kempthorne) 2. BOY'S COLLEGE. SCHOLABBHIPS. Under 13— Tomlinson iii 1, Blaokett 2» pros, Solanders Under 14— Leggat i 1, Hodson i 2 Under 15— Boyce 1 Under 16— Fowler ; prox, Fell i Under 17— Johansen (debarred from holding as having another scholarship), Baillia and Greenwood, equal ; prox Buckeridge. Joynt Scholarship — Fowler Day boy Scholarship -Crump • prox, Jeffreys. Pkize List. Classics— lb, Hodson ii ; prox, Solanders, la, Withy ; pros, Eishworth ii. 11, Collins ; prox, Pratt, Strong ii, 111, Blair; prox, £ 0 £ n g-- IVb - talker; prox, Murray, Ewart. V, Fell i ; prox, Jeffreys. VI, Wilkea i ; prox. Johansen. Mathematics — I, Parkiß; prox. Seddon, ll, Withy; pros, Pratt, Rishworth ii. 111, Ewart and Murray, equal ; prox, Wilkes ii, IV, Mules ii ; prox, Hursthouse, Trask, Purkiss. V, Jeffreys ; prox, Fowler. Vlß,Stuokey; prox, Maginnity. Vla, Wilkes i ; pros. Eves. English — I and 11, Solandera ; prox, Blaokett, Parker. 111, Males i and Houlker, equal. IV, Strong i- t prox, Wilkes ii, Murray, Bisley. V, Pell i ; prox, Moore i. (Simmon's Prize) Wiikes i, Frenoh-c, Young ; prox. Bodfion i. b, Strong i. a, Maginnity. Soienoe — Junior, Hursthouse ; prox, Marray, Wilkes. genior, Wilkea i ; prox, Greenwood. Beading Prizes (presented by Mr Fell— l and It, Webb-Bowen. 11l and IV, Ewart. Misb Gibson, M.A., at the invitation of fira " Ohairm m, delivered a short address, After eaying a word or two about &c importance of regularity of attendance,' as low wa« enstamed through absince that could not afterwards be made op, the Lady Principal said she could not speak too highly of the energ* and good work of her fellow teachers (applause). She desired to thank thorn and 4he girle for their pleasant yeara' work. She would not dwell on the,fjatteriog reports they bad ro« ceived for she wished to speak of weak spoil. Comparing the reports with whal; they proposed to *eaob, there was room for satisfae* tion, bat there came in the question whether they should not teach suohpraoticial eabjeoti for girls as oooking and dressmaking, and she said she recognised the importance of fcoobnioal training. There were however many unexpresed factors under their present system.- Im« portant work had been done, of which thera could be no recognition, but they had to consider in what they could improve next year. She felt that there was too muob, tendency amongst the girls to narrow mindedness. The importance of physical training was adverted to, but the lack of originality was pointed to as the weak spot. : She urged thai for better or worse the girls should not imitate, but should strive for originality and to know themselves.
Mr Joynt then, at the invitation of iha Chairman, addressed those presant. Ha touohed on the present position of the Boys' College, showing that there were slightly fewer boarders, but on the whole more pupils. He alluded to the success of the pupils at the several examinations, wherein they had been generally successful, Rutherford taking a senior scholarship at the University examinations, the school also taking a junior scholar* sbip and securing four places on the honors list. He alluded with deep regret to the logs they were sustaining in tbe departure of Mr Gibbs, but spoke hopefully in respect to that gentleman's successor. Mr Joynt also indicated that the school paper « The Nelaonian » was to be revived. He also alluded to tta junior school, the report on whlohhe scarcely thought did them justioe. It wag extremely hard to get youDg boys out of imperfections, but with age they advanoed. He acknowledged with gratitude the material aid he had received from his staff , and went on to say that the public should not ia fairness look on those who l)ad seonred awards as more important than the losers. He quoted m incident at the Winchester School in support of his contention that golden medioority was t6 be sought for. and said the business of the Bohool Bhould be to educate the pupil so that the work done in school would mere y advanoe them in the wider and more extensive object! ot after life. Teachers must really ask them* selves day by day what may they teach to develop vital powers, and that will give a training tbat must prove benefloial throughout the whole lives of the pupils. (Applause.) MrLittlephn then at the invitation of (he Cbareman spoke of tbe progress made in .athletics.^ The comp iment paid the College Cadets-by JQolpml Pox was alluied to, and sowtoethe l ffiiqcjßSSes achieved in the football and cfiioko>"<fiQia"ff.f Mr Irittlejohn also bob: gested that if : a tc-nfija court were provided ; by tbe GoverjaiptHat wpcHj|-be^advantageous. The'OiwUmas^Jkh^u^Sd^he bad hit n siraok by, the ii^ouhdn*eEß;:c|f the speakexa. The importance -of body ;«b well' a» a sound miad wjiß;recbgnißed, and they might bos« f or goQ4a% j^ia«tt^f i^ttrij
*• iwom tmOt be ted been rtnuk with jmm** Mi ttw^wri* oHnisviUinty w IhilpMl ol Urn yoangec boyi AngdMtitei ttp*n^ tat %• Mid rmt*M*i would etfUM^riaiara ly |», |iill) wbereu 'Wai aeoetfaty |o auk* boys orderly, , and he viewed it «n nHyftotorr that only the younger boys wet* mmtyuil fault with. He bad also beto .{tenflk bjithe wide range pfcraadtaff that had been tnfered upon, and said that the interftat thai enited would have its effect in after life. At ' to ■• originality, He made amusina reference^ to" one or two Blips, and , cejnrlngi>to* -th* extension of the franchise, quoted a statecman who> speaking on ia prerioai Extension, said theyyere making • gnat many: masters, and these masters jWMfejbe edaoated. He indicated what was necoflflary, and said he hdp^d that tHe ; Dtwl^infaanehiged would never forget th«t tbey were women, arid he quoted from Tenn}son 1 ! Prinoeii tin pasiage eommenohig " For woman ii not undeveloped man." He urged that in this new country all mast work fqr tßtdflo dependent On them, and for the. conrttr^ of ttidr adoption. In oonblnsion, be IpoMirigntefol tetnfi of the good work that Bad been done* by the Oollegeg Goyernprs. (jLoudTApplaas^.) ..■ " : , ' ' .... \ -ShO.Y.FeUsaH, in effect, that it was a new ' •xperiroeie'. to have an aoknowledgjmeat of th 4 eervioes of the fflovernorg. He^ derired to thank their Ohairmai) lotbii' words ■■•' of recognition, 'and more tttftidolariy for the thoughifol address ttehad delivered. On behalf of the Governors he wished to thank the . staff; ioi^i&iß cordial M» ctrembeta bad woifced tof |tttetV f Hs J alM(iato theft expeiaena^' that thr«bl«rtmaitied;l6bg^if,tWnr^'boyf,,a^ - poirJUd oot tfcai ttelair jekr -af tohopCwaj <iwwneo u uiem *ir a merry unnstopiaScarici^a happy holiday. (Applause.), n Y :;^ } ' i Mr J. Bhartt then moved a vote o! thanks to Judge Rqpiriiota, whtoh was carried by aedamatibnif l'-\ : J i"".- ! ' 1 .' -. "h-/• \ In nckrrowledgiDg this resolution, the Chairman intimated that the Colleges would jesumtwoWdtttti* 2nd February. . \; \ The proceedings endjtdj- by the giving of tb?e#' cheers for^aU jffewilt» .* ,f> - -.- . j
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Bibliographic details
Colonist, Volume XXXVII, Issue 7815, 16 December 1893, Page 3
Word Count
1,840PRIZE DAY AT THE NELSON COLLEGES. Colonist, Volume XXXVII, Issue 7815, 16 December 1893, Page 3
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