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Ode own correspondent writes as follows : — Some time ago an outcrop of coal was discovered on Mr Silcock's property at the mouth of the "Wairoa Gorge, and some pieces taken from it were sent into town, which, upon trial, were found to burn brilliantly. However, nothing further was done in the matter at that time, but within the last month, or so the settlers living in the district hava subscribed a sufficient fund to sink a shaft for the purpose of testing the seam. It is in-. tended to commence operations on Mondaynext, and the work will be carried on under the superintendence of a gentleman of considerable mining experience, who expresses himself as well pleased with the indications. We hope that the prospeotirg will prove the existence of a payable seam as this would prove a great boon to the district at large.

Dbdids.— The half-yearly summoned meeting of the Maitai Lodge, Nc 301, United Ancient Order of Druids, was held at the Lodge Boom, the Oddfellows Hall, on.Thursday, July 13. There was a good attendance of members, about 50 being present, A.D Bro A. Scott, jun., presiding. The Auditors report and balance sheet were- read and adopted, and showed the funds of the. Lodge to be in a flourishing condition considering the short time thai the Lodge has been established. The expenditure for the half-year has ; necessarily beea heavy pwingi to the preliminary expenses in' connection with the opening of the Lodge, the sum o£ £80 having been paid away, including the small sum'oi^£2 6s Bd.for sick pay. Notwithstanding this,, however, a credit balance of £91 4s lOd still remains, which may be looted on as very satisfactory indeed. The following are the officers elected for the ensuing term, and these were duly installed by the P. A Bro Jiokell in the absence of the District President. I.P.A Bra J. Scott, junr; A.D, Bro Fairey; V.AD Bro J Simpson? Secretary, Bro W. F Thomson (re-elected) ; Treasurer, Bro T Chishohn (re elected) ; I.G, Bro Jamieson (re-elected); O.ft, Bra Levy; A.B's. Br. s Stewart and Coles; V.A.B's, Bro Oakley and Carter; Mioute :Secr- tary, Bro Walker. The membership of the Lodge has increased during the half : year from 56 to 82 ; and five proposals for initiation were received during the evening. Votes of thunks were passed to Bro Scott, juiir," the retiring A.D, for his services... n tiji to. the Auditors, and it was resolved that P.A Diploma be presented to P.A Bfd'Jickeii for recognition of the valuable services rendered by him to the Lodga during hia t&» of Qffice, and a? a token q{ the esteem

Inwtakhhcis held by the members. The fiolge iv oloied jji due form at 10.15. Bro Barltrop most efficiently aooompanying on lit organ doling the ejyning. Aocrfimy.—An accident occurred on the llataHtafci pant on Monday, July 10 at soon,' whereby a young nun named Samuel Dresaabaaa bad hit tag broken above the ankle. Drcanaham, who with hii mate, Mr Green, haa the oontraot to supply firewood to the dredge, wee in conversation with the manger, when the mooring clip, through which • wire rope passed and formed an angle, gftte way under immense strain, ■flowing the rope to fly straight and catch Dreenaham a severe blow on the leg, with the molt above stated. Willing hands removed the sufferer to Mr B. F. Paton's fceMeaee, near at head, and Mrs Paton was very attentive! Mr Palon very kindly offered to take Dretnaham to the Hospital in bis covered waggonnette, and a start watf made at half-past three o'clock, Mr Green aeoom» panying. Though the night was very datk and stormy, no stoppage was made, and changes of horses being procure i on the road, the Hospital was reaohed about one 6'olock on Tuesday afternoon, a distance of 77 miles having been traversed despite obstacles other than tbe weather, one of *hieb was an Injury to tbe brake that necessitated leading the hone over Spooner's Range, and another a runaway, with the night so dark that the road eoold not be distinguished. We areglad to learn from Dr Boor that Dresnabam is getting along very well. Oddwiaowship. — The half-yearly summoned meeting of the Loyal Nelson Lodge, 1.0.0. F., M.U., was held on July 12, Bro. F. H. Hounaell, N.G., occupying the chair. There were upwards of seventy members present, including the Provincial Gram Master, Bro. », Allan: the Deputy Grand Master, Bro. F. Papps ; and other visitors. The Auditors reports and balance sbeet were read and oonfirmed. During the half year £273 12s 6d was paid away for sickness, the largest sum paid for many years, whilst £109 was paid for medical attendance. The Sick and Funeral Fund now stands at £4,046 0s 4d, and the membership at 247. Dr Gibbs was unanimously re-elected Lodge Surgeon, and tbe following officers elected for the ensuing six months were duly installed by the P.G.M:-N.G.,8r0. F. W Holland ; V.G., Bro. A. Stewart ; E.S., Bro A. E Andrews. The other officers appointed were— Bro. P. Oooke. Warden, Bro. J. Bothwell, Guardian ; Bros. W. Besley and Jno. Mercer, Right and Left supporters to the N.G. A donation of £3, supplemented by a subscription of £3 3s, was voted in aid of a sick and distressed brother. A vote of thanks to the visiting brethren, accompanied by the honors of the Order, closed the proceedings. Habmonio SoonTT.— The Harmonic Sooiety held its annual meeting on July 20, the Bey. J. P. Kempthorne, Vice President, oooupying the chair. The financial statement and report were read by the Hon. Secretary, Mr fcngsley, and by the aoeonnts it appears the funds of the Society are fairly satisfactory, bnt es the report pointed oat a larger number of subscribers will have to be obtainad to pay a salary to a professional oonduotcr. There ought certainly to be found in Nelson sufficient persons interested in the cultivation of the study of high-olaes music who by subscribing to the Harmonic Sooiety would keep it in sufficient funds, not only to pay a conductor, but to purchase from time to time new music As the attendance wbb rather poor a wish waa expressed that the eleotion of offloers might be postponed, and to meet this wish and at tbe same time to comply with the rules of the Sooiety the former officers were returned to office, it being tinderstood that arrangements would be made for an eleotion at a future meeting. Votes of thanks were unanimously passed to Mr O. Y. Fell for his kindness in acting as conduo'or ; to Miss Jaokson for her valaable aid as pianiste; and to the Hon. Seoretary, Mr R. I. Eingsley, for bis efficient services. H Battbbx.— At the half yearly meeting of the H Battery, held on July 13, when there waa a good attendance, Col. Fox's report and recommendation for disbandment was discussed. The members showed a very good spirit in their determination, heartily expressed, not to let the efficiency of the corps become impaired by the shadow hanging over it, but to re -double their efforts to attain a still higher state of efficiency— an extremely praiseworthy resolution. It is with surprise we learn from the remarks of the officers speaking last night that a section of the public believed the disbandment of the Battery due to inefficiency, such was not the oase, the cause was correctly stated by Lieut Topliss, as reported in thi3 issue. The H Battery had the best parade, only three men being absent, and have a report as favorable as that given to any battery in New Zealand, and more favorable than to the majority. Fatal Accident.— Sergeant Major Pratt received a telegram from Constable Enapp last evening, statiDg that Jacob Granger, a settler who resided near the Tophouae. had been found dead on the road there, his death having evidently been the result of a trap accident. A subsequent telegram reported that the unfortunate man had evidently been dead for some days, and that the remains are being brought down to Foxhill, where an inquest is to be held. T«BTiMoifUL.-We learn that Mr Ladley on Jeaving the Lower Wakefield School was on Monday presented with a handsome lesitmonial, end regrets were expressed at hia departure from the distriot in whioh he had so long resided. Entbbtaismbnt at the AsYLtJM.— A pleasing entertainment was given on Saturday evening by Messrs Joynt and Cook and a number of their pupils of the Kelson College for the benefit of the inmates of the Nelson Asylum, consisting of part songs, vocal and instrumental solos and duetts and recitations under the able leadership of Mr Joynt. It would be needless to comment on each item of this varied programme further than to say that the whole was a decided -success, and highly creditable to all concerned, and afforded much pleasure to the inmates, whose appreciation was shown by hearty rounds of applause and clapping. These entertainments do much to relieve the otherwise monotonous life of the inmates, and on the part of those had afford such amusement show a kindly and considerate spirit. Mr Morrison, tbe Superintendent, in giving expression to his fee'inga on the subject warmly thanked Mr Joynt and the Company for their kindness in again coming to the front. Mr Joynt responded in suitable terms, and on behalf of himself and -young friends hoped that ere long they would again afford all in the room farther amusement. God Save the Queen, sung by the Company, brought to a close a most delightful evening's entertainment. lO.G.T.— The open meeting held last evening in the Port Hall; in connection with the Loyal Marine Lodge passed off very successfully. There was a large attendance, Mr T. v. Leonard, Diit. Deputy, occupied the Chair. The contributors were as follows:— Songs by Messrs, Oroudis, Jaokson, Kershaw, Hisses A. Barltrop, Toms, and B. Barltrop. Beoitations by Mrs Oass, Miss Goodall, Master Toms, and Mr 0. Barltrop. Masioal selections, Messrs Simpson, and Nalder ; and two dialogues, one entitled " The New Curate " by Mr A. Leaver, and Miases A. Barltrop, L. Leaver, and B. Bsrltrop; and the other bj«faßjtajenilei which was very creditably pejwr|Uf ;:'Bvery item was well received and enlores were demanded And responded to in several cases. Hearty votes of Ahaoks were accorded to all who took part, «nd the meeting dosed- with the usual ceremonies at half-past nine. Mica Barltrop presided »♦ the organ with her usual ability. Djejth or k Settles.— On Wednesday last, Mrs Dsgemuller, oj the Upper Moutere, passed 'aw^jr at the age of seventy-seven years. Deceased was the widow of the late Mr Christopher Drfigemuller, and had resided At the Upper Moatere for thirty seven jears. How greatly she was respected was evidenced by the large attendance At her funeral, when Pastor Schwartz delivered an impressive and appropriate aidreßS. FidOM IB: the Waikbas.— A correspondent sends us the following additional items in reference to the heavy flood of last Sunday : —At Spring Grove the flood in the Ice* fltream was tha highest on record, tha wafce* being in several of the houses. Considerable damage waa done to fences and bridges, and fbe hop gardens in the narrow valleys, wpedally those belonging to Eden Bros., at Bridge, Valley, were washed about a great deal by. the rush of water. In the Wairoa Gorge a bridge was washed away near Mr Jeeaop*!, and at the Brightwater Floor Mill it was found compulsory to move tbe wheat, ftejj from the ground floor, as daring the last ftobtsoeac damage vims done by the inrush

Sbbious Accident at Collingwood. - On Tuesday afternoon a miner named Hibberc working in a tunnel on the side of -Doctor's Creek, had put in two holes and charged one with two plugs of dynamite and the other with one. Seeing the,matoh fall oat of one of the fuses attached, he caught hold of the fuse and pnlled it out, when the shot went off and knocked him down. He managed to get up, however, and succeeded in reaching the month of the tunnel before the double charge exploded. The unfortunate man was conveyed to his home, where Mr Fletcher attended him, and found his face much scorched and covered with small, wounds like shot marks ; the left arm was also wounded in the same way, on the upper part of the arm near the shoulder was a wound about the size of a half-crown piece, while on the top of the head was a large scalp wound. Fortunately the eyes are not injured. Mr Fletcher dressed the wounds, and reports the patient doing very well. A sitniliar accident occurred some months ago in the Johnston's United mine, whereby William Norton lost hia hand and also his sight. He saw the match fall out of the fuse, and returned to pull it out, when the Bhot went off. Fortunately this last is not suoha serious ease.— Own correspondent. I.O.G.T.— There vas a large attendance at theusaal meeting of the Loyal Marine Lodge beld last evening, Bro Simpson, O.T. presiding. Fonr candidates were proposed for membership, and one new member .was initiated. The reports of the various officers were received and adopted, and these showed the Lodge, to be in a sound and prosperons position financially, and in point of numbers. The Lodge Deputy (Sis Barltrop) then installed the following newly elected officers : — Bis A Lines', 0.T. ; S:s Goodall, V.T. ; Bro Leonard, S. J.T. ; Bro 0 Barltrop, Sco ; Bro Penny, F.S. ; Bro Croudis, T. ; Sib Henry, 0 ; Sis Barltrop, M. ; Bro A Barltrop, G. ; Bro Walkey, Sen. ; Bro Stewart, D.M. ; Bro Leaver, A.S.; Bro Simpson, F.O.T. >n excellent programme wss submitted and adopted, and the Lodge bids fair to haviog a very socoessf ul quarter. The session cloasd in the usaal way at 9.30 p.m. On Wednesday evening, between 30 and 40 of the town members journeyed out to Wakefield, and paid an official visit to the country Lodge, when, in spite of the inolemency of the weather, there was a large attendance of the members and their friends. An excellent programme was gone through, consisting of songs, recitations, dialogues, and musioal selections, anS two seems from « The Drunk-, ard " were also very creditably performed by some of the members of the Nelson Lodge. Refreshments vere handed round, and full justice was done to the good things bo liber ally provided. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to all who had assisted, and to the visitors, Bros Watson and Simpson respond* ing on behalf of tbe city lodges. The visitors reached home half an hour after midnight, all having had a very enjoyable outing. Wakajtjaka.— A very handsome present has been made to the Church of St- John the Evangelist, at Happy Valley, by the Eev. A. R Watson, the former clergyman of that district, and to whose munificent liberality the erection of the Churoh was mainly due. The gift consists of three illuminated panels nscribed with the Lord's prayer, the creed, and the Commandments, painted in letters of a. rich brown, with capitals &c. in red and gold upon a light sage green, with a border of darker green and ornamental scroll work. The panels were made in London and sent out to Nelson, the donor liberally providing for all expenses, and we understand were placed in position yesterday and greatly add to the beauty of that pretty little Church of St. Johns. The members of the Church, by this gift, have additional cause to remember with gratitude one who has in so many ways been their benefactor. Skvebb Accident. — On Saturday afternoon a young lady and a gentleman were riding along tbe main road between Jenkins Hill and Stoke, when the lady's horse bolted, and near Dr Duff's residence its rider fell e2. In falling, the young lady referred to, Miss Eenney, struok her forehead against a stone, and sustained a dreadful cut. She wa3 carried into Dr Duff's residence, where she was treated with every attention, and we are glad to hear that although it was feared that she had sustained a serious injury, she is now progressing favorably, tha wound having bsen sewn up. That Miss Penney got free of her horse is ascribed to her using a patent opening stirrup. Tbe horse, after its rider had fallen, ran against a telegraph post. AFbibndio Many.— We are exceedingly sorry to hear of the death of Mrs Dalton, who foe very many"years has held the position of matron and head nurse at the Nelson Hosph tal. It is between 25 and 30 years ago that the Nelson Provincial Government Becured the services of the deceased, who at that timo was a curse at the Addenbrook Hospital, Cambridgeshire, and during her many years of service at the Nelson Hospital, Mra Dalian has earned the gratitade of not a few by her general kindliness and constant attention. Some few week 3 ago Bh9 complained of some irritation in the foot, but daring the present week arrangements were made for amputa^ tioD, as gangrene had set in. It was found, however, that tha operation was more than tbe patient could stand, and yesterday tha kindly attendant of others passed away. There are many, we are sure, who will experience very real sorrow at her decease. Wbbtohed Weather. — According to the oldest inhabitants, saoh a saooession of anp'eisant weather as that whiob has- been experienoad in Nelson of late is altogether unprecedented. It is little consolation, too, to know that other localities have fared worse. A visitor from Blenheim states that for six weeks bad weather has prevailed there, and that daring that period the town has been flooded five times. From Wellington and other places accounts are equally unfavorable, bat it is sincerely to be hoped that the clouds will soon roll away, for the continued wet weather is depriving many men of employment.

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Colonist, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7701, 7 August 1893, Page 1 (Supplement)

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COAL AT BEIGHTWATER. Colonist, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7701, 7 August 1893, Page 1 (Supplement)

COAL AT BEIGHTWATER. Colonist, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7701, 7 August 1893, Page 1 (Supplement)


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