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December 4 The Royal Rink is cow the scene of a sale of work organised by the ladies of All Saints Church, and of a really excellent exhibition of antiquities, works of art, curiosities, e'e, which ha 3 been ably organised by the Rsv F. W. Chat^erton BnJ the Committee Both sale of wotk and exhibition wer,3 opened at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and general were the expressions of surprise by visitors as they entered the building. This fna large rink, 150 feet long by 50 feet in witfih, is admirably suited for tho display, fnJ when it is said that it is none too large, idea may be formed of the extent of the exhibiticn.- The stalk for tie ss!c of work are ranged on either side oi the room at the western end, and the excellent d'splsy mada upon them, as well as tbe effective decorations, give a bright appearance, and it may well be said that afc no previous sale and exhibition of the kind have the attractions been as great. Oa the right hand side as one enters are stalls for tha sale of useful articles and fancy work, No. 1 being presided over by Mrs Cooke, Miss F. Cooke, and Miss Kslly; No 2, the Fancy Work Stall, by the Misses Cock, Chatterton, Pratt, and Field; No 3,. the Ajron Stall, by Mra Smith and several assistants; No. 4, tbe Stall for shilling article?, by Mr3 Allen, Mrs Lane, and a3?istants. On tho opposite side is the very uttraotiva Flower Still, at which Mrs Hudson and her assistants appeared to be doing a good businf-ss an 3 beyond a Produce Stall under the management of Mrs Townson and Miss Davi:>. Then t'uare is a gentleman's Stall, whereat the lords of ceation found such aitic:e3 as were moro particularly Baited to their requ r unents, Mb Washbourne ani Mr Blakiston being in charge. In the cen're of the room stood a fine Christmas tree ladon with very desirable articles, the sight of which set the youngsters wondering as to which prize they would get. This \va^ under the management of Mrs L. Gully aided by a number of young ladies, and near the Christmas tree were the bran pies, over which Mrs Ambrose Moore presided. Behind the screen at the entrance, was a large refreshment stall which was exceedingly attractive. Thedi?p ay of trifles, jellies, fruits, cakes, and no end of delicacies being a brave one. This stall was in the hands of the choir, Mesdames Bannehr, Pratt, and Walker the Misses Edwards, Pratt, Smith, Turner, Hobden and other ladies being engaged thereat. A space at the east end of the building, forty feet in length, had been partitioned off as a lectu:e room, and in which lime light views could be shown, but it was utilized at six o'clock for a set tea, and last evening His Lordship the Bishop there exhibited some beautiful lime light views of English persons and places. Tub Exhibition calls for separate reference, and whether it is is towards the ari exhibits, to tbose of antiquities and curiosities or to the mineral and native exhibits the individual taste of the visitor Isad^j hm, the verdict of each janst ba " escel e;it.' Opposite the refreshment stall and in the centre of the rooms stands a large ease tbe lower portion of which 13 devoted to Maori relics, from tbe stone implements used by tho original lord* of the evil, and a baautiful (^eenstono E'Tiki, to Maori skulls, above .these ara some very beautiful marine cv iosities. The cass contains a f-p'endia spacimen of Versus' flower basktt, (ajaeos, teeth of the sun fish, ?id whale.* loolb. BesiuG thi3 case, which is shown by Mr Luking, are a pair cf giant clam shells, the mouth of a whale, aad lha same gentleman also exhibits a fine cabinet of fhellg, another cf minerals, yet another of the wonderfully bright plumaged biids of New Guinea and the adjacent islands. He also shows gome fine fossils, the head of a sea leopard, and many other curiosities. Mr D. Grant also exhibits a numbsr of interesting specimen?-', including shells, minerals, &c, and a collection of weapons is sent by Mr Massey. Returning to the oentre of the room, we notice some rare and costly exhibits. Amongst these is a silver snuff box of handsome workmanship, executed by I George Elliot, the silversmith referred to in

Hir Walter Soott'a "Fortunes ofMigeV an who flourished in the days of James I. This family relic is shown by Mr Campbell. Cloaf to it are silver punch ladle wiih Queen £nneV guinea at the bottom, a ramttkible f miff-box with Solomon's judgment, carved ia ivory, these being shown by L'.eut Eaillie. Some spoons, which were formerly the property of theDuohesß of Kent, were shown by Mrs Trask, a Roman cameo by Mr Turner, of Wakapuaka, an exceedingly handsome go.'d bracelet of Indian workrnanehip by Mrs Boor, a pipe formerly used by Napoletm shewn by Lieut Baillie, a ladies companion in silver some 800 years old, by Mis Bethwaite, spade guineas find garler half-quint as by Dr Locking, Indian jewellery by Mia Macartney. A piece of clear glass green obsidian from the Simplon Pass i 3 shown by Mr Turner, of Wa-mea road, es well as an interesting case of minerals and an emus egg. Mr Livessy exhibits casis of Roman seals aud some ancient flint implements in. splendid condition, as also very beautiful models by American Indians and other ortiole3 of interest. Dr Locking shows a signet ring worn by lord Stafford. Mr Trcsk a case containing gold Jubilee coins and other coins, Mr Ancell shows amongst other exhibits, two oil paintings taken from the ruins of a church at Kertob, burnt hj the Russians* at the time of tho Crimean t war, also a Turkish watch obtained by him at the sarre time, a portion of a rnoa's egg and the too of a moa hawk &n. Mr Kingsley show 3 sulphur from White Island, and land shells &v horns fine Maori carviegs are shown by Capt. Walker. A tiger skin and Indian shields are shown by Col. Farrington amongst other thing. Mrs King shows a cup and saucer, patt of a set belonging to late Emperor of Austria, hand painted bowls, &c, Mr"Cawlhron the carved prow of a Maori canoe, Mrs Blundell Indiun curiosities, Mrs Colt a spltnOid silver trophy presented to Major-General Sir Wallis Gilbert, X.C 8., also a Sikh saddle taken by that officer on the battle field of Sibraon, &c. Mrs W. Harley shows soma beautiful Venetian crystal, Mosaic brooch, &o , the Rev F. Innes-Jonea black and gold marble-topped cabinet which belonged to Sir Walter Scott, Mr Snodgrass a Burmese idol, Mr W. Brown an antique silver shoulder brooch worn at Culloden, Master B. Gully a stamp* album, Mr W. Atkinson Fijian curiosities, Mr E. Trask brass plaques, Temple of Vesta, Romp, and the arch of Constantino, Mrs Walmsley medallions, Mrs Wood vases and other exhibits of interest, Rev B. Ensor Maori weapons, etc, Mr Buckeridge shells, seaweed, eto, Mr Wix ropier, illuminated border, copies of missals, etc, Mr FJowcrd^y mineral specimens, etc, Mr Martia case of birds, etc. We ara unable to refer to tha pictures in tbi3 ia;ue, end the exhibits mentions! are merely those which it w^s possible to notice in a too brief visit, Most of thos9 named have sent many more exhibits thin those mentioned, and in some CSS93 probably the mo3t interesting have been overlooked, but e^en weie it possible to have a complete catalogue, it would take days to examine all that may be seen! The Bisnop of Nelson shows a magnificent collection of curiosities, of antiquities, and works of att, but further reference to these, as well as to the pictures, must be deferred till another issue. Among3t other exhibitors not yet mentioned are the names of Mrs Scott, Mr W, Smith, Miss Bell, Mr Jenniog3, Colonel BranfiU, Mr3 Cross, Mr Cresswell, Mr Brough, Mr Cock, Miss M. Edwards, Mrs Nightingale, Miss Johnston, Mr Adcock, Mr Sinolair, Mr Gorrie, Mr Joshua Bird, Hon J. W. Barnicoat, Mrs Morton, Mrs Anoell, Mr W. Oldham, Dr Boor, Mr Allan, Mr Bayfaild, Mis 3 Gardiner, Dr Hudson, Mrs Gibbs, Mr Duncan, Mr A. S. Atkinson, Mrs Gully, Mr Igglesden, Master Wix, Dr Cressy, Mr Weeding, Mr Larkins, H?v F. W, Ghatterton, Mr Huffam, Mra Webb-Bowen, Mr Rumbold, Mr Whalstron, Mr H. D. Jack3on, Mr Collier, Mr Earle, Mr Amo3, Mr Jeanens, Mrs Speuoer, Mr Martin, Mrs Braddock, Mr3 Hochfort, Mr Bennett, M 133 Field, Mr James Harkness, Master Heap 3, Roy J. P. Kempthorne, and Mrs Greenfield. Last Night. tho Building was aJtenied by larga numbers, and some of tha stalls were pretty well denuded of their contents. The Bijou Band discoursed sweet music for a tiixe, and afterwards the Bishop exhibited the lime light views to a numerous audience, thosa present being evidently interested greatly. During the day nearly £90 wa3 taken, and as tha merits of the exhibition are so apparent, it is to be expected that the attendance to-day will ba larger than that of yesterday. This evening the Bijou String Baud will give selections, and at halt-past eight tbe Rev F. Innes Jonos will exhibit lima light viSws of volcanoes &a. with explanatory lecture which should attract very many. We mu3t mention that the Christmas tree last nighS was a decided success. December 4. The excellent bazaar, or what ha 3 been called a sale of work, organised by tb.9 ladieg of All Saints Parish and those attending that Church, closed last evening, after a very pronounced success; for ths aala must have been gratifying to tha promoters oa account of the liberal patronag3 it received, while tho patrons were evideat'y satisfied that they had received good value for their investments The general success has undoubtedly been very largely due to the mast excellent exhibition at the Royal Rink, which we are pleagsd to notice will continue open till the end of the week. We had hoped to refer in in tLis issue to coma of tbe pictures now on exhibition, but want of spaca prevents our doin£ so. Thers a'a a graat number of paintings in oil and ia ts-ater color, rare print-*, engravings, photographs, &c, and an inspeotioa 0' the art gallery alone would occupy a longtime. Amongst tbo exhibits are ssveial { paintings by the late Mr.Guliy, others by Col Braofil, Mr Igglesden, Mr Flowerday, an* j othsr Nelson artists. Tha Bi.hop s-xhibita a great number of work 3of art, and amongst other exhibitors are Mr Huff am, Mr Turner, , Mr3 Oldham, Mrs A. A r.kin;on, Mr H. D. Jackson, and many othtrs. ■ Last evening tha Rev F. Innes-Jones exhibited views of } volcanoes and other scenes, and his descriptive lecture wag much appreciated. The j Bijou Striug Band performed selections, I which were greatly admired, and all present . appeared to be exceedingly well pleased. We understand that the receipts yesterday j were between £30 and £40. A number of . additional exhibits have now baen arrangod, , including several each from the following:— .' Mr Kingsley, Mrs John Oldham, Mrs Nightingale, Blr Huffam, Mr Lukina, Mrs W. Smith, Mr F. Worley, Mr Wix, Dr Leggatt, Mr G. Morley, and Mr Macleod, and more aro expected to-day. December 6 All Saint 3 Sale or Work and Exhibition —The Exhibition now being held at the Royal Biok, eeems growing in popularity as its merits become better known. Yesterday the attendance was larger than on tho precod-ir-g day, and the work stalls hiving been closed, ioombaß been found for a great many mora exhibit?, amongst which are not a few thas are _ fully as - interesting as:any of the 1 ! articles which have been on exhibition from the commencement. Mrs Price and Miss Newman have sent a collection of Chinese and Japanese curiosities gathered in those countries by the exhibitors, and Hauria Matenga, Mr R Huffam, Miss Hobden, Mr Trask, Mr Howard, Mr Garrett, Mrs Scott of Maitoi Banks, Mrs Blick, Mw Theake, Mr Kennedy, Mrs J. Wilson, Mrs Bannehr, Mr S. B White, Cfe Cotterel, Mra Fell, Mr Gorman, Mr Kmgsley, Mr J, Erowcing, Bliss Watson,, Mrs Blundell, and Mr Washbourne, are amongst the additional contributors. Last evening the Bijou Band was in attendance, and Dr Hudson gave a lecture on Samoa, illustrated by views, which were much admired, the whole being most interesting. This aftercoon the exhibition only will bs open, but in the evening refreshments will be obtainable, and the Bijou String Band will perform selections. Mr R. I. Kingsley will exhibit a large number of lime light piotures, which have not Hitherto been showning Nelson. December 9. All Saints Sals cp Woek and Exhibition. —On Saturday last the attendance at 1 he Royal Rink was again large, and the excellent collection of work 3of art, antiquities, and curiosities were inspected with great interest. In tho evening Mr Hollo-vay showed microssopic subjects by aid of lime light, and gave a lecture thereon. Tho Bijou Band was "also in attendance. All who have been connected with the very interesting exhibition, the sale of work, &c, are to be congratulated on the suecessf ol and eminently satisfactory results of their labors. In addition to the large collection being of an instructive character, the general attractions led to sooial gathering of a pleasant nature, and it is certainly gratifying to hear both visitors and workers expressing entire satisfaction. The said of work and exhibition

resulted in the receipt of about £165, and a'ter tho deduoiion of expenses, including insuran c oi tho exhibits, it is expected that there will ba fully £125 available for the reduction of liabilities in connection with A)l Saints Church, &c. We have been requested by the ladies under whose management the refreshments were 3applied, to express tbeir hearty thanks to all who materially assisted them by Eendicg contributions, several who thus aided them being in no way connected i with the Church, acd their kindnes3 being therefore the more noticeable. '

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Colonist, Volume XXXII, Issue 5685, 24 December 1889, Page 5 (Supplement)

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ALL SAINTS. Colonist, Volume XXXII, Issue 5685, 24 December 1889, Page 5 (Supplement)

ALL SAINTS. Colonist, Volume XXXII, Issue 5685, 24 December 1889, Page 5 (Supplement)


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