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■- -' ■■■ '"■'■ ■ -r-.-L-^J- - ,■ mi ri^-OTP.TCOSHOLTATIOIIr-TSWi-" 1^ , (To be run in November,,)' CAPITAL-^i'o.bobi'iii'^.odO Full/Shares .-•' / of £1 eac'ir}<o* 20", COO Half Shares ] , r j'-U .;..:; ■-'! i ;*,;. Each/Full Share .baa.^WQI,SEPARATE .'.;-... chances, and can win £5,000., , | ,;, ; • ' The Distrihutioo is as Yollpwß :—7 Firßt?-H6rse'77 w ' jV./r!;:v./c j 7.. ;r':£s,op,o. Second Horse JV/ '/;,'; 7.;///;/ .2,000 Thied.<Hdne. r ii!-j:< ..v ,•■;.'.; /..../: 71,0Q0y ; Starters/Divided/ ..... ... r...'..-. 'Non/S}ttrterß : biyidipd '</ /;../.,." i*»|, ;f ;-v i /:ML! TotaP-'Hi/ieiO,9oQj The;abdve;ObnSpany coromeiieedibperaiions /a few.jear£-.b/ipkj[and^ , has giyen- uni^er^al Bat.|gfactipn..jn manner: its business h^s been condub/ted. //It] was formed for tne purpose of investing on ithe. various events .tb'atf'take [place on ibe'Fleming:ton Oourse,Y/Qen'tlemen,.artißanß,i.and;6|bera ,r;eßident t ,b,oth ; in Yiotoria.^and:^he..]adJ9ining Colonies, "are invited to,become, Bhar ( ebolperß. Many perßohs" who from various .reasons are unable to at tend'and invest' for themselves, would'rriuoh-ljke: to -have the oppottuhijiy to safely ■ invest/a few pounds; fpr;this .reason the above Company was first, inaugurated; the promoters of/which, while, thanking the public' for'their 1 Support' up to/,the present; invite-them 'td1! invest :in°thii9 GbnVuHation, i when; they are sure/thatith'eir(the promoters') j efforts, will, be.dujyjappreiiiatgd.j Thb js.pjißKS AEEjei EACH;^'utf.sWp)d/a, : wou[d7be, c pharebolder" care to, invest'a/Bt^aljer Bniin//h/e/oan..db' so by; obtaining - a HALP-fHiBB/ *ob j 10s. /Person's t^kiiig *up 15. Ptrii^shares will be accorded;the /privilege/ ofi .attending,- qr/ap pointing a deputy, to .attend, at the drawing; THE KNAIj r pi6THIBUTiON/0F : THE JUNES, will I takep'ac:e' r THE!fI4TTOLibW;iNa- i he meeting. RESTjLTisLiPS'willi'be posted"to, shareholders and published-int/this.papjer. U'.Early.appliba tion^ forj-e^areß iso^ecesaary. i/Applicationfor shares/must be/rnaide,to..ihejjijlanager-of the JielbournerlnvestmentCpinp'ariy, Jaß| Jaoob,sen, /G.P.O.,7(MelboUrneV V/i'ctoria,' enclosing amount?in 60168;! cheques; bank: drafts, 'or 8.0.0r/ders ,(made "payable 1 to..Ja.s.'sjacpbsen), including/a,dijfeotedje.nyelope and.twptWdpenny stamps,of any Colony) for r^egiatratiStiV The particular htSiice, of thei public is/dirioted :to trie fact that 7 only 2^-per centum/is ;de^ ' ducted iifor- working! expenses,*) commission,' eiq.v/th/e r S whole-.of .tbej!£LP,QQO, ■Aess j t^his going, to, subßcri.bejrs., ;Al| scrip will 'b*e allotted as/application is made, and will-be forwarded1 per return mail. '7"' 7'" :' '" '•• ■j'.-:',•:..:,•..'-. J-;.-}/;/: .iU.v/7 .//Manager;/, iLti ;'Company'B'fr6grandme°bn !tbe MELBOURNE hand'-SIEW" ZEALAND fGUPSi: a\p/vember;/188/4,.Js now.! open.: with, a j bud-. •scribed).capital ..pi £10,000,. in, 20,000; shares at 10b'each.: 4M> pr^es,, eaoji picket,having 7 chanpeeu To, an /investor of /20b the/odds'; 25 to i; /and'£3llo may/be s wori Jfwith biiie ticket.— Mfibotjene Cvbj l34 prizes■':< First : horse, £2000 r;« second, I£9oo \ ■■. third i hpirsej £450; other.Btarters (about £33 each), £900; bun-starters (about jg eacrj),/ i ;£i'76o.: total,' £6000. Kew'Zbaiasd/'Qtj?, 7.6 prizes: Eir/st iborae, £1000j^ second'-horse/£4oo';* third/ horee^ £200;/other starters (about £27.'»f cti),1 £250 ; nonfßtarters:(about £71 each),, £650"i lotal/.£2500./ Cash,BoN-b5,:200. prizes i, 2'a'r ;76 at £25, £150; 6 at £20, £120;,----40: aY- £10/ :£4OO j:'(l4B')a't; £5] '£730:' total,". £1500.^WiW close on November te't. 55,000 ißb.orea/hav.eiibeen-sQJd'bl fas on various 'events since,, our i oommencpment.^... AppUcationß/as. us uai/.'.' Two' 2/d,.., Bta mps i for, rep ly r and result, Money'Orders,'or Cbequts "marked 'oorrect.f, wlVhJia exchange orlCoin-'are'Be^t/AL'ette^Bilh^ldi'befre'g'tstere/Ji Telegrams and[ Letters reeeiyed/aodpromptly; to;;)/T ( en r per cent,deduc|ed/from. all prTze/i^onejs, 4/ per cent of which/we give j to, agents" who sell tickets for us/ or' clients Show purchase bdbks!''of 25 eharesi-ProgfaiijiEe;, .wiib.pominationß) and partioulars'l-Cpast, predenfc,,andfuture) forwarded post (reeon app|licas tion./ Agentß/returns,mußt. reach 4s not later than 31st Octbbpr^dr tbey'will not reqogi nieea.'/Acfdreis^^^RO'BlM^Hbo'Jt)/'care ; : of THOB".STiPLE.*oN; Box 238,-P'6Bt Office, bljristchuroh i'^VßAii^MsMisQ, {.City Baths,jßColoiDjbo street,, Cbtystcburch./ N-B'-j-Althpugh we send to/ne.*Bpaperß ;througb,out v New |Z»aland the hames/arid addresses of,/t7/e principal winnerS ihbfff Gompjh/yi a^: many'other Sconsultadonista advertise they do, we reape'ctfully remind the,public and.rour clitmts tha| our b'oks, are at.all times openfor inspection .to any. iubscriber. lujormation 'not confined. to tt • tv'essy-' 'W"e "corißider/each/ subscriber .hap an 'equal:right 6Pinspec'ti'orj;^ '//' ,: ,'; ; '/■■ / SM6kED>ISH.r.' : SMpkEp/JFISH! .., " FISH! -FBE3H FISH!! OYSTEMb OYSTERS !.!; OYSTERS !!! E' iiV. ;WESTEEBY,;iE][SHMOSt>ER 0 nand; iFiSH CtTßßß,:.begß|to,inlor,m the Public and!residents of the Qopntry tbajt he bas.bP&NEp a^EiaH SHOJE/'in Central Bridge-street,- ne"xt''door to, Mr Brojwn's Sewing 'Ma'chide Depot,/ where every d esaription; bt Fish; can be procured.','.' ' ■ A/tij ! 1 £10<D00.f hm\ £10,000.7:: ; £10^00. ..,..( '■'<-, r 2o,oopiMembers .at IQs.'-.4, | ■ M" EIjBOIJRNE1 CT/P,;^1884/^-Tb be Run Tuesday; 'NoVember ;4th;,' ! ':■>. 7/L.Will'bJdie 30tb/October, '1884. 7 , 77 '71 t-;-Q2-;Pbizeb.- —- 0.;j7.: I ..... „v . v -...- 133 Nominations. „,,,,,-7 ' First/ „/'/',7m 7 7.. 7 „...' ....-£3OOO Second';':' !U'"' './;' ''' .... "" "... ;' ...r""7:1200 Third ,'i. /'-^i'"" ,/.."'/-7.7 hi ,;V :ii; !6.b0 iStarterB1 (divided about £25 eaoh) ... J750 Npn-Starters-(about'£ls eaob) ;..7i!^545 .;Vu. ; -i7/rr^«.;7/' ; i : ov;- i 7, i /M.^ " •rjik'.'-5V=-i '//'':-iH— MatcioO^U?' !7:^' rj'^:{'' J:ii.i ov'£4oo, a" 5d)17;;..v';-vi,!;m U.:..:^..;.;.7',, J2OO ,10 at, 25 h/..jf., - -w/;..^ >-■ iv : .,-; ;250 ,'ao'at'ao ..,....■,, -...-: (,„.. ,-,, ...,'.,-(-, |400 "2o;at is «?' lv.'."'''- v;.;; ;'.;. •:■■ .:; ; 300 -20'a!t 10 ?;?^: U;tV7 ' .'.'. '7;.»'::'' :200 100 atV-7> ;-7,7 7' y».;;'' ft "• 7 J-;;."'-i/ 700 9.1 ato-5/..i.yii..-, ;;:;./■ ...:/:;;■,..•'.■/|455 269/ -^/i v/.,,,^.'/I,;' "'^/'iv^o'm'^ 2!905 ' /Plesiße/sWdPiO/brderg when cohyenient they can !at;all: times be ltraced if losti'tbus /protecting sender Two stampn' required | for .replies, and ; One Shilling padded as exchange on country^h/eques, which^muty be certified ;to;aß^'o6rje"qt."/ 77;7/7|/., ;' /./:'"'./;.' I■„ • ■J'Each!-'Ticket' has 'Nine.Chances,' the, Cbp • being drawn first^after which'-tti'e marbles-are all replaced each time tillHheiNineiDraWings, are.,comple i t.ed,;(!thuß giving one,, ticket; ithe, chance of Drawing Nine Prizes^- .; 1 . fi fl^° .READ'THIS 1 Names' and^Addresses '6i t'bVee.prin'oipkl Winners. in' Cup, and^ijour oriiieipiii basK'Prize' Winbelr's b»ri^ be obtained byjiSubscribeirs on application.;ri Drawing je attended by the Press (members/of .the Press can freely inspect Ada's aooksj/^Managere 'M. "Papers*afa"3mtance"clin appoint aYesponßibie agent ih:Dunedin,. to'whom allanformaljion' will be furnished,1 thus giving to Subscribers a /guarantee jof f the bona fide character of ibis bonsultation &a; course no other ." Consultationist''. pursues /in Dunedin. rThe Cup '61 1883 'oonsißtednof i> 18,000 SuUgoribe »; who contributed;£9ooo. Names' of Committee furiiißbed PreßS^ on application. ;,r-' ! "..".■r, -.-I:.;:.!"!, i-.'i^ADA-^MANTUA,''' ■"""<'/ ! ' • /Care of'Mr/Abrahamy'BOxSSl,Post ' ift,v' f''/ ■i,": .lx:v;': 'Office; Dutiadin.? '-'/'^ £ Lo,ooo^v/ ';"■ "£.i6|oobT • v.-'£10,000.; A.DA MANTUsArbffdrs a'Bi»EOIAX PRIjZE :z\i 'oft £100^wbich'''8mount has been 'deposited withtHe';'*EditOf of/ *Otagb Witness,. anld will' be paid to any personin'New-Zeal^nd-who ban^namefhe'placed horses in Melbourne Cup;in tHe ordfer aß'raoe jreported in; * Otpgo ;Witne.sß/.'' r;Ea'c| lette.rC will';;be dated/when redeiVed', 1 r aßV d''^bney'lj^ 'Cdtn'petit'o'rß! /areE. hot ffes ric'ted > to/one1 trial',; but oafi'try as f often aVih'ey/pleßSa,- and; it,ig' not b<jmpursOr/;tb!hiive tickets in Consultation' thus 'giying f,unyoW oth^ the "above yaluab'le!lpnze77ln;tb'e eventj ol •yyinne.ris/bot^^ tieip^Hip^di/the.1 £100 will jbe 'pqu'allydivided bet weeri^be <stagb Beneyplent 'rnstitutionand ln|^ !it/will bi',obs<^ve'aj;tbatj.A;ida/w^di^^ paving pia;(Sed/tne money;,b'eypn'd/ HerTControl. and it'muß^be f 'paid ,to soinebbdyj^herjce ' her* d'eoiining/to/lre;peiveftip i s/ i her,Belif,\"fdr;'-;Bhe will not apcept/any/^A'pplicatippß, will be received anq must be addressed /only \o 'Sporting/,4^tor,' /''btagOj. Witness I,', Du|iedtn.~Piea|e te.ep eppy..oil /tip,/ Winner mpst apply for prize within one month after raoe. i»jf.!,'-;.(sii;lo am<i'(t übLA "i'v.^H/iw , ;A;.;'.r:; / , //,/;- '•'-./..'; " '"' •Sinaloi j" A

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Bibliographic details

Colonist, Volume XXVII, Issue 3924, 1 September 1884, Page 4

Word Count

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Colonist, Volume XXVII, Issue 3924, 1 September 1884, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Colonist, Volume XXVII, Issue 3924, 1 September 1884, Page 4


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