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■: :. •■■■ :■■■,- -; ■'-•■ 'August 8. •:. Mr J. 0. Bowman's report for the paai week is as follows."— ' ' '

The Welcome Company completed, their general clearing up. on Tiiesday, for 1345 ozi 17 dwts, melted from 430 toBB of, quartz. A dividend of 6s per share (15,000) Ma] been declared-. •. .. ■..•••'■;:,■ •■.<.!...,...■■:.. ■ ;■

; The Golden Treasure Comptny had a general clearing up on Monday week., ! The return was 339 ozs of melted gold. A dividend of Is per 8hare.(24,000). was declared. -

lathe. Jjist-in-Tiine Compaiiythe sfcbiao iri J tho fade is now iix feet wide, very •olid, and carrying a fair chow of .'gold.; /About; 13.0: tons aro now to grass, and the crushing will take place in a fortnight. Should th'e :iresult be eqiial'tblaßt; the Gonipan'y will clear itself of all liabilities',-' -'and- »' dividend may,be ex? peoted.' j; '', ';' .- ' ' '." ,'. .' '.';. '].' _; . The latest quotations 'areI :'—Buyers 'United Alpines,"£l Is 61;, Keep-iti-Dark, ; 14j; 9d;Golden Treasure, 6s 6d; Joat-injTime; 2a 61; Eureka; 2s; Homeward Bound, 4s; Weicome, £3 15s. Sellers are quoted a. trifle higher. ." "■,'"'. '"./ .; .'' .'. : ..'; ' , : :- ; i.: ■; FEATHERSTONE. ; '/. ,' ' ..•'.';■:.'.'„",. .-; August 6. The death under somewhat; peculiar, cirr cumstaucas of the \ infant, child, <jf ; Mrr Matthew Cave, of Tpronga,; near.Feathery ston, was. the ;subjee"t.- of. -an. inquest' oh1' Thursday-;-afternoon, ibefore 'the;- District Coroner. It seams that the,' child was, born' on the 22nd ult^, without signs of life. Both Dr. Michael^Hanratty, who was* in attendance, and xVlr^ Henderson, the nurse, tried the usual expedients in such cases,' with a view of causing the child to cry, but those were unsuccessful.; In accordance with the: doctor's instructions, a jug of boiling water 'was then 'produced, Dr Hanratty,., being: informed-that there wa* a supply.;of cold water in the room,, iri: case he required -it. ■ Covering-the infant with : a n towel, -the. ;< poured the. hoi water oy^r "its tb'ody. r Thisi appeara'to,have had ..the .desired; effect,; for the child instantly began to cry.,, ■< to.several, witnesses',Dr Hanratty was., _asked. < 'if the water would' not blister: the, child'; to which he simply said"! No," but he; was ;not ■ observed to test the temperature of r the water.: It was;next closely wrapped/in^flannel, which were uremov.ed ioine hours subsequently, when: the infant was a mass ; 'of blisters, 'and jfor several days was subject to convulsive fits.;: Five days after,:its 'birth the ; nursa ' noticed that one of the child's lags appeared to temdr,tifying.1 The sinews were"contracted and;the; leg ,was drawn up,\while the "'flesh''was quite ! black and' coVered With'blisters'; and jthedoctor prescribed'ah;6intinent to be-'applied to the^ores. Death.ensued'bn the morning, of tha'lst instant, Dr Hanratty'certifying;the cause to havo bean •'convulsioas."' Shortly after the informant.of the body, the :circumstaricea of the 'case came under, thff-cogniz-ance^of the police authorities at Featherston.-j The body was, immediately ekhamed.iand oh: Thursday last an inquest was- held r at ;the Victoria, Hotel,■when? after a prolonged ;in--yestigation, the jury returned a verdict to the. effect that death resulted from a-'severe scalding, owing to-the use of; water'"at ;atemperature' considerably above-that which it was safe and proper to use for. a child of that age. • The jury further found- that the< water was applied by Dr Hanratty, who,; in their opinion, was:guilty of culpable careless;ness; c.T-ho doctor, however, was net held alone blameworthy in the matter, the. jury; adding -that-"neglect -had- been shown, by. others .in failing to obtain his professional services, or those of. gome other, medical man, for the child at an early period.'/, jDr Hanratty .was, arrested on a chargs of manslaughter, and'will be tried on Monday, next;: "':'X'...,,' '■. ■,-,.,!; ,;.: f.'■]•:■„ . .-■•• i August 9. ■•'''■ :i Dr Michael; Hanratty >; was broughti.upi at Featherston yesterday, .charged >with. ,the ■"manslaughter! of the. infant child of; Matthew' Cave, the particuiars.of which; have ; alrejidy been telegraphed. . ;The information was dis-' -.missed, the magistrate being of .opinion; %at 'iheovidence adduced..was not.sufficient to' warrant the .committal", of the .accused. !In ' dismissingihe case,! the magistrate expressed an; opinion! that 6n f receiving the .verdict: of the;^^orpnert"]ury,;;l^ ;; ione.,fqußd; in jthe; present.lnstance,' the -coroner ought, to, .have" talien 'upon himself',the responsibility| of

pointed out lhaf 7tt waastill for the ~ Ho, .nJWmWwr ]■ I' ;/Thej^arineDepartmentHaY.e.received the, 'p'.lowing .telegram.^pm child :^ T' iei-e/is .np : '.PH?s& e(*s!? ufI ,s*> s?scan9 ! "irhe'd by/'baip|tMii/^jf(erp6n"nfe.M'.OHanmet ; tsi.'inS'; 1 q,ffCape' Cfojlyille; .V 'We'/fbuud jt; with.£. ; <iVii,any>outteJhjßiyater, tolling'up like; a; "-•jiring for a'spac9, Jpf,ab'%t 100 feetV Channel" ' Klai&'bears1 hears % r^y!%" : ihW^uariers:' -o'i'a'-mira.^'The"wateris .mu&&£&n&'jpVLoyr/ The, yelloiW 'watbr idrifW; away ' the tide j. i(an&is'|tf"sbi£pc^ ■Comet; Und'lherS is 3iio Vchange' 'inlibundiiigV; : Jhe;'lea%t VaW^ found Was'^ fattoms,ysp: -'navigafors; nee^;^?be;^aid :i,t6''gb; iheir i^usual rtracfis whSii "passmgitMre.;,' I took the ftella ffi rjthevsp;Hfat'd dropped rthe:lead into !lcinW lofltlfe tifebii l 'latid'".tHere": lound;^' :fathp!m^:»rie|t^hß' leal $pm ! aV;lphg fasti : coul^to^sed if !would r'cqoie''lip hotj but it. 'c'ame'ifp^uitW'cold'ahd'brought 5 up; brbkein ''v ;rsr ;v"w^ :;:;st^ ;::"!:.: i ; v,, A woman named Sarahi!;BenßeD,ia*-domeßjic :ser,Tant, (! died suddenly Utbisf morniog. | ;.Tti« ,C,aUBB is Ullknown.;:i/ ;v- :i ; ; ".'.'/, "> vf?--"'-.i pi-f-.,; fc.; ;;;!;';;;■; :;.,:!; >;-.;Augaß^9. i '-.; ,/ An,inquest onsthe-sbody of iSarahrßenson, a. domestic; gery^nt,iWhp u diedißuddenl^;qn t Monday,,;jwas-held; tp ; day.,; The.ppstmortepl 'examination ,Bhpwed,.that deceased^had Be^h '. suffering,* .from . diffused f peritpnitis.,jin J,the .'.ahdpinen andriperfpration ofU.the,, t ßtpma:ch ' pr.ociuced.b'y,"an^.ulcerjpfr.lpng standing.! "The jury: retnrnedja,.yer^i<st,.pf.v.>l:Peath| "naturat'causes." '.""., .,.;,.,-.,«»,,; ;. ;i j; j..' ; > J'.Ti The schooner Bee,' that'left Lytteltpn'M Havelock"thWe""'V7e"&ks'~a"go v has not reached thyra'yetV'ahdiears^re^enf^ft^ediegarditi'g her safety. i.TM'Beeiis a schooner of 31 tons register,, .and _. is j owi^ed,, by,, Langdown "and Company," pf C.hristchqrch,'..! a,nd. ,was \ com; rnanded' by, .Captain, John.Green,; who ''had ! thrSe sons .on 'b'pard as .her crew.T;.There werla ; twb other rderl .Qnfboard going.up, |[e 'sayi n^lls. r :T^'V" ! ,-'?;^ ; '^ ; 'V,i>;:;-,;:'i, ; ;u; ' .'■''- August 3;; ;.> ;■'" A • disastrous, fire brokeuout : at 14-30 ithit j'morning,. in ; the residence, of ; Pet^r Bell.t ■ draper, ,o.n St. .John's; Hill.; .which was burned j to the ground,, A pprtion of ; ,the.:. furniture ', was isaved. The inrA^tes-escaped : with mubl: .difficulty*. The cause is ; unknown, j ;Th( ib'uilding was "insured.hi the. New;; iJealanc .office for'£4oo*but the furniture was t'ptallj -uninsured. The estimated' loss is £1000.1.. •• >■■ hi t; .. DTJNEDIN. ;■ ! '■:,; ]'■]:.,[ "r. ;■','.■ August 3, :; At; Milton yesterday'a boy. named Arthui Stuart was playing football, and while! ru.n' 'rling.vefy fast with the ball-was, observed tc ;drd'p o do'wr^ suddeniy.": : Medical ; aid, was-.ob' tamed but life was extinc|. -';'.'." * ; ..! •••' "" •- • 'HAWErA^->-: 4 -^ I ;;"; :• ■;•■ I'' ■■^■•'-■'^ "■■-■■•^ r'-;-;-'- ;'::!V^AiJgnst9.J ; A 'Burveyor named Thomas1 Andebon i blevi hia'brainfl out yssterdny vith ti; carbine; -Hi •wag-in ehftrge of- the snmy^at "the" backup iMokiftia-on the; ITatiye J and st.artec ;o:uti with ljiv;paf'tyi'i'and ; he/ got out, i •ehort distance he toli'Cho, men to gp" on; anc ho woqlil- follow; He4 went ;tb; ;the! (en and committed- 'fctfo' act. .The' cobt cooeyec to the men, whcr returned;';but life," wap |ex tinct. 3>ecoased came" to New.ZealahJ ieyei years ago, and' was ' bn^ of tKe'aurveyore turned off the Waimat6 Plains bytho natives For: the last few days hi had been despondeni 'and hardly ppobfe a!word. ,: ,' ■; : '.'l'/.Vi . ~:-- --1 An inquest" on the body; of Anderson; sur "veyor, who shot1 himself/ was \ held'yesterdaj at the Manutahi Hotel, when a..verdict wat returned of temporary inSanityl "One witness stated that he: attributed the act of; self destrubtion to the annoyance deceased suf fered from the Chief Surveyor at Taranaki .The.funeral took place at Hawera to-day.., I •/: i :-.;;HOE:iTikA.'^'-;':K I .;v;- ---... ;;,;"•.: -v: .;• : ;- •■■-. .--.> 10.... 0 News.has: reaohed:town' that T. ( settler tofchH&ving&i-, whilst •pitfßSing ; J hi Oamarau. creek,, four, miles -south of thi _Waiho river, en route to Hokitika, on the 6th instaribjf-.waa drowned^ His horse was found dead on the beach;near thevWaiholiiveij,.the saddle was on, and a bag; containing letten and a pocket book was thanking: to the aiddjc byone stirrup! Ward';iy, up to the pre/ sent time, has not. r been.rficpvered;^ Partiei are. searching the beach iuVevery direction 'He leaves a widow and' seven! children. ! , ;.:/7v !^CKi^NP;^■^v.f;! ; -f; ,;'Mrs, Eritt, .a well-known^and reipecteci lady, when coming; from "church- yesterday .suddenly fell down.r ■■ She,warqarried[into;an adjioent house and .died,in.-a; fewminutei. She had : been, under the; doctor.;; for : heart disease; ~.■•■■.;:,.,.•; \.,:..\i mi] fs-i !. ■>■■:■••; ■; ~.; 1 Dast^ year, 97 harmoniums; '^organs,: 705 '■ pia.hosi and '1931 other' musical; inVtruqaeuts, ' w.ere imported1 infcb'Ne^'Zealand. Their total !Talue was £22,267. Whp'wiH'eay we are not 'a musical pSbple ? , ~'- ; ' .••• - " : Thbhe are 836 State' Schools, with 64,407 hiid iri average attend 4uc'e";' or Van average of 770 pW school. ; There are 1;971 teachers; :and tlie average riiimber prpupijs per teacher :is-32'7.; : s:l,r.; r .f !-:Z^y\i ' •■•■ "' Tub manufii'ctural of; cigarettes is ft new industry at,-Qhri.stchurcb..;.' : ■~ M ~-._-• : '■■■•■ ; ;;'^p.uEtNa;tiw : ia^ Benovolent Institutibn gave out-dopr. relief to si,'mfri,,ls9 wbtneri, ,ancl ,431- children;;; yet Bpme people^ aay there is no: ppvert/ in Newl ■. Zealand. ,-.., ~.>*. -,-.■ ■■;• ■;"•.■••' ', ■.-.. •■•■•;;.. <■■; i ■ -'i; 1 " "Berkeley, Sfptember,, 1869.-T&entlemen, :^~rfeeL it a ; d"uty I 'you to, express; aif. , gra titiide for, the great benefit I have derived .'.by taking '/'Norton's .Campmile.-Pills.??; : I hav,e : applied tpyour; agent, ,Mr. ; Bel". Berkeley; for the, aboye-named, Pills,,' for ..wind] in the stomach, from, which: I; nave suffered excruci* ating pain for a length of time, rhaying ; tried nearly every; ;remedy prescribed, but. without deriving auy all. :After, taking two. bottles y>f. your valuable Pills; I was: [qiiite. restored .to; my: usual.state of health; Please fgive this publicity forthe benefit oi those whp ; "may ;fchus:-,be. afllictedi.=^rl am/. Sir, ydure truly,: He»bt Allpass.-^ £o the Proprietors, ■ of V* Boston'a Oamomhe, ; 7wts."-~Advt. ] Taylor Brothers' Homoeopathic Co- , < .Q' a --i'his original- preparation, which 'has. attained Biich a- world-wide-reputation, is ' manufaotured - b>. TAYLOR BROTHEES, under the ablest homceopathuv advice, aided by the; skill; and ' experience" of the inventors, and will be found :tt>; combine' in an eminent degree,;the purity, fine aroma,:and nutritious. prbportybf the frißb/nut. •■■'■' : ,:: •' '■'•■'" ' • Taylor Brothers' Maravilla Cocoa Essence, or Jpttre:;So;lubl6"Cbcd'a;—inis,: exq ii»iie_pEOjdj*eki»Ja--Will supply a want lpng ; fell ,by Cocoa: drinkers, namely, •genuiiie' driide?' free ' from ajdmixture of any-; Tiuifl rnouHsliin'g/refreshing,- and grateful to '■■thep-ilate.^-lii^lb'TinsV ' tl -v ://;'';' j ,-,: Taylor Brothers' Marayilla Cocoa.p, ; TAYi.ok ' 'BiioTHBHSJ 3 London,' having pie., ' excl ii>l supply bf rthis unrivalled 'Cocoa, irivitti comparison with" SBriy bthe'r ;Cp'cbasfor, 1 Purify ■• fine';='Aroma— Ba'nWtiye| Nutritive and dustuiuitig powsr. One, trial1 will establish .it. ' Wli f tbVve^ageYor;blea|fast[lunchefoji, i ;and' wSo'o'thih'gißefreshment- after'a; late evenins. For favourable 1-' Tide,■Stahdaib, •'Medysal !;iiftli;{i,-',?' ■''"■"'■tl ll*;v' I ,:;, 0; Taylpf^Brdthers' 1 Chicpry^r^nafac^, vtu'red« from 11 the J Meat * Belgian' KootV la 28,

|> cd 'aDC as inclination may ■4BrcerS ß On*efNtMtbat '"^B^fdes'is looked upon with 3SiB aS^e n ce,;uofc merely in $W^fparliamentary outsider., of prominent $M fo"taking vservice under a KvMJU aVwon or two before !t"« a as utterly incompetent, to, '«t-K,l:' WitnoutQuggestiog Sm Si and Dr Pollen are much "^flSeir^eighbprs.tbe^^ay wnMTLtetd *> h8 conspicuous fetX? o l loose r allegiance. Pro*Wmk entertain "the opinion that »«iiB otV" :„ o f jnuch'greaterim•^i'Cn P Hey, and' that they |I*W-I*W aßldeth6ir #i mj 9; -c mJ ~ were a necessary afc,^f to.flght the battle •*-5 M inf« they condemned them ItfKS»ininlthecold.ihada.qf #wL- Such an estimate -of OTrial'dutyis quite comprehensiilV who have graduated at $>Mrrsnts, and risen to: reappnai"^MitioDS, indeed, it is the one )A' drawback to these- promo>;{flL which otherwise there is nMo be said. Valuable as admin--iße skill unquestionably is, it ia iMlnt to atone for all other Timings. Something much -Hand at the same • time much VtS needed in taose selected to irMhe affairs of a country. Though id ■L( ;er may be capable of dealing -.Whe business of his department SMfficiently than the best Under%iH r y,.be may be entirely destitute qualities that go to the i:rfHion of a statesman. He may,be JM t 0 discern the signs of the j^Hto think with the people over JMhe ia placed; to discover where PBfects are in the machinery of 'jßrneot that cause discontent, Ben to perceive the existence of jMscontent; and therefore be in|K o( devising such necessary and wreformß as will conduce to tie ; in Parliament dur*jM e past month afford painful ffte that Ministers are entirely Sble to, indeed, uncouscious, of, >jjßr existence of the deep seated '"■sfaction with the present system Jal Government, co that there I^ne no surprise that their mea- I UHn.that direction are universally ' •Hinced unsatisfatory. The amendMof Mr Ormond ,on the second |Hg of their Cro*n and Native S Hating Bill, though at once fled by them as equivalent to a Bifidence motion, was plainly not ■K<\ against the men, except so have proved themielveß to Hapable of appreciating the presKnnts of the country, but against Bmperfecf; and insufficient me& X The mover distinctly disHd, and there is not a shadow: of Ht for doubting his sincerity, any Ho cause a change of Ministry HsßioQ. Be was impressed with Miecessity of making important Htious in the existing system jof B*overnmenfc; he was convinced ■public opinion was with him; ■s that was emphatically denied Hose now in power, he desired ■the formal work of the session ■ disposed of as rapidly as possiBbc people should immediately1 »i'ter be appealed to, and their B:t, whatever it may be, accepted Inclusive. The division was taken Be false issue of no-confidence; ■gh a slender majority refused; fo: ■dan immediate change of Minis-, ■it is indisputable that many- of ■ comprising it agreed subsibanti-; ■ with Mr Ormond. V^Ministere ■selves are so fully aware ot; this ■the Bill on which the amendment, fcoyed, as well aa others' nbti at ■time directly in question,. wilL Ist certainly be abandoned,>and;aß' ■from the first desired, the electors Ibe left to say whether they!are lent with the powers and cbnstitu-, Itbf-the present local gorerning |es ; as Ministers assert they art*;' ■nether they prefer such alterations lould have the effect of patting anto the system of centraiiaing, ly all authority in Wellingtoni - ?. bougha \jctoy is loudly claimed toe Ministry , they are in 'truth ed and beaten. Prom : thiß; time c ia so distract and clearly defined; ilicy that electors and represenita--B,.ffiust declare on which side they range themselves. There is a 1 question of policy, that all can emand, and that will for ohcje in history be accepted as the 'test, fer than the merits or: faults of mdoala. Local Government or ifiralißUk will be the watchword*-at, coming (ieueral Election, and as '.decision then is, so vrill th' 9 sykeui tor many years to come., -Personaf judices must and will be' ignbred^ will no longer be a question between ,weorge Grey and.Mr Hall. * The wof the future will: be the baa,"Mbly not either of these, whoßhowß »wlt best able to comprehend the Nar wub, and to carry it out imoflt lrou|bly. If nothing-'-ilto i wae ed by Mr Urmond/he- is clearly, jwed-to the credit qf having put an i to the doubt and uncertainty thai ebo long marr ed the public life pt ..°? ny I;ocal Government affords , „ oeparfcure j 0 pur colonial! polifrom this time it Is fl ojt too to anticipate that a lieaithier;. ;«eat a more vigorous, b pint will'be'


[BT TEriIGKAPH.] Wellington, August 12. The following is the report of the Select Committee on shipping legislation,—which was placed .before the Hou^e of Bepresentatives to-day : — ' The Committee, after taking evid ence (which is attached to the reoor ) agreed to the following resolutions-^- ---" 1. That no steamer trading along the coast, of 60 tons and upwards) should be permitted to leave any port without four deck' hands< at least. That in otearners of 75 tons and up: wards it is desirable that there should, in addition to a master and the proper number of crew, be a first and second mate; unless in the case' of short voyages, when, permission may be ' granted by the Customs .authorities to dispense with a second mate. "2. That with the object of preventing the overloading of vessels, Plimsolls mark should be fixed by the Marine Department, in accordance with a fixed rule to be made by the Department in that behalf, and the Customs authorities beenjeined to see that no vessels shall leave port with this mark submerged. "3. That attention ought specially to be paid to the seaworthy charac.e,r of the boats on board of all eea-goiog Teasels, and that they ought to be-sb swung as to be perfectly accessible, and otherwise ready for any emergency.

■" 4. That in addition to the usual amount of lifebuoys and other lifeGavins; apparatus, it should be enacted that every passenger-bearing ve>Bel shall be bound to have on board a life belt or jacket for overy paaseoger the vessel ii believed" to carry, and for each of the officers and crew. This life-belt in the steamers to be hung up in every Bleepiug berth, and a label pointing to its position printed in the same. L

" 5. This Committee have the honor to .recotnmead. that these reaolutioDs be taken into consideration by the Government, with the view of amending the Shipping and Seamaa'a Act, 1877, in the direction indicated at the earliest possible date."

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Colonist, Volume XXV, Issue 2932, 13 August 1881, Page 4

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REEFTON. Colonist, Volume XXV, Issue 2932, 13 August 1881, Page 4

REEFTON. Colonist, Volume XXV, Issue 2932, 13 August 1881, Page 4


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