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ADVERTISEMENTS. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ..—" . ,_ Besident Magistrate's district of . - ._. WYMONP'S Gome and Inspect the Collingwood, Provincial District THEATRE ROYAL. NeW 6d. Table WONDERS ' to wit. TfWTiVT) WTTTT To J. Wilkinson, of residence unknown. hUAUijU vuiu . _ m^w, "VOU are hereby summoned to attend at GRAND MATINEE T7l A TVT/^V /^/T\ATW ±I*olll all paitS OI tne ValODe J^ lhe Keßident Magistrate's Court, to be holden GRAND MATINEE rAi^V^X KjtXjKJUO' nn _„, at Takaka on TUESDAY, the B:.h day of October, AT MILLION PRICES "*" 0n OIU 1878, at the hour of Eleven o'cloek iu the forenoon, AT MILLION PRICES OE EVERT DESCRIPIOS", "T^ "B" "^1 -fl to answer the demand of the Secretary of tbe Takaka for the accommodation of Families and Children and too numerous to particularise, even go I /& Klj Fj §S„ Road Board for fcho Bum of ooe poun? F onr} een living at a distance, were the whole of this paporse* - ±*m <**£*.A*MJJU A . shillings and Sixpence, particulars .hereof are here- , apart for the purpose. — "^DSt"' £» 017 6 Severs, Kennedy, & Bent s .— A x. fc'««M ;o tai^ gotoTs— s" ::: ::: o5 0 Star Minstrel Comnanv. Much Cheaper than Auction m New Zealand. cost of advertisement 012 0 abM ""Uouga vuwjjauy, J-p 1 will give their Come and judged yourselves. T. $. WYMOND & Co., Herein tai , not , or tho CMe rfl f ß ItJ and FAKEWBLL PEETOEMANCE, TTnll nf P,rvmmfn,PP delerniined in your absence. as stated above, being POSITIVELY their LAST TTatt rn? OmWTMTCROE wiiiuiww. Given undor my hand, at Takaka aforesaid, this APPEARANCE in Nelson„as they leave immediately JIB- JjiJ U1 U ' IWI . -iiir 17th day of September, 1878. after the Performance by the steamer Taranaki for — rrn -pATOrrwTJQ J FRANK GUINNESS, R.M. Auckland. ' *: ~ * - , X NOTICE. U J-^l^l^^' ~ Prices of Admission—3s, 2s, and ls. Children _____ mrrr7T"7ir»n,r» TTAftfne! Note.— No plea of set-off, infancy, coverture, all over the house halftprice. AGKET MAKE has been running on RANTED, TWO' GOOiJ Blatute of limitations, or discbarge under any Act Commence at Ono o'clock, precisely. 1797, V*JW . ju.a fl If bran dod -not »» Apply T. C. CROOKB. 1774 rolat ; ng t0 bankruptcy or insolvency, will be allowed, .__ : '/ legiblc^Own'canhavoherbypayingexpense'sand x™^ immediately, a First claas r^^Sn V^s^uS T™'^ CHITRCH. ; this advertisement. W DBBSSMAKM^prJ to : , aifi jff ,ft at laCe of ab d twenty-four . LEC TURE will be diliWW = Doarcroft,, Waimea West. ** Parsonage, S^!^^ Kesident Magistrate's. Pisti-ict of Residei^ Magistrate's District of baftanex^ ' ' -; j Collingwood, Provincial Collingwood, Piovincial District John ksox and his life surroundings! ; of Nelson, New Zealand, to wit. of kelson, New Zealand, to -wit.' -10 bIAJND JJiifc fcUA&uiN. THEATRE BOTAL. ;i '' j T9 Thomas Audeews, of residence unknown. T o W. B. Cook, of residence unknown. BlifillSlHl YOUIIS. IN ACTIVE "pREBARAHON '^VTOU are hereby summoned to attend at -^tqjj are hereby summoned to attend at «" & «w*^ p ...... .m- AOUVJi . X the Resident Magistrate's Court, to bo holdon .j£ the Resident Magistrate's Court, to bo holden T>,, mTIAW yomo is 5 vears old. bv Royal Con- rw^cna -tor at> t itf-o t> .a " firnv/nSA aa: -i at Takaka on TUESDAY, the Bth day of October, at .^ QQ TUBSD iy, the Bth day of October, q '^f S*S^i d . le ,fS the EtlSrse'ever T H A. fI E * N q E ? rf>P?«; ! 1878, at the hour of Eleven o'clock in tl.e forenoon, 187g &t tho hour of - EleToa o>ciock0 > c i ock in tho forenoon, g""j" V* £land) out of Jewel (a mare which „*" 71th Magnificent Scenio Effects, including 8 . to answer the demand of tho Secretary 0 the t0 r lho demand of tho Secretary of the Takaka B^Jded V drying off the prize for all comers in Ne" Sceno^ ,' f . . Takaka Road Board for the sum of One pound Six R()ad B()ard fop tho sum of 0n pound Thirteen JJ?^o^ ? or eight years.) Jewel was by ■ For particulars, see future advertis.ment shillings and Sixpence, particulars whereof are here- flhi „ inga ftnd NiDepenco) par ticulars whereof are ngland ' B H opo, out of a Clydesdale mare j the * r - N- T? ORWN'- . | unto annexed:— hereunto anexed :— _: q j .^g^-mB bv'Farmer. out of a Clydesdale imported ■ 17tfb , ' " -MmagM' ; , Debt or claim ±.0 9 4 Debt or claim ±,0 lb a.-. f rom Australia by Mr Jones, which was the foal.of-^-TT! ' T. . Cost of summons 05 0 Cost of summons ... ■ .... 05 0 & Clydesdale, which was imported from Eng- SUPREME COURT OP NEW .ZEALAND,,Cost of advertisement 012 0 Cost of advertisement ... '... 012 0 land by Mr Ashley! ■ NELSON DISTRICT-, i Herein fail not or the caso will b^ It! and Herein fail not; or the case willt Lrd and -'^^^^^^ IVTOTICE is here^given,, that a Cl* Herein fail no >or tne win determined in yo« absence. MoNDAX-R.ohmond and Waimea West _£>j CUIT , SITTINQ . of the SUPREME COURT determinea m you^aose c . aforeaaid, this Given under my hand, at Takaka aforesaid, this TuESDAY-Wakofield . ,_ for the despatch,of OIYILiand.CRIMINAL BUSl;7^hday"f September,lß7B. 17th day of September, 1878. WBDNESDAY-Spring Grove, and will call at For Npg be held ftfc thfl COURT Rom^ vZT^nmKW^'Tt-M FRANK GUINNESS, RM. HiU if services required __ kelson, on MONDAY, the, Fourteenth <?ay ,of FRANX GUINNESS, R.M. __ ' : Thttbsdat Evrarao-At his Stables, theTrafalgar; Ooto^t . at Ton of the olock ip - ~~- —: Note. —No plea of set-off, infancy, coverture, Stables at whioh placo and time" all persons under recdgniz|Note.—T?o plea of set-off, infancy, coverture, Btaluto of limitations, or discharge under any Act Feidat—Wakapuaka _ anco to appear as Prosecutors, Defendants, or Wit-. Statute of limitations, or discharge uuder any Act ro , Bti to bankruptcy or insolvency, will bo allowed, oATUBDAY-lrafalgar Hei el Stables 1787 noßßofl> WQ requ i red to givo thoir ttt tendanoe. ! , relating to bankruptcy or insolvency will be allowed, , uotico thorcof in wriUn shall havo beon left r>AV 90™ qirPnTMRITR 18*78 EDw'lN BAMFORD,'" "■ l unless notice thereof in writing shall have been left witll the Qlork of the Court, and a copy served upon QUARTER DAY, 29in SEPTEMBER, 1878. ~. : J^iJ W-X« J3AJU.J! yj^» , ... ; with the Clerk ofthe Court, nnd a copy served upon h , ; iff ■ M fc hig , uco of abode twen ty.lour . tT^tqttd * wni? n^H/r ' o 'n \ n/r Registrar. , - the plaintiff or left at his place of abode tvventy-four P { fa f h ap p oill ted for hearing Pllß COLONIAL INSUEANCE COM- Supreme Court Office hours at least beforo the day appointed for hearing [he ofl u.o ; and if a eet-off be elaimed, a full statement J.. PANY OF NEW .ZEALAND. Nelson, 20th September, 1878, ,1788 the cause; and if a set-off be claimed, a full statement of the partiou i arß 0 f BUC h claim must be annexed to .' ' -"■ "; . , . , . .. .t. !■ ' of the particulars of such claim must be annexed to BUch notieo nnd to t h e copy thereof. 1780' FIRE AND MARINE. StlllTlNa iNTIiILLLGIiiNCB. such notice and to the copy thereof. 17/0 ; • —«■______ ', Kesident Ma'-istrate's District of Besident Magistrate s District of eAHMII . ..,., ■~-..-,„. «,000,000 ; mon wi™ at Nbisok. ''. . : nJti„ mvr , n A p,„,;„™ii Dktvict. Collingwood, Provincial. District __ ,*...- ~,„,.,'. p . m . = . ttw™M™ltot» of Nellon, New Zealand, to wit. a™ Qn^-o--^^. w-ta*-. Sepl . 2 i... 4-5 i-« | of Nelson, New Zealand, to wit. —r., t i«.«.«*«rfto^*,(M. J™^ ■££5 ™J2 S : „ „ f -j i To Sir E. Chetham, of rosidenco unknown. rj ft nd are roauestod to consider the advantages Monday, eopt. j6 ... b 4t> / TO W.O BOUEKE, of residence unknown o B ' umraoned ,to afct end at S,X 60^ i Tuesday, Sept. 24 ... 7-53 8"19 VOU are hereby summoned to attend at u Magistrate's Court, to be holden MOTOAL PRINCIPLE, to offer t^them. flf . ' .EN ™KE? •-' , . X the Resident^^Magistraco's Court, to b(> holden k TUESDAY, the Sth dav of October, The Company being a purely Colonial institution, September 19-Maori, ss, 118, Sernoch, from at TakaH on TUESDAY, the Bth day of ) October, Jt A* . , .^ R y g J and nveßted hero Lyttelton and Dunedin , - JB7B, at tho hour of Eleven o'clock in the thfl demand of the Lretary of the Takaka "able, with Z^« W , throughout the Colony, thus, X^^^^om^^^ forenoon, to answer the demand of the Secretary £»» of One pound Thirteen offering to men of small ins the 'advantage of 20-Wellington, ss, 286, M'Gee from Pioton and of the Takaka Road Board for the sum of Two pound «JJJ » Ninepencej part i C alar. whereof aro o " com fn g their own insurers, in addition to that WeUington. Passengers-Miss Chapman^ Mr, Fell, Fourteen shillings and S.zpenoe, particulars whereof "» 6 P. • ; , J B one'share for 3 children, and servant, Mrs Church,. Mes«s Fell, are hereunto annexed:-- Debt or claim ... ... ... £0 16 9' ! eVeV^iofpremium paid previouf to tho expiration BobiMon, Reid, Oar er, Sinela«, _Kepple,.Norman, Dabtorctaun £117 6 Oo.t of summons 0 50^ of thVfirst: financial period,^y which they reduce i» 20-Dauntless, outter, 12, Hairley, from Adele Cost of summons Cost of advertisement „ ...0 12 0 effect the rates of premium on thoir own property in Wand. ■___.___ ftTTTWiIITWI Cost of advertisement 012 0 -___,_ ; oportion to the amount, they pay and the influence ' . k IQ PI^ D ' f ' £ 77^ .£ll3 9; Ly e«rt to induce others to iSsure with the Com- September 19-Waliaoe, ps, 64, Dillon, for. Blen-, Herein fail not, or the case will be heard and JS^J^-^S^^ b° d, "f P^; Proprietaryi is one of the lßPg^ and WM l lh^t for Dunedin via West determined m your absence - Given under my hand, afc Takaka aforisaid, this i n the Colonies, ahd as sucli ithe. security it affords 0o"** T , ' v tt 10 ti-,'*/ V V ! Given under my-hand, at Takaka aforesaid, this WV l7th day 0 ? September, 1878. to Insurers is unquestionable: ' " 20-Dauntless, outter, 12, Hairley for Moutere. 17th day of September, 187S. 1 . aTTTNNESR R M The principles of the Company are based on kxpeoted abbivam. , FRANK GUINNESS, R.M. FRANK GUINKi^S, R.M. ? Q all itß Am^ Wpti^db in Taranaki, ss,.from Sou^h, today ; . ,^.,„ sbttobmbnt oj CLAIMB, and the MWfiST baxks Claud Hamilton, from South and Melbourne, Note.-8o plea of set-off, infancy, coverture, Fote.-Tto .plea of set-off, infancy coverture , atible - with eafet y. ,' : , . - ('' . to-day ! :..,..„ ■ ■■■■■'-' ' statute of limitations, or discharge under any Act statute of limitations, or discharge under any Act .r .... S. GRAHAM, Murray, ss, from West Coast, to-day ! relating to bankruptcy or insolvency, will be allowed, relating to bankruptcy or msolvency, allowed, General Manager.. .. - . Wallace, ps, from Blenhoim, &c, Sept. 24 ' unless notice thereof in writing shall have been left unless notice thereof in writing shall have been left Marlboroueh : Kennedy, from Wellington, Sept. 24 v.. , with the Clerk of the Court, and a copy served upon with the Clerk of the Court, and a copy serv.d. upon Agentfor JNelson and Marl borougn . Charles Edward, from West Coast; Sept'. 26 ; the plaintiff or left at hia place of abode'twenty-four the plaintiff or left at his place of .abode twenty-four _^ W, M. CHAiNlim. HVfi Edwin from Lond6n hours at least before the day appointed for hearing hours at least before the day appointed for hearing ■•RA'RNAB BTOKG Awaroa, schooner, (rom Wanganui, today the cause; and if a set-off be claimed, a full statement the cause; and if a set-off be claimed, a full stattmenfc Dl. x>AJl.«ajxq.o, oj.wjx.u. Richard and Mary, schooner, from Oamaru ofthe particulars of such claim must bo annexed to of the particulars of such claim must bo annexed to -^ rirrTTl?r , T T -..j V n p-p nPfWPn PBOJECXED DBPABTUBBB. ,ueh nStice and to the copy thereof. 1777 such notice ar,d the copy thereof. 1781 XT\EJB -OH UUGH will- beBE-OP^BNED pe]orug> for Hayelock( todfty -^".T~7~^r~~"• l a j "-Ti'T-'i. e T?««•/!««+ Momofm+o'o TUcfi^ipf nf Xon SUNDAY NEXT, at E.even a.m. His Wellington, ss, for Picton and Wellington, Besident Magistrate's District of Eesident Magistrates .District „ot L obd9hh? the bishop wm preach. iwi with outward Suez mail, to-day CollingWOOd, Provincial District CollmgWOOd, PrOYincial District STrMARY'S BOYS' .ORPHAN AGE. . Taranaki, ss, for. Taranaki and Manukau, of Nelson, New Zealand, to wit. of Nelson, New Zealand, to wit, ™ ANT j, D -, a p ~ l ttf tite charge of M^for West Coast, iptril. To C.H.B^B^^sidenco unknown. To L. R.hab.s, of residence unknown. ' W aKove Establiihment.on the Ist October Cl^^n.^^Hngton, South, and YOU are hereby summoned to attend at "\7"OU are hereby summoned to attend at ?£«• '■ ;;; . _ Fathbb.Gabiit. . Awaroa,-schooner, for Wanganui, Sept. 23 the Resident Magistrate's Court, to bo holden X the Resident Magistrate's Court, to be holden J «'' "■-■ ■'*-■ F J —— ■ —— Lady Barkly, for Collingwood, &o, Sept. 24 atTokaka, on TUESDAY, the 81 h day of October, at Takaka, on TUESDAY, the Bth day of October, Wallace, for Wanganui, Sept. 26 1878 at the hour of Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, 1878, at the hour of Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, .J^W^Syg^W to answer the demand of the Secretary of the Takaka to answer the demand of the Seoretary of tlie Takaki -«Bfti~-r*»Vwnf ; mmi \,, ftn t B hin Edwin Foi for Nolson sailed Road Board for the sum of Two pounds Eighteen Road Board for the sum of One pound Three shil- TENDER g EO R INLAND MAIL SER- fro T m HB Q ™3dloJ L Xllt July!' 80D 'Bailed •hillings and Threepence, particulars whereof are lings and Tenpence, particulars whereof are hereunto VICES FOR 1879. AND 1880. v Th b WalUoe arrived at Blenheim at 1-30 hereunto annexed :— annexed: ':'!!!.\!i'- . ' —- vesterday. and is to leave for Wellington to-day. : .-, Debtor claim ..„ ... ... £2 13 Debt or claim ... ...... to blO General Post Office, ■ \ *■ Tnß M urra y is'due'here from the West Coast this'. Cost of summons 05 0 Cost of summons ... ... 0 0- Wellington, Sept. 6,1878. aftemoon . She returns to the same >rh at 6 p.a; Cost of advertisement ... ... 012 0 Cost ofiadvertuement ... -°12 ° QEAtED TENDERS will be ** Monday. r-. ; ~T _ £ , 010 U the Chief "Poet Office; Nelson, until SATUR- The Awaroa should be in harbor to-day, and is to - . .„ ifi ,• 1 1 tt •e -1 <. «- *u« «„=» «;n h» v>«awl ond DAY, tho sth day "of Ootober "prox., for the Ba jffor Wanganui on Monday, at 5 p.m. Herein fail not, or tho case will bo heard and Herem fail not, or the case will be heard and Conv^yanco o( i nland y M aile withia the Petal Dietriofc The Kennedy was to leave Wellington for; determined in your absence. determ; ined in your ansence. , . fAM „ M d of Nelson, in accordance with a sohedule which may Kekerangu last night. We returns to Wellington , Given under my hand, at Takaka aforesaid, tlr.s Given under my hand at Takaka aforesaid, thi , . ohief offic o<her g j; Kk. 17th day of September, 1878. RM ' within the District. The Charles Edward made a fino WestFRANK GUINNESS, R.M. tnaflJl ' Forms of tender, with the terms and conditions qf por t, arriving there at 2 p.m yesterday. She should • w / TT nW nf sot off infanov coverture oontraot, may bo procured at any Posfc Office. be at Hokitika to-day. 2r0t0.-Ko plea of set-ofF infancy ooverturei g J u ° t f of Liffions, or discharge under any Act No tender will be considered unless made on the :^^^i^^^.^^^< itatuto of limitations, or dischargo undor any Act rn i ft Hnrr to bankruntcv or inso'.vencv. willbe allowed, printed form. ','„.,« • with the Suez mail, ex. C^ud Hamilton, whioh is relating to bankruptcy or insolvency, will be allowed, ",1 g n i;^t!w?oM Tenderß to bo ™&<>™*' "Tender for Mail Service, eigbt days in advance of the contract time. She' nn? snSice"hereof in writing shall have been left f h TS r t of t^ No> '" and addreßßed t0 th° i'o'fcmaßter-&eneral» sailed fo/West Coast at 11 a.m yesterday. | Sthe Clerk of the Court, a/d a copy served upon jfJ^^^ Wellington, and enclosed to the Chief Postmaster of Tnß garner Pelorus leave, for Havelock at 10 the plaintiff or lofc at his place of abodo twenty-four hour V afc least be f oro the day appointed for hearing theDistrict. « '' o'cloek this morning. . , ! hou?s at least before the day appointed for hearing 1 d 1 ? a0 -off Se^laimed, a full statement By Order. The WeUington arr^din harbor yes^rday, and the cause; and if a set-off be claimed, a full statement ™JJ p^ t iculars of such claim must be annexed to W' G^ Y ' flY „ starts for .Pioton and Wellington at 2 0 clock this of the particulars of such claim must be annexed to . *;. , . ... thereof. 1782 1789 aecretary. afternoon. •-.-.-, ■„.;,.. , „, ' gach nStice and to the copy thereof. 1778 iuoh-notice and to the copy thereof. un , Thb Tftrftnak j Wfts fco eaf? Welhngton for Nelson —" ~~ -„ "Roai/lnn+ Mifrisifrntp's' "Dkh'lVi Ot Koad Jioard Ullicc, , b , OM last night. She will arrive here about noon to-day, • Besideilt Magistrate's District Of l^ltot Magistrates OI : Takab, Soptemberl^S andi9 i gaUfor Taranakiat3p.m,ontnesametide;. nn- i -p • •,i-n"^, l '^ CollmffWOOd, Provincial District <T\KE TIMiE Jot receiving Tenders ; for Hamilton should be in harbor about OolllUgWOOd, Provincial District Npw'ZmW to Wit1 , i,, LEASING the WAITAPU and MOTUPIPI J^*™ J day , and ;,. te remain here untilMonday, Of Nelson, NeW Zealand, to Wit. 0l JMeW Zieaiana, IO Wli, WHAIRVBS i8 EXTENDED to Noon on SATUR- whenß h.startsforWellington,South,and Melbourne, „ 7 —~ , : DAY, the 28th instant... at 3d m. *"" -. .... -- ; T.W. C™, of residence unknown. I ~ 6 ?**Es.^Z^^n,.^ *r***F^mfaJ ' YOU are hereby Bummoned to attend at .^ tho Residont Magnate's Court, to be hoIdJ %^'^ ■-■ ■";-';;■ :;',' ' ,' ,'" ' , Secretary. «» Wellhgte firbdth JL the Resident^Magistrate's Court, tobeholden al Takaka , on TUESDAY, the .Bth iday-jof October^ „.„' fpß , wnftW4 . — Melbourne, with tho outward Sue*: mail, on at Takaka, on TUESDAY, the Bth day of October, 1878) at tha hour 0 f Eleven o'clock in tho forenoon . TENDERS „„„„„■ Monday Passengers going by her can make the 1878, it the hour of Eleven o . o i oC k m the forenoon, t0 the demand of the Secretary of'the >Takaki TTTILL be deceived by the UPPER oh available to-day! ' j to answer the demand of tho Secretary of the Takaka Road B(jard for the sum of on e pound Throe shilUpg* .VV , MOTUEKA ROAD BOARD, up to Ten "Sum has been a terrible loss of life in the river Road Board for the sum of One pound Twelve and Tonpenoe particulars whereof aro hereunto a . m on SATURDAY, Sth October next, for FORM- Tliamee . One of the large steamers had taken a .hillings and Threepence, particulars whereof are anuexed: L i i NG r 30 CHAINS of ROAD in TADMOR w^mber of persons on a plea.ure excursion hereunto annexed .— Debt or claim , ... £0 610 1 VALLEY. down the river to Sheerness, at the mouth of the Debt or claim ne n Cost af summons ... ... 0,5:0 1 Specifications may be seen at the residence of Mr Medway The steamer had started ori the return Cost of summons u& 0 Cost of advertisement 012 0 T. HoDGKINSON, Tadmor. ' •„ trio and .had-riot-prooeeded-far when signals of Cost of advertisement ... ... 012 0 ITTTrt D. LINDSAY, distress were made, and almost immediately after£l 12 q , .„ T" . J J 1773 '■■■•«■' Seorotarv. wards she sank. -The cause was tbo, dividing of the *t. -ii t i a a Herein fail not, or the case will bo heard and 177j ■ ■ • - aecrotary. _ teime ' rint6 two partß# . ; ;■,■■<•■ Herein fail not, or tho case win do fteard and determined in your abße nce. \ . . ..... CITY OF NELSON. ■ ' Thb Rotorua, last week, made the quickest trip^ determined in your absence. Given qpder my hand, at Takaka aforesaid, this . .; ~ ■ in DO int of time, on record, from Napier to Auckland GiTv^fi^wS^temh^T ' 17^Sday 0? September, IB7Bi ' \ ; ~: TownOlerk'eOffice, K^l the distance in thirty one" hours fifty five thlßl7thd^BA?ffiGUlN]S ( R.M. i FRANK GUINNESS, R.M. j -~..■, :-, i September 19th, 1878, mil) utes,U , i; v.- -'■■■.■■■,' i j jitfAßLh. wuim^Ho, Aja. , __. , i mENDERS will be received at the above " * ' t ■ j. Hote.—^No plea of set-off, infancy, coverture, Note.— No plea of set-off, infancy, coverturol JL Office until THURSDAY NEXT, tho 26th' ttOHN BItINSME AD & SONS' "GOLD Btatate of limitations, or dischargo under any Act statute of limitations, or discharge under any Act ' inrtanfc'» b la w^ doo^^ .m ~ J MEDAL PIANOS are the only instruments relating to bankruptcy or insolvency, will be allowed relatmg to bankruptcy or insolvency will be allowed, . . RENTING MARINE BATHS from lst * e ttftt have been J awarded first . unless notice thereof in writing shall have been left unless notico thoreof in writing shall havo been lert UOTOBBii. 10/a, to ouun antiii, xo/». Mfldala of Honor- at London 1862' Paris irith the Clerk of the Court, and a copy served upou with the Olerk of tho Court, and a copy sorved upon1 Conditions may. be seen at tho above Office. ci"*s w«Min»l ft nd« 18fi9« Paris 1870 • Paris 1874 • ' the plaintiff or left at his placo of abode twenty-four the plaintiff or left at his plaoe of abode tw<jnty TourS Tenders must be marked on the outside "Tender ■W5 m™ S'+°^ f^ • y >fo .' ;- Tii'^t^ hoursatleait before the day appointed for hearing hours at least before the day appointed for hearing for Benting s Baths," and! addressed to the under- iJS^jjfe^ ; the cause j and ,f a^ct-off be claimed afull statement the cause; and if a set-off be claimed afull statement signed. ' .t _ _ _-_ : Bri^ead WoVks. Kentish Town, N.W.; and at all of the particulars of suoh olaim must be annexed to of the particulars of saoh claim must bo annexed to . ,' • Jl, V» «UUJJiJC, a,' ° in Z,i M.» A Wu*hom« ACQ - J^^iMMdto^ wo^ac|tk9>u4to the copy thereof. 1783 1794 TowAOleA. the pmoipia «l^ W WOftueee,, <w

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Colonist, Volume XX, Issue 2448, 21 September 1878, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Colonist, Volume XX, Issue 2448, 21 September 1878, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Colonist, Volume XX, Issue 2448, 21 September 1878, Page 3


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