The Russians acknowledge a loss of 3 officers killed and 24 wounded, and 850 soldiers disabled at tho battle of Zewin (Asia) onJune2s. They say the Turks were too numerous for them. At the battle at Suklium Ealeh (Asia) onjuue 27th, their loss is officially stated at 1 colonel, 40 officers, and 2,000 men killed and wounded.
Twelve thousand sick -Russian soldiers the Roumanian hospitals, who are suffering principally from typhus, malaria, diarrhoea, and Egyptian ojo disease.
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Bibliographic details
Colonist, Volume XIX, Issue 2283, 13 September 1877, Page 3
Word Count
80RUSSIAN LOSSES. Colonist, Volume XIX, Issue 2283, 13 September 1877, Page 3
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