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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. ML LITER "DEGS TO INEOEM: HIS CUSTOMERS - AND, THE PUBLIC THAT IN'ORDER TO COMPLETE ALTERATIONS NOW IN PKOGRESS 0 N HI S PREMISES TRAFALGAR-STREET, IT WJILL BE NECESSARY TO EEMOVE; ALL THE • o- o o- i> er OUT OF THE LAKGER OF THE TWO SHOP 3, THAT IS THE BEATER Yj SHOP ... ; ■■.■•■•■'■.: ■• ■ ■ : 1 . • "■; IT WILL THEREFORE BE CLOSED FRO]k MONDAY, ...,. . .-....:..■:.. I .....■..:•.:■ tlie SOtli Instant, TO THE FOLLOWING SATURDAY. ■.•■•■ ' .:. i GOODS MOST LIKELY TO BE WANTED EAYE [BEEN REMOVED TO THE CLOTHING! SHOP WHERE IN THE MEANTIME BUSINESS WILL BE CONTINUED. '•■■■'■ : GOLDEN BAY GOLDFIELDS. ; ODDFELLOWS' HALL. APPLICATION FOR AGRICULTURAL LEASE, TRIUMP HA N| T dUCCE SS. ! Collingwood, August 23rd, 1875. | SECOND APPEARANCE OF THE 'To Waedek Guinness. I ''Cj IST ER 8 DUVA LL I. T HEfctEBY API'LY for a LEASE of O —- JL LAND for AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES, THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, SEPT. 2nd. situate at Adelaide Hill; and comprising 50 Acres, or : thereabouts; and I deposit herewith the Receiver's LAKES OF KILLA RNE V, receipt for Ten Pounds, in accordance with "The j 0B THE ■i&MmSlt^r" 1 imr mademdet ; MA* DA* «ÜBEarprofusely interspersed with Singing and Dancing, The above Application will be heard,before me, at concluding with the Comic Drama, entitled the Collingwood, on FRIDAY, the 10th day of SEP- HIGHWAIMAN'S HOLIDAY". TEMBER, 1875. — . FRANK GUINNESS, NEW SONGS! NEW DANCES ! ■ ■ , \2B4i Warden. < - FRIDAY—FASHIONABLE NIGHT. FOR SALE CHEAP, AND TERMS EASY. —— „,, ; ' The Petit Burlesque of the npFIE LOWER MOUTSRE FLOUR -r m o N L 0 V E E ± MILL with MACHINERY, MILLSTONES, a D * VJN HUV .& J*, First-class DRESSING-MACHINE, AiILL GUAR, or the and other Appurtenances, together with DWELL- ; FAIR MAID OF PDRLICI. LING HOUSE, and One^ Wof LAND. American! Prize Dance ... ... Sisters DurALLI ■■'.',' , , Demon Dance, Operatic and Acrobatic, Pas de Deux For further parUculars, . concluding with the Amusing Sketch of the Auctioneer. i DREAM OF A LIFE. Motueka, August 23rd, 1875. 264 \ -■ ~: •. .'.'■ ■ .. i —— CHANGE OF PROGRAMME BAGS EVENING. " ' '■ FOR SALE, CHEAP. —— . L BENEFIT OF THE WIDOW AND CHILDREN THAT Well-known FARM-ALLING- OFTHF, LATE BRO. KINGSTON, REBENTLY L TON, comprising about 146 ACRES, includ- DUOvV^D IN.OrAGO. me the RABBIT ISLAND. There are about 60 1 _, [ tvMt , wm Acre., under' Crop at present, a good BOUSE, f 0. Q. T.-ENT fc RTAIIS ME N T nsarly new, Outhou*eß, and one of the, best Stable* -*-• on JFmday Etknin& Nkxt, at th« Temperin the. Province. Intending purchasers are requested moe ; ,Hall| to coramenos at Eight o'clock sharp. to apply at'ouco—on the' Premises, to Admission!—Adults;ls. each; The Lodge will open JOHN DISIIER- or ' v Seren ofclock on that erening. ': ADAMS & KINGDON, 1315, I •; ■ T. : W. COOPER, W.S. 12^3 eI9OD- PfItLADELPHIA EXHIBITION. NELSON AID^ SOCIETY. : pHE GOMMITTEFfor the PROVINCE fNrr-RQrfRTPTTniSr^ ,n ATT) nf flip ahnvp *- of NELSON in connection with the above SUBSCRIPTION m AIL) ot the^abwe : Exbibition ; inTite PerßOnß;deßirouß o f SENDING. R D «OC1!! ytr" J^ 9 : ° Offi nf^* SPECIMENS, to intimate .their intention, to the EERR, the Hon Treasurer at the Offices of the wifchoufc deU deßcribi thfl nafcure and National Bank, in Trafalgar-street. 1293 q{ propcwe / Contributions, and observrn|TANr) O :THIJSEA«ON.-The Pare "'^^tdrTn to the 0l» of Exhibits: which A. Bred Clydesdale Horse the Government specially inrite, and of which the .' MODEL BLACK LEGS. : following a|te the chief:- .......; Minerals and their Products, especially Coals, and FtTRTHEB PABTICULAES IN FtTTtTBB AIJVBKTrtEMBNT.. ; Ores of useful Met«ls j 1295-" F. HOLDER Flax, and Manufactures from it; —— *r—-_ — ~ ————■ Leather,! Hops, Dyes, Paints, Win es> Beer, and . : . .:. !^- : Works of Art illustrative of New Zealand Scenery. ' ; k^^^^^^n ' ' Nb ExMbits caa be RECEIVED AFTER the Ist T7OLUNTEKR :: EN&A(iEMENTsi ,;: ■ - ! • F> W>IRVS m ,n. V : FOR THE WEEK. ; ; .;-■.■■( ; y e lson, August 26tb, 1875, 1313 THURSDAY, 7 p.m—Pabadb for march out. : '.,-; A^i /JT ■ ~ .' '~ FRlDAY—Recbuit Deili. ;: . : '^?m§mm&§& " '''''" SATURDAY—DriII of Waimea Oomplkt postponed : "iSsTlfi&r^urtM ■ > ;.■;■.. until 3 p.m same day next week. TIS^ HA'N^TCRtIPTGY The Annual Allowance of Ammunition can now be Irf THB iguPREME COURT' OF NEW ZEA- *™™' LAND, NELSON DISTRICT. 1300 *'% M^SStm LanSng tDTBtrict.8trict. Ik the m.tter 'of JOH~N MARSH PACKER, ■ :? ; - — of the City of Nelson, in the Province of Nelion. agj^gt*A% J in New Zealand, Carter,^ a Bankrupt. V l &^RmmmS^ ' ' \ "VTOTICE is hereby given that the said FJ. HINGSTONE, WAIMEArSTEEJIT, i JOHK.IUBBHP4DOKWM this d«j Adjudged • LICENSED ' DEALER in ARMS and' Bankrupt on his own Petition, and that THUR3- ---; AMMUNITION;;--;;-; ■ • 1309 J)AY, the Ptli day of September^ I§7s, at the hour —~ ]ff> OTI 0 B °^ '^'iree oi tbe oc^ *a c Afternoon, jat the Court- ' ll'' ' * house, Nelson, is .the day/hour, and place appointed ANfi /PEESON REMOVING" any for th# FiU Meeting of the Creditor* of the said JLJl.^^'. ;M.AXERIALS, or TRESPASSING on the Bankrupt,!and at such time and place the laid GROUND RESERVED for the NELSON and Bankrupfc „ ordered te lurwnder. FOXHILL Y^^&CUTED 110 ""' »ated J Nelson thi» »^''*V « 19ft, out W consent, wUI be PEO3J.CUTm gooTr . ~ ALBE i T p ITT; . . Nelßon, April 19, W75. ' 1310 ' -1-I'' -Bankrupt'B Solicitor.
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Colonist, Volume XVII, Issue 1961, 2 September 1875, Page 2
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813Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Colonist, Volume XVII, Issue 1961, 2 September 1875, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Colonist, Volume XVII, Issue 1961, 2 September 1875, Page 2
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