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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BROWN RIVER POTATOES. H MESSES. SHAEP & PICKEEING 1: have been favored with instructions from Mr - Robkbt Ltyien, to Sell by Public Auction, at the Commbbcial Whabf, on the arrival of the Brig Stanley, from Melbourne, daily expected— J About 160 TONS OF FIRST-CLiSS POTATOES, l 80 Tons of which are imported especially for Seed. - SHARP & PICKERING, 1461 Auctioneers. IN "THE ESTATE OF NEWMAN BOSELEY. C AUCTION SALE, on WEDNESDAY, 23rd inst., 1 at Twelve o'clock, at the Bay View Hotel, Wakapxtaka. MESSiiS. SH 4EP & PICKERING have been favored with instructions from Mr. William Weight (Interim Curator in this Estate), * to Sell by Public Auction, the following EFFECTS— l 20 casks Nelson Wine 1 hogshead "\ 7 quarter-casks > Perry 1 barrel j Empty Casks and Kegs 8 hives Bees Also, 1 Draught Horse ; ICow ICalf 1 Dray, nearly new i 1 Spring Cart 1 set Cart Harness Also, Honey, Double-barrelled Gun, Bacon, Books, Ladder, Copper Boiler, Bricks, Carpenter's and Garden Tools, Iron Wire, Garden Seeds, Empty Bottles, &c, &o SHARP & PICKERING, 1452 Auctioneers. ESSES. SHAEP & PIOKEEING have received instructions to Sell the following Properties by Private Contract — Town op Nelson. ACRE 459, with Frontages to Examiner and' South-streets Also, that Capital BUILDING SITE, near the Junction of Nile and Manuka-street, City of Nelson, containing 1 acre 2 roods 9 percheß of Land, fenced and planted, with Foundation of House made, and good road to the Property. Bounded by the residences of Captain Rough and Htintee Bbown on one side, and by tbo property of the late Captain Newcome. Maelboeottgh. PART of SECTION No. 37, being Acre No. 17, 5 Waitohai Valley, about Two and a-half Miles ' from the Town of Picton 1290 CAMDEN RUN. SHARP and PICKERING have instructions to Sell privately— The CAMDEN RUN, in the District of Awatere and Province of Marlborough, consisting of— 5511 acres 3 roods 28 perches Freehold Land 20,350 acres Leasehold With 12,000 Sheep, principally young 4 Cart Horses 1 Dray The improvements on (his Him consist of a House and Sheepyarda. The Leasehold Land is held under the WasteLand Regulations of the Province of Marl--1" borough. The rental is £60 per annum. Tho Lease has 11 years to run, and can be renewed. C Also, * The RING CREEK RUN, in the District of tf Awatere, Province of Marlborough, consisting of t 9530 acres Leasehold d With 0 4000 Sheep ? 4 Cart Horses 1 Dray >f This Station adjoins Blarich Station and th<» Shear--1 ing Reserve. The Lease ia held under tb« same >f conditions as the Camden, has 11 years to run, and £ can be renewed. The rental is £40 per annum. 890 J BUILDING SITE. FOE SALE, NELSON TOWN ACRE 928, situate at the corner of Franklyn-street, olose to the College, and a beautiful site for a residence. Frontage to Waimea-road, 120 feet; to Kawai-street, 120 feet; and 360 fee* to Franklynstreet. r fl 1091 SHARP & PICKERING. FOR SALE. » QECTION 18, ~WAIMEA EAST k) (Ranzau), containing 50 Acre 3. There is a good building site, and the property is surrounded b 7 . live fence. Mo. lo^ nm|n FOR SALE. ACOMFOETABLE RESIDENCE, situated on the banks of the Maitai river, ti together with Stables and Outbuildings, at present occupied by A. Gbeenfield, Esq. Terms Easy. 1316 SHARP & PICKERING, a .— FOR SALE, m !h A COTTAGE, containing Seven Eooms, c" J\. and a Quarter of Acre of Land, situated in lW 13ai7 yßr6e ™ ' SHARP & PICKERING. iv, , , >n DESIRABLE STATION PROPERTY. y. c'e ' i^KUKAEI EUN, Island of Arapawa, \J Province of Marlborougb, 20 miles from Picton, containg 7000 acres Freehold and Leasehold Land, at present stocked with 1000 SHEEP and 20 head oi quiet CATTLE. This Run ie capable of carrying _ 3000 Sheep. . . t 0 Improvements —500 acres enclosed with ~ wire fence, Sheepyards, Dairy, good Outhouses, a com' fortable Sis-roomed House, good Garden, and s Servant's Cottage. For all further particulars, apply to ,1a 792 SHARP & PICKERING. t e JUS D AKEIYED, a FRESH SUPPLYo: 51 el SEED POTATOES. _ 1324 SHARP & PICKERING. FOR SALE. n- Kd BUSHELS PEIME EYE GEAS£ do OvJ SEED. s iooO SHARP & PICKERING. WOOL, TALLOW, & PEODUCE Parties hitherto effecting INSURANCE in Eng land can make ARRANGEMENTS on equal term to covfr Interest at any of the Company's Office in New Zealand — While in Shed or Factories, by Rail, Dray, o Lighter, or other Conveyance, or Ship, ti. a t deliverod in London From Ports in New Zealand to London direcii or transhipping at Ports here or in Außtrali From Station or Factories, to terminate c Dunedin or coastal ports if need be. — Claims payable in Londou. IE- NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. > oi SHARP & PICKERING, 1329 Agenti.

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Colonist, Volume XVI, Issue 1809, 12 September 1874, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Colonist, Volume XVI, Issue 1809, 12 September 1874, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Colonist, Volume XVI, Issue 1809, 12 September 1874, Page 2


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