ON SALE by the undersigned— to storekeepers, drapers, milliners,DRAPERY. AND THE TRADE GENERALLY. ':*2Kub*SraW_!^_«*_- Qf .Ap by ihe undersigned, eria'te Summer coats ' arrivals, Cheetah and Ocean Queen, --'* '•'•'' Elastic and cotton braces 6 cases men's mole trousers Men's and boy's shirts and collars 2 ditto ditto white ditto ditto Frock cloth coats and trousers 3 ditto men s woollen cord ditto Watertight boots 4 ditto gents'fancy doeskin coats and trousers ! Diiggers' boots made to order. ■"•■'■ 2 ditto ditto superior summer clothing . GROCERIES X 1 case ditto ditto doc and tweed vesta r: ■'• Teasand'sugaw .-'■ *: •*■""' ' : -. ?: 4 Mes Scotch twill shirts X . v.- • v Currants and raisins ' V 4 ditto blue serge ditto A.fAad,.. variety of other merchandise. .—>-•- case 8 boys and youths clothing.-. - *m Y&x <yy- ' v^KGHARLES'LUCAS^; -' '*. l "° and regatta^hirte,, S, ?r ~- 3laiiche S tei house, IJWPI f '^ al2 8 \H ch fapPda, ■•—•.--.- ---• ; - - .A } A Tr^Mg^eet, , .1L ' TSJOW 1J TM^ERY DAY, arid nowyis ISSSd^!^& CCOneta i" ■„ the identical Ivour, ■;'«■•■ <-f'', 2 ditto cotton and woollen hosiery For Furnishing.—Max mattresses;.of all sizes and 2 dittd'Mareala quilts, toilet covers, &c. : dimensions,, carpeting, druggeting, y 3 ditto alpaca coburgs and moreens . • . hearthrugs, &c, &c. a „. 8 cases of girls', maids, and ladies' coloured For Apparel—A capital and choice assortment of -- gtra - and Leghorn hats and bonnets gentlemen s clothing consistingoj f . cabbage-tree, Leghorn, and Panama shepherd s plaid and fancy tweed ■ j^,. r. . jests and trousers. . '.- h case brown hollands For Grocenesr-Teas, sugars-not to be surpassed 15 packages of assorted drapery, consisting of A„, -.., in quality and prices. .. black and coloured, glaces, fancy silks, And last but not le^, For Building purposes— childrens' and maids' mantles, dress trimWhite pine Totara and Rimu mi Wlds ladieg . ridi hat flowerS( boards, flanks, and scantlings, of ladies' dress caps, coloured silk and kid , . all lengths. — Shingles, palings, gloveSj Ve i vet r rfbbons, ladies* stays, posts and rails, &c. crochet cotton, Clarke's reels, hooks and .... t^Tuo unrTTTDo eyes, tapes, Berlin wools, India-rubber and JAMEb 1 HiLLIFb, cotton braces, &c, &c. Alma house, Trafalgar-street. 17 trunks of boots and shoes , . , • 7 cases of superior floor cloths, 3 feet to 18 CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS! . feet wide — 1 case chimney glasses, 50 x 40 / • CURRANTS, 37 packages of window glass (all sizes) Onlv lid Der lb . 100 boxes Colonial candles A T ROBERT, AITKEN'S, . 70 cases of assorted groceries -^*- Bridge-street, Nelson. 20 ditto salmon ■ 10 ditto oysters Also, 4 cases sardines : ' -; . Every other description of 2 cases cigars CHRISTMAS FRUITS, , . 70 cases old torn . Spices, candied peel, muscatel raisins, nut3, almonds, ' .Martell's brandy jams, fancy biscuits, &c. - 20 casks bottled stout Port and Sherry Wines. ' 3 cases of Morewood and Rogers' galvanic Bridge-street, December 7. , roofing tiles ■ __ ________' 2 casks tumblers, and nobbier glasses J.rr q m P If f 1 17 T V V xt\ 3 bales 10 lb. woolpacks. tTi. _t• IXA /_ ' The trade are respectfully invited to inspect the per Duchess of Leinster and Ocean Queen— above and other goodS; wh j ch al ; e of a veiy super i or A large assortment of summer clothing description, and have been selected with the greatest Boots, shoes, and slippers . care expressly, for this market. Plain and fancy drapery of every description. **: ; W WIT^ON '""" T. R. HODDER, Nelson, December/21st, 1857. Richmond. . FRESH GOODS FROM LONDON. N°f Lf NP IN(J' ex V™*™* • .- *-^ fio:n London, and on sale by the undersigned, JUST LANDING ex "EMMA" from, * quarter-casks MarteU's dark brandy Sydney. »-.- " 2 ditto pale ditto Martell's brandy, Booths' old torn, in quarter 5 ditt6\U.-Y.Q. dark ditto casks ". -.<•■■' /' -.*. 3 ditto Booth's old torn • A * Real geneva and Cambelltown whiskey iu 2 ditto superior port;. ■-'•• ■■. i cases As .' v- "•'• .' 4 ditto superior sherry . * y«Port-and sherry in quarter casks ,->:'-«• '~ 25 cases superior jort ■ ''.'■-■•-'■'' ;;;; - French liqueurs and cherry cordial in cases - 25ditto ditto sherry -'-■' *--?■.: "~Q -•"- "tjjily "\ j~ i—^ **' bttt^^Qves, and jMippennitifc-.--. , * ;#5 ditto geiieva, key .brand, red cases "%5? Ijordialsin cas^S ' f '• *" ' '"-**■-. • 'go ditto oid torn, Booth's, one-dozen cases" '"" 1 . 25 ditto whiskey GROCERIES. .85 ditto Marzetti's bottled beer Congo tea, growth 1857 11 0 casks ditto ditto Manilla coffee, sago 50 cases ditto cyder Manilla and Havana cigara 66 cases oilmen's stores Mauritius and crystal sugars 10 half-hogsheads vinegar Price's No. 1 Belmont candles 8 cases perfumery Assorted vinegars, tartaric acid "** . 1 case brash ware Cases sardines in J and \ boxes 10 case currants Westphalia hams, lobsters in 1 lb. tina 2 barrels shell almonds Negrohead tobacco, and cutty pipes 1 cas * Jordan ditto First quality flour in 50 and 100 ib. bags 4 bags pepper 24 tierces colonial beef. 13 barrels oatmeal ~~. -.— -i .2 cases s. go DRY GOODS. ; 2 bags pimento •■• Cffirtean shirts (men's flannel) „ 2. cases tapioca Navy and boy's blue cloth caps . 5 casks washing soda Regatta and fine white shirts in boxes - 20 cases Coleman's blue Women's patent petticoats and moreen . .. * ■ L hogshead York hams Tent cloth 72 inches wide, duck 1 ditto Bath bricks Unbleached calico 72 and 36 inches wide 6 cases starch • Summer prints, small patterns ■ .. 200 bags coarse^salt Men's and women's fancy straw hats, trimmed . 100 ditto fine ditto and untrimmed -. 70 drums oils and turpentine Men's felt hats 10 ditto spirits of tar Watertights, biucher, and long sea boots. 3 rolls sheet lead 10 boxes.tin plates SUNDRIES. 2 casks sheet zinc Swing galvanized and. zinc bucket* 5 pockets hops Long and short handled shovels 1 case* fancy pipes Steel picks, pick and axe handles 10 casks arsenic Sheet zinc suitable for iong loms 3 ditto sulphate of copper Manilla rope, crown glass large sizes 7 trunks boots and shoes Fire proof safes, and small sizes for the mines 3 cases (Silver's) clothing. Wooden buckets and flour boxes - - ■ Tin ware pannikins, quart pots, &c. M John M , vica from Lond now at Wei .. Morewood's zinc tiles, paint oil. ..,.,■.+_--« J. LEVIEN AND Co., . Ungtan, _ Whitbread's ale Commission Merchants, in^iSS Rri-W street Nplson ' 10 dltto aUto Btout . Badge-street, -Nelson. 20 ditto Salt's Burton ale ~ ! ' - ■ . g cases iron bedsteads MODERATEUR LAMPS AND LAMP OIL. 13 ditto sardines. TUST RECEIVED and on sale at the -—- ** stores of the undersigned. Also, ex Ocean Queen, from Sydney, 5 cases of these celebrated Lamps (being equally as 4 quarter-casks Martell's brandy economical and brilliant as gas) in many qualities and- 2 cases No. 2 Manilla cigars . : patterns, will be sold in lots to suit the trade and coun^ 25 bags Mauritius crystal sugar tiy storekeepers. ' - 25 ditto ditto white ditto 400 gallons of refined oil in 2, 3, and 5 gallon tins. 10 casks oatmeal Purchasers may also be assured of a continued supply 2 ba'es 72-inch calico of oil wicks, glasses, &c, suitable for these lamps aa 1 ditto calfskins regular supplies will be constantly arriving. Also; 3 ditto kip leather Bracket and billiard lamps, an assortment. 2 ditto sole leather J. LEVIEN AND CO., 1 trunk women's lace boots Commission Merchants, 1 ditto Wellingtons • Bridge-street, Nelson. 1 ditto knee boots ■■■■■-.■-■■ . ; ■■ 1 ditto biucher boots * FAMILY, MINING, AND TENT COOKING .-.{ °a«e pip^-hanginga QT«r_in?a •-•- . " 7 carrotels currants BIUVJLb. - >r. ■ 30 boxes tin plates JUST LANDING-," a few improved 30 ditto tea American stoves, and some light portable cook- 20 cases raspberh* vinegar ing stoves, manufactured expressly for the diggings, .12 pieces 'floor cloth . ; ~ . weighing complete with utensils 50 lbs., adapted 3 cases merino frocks, merino cloaks,, cambric either for wood or coal and to cook for 4 to 8 persons. -handkerchiefs, white .shirts, stays, Scotch J. LEVIEN AND CO, tv"^- 'shirts, lace, gloves, Leghorn hats, Commission Merchants, &c *» *-c *> &c* Bridge-street, Nelson. NATH. EDWARDS AND CO. .-- —— . Nelson, December 11.. SUPERIOR OIL CLOTH AND BRUXELLES — — ___i__— y •- • CARPETS. AT H. GOODMAN' S— TUST LANDING, and On sale at the Unionjamaik in scarlet, sky, crimson, green, " stores of the undersigned. Oil baize table covers—various . SUPERIOR LONDON MANUFACTURED OIL Bovs'belts "' ■ CLOTH, Stiff foundation riett 8 yards wide by 26 yard* long Crochet netts 6 ditto ditto 25 ditto ditto. Harness bordered books' A few pieces of new and splendid design Bbuxblles Paris wovelstays cheap Cakpeting, brilliant colours and small pattern. London made ditto—white and drab . Also, Edged blonds : An assortment oil baize tab'e covering. Satin wire piping J. LEVIEN AND CO, Crochet cotton (boar's head) Commission Merchants, Paris hate ..':'•. Bridge-street, Nelson. Gents' dressing cases arid writing desk? : — Brushes ahd combs of every description COLONIAL SADDLES. —-— ~—^ — "a. ; XaX f f "A.: " X TUST RECEIVED an mvoice of supe- 0 N SALE at Victoria House, 290 very «J rior Colonial saddles. superior English Hams, at Is. edrper^und. These saddles are especially recommended to set- XT , ,i, ± , >T .-. -. , o^* T LOOK.HART.. tiers and stock-keeners, being all over hogskin, extra Nelson, 12th Nevember, 1857. large and double stitched, and being very superior are : avr /.nt. i-v*'' 7~ seldom obtainable. Also, T3RATM DEVONIAN CREAM, for Bridlesland bitts suitable. •*- , nourishing,and strengthening the hair. .A. few 1. LEVIEN AND CO., bodies' of the above on sale at tha Cokmist. Office, ■;. 9 Bridge-streot. Haven-road.
ON SALE by the undersigned— DRAPERY. Ladies and Gentlemen's boots and shoes Worsted and cotton cord and moleskin trousers Summer.cOats Elastic aiid cotton braces Men's and boy's shirts and collars Frock cloth coats and trousers Watertight boots , Daggers' boots made to order. GROCERIES. ' Teas and sugars \ Currants and raisins f A Aadift variety of dther merchandise. ; '^':-&' -Ay:""-"'' V""^CHARLES'LUCS-AS'^;;;*;:" 'y* -.-My •- ... --'?.;f- ,-. • 3laiiciiestei house, >" ; - . *■ v ., Trafalgar-streeti-' NOW IS'THE ZVEKY DAY, arid now the identical hour,'. . • A... y For Furnishuig — Flax mattresses v of all sizes fand dimensions,, carpeting, druggeting, hearthi-ugs, '&c , &c. \ For Apparel—A capital and choice assortment of gentlemen's clothing, consisting, of; shepherd's plaid and fancy tweed" vests and trousers. For Groceriesr—Teas, sugars—not to be surpassed in quality and prices. And last but not least, For Building purposes— ' White pine, Totara and Rimu boards, .planks, and scantlings, of '.'..'.' all lengths.—'Shingles, palings, posts and rails, &c. Address— JAMES PHILIPS, Alma house, Trafalgar-street. CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS! c u r rTn t s, Only lid. per lb., A T ROBERT, AITKEN'S, -^*- Bridge-street, Nelson. Also, : ' - . Every other description of CHRISTMAS FRUITS, Spices, candied peel, muscatel raisins, nute, almonds, jams, fancy biscuits, &c. - Port and Sherry Wines. Bridge-street, December 7. , ; T U S T R E C E I VED . per Duchess of Leinster and Ocean Queen- — A large assortment of summer clothing Boots, shoes, and slippers Plain and fancy drapery of every description. T. R. HODDER,. Richmond. FRESH GOODS 'FROM LONDON. TUST LANDING ex « EMMA " from ** -Sydney. . • „ Martell's brandy, Booths' old torn, in quarter casks .**'. - .<•■■' /' -.* * Real geneva and Cambelltown whiskey iu ■-'•• u i cases ■ " y.- . ...-.--v- -">-.- ---y «Port and sherry in quarter casks .-):" -* *• . f French liqueur., and cherry cordial in cases - :"; '"'"'lgy-i^—i** Wttes. j^&Qves, and pe"pperraiti_.- iT . ~~ Cordials in casds. ." GROCERIES. Congo tea, growth 1857 Manilla coffee, sago Manilla and Havana cigara Mauritius and crystal sugars Price's No. 1 Belmont candles Assorted vinegars, tartaric acid Cases sardines in J and £ boxes Westphalia hams, lobsters in 1 lb. tina Negrohead tobacco, and cutty pipes First quality flour in 50 and 100 ib. bags 24 tierces colonial beef. DRY GOODS. •" Cffirfean shirts (men's flannel) Navy and boy's blue cloth caps . Regatta and fine white shirts in boxes ■''•*. Women's patent petticoats and moreen Tent cloth 72 inches wide, duck Unbleached calico 72 and 36 inches wide -. Summer prints, small patterns Men's and women's fancy straw hats, trimmed and untrimmed '*"" Men's felt hats Watertights, biucher, and long sea boots. SUNDRIES. Swing galvanized and zinc buckets Long and short handled shovels Steel picks, pick and axe handles Sheet zinc suitable for iong loms Manilla rope, crown glass large sizes Fire proof safes, and small sizes for the mines Wooden buckets and flour boxes Tin ware, pannikins, quart pots, &c. Morewood's zinc tiles, paint oil. J. LEVIEN AND Co., Commission Merchants, Bridge-street, Nelson. MODERATEUR LAMPS AND LAMP OIL. TUST RECEIVED and on sale at the J stores of the undersigned. 5 cases of these celebrated Lamps (being equally as economical and brilliant as gas) in many qualities and- : patterns, will be sold in lots to suit the trade and coun^ : try storekeepers. ' ;.-■■ 400 gallons of refined oil in 2, 3, and 5 gallon tins. [ Purchasers may also be assured of a continued supply : of oil wicks, glasses, &c, suitable for these lamps as regular supplies will be constantly arriving. Also; Bracket and billiard lamps, an assortment. J. LEVIEN AND CO., Commission Merchants, Bridge-street, Nelson. FAMILY, MINING, AND TENT COOKING STOVES. - "•«". TUST LANDING," a few improved *J American stoves, and some light portable cooking stoves, manufactured expressly for the diggings, weighing complete with, utensils 50 lbs., adapted either for wood or coal and. to cook for 4 to 8 persons. J. LEVIEN AND CO, ■ •• Commission Merchants, Bridge-street, Nelson. SUPERIOR OIL CLOTH AND BRUXELLES CARPETS. TUST LANDING, and on sale at the " stores of the undersigned. . SUPERIOR LONDON MANUFACTURED OIL CLOTH, 8 yards wide by 26 yard* long 6 ditto ditto 25 ditto ditto. A few pieces of new and splendid design Bbuxblles Cakpeting, brilliant colours and small pattern. Also, An assortment oil baize tab'e covering. J. LEVIEN AND CO, Commission Merchants, Bridge-street, Nelson. COLONIAL SADDLES. TUST RECEIVED an invoice of supe*J rior Colonial saddles. These saddles are especially recommended to settlers and stock-keeners, being all over hogskin, extra large and double stitched, and being very superior are seldom obtainable. Also, Bridles and bitts suitable. J. LEVIEN AND CO., ■■;, 9 Bridge-street.
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Colonist, Issue 20, 29 December 1857, Page 1
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2,208Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Issue 20, 29 December 1857, Page 1
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