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Thk Minister of Miivs is exj ecti> I at. Te Arohn in a. day fr two, and we. 1 1 1 h 1k it is desirable that the opportunity shoviM he turned- to account t>y a deputation waiting upon" him with F&feienco to lh' j tenure oF'ihe township allotment?.. To say the luHst, the ptesent toi nrp might be greatly improved, without injuriously affecting the interests of the Wsitivo owners. 'Ind ed it is to the advantage cf the lattpr that a more attractive title be given than obtains at present, and, as recorded in jthe-p columns at >the time, when, the late Town Board some months a<>o waitp-1 upon Mr Lipsey respecting this important mntjer, hp, -on liehnlf oF himselF and the other owners, expressed a willincrh^ss that, leases in p"rpe'nity at t l c present rental "should be granted. Since the new Town Bonr.-l took office we have not braid of anything further having been done in the matter. Buf, whilst it would be' desirable to wait upon Hon Mr Kicharson with r^ppet to the necessity for such os would enable any local residents, po desiring, to obtain leus< 9 in perpe'nitv a* the present rental,™ what •we more partieolnrly desire -to direV attention now, tp is the extremely nn?ati.*fmtoiy character of the licenpps now granted to those taking up l'usiness site?." Formerly business site licenses takpn up undei the Act of 1873, were, for twenty one years. Now by the new Mining Act of 18S6 a business license can only be obtained for a period of twelve months, whilst tho^e arpb r ' n cT for~a~i evidence site can sfill obtain a licence for twenty-one 3 e rs, with right of renewal at. end of that periol. In the one case^those taking up resilience sites^ now are placed in a far better position by tbenew Mining Act, than they wouli hare bepn-bad the old Act coutinued in force, a continuous right -of rpnewel fo long as the land reranins'in the. hands of Government, and in any etisea'good title for twenty one years. But by-the new Act those taking up bus-ness sites are placed in a far worse I'Osition/ihan' they were under the old" Act.' To ,be sure they have a: ii|fit "to have the license annually reneVel^brtit must be remembered Te^ Aroha township'is. not jn reality Crown' Lands. ,li : may, and no doubt doesyat the. prcs; i n't tini.e, eouie under the heading of"CroVn" Lands,' as dtfint'd in the last two .or three clauses of tlie interpretntion of Crown Lands in tlie Mining Act -of 1886, viz. : " and also any other land whatever over which the Governor- shall, by leape, agreement, or otherwise, have obtained power to authorise mining thereon." But during last session very large.powers were given to native owners with respect to their lands, many restrictions hitherto in force being now removed. And were Te Aroha with drawn from the goldfieldlpw 'shouldexisting restrictions on alienttiioir be removed or declared .void by/tjje Gtfverno'r m Council on the application ~- or . a m>ijorily number of^ Natiye ? d\vnprs," ns provided fcr r by section 5 ,of, -'^Thp 1 Native, Lands Act, 1886," tm? pbsitionof the holder of -a- business site might not be very satisfactoiy^aspqijern^ "nieiit £ould^noi r^n'ew ajic;ensejfor^what they no ronger^hjuld, control oye/, } l*hX owner Vf- & residence; 'site Jiceiise' under; the 1886 Act would-be in"a>far-"diffei'e'ni position^ having* b,e^h, grn nteii. 'iin|inde|' .feasible title for twenty one r years''.af leas£vwben he* took "up 1 ' land.. Section^ s*pf ? tho. Mflriagement !Ac\^lBBB,"V trpstWs are em [iowered to ?(Ml, or lease subject to certain! con'ditionV^^fV^ra^T^ "A l'bh a absolutely • Cj'dWn-Lan/ls ji^gool^" ;pHe^expen(lrtur64otfonpi tar%n? UusineM;

''^/2JV~ : vf^jjtM 1?'1 ?' i'^M'V r~lo\T> ';st fth'ilf ' ])>i»ani\t " ' .a,%^ '/<-*.. '^fjV ■*- '^i^V# r fe<T ft^Sp A',^i"4?' \r «»iy ent, site/li<renae«!3 jnVger ; fh^s Act^ofr npw^lwoiiCe^nn'lej/tJie^mVoW^iß'ifoi^ twontViom?, years, jjfijJb fUrnfc jof* ronewal at tho en'l of that'tprm)^snl>ject tolin-^ orpnBo<l lent (slionld the land ifnve meantimo inerfiisp^in vJilua) ;^ \^}r.lst on the nthp'r Knhd,^ holders gf hu pin qss* licenses nndor^the Avct^l>PA v ct^1>P 1 878*, . ltov*** a ' much better title* thftn tliey cnn now obtain, Xi t ■'■I"'' i 7 ... * ' i*■ -■ '<•

Th^reMs *nd f reph nowi to record ro mining matters'since our report ih'Satur— /The br,chelorsofWaiorongonwii arr inged to irive a bill liißt niirht at the Public HnTl ; V* IT, M'ipo noted na M.O. Mr 11. L Hai'ston, Hrown Street, Tin m^, )ms b--pn appointed ag^nt for sale of the T.G \ROH\ AND OIIINKMnni NEWS. Mr ftmvoll, manager of tlie Te Arnha 8. md 0. M, (V». 9 'eft yn«t"rday morning for Paorou, on business in connection with the con i pony's work". We understand MrOonlthnrd, of the To Arnha flaxmill, inten la to shortly commence sou telling 1 the thx on hand, a large quantity having accumulated. Dimn&r tlic projjrr^H of this work the cutting of ilaxiwill be discontinued. " Wo understand thnt the general manager of Hie Crown Goldmining Company left London for Auckland by the Coptic on the Ist November. Mr. Melville, who has boon representing various mining interests ?in London, also left for Auckland via British India, and expects to be here by the middle of Jamnry. - We are informed that Mr Cholmondeley has been appointed manager of Richmond Downs property, ne ir Walton. We le.irn with reirret th it Mr Clias. fjiould is pnrpoMnu: to leave this dntrii't at an^ein-ly dale. It is stated he intends rcßidfi in Wamranui llfctrict Tlicre i" a probability of a school-house being, built at Waito.-i bush at an eYrly date. Some Jit tie time since Mr Obas G 'ul-1 very jjeneroiisly offered the Boaid of Education, free of charge, an I'Xci'llent Fite of two »fres, with froniago -to main roid', fur Sclmol purposes at AVnitf'rt bu^-h ; and nn doubt the B'»ard will gladly avail of Mr Goulds liberal offer. We understand the wool crop on the Auckland .Agrii-ultursil Co.Vc-tate was a good one, some 17,000 sheep Iving shorn f->r a return of 170 bales, the bales averaging about 3601b5. At the Lnr'cworthv est.ites2 bales wore obtained from 2,885 sl)eep. The clip wool on the L-irkworthy estate (Mr G L. Grant, .nanager), has been most sati-fafctnry ; both the average weight of the fleeces, and also the quality of the wool being all that cou d be clt'Kired, The crops on this estate generally promise well. We understand that Mr F. Lnrkworthy, of the Lnrkworthy est.ite. Waitoa, is now on hia way to New Zealann. The crops on the Loekeibie c tate, "\lorrinxville (Mr Mark Il.irrisin, m.inager), are looking inoßt promising. The wheat, sorai 1 five hundred aciep, is all now out in onr, a veiy even crop, of sound he.iUhy colour. The oats, about five hundred acres in extent, likewise promises exceedingly well. We understand Mr H-irrison purposes sowing about six hundred acres in turnips before the tnd of the year, and about two hundred in Januar}'. A considerable area has already been put in. To-day Messrs Bradley and Co, will run a special coach for tho convenience of persons wishing to attend Mr GlsUisEord't* sale ; starting at lnlf-past eight, and returning this evening at conclusion of sale. We are informed that Brett's Auckland Almanac and Provincial Handbook is now nearly ruidy, and will be published* in a few dnyB. A great deal of the matter has been re- written up to present dates, and the whole has been most carefully compiled. At the meeting of the Auckland Board of Education 'on Tui sday last, tho Chairman reported that a reply had been sent to the Te Aroha School Committee, .stating that" a request for an additional teacher, will" be- considered at the end of the year. " . ' We •hea.r, pays the Christchurch Press, that the contract between the combined shipping companies arid the Canterbury Frozen Meat Company is for a period of two years, wjtlva, guarantee of a minimum quantity of 205,000 sheep annually, tho ships undertaking to carry all that the works can turn out ; the rate of freight to be — for beef l|d per Ib, for mutton l£d, and for lauib lfd. 'A cricket mutch ha* been* arranged between an eleven from Kutikati arid the Waiorongomai Club, to take place on Snturd.iy. The Wniprdngoriiai 'Club will be reprftsentec] as follows :— Mossra Young, ■Newman, Net. bit,, Bees on, Jemisoh* Ellery, I'ayne, ]H,ogun, 'F. Pavitt,T Hunt, and Graham. Thj|f JC ati j< a]t i men ? ask 'that play should commence at eleven if possible, and witli referen(/e T to^this we havie been requested 1 to, ?tnte J:hat' "the iplayer.s will^^b^able.tO'aSsemble bofore one p.m., as itlielrnajoiiiy of the fnen>re bji^ily^engaged' on the Battery 'Co'p^new works; " ■"" *"• '^"'- T, "" The of 'JihQ racehorse Libeller at .Paeroa>^rofn(^e4)td, productive of an interesting lawSuit^'as ti claim of .£lOO damages hap been made by } the owner,MrN. Dickey, against Mrßobert Brpwn. It is /claimed by plaintiff --fhn't v pn -the *l§th of t lapf. ? 'montJj/?t^/j9efen^[Qrit l-unlav^fully entereH up^n hts^pre|tiis^B,.a| Paeroa with' a'f tajjlion. an"d : uiafe", whicirife took in(o a .JQORXbc>*/)cc^up^d-by;LiheJ]er. , The latter Ijecarioe ox6it<e4 «nd sysfriined injuries from, \vii\6\ \ he, died next day . . The ipasA was cal Jed-Qn-jn 7 the'Th^m'ys -R^feident a\;^|p|j|itoi;;fof : p]|intp^

■•- • , '- "* > ?~? ~ J-- ?sI v Vt .-■>,'''- - Sfc-vT "V . ', •" A.'Alonins.yil'ci rsyrituH-tisl (to loa|;'Mr|Tgi\i .\^f rfi f rotf tfij£?stric«tf |He |isj "one^oL'" tljitf^oldpst^Mo|nn|«vy l£ {residen|-a,;|)ji^ing-, cfmijTiforo before a'house fwnßib'ullfr in^'hnt iftfqow.'enljed M'pvnns- 1 Ivil lef; !^rle < *iB|a"gen6riil ;f a voujite h^ref- and ?a xst^ifn^li^tevj-totaf^; ' in\ fa<s thfi \Blue *Rib|)6^]oßes?rt'Rtf()n^;ynpptiv],er\v!reh lie l^aveS : Hr"'w" p ,^oi; a-rtunili'er of j*«tira « "mdinbeir of the aclioolj-cnintnittee, and was always ready both with ,li;ukL and poukot f o help in any good ctiub§ or pijrpose. Tho familiar- 1 face "of 'o'tij* Jack' (as , he ' is iihvnyB>.,ciiileii),'<wi]lvjil(.t> be gi'ently niisaf'd nt Church, -lie being a most regular attendant and a member of ' the clipir % ■ *He ?luih been notified Hv the Railway Department to remove to Henderson." The Te Aroha School Committee mot on Monday evening- last, to \ considn mtttters" in connection with the school ffite. Prcßt-nt — It(n'rt Mar-h.-ill, Lawry, and Messrs I!"tt and Menzics. A lotti'i' was read fn in MiVs lIouM to the Secretary of Board of Education, roqm'Stiiiii tlwit she bo r moved to AncMaixl, a^il ««übinitt"d to the Committee, to bu sent on if no objection wim- onrortainod. A letter was ateo read fioji^ Mhh uMiuid Kincrson. asking the Committee to recomniend Ikm for {he position of pupil tencher to the POhool. In ivply to tho Cnmmitt&p, Mi \firadon R-iid Miss, Kjdoi-soii was well qualified for the position of pupil te»oher ; having passed -nil the standard* up to the' sevontli. Only four mum bora of the Comjnittee heini^ present, it was decided to convene a special meeting to consider these letterß. Trees and plnnfs ore continually pumping up water through every rootnnd over}' pmtnfthe stem ntid branches, to disclmrge it through the leaves into the liras vapour, or, if the temperature be low, in drops called dew. This shows the need of all plants for moisture at the roots, and the impropriety of leaving weeds to pump that moisture away from the plants or trees upor whose produce the husb mdman depends for a living. Glass is an inveterate pumper, as may be soen from the general dry ness of the ground boneath it, and there cannot bo a doubt of the injury it does to fruit trees when growing over their roots. Some plants and trees pump farmoro vigorously than others, and those are of great u«e in wet soils. The eucalyptus and sunflower are amom» the most vigorous agents for the transfer of water from the soil to tho ah, and it jb in this wav nninly that the\ r purify malarious regions. A eucalyptus tree of good <<ize a well will, it is said, as soon as it ijets its roots into the well, pump it dry and keep it so. This tree has greatly mitigated, if not banished, th » ma rub fevors of the low, undrainable Campagna of Rome.

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Te Aroha News, Volume VI, Issue 324, 12 December 1888, Page 2

Word Count

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1888. Te Aroha News, Volume VI, Issue 324, 12 December 1888, Page 2

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1888. Te Aroha News, Volume VI, Issue 324, 12 December 1888, Page 2


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