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The first Ordinary m<vt,ng of the above Counuil vTas held in the Council olfice, Paeroa, on Saturday last. Present: Cr* W G. N.chullrf, E. Corbet t. F Strand, J. 11. Mooro, C. J. Dearie, J M. llobson, C. Nash an. l E. Qumn. After the minutes hal been ica I anl confirmed lUe foil >wtng cmre-p »u Icice was r«\U and dealt v>iU», — Outward: To Assistant Surveyor-General, aski.ig liim, hecing that pome of survey st iff were at work near Whungama'a, to have the boun lary lmo betwen Thames an.-VOhinemuri Counties floured, defined and am\od with the nisi stations, ro is to avoid any disputes tint might otherwise arise. To chairman L ike County Council i-ta 1 i-ig that Council lmd written the member for the district reques ing him to get an amendment to the Counties Act 188(5 passe 1, \vheic\y ib would be nniio jestrohpective ai well as pi\>-t-pective, Prospecting Tracks. — To Hon. Minister Mines, stating that several experience I men had been employed by the Council in p.*o-»-■pecting for the best t uck to Mant ito, etc. That a track hal been blaze .l and nitula pas^i'do for pc leitnam, bc'ween Maritoto and (he highe-t point, of the Waito-kauri-Pac o » road; and also be ween Maul >to and the Thjune^-Puerqa roa 1, in the noghhourhood of the Komatu Creek. The former in reported to be over very fair country, ii which it is Le.ieve 1 that an can' grade, not exceeding one in ten, could c isdy be forme 1 »-tc , and iisking th it Government, would subsidise the proposed work £1 f >r £1 t) tlio extent of £.V»,«s the propo-ci work if carried out, wouH be >h % means of giving the throe reiifies Paeroa, Waiten uiri, an I Hikutaia diiect commun cation w th the new gol 1 find at Maritoto. It was stale 1 Government hal acceded to Counnl's vequo*i in Uii* matter From the cli u-m. m, to Hon. G.B. Moiris. Wellington, statin j that he ha 1 al r. quest <-f Council, written t > the member for the d strift, Mr Cadman, reqiie"*hiii» him 1. > en leavotir to pet Government to assi4 Council with reap ct to the £2000 awarded Thames County, an I asking him (Mr Morris) to also assist m this matter. To Government askin • if subsily of £2 to £1 up to £150 for x Va toa 1 »wer dram roal \\as still available, and stating on the atiength of the promipel culwidy, Council had entered iii'o coutiaets for carrying out the w->rk, which had, however, to be suspended for a time owing to the wet «eth'>r. Correspondence — Inward: — Rs Thames Harbour Board : Messrs Bapnall. Bros wrote, giving full particulars respecting the constitution ah 1 hub-eqm nt bi-tory <>f the Board, charges Itnicd, pa-^t and prebent, cl-o. ; accompanied by a hktteh pl.m The Chairman said steps had already beep taken in this matter, by both Coum-il, a-id nl-?o by (be member for the district, in fie dirctiort of buying the extended powers recently grant d Thames Harbour Board, cancelled, in so far a-j they affected the up ; < oun'ry districts. Letter received, and it was resolved on the motion of Cr Deaile, p«-condel by Cr Ito baoii, That this Council send a delayed wirrt to the Hon 0. B. Movri«, M.L.C. Mesßrs Cadtnan and Kel'y, M^.H.T\. urging; j them not to lose sight of the question of the Thames Harbour extension as it vitnlly affects this county, nnd in f -ot the whole diEtrictridded to anid Harbour District. Applications fromKatepayers- A petition from Waitoa ratapa> enj which baa been b -fore the late Council lor couaidertitiohj without any action being tako, was notft rond. The petitioners requested that they m'ghfc hb ftllowe 1 to work o-»t a portion" of their rates by making a roa t leading frotii Mr Strange's to Waihou and Waitoa, an the petit oners were unable to meet tho heavy dema'id for rates in cash. I Cr Strange *pok« in »npi> >rt of tlie p^tiijon, i referring to the xery luri?e amount residents in the Waitoa lii ing bad to contribute for rales, and R'lid tho petitioners were quite willing t'-rmfl, ote., with respect to comVaot to bo left in the handH of Council. Waitoi rates would come to about £150 a jeir, to which wflH to be added the Government t»uhsidy ; the pmpo-ed Avork would probably coat-about £70. Cr SUaivo also Bp.>ke in i«upp<»rt of the I».*nei'»«i loud being made pa«sable, and s iid the settlers in that portion of tho Riding were very mnpli in ne -d of sodiC better outlet Ihoj had afc present. Cr Moore: When this mater was beforo tho Council before, I moved fhat it be iweivod, And that the application be not entertained. t *shall do so again now, as I th'nk to grant the request would be laying, dovyn a ver.y bad hrccedentj and somewhat simil -r applieationa would bo «ent in from ratepayer* in n\\ parto of the County. Af(;cr oQngidcr^bla discussion, Mr Moore's motion having been BCi'OuJed, was put to the moetmir, an 1 declared carried; only Cr Strange voting against. Depasturing Stock— The Mines Department wrote forwarding a number of copies of Regulations re depasturing of stock. ' Received. County Boundrtry-Atfrom S. Peivy Smith, Assistant Surveyor-General, under date November 19th, as follows. *'Hs County Botmdavy, Pneroa-Tn reply to your letter as above, I apprehend that there is some little unrert-.initv us to wheie In-line in question will ron, from the head of that brnnoh of the Hikutaia stream whio'i in nc&re it to Otaliu, thence eagerly to the haad of tin ' , Olahu, but f hare instructed Mr Uabcr to ,

find gut which of tile streams ,¥nsets t]ie ca«ie most nearly, if he < :»n do so within 2 or & days. Longer than this I cannot bpard him. It would be nn assistance perhaps if you were to let )iin know where Mr PaAitt's lino is. His nddress i« Hikutaia. Letter received. Fxces^ivc Valuation : From Mr H A Walimley, "Wuihi, r» quest! iitf that- nu nbuUmoui. of lale-} be miulo with icspdctto certain auricultu al ction4 occupied by liim. the valuation thereof being exces>ive. Council decided nothing could be done the matter ju-»t now, or until a valuator had been appointed ; an 1 it was therefore resolved that the inattcr stand over for tho present. Contractors' Payments.— From Raslett and Meredith, contractors f.-r tho construction of tlie toamway »t Ktwniigalmke connecting with iiailey's bat'ery. r. questing payment of the amount dues £102 2s. The Chiiirmun s ated the Finance Committee h-id recommended that £52 2* Od, be paid applicants forthwith, and the balanco with as htrle delay as possible. £« tie -From tbe Property Tax Commissioner, showing the alfcerntions that would have to be made in the rolljof rates due from native lands an 1 pointing out thai no money i ould he paid unt il appropriated for that purpose by Parliament. Received. Representatives on Hospital an 1 Charitab'e Aid Board— From Se.retary of tbe Hospital aud Charitable Ai 1 Bbard re the appointment of representatives for bhinemari county on the Board. Or. Kobsoii Fugu'Gstel it would be advisable that Itev Mr. O'tteilly of Shorllaud be appointed resident trustee having given geneial satisfaction in connection with tho Board in the past ; other Crs. coincided. On the motion of Ur Strange seconded by. Cr. Mooro it was resolved: That a telegram be sent to Government recommending the appionlment of Cr. Dearie a3 member of tlie Hospital and Chaiital Aid Board, and Crs. Dearie ani Robson as trustees for the Tbames Hospital for Ohinemuri County. Term mated Con ti act— From E Bein stat'ng he was prepare! to finish his main road contract-. Koferied to Board of Works. Petition— Biidge at Waihi-Cr. M^ore preKontcd a petition B>a».eJ by a large number of of lesidents at Waihi etc., reques'ing^ that >i b-id-je be constructed across Waititi creek, Waihi, anl -tating that through lack of same s»veral narrow escapes had already occurrel; and further directing Council's attention to the , fact that thevo being no school nearer than Waitekauri children h-id to cross the unI budged creek Cr Mooro spoke in support of tbe work I being cirrie.l out nt a* early a date as possible, but knowing tlie pu^e'ib state of the finances, lie c >uld not pr. ss that the work be entered upon at piesent, be would therefore u.ovo that the petition be again brought up for consideration in three months tim->, hoping that Council might then have more funds at tbeii^disposal. The resolution waa duly seconded aud ciirne.l. Finance Committee's R port —Tho Finance Committee reported an follows : Tb.yrecom-nn-nied th it accounts amounting to £71 18s 9d, b<* deferred for a time for payment, no funds being at present, available. Accounts amounting to £52 2s, wer.i paisei for immediate payment, to the extent of £6 10s (Ji were deferrcljfor further enquiry, and 17-61 disallowed. Thvt tho question ro Eng'neor bo left in the hands of the Chairman, wim sha'l make, such jinangements as &ha 1 bo in accordance with the cxpre.iscl wi-h of the Council. I hat the balance of £L 2 (>■■, siill duo t> W. B«rrott on h:s Karangahake tijimway contract be forfeited, on arc u it of monies expended on said contract, and that if \Y. Burrett objects to this, the terms of his contract be enforced. That a regulation be passed by Council, fixing the co^t of bouse iuenajs at £5. Thnt the Cl^i'k he .tuthori-c I to poat up a notice fixing me when amounts to be t*o isi'lond at ouhnurv meeting *>h »ll W sent in, aid stitin^ wnat do.ails neccs'niy to be lumish-'d \\ith PiU'l ac-ounts That travelling expenses nllowel Crs coming over tlree miles, be in fa mo reduce i to Ids fi 1, in con-<efjuen«jc of the financial dilli(iil'ies tho Council had to conk'iul wita Cr Dearie, said bo ahoul I unke no chirge wba ever for tra\clim.' txpen*. s. Cr Quinn o >jvOo*l to that p rt.on of tho report referring to nllowine lor trjivel ing expenses being reduce 1, and said bo mid no intention wbe 1 c can.c out as a emdidaie for I'lCv'tibn of woik'n^ for nohmg; otlier Crs might <1o so if they would but lie m. ended if he lost time to get p .id for it. Cr Moore naid : Ho would be satibfied with 10* Gi if the otb. r momi erg wore. Cr Cor! ett : It biioul Ibe ivuicmbeiod this it only a Bllgge^tlon fiom tho Fman o Committee. He tbou ht if a man gft\e his tune free 10 the Coui oil woik, l ie bhouhJ not be out of pockei thrtug » tr.nclling oxp.n-es, but ho eeitainly wa- of opinion there was room for a re luotion in the nmuuut hitherto allowed lor those expenses. Tho Chairman paid he would pug-jef-t that tins portion of the Committees report be eliminated, and brought up for future discussion. The loporL was then r. ceived and adopted, excepting the portion reftrre 1 to. Notice of M'tioii.— Adverti-ing : Notice, of | motion that the que-tion of udptrtising be '' considered, tabled by Cr Quinn, was next brought kn^aivl. Cr Quinn nhke.l that all correspondence re. frrrin ■ to tho contract let to the proprietor* of tho A.ROHA & Ohisbmobi News for County adrertisinsr, bo laid on the t.iblc. This «as accordingly done, and read by the clerk ; after which Cr Quiun said .• He hnd pinpooeo n oving that the reso'ution nccepting tlio offer referred to be rescinded, but saw he could not do fo- Cr Quinn then ina'e a general nttack on Council for letting said contract, and in fact pot quite excited o*er the mutter, making usfe of very shvng expressions emphasising his remarks with violent gestures, etc., and pmerally acted iv a. most uncalled for manner. Cr Moore said: He did not see what nil this trouble was about; they were now getting their advertising done much cheaper than before, and he considered Cr. Quinns remarks quite out of place. Cr. Corbett seid Cr. Qiinn wr.« altogether out of order in the manner io which lie had brouglit this matter up, and had made remarks such as should not be utlerod. He could not aec but what every thing bad been dono fair and abovo board in connection with thismatter, and Cr. Qiiiuq had n» right to have spoken a« ho had done, and it looked very much as though his remarks were aniraaleo by private animosity to Mr Ilo't., EJditor of the New, aud this should uqt be allowed, (Hear, hoar), Cr, Strange fiftid : He considered pr. Quinns remarks moat unoalled for atid offensive. Tho matter qI the advertising had been four mouths under,; tj^oj qQ»s}iovasu>tt Qf .Council before it was settlo<M«<* flwrphinie wkir aspect thereto waa fair and above Wrd'. The proprietor of the Hauvaki Tribune had been nskod to lender and declined, an/1 oven after the coutraot had boon let to the proprietors of the Aroha. and Ohinbmuri News, Council voluntarily offered to jwy the Tribune a like mm on similar condition", but tho offer was not accepted. The Council generally showed their dieipgroval of Cr. Quinu's vny uncalled for re» marks and the dictatorial mmnevbo sowprht to aB-!«me. The matter cnied by Cc. Quinn stating he whhoi to wil*i>lraw fcis notice of , motion.

County Solicitor— Cr. &obson had/ fabled a notice hi motion, that all previous resolutions with respect to the appointment of solicitor to the Council bo Winded. i Cr. Kolwon sari two resolutions vrcvo recorded in the minute book, one appointing Me6R s Devore arid Cooper, ftnpther appointing Cr. Hdurphreys as honorary solicitor. Kcsolved on the motion iof Cr. Eobson seconded 1 by Of Cotbett thkfc the foregoing resolutions be rescinded. R.»BolveJ on th.. motion of Cr Kobson, seconded by Ci Dearie, * I hul Mr J. H. 21Lu!<h, (Thames) be appointed solicitor to the Councl, and that the chairman be uuthoribeJ to see Mr Lush and arrange as to terms, etc. Ouiatinuhit/ It. tea: The Chaitinau said • Something iuu-t be don* with respect to the collection of outsi «niing rates, which amounted to a large sum. The rnoi.ey was greatly needed, and they had lost part of Q-overnm»'nt subsidy in the past through not having ail the rates collected. 11" not paid soon it would be absolutely necessary to band them over to the solicit .r lor collertion, aa | they could nor afford to loan th- money, I neither would^it be fair to those who had paid to do so. Cr Corbet.t : Notice was giv*n the ratepayers more than two months ago, that legal sleii8 7 would be taken in this matter, but council have refiained from doing so, and the matter has not been ptcs-ed. Cr Moore euid^he would move that an advertisement be inserted in the A. and 0. Nkwb, informing defaulters once more, and that if their rates were not paid on or b-ore Dec. loth, lejjal proceedings would ho instituted forthwith. HewouH not propose incurring any fresh expense for advertising, as iie considered sufficient notice hud already been given, but through having a contract for advertising in the News, it would be incurring no additional expense. The resolution was seconded by Cr Robson and carried. Appointment of Valuator. — Cr Rob-on pro-po-eil, anl Cr S'nnge seconded, that Mr Kenny, County clerk, be appointed viiluator lor the Council at a remuneration of 15s lor each day he was so employed. Thi' Chairman : Of course we cannot inti rI'ere with tno valuations made on bulialf of the Property Tax until the terminat on o* the t ,ree 3 ears for which they were la>>t made, but wo want a valuator with respect to lands not now on the vacation roll. Cr Coibeit s iid he believed no more compe'ent of fitting man for the position of valuator to the Council than Mr Kenny coul-1 be found, and he had much ie in speaking in support of his being appointed (, Hear). The opinion of nearly all the members was evidently in accord- with Cr Corbelt's remark*. Cr Quinn : I beg to move as an amendment, That Mr Edwin Edwards be appointed County valuator. No Councillor seconded the amendment. Mr Edwards asked permission to address Council, and said he did not feel competent for so onerous a position, and begged to decline, and would ask Cr Quinu to withdraw the amendment. Resolved on th« motion of Cr. Quinn that application he made to Government for £200 in aid of prospecting. Cr. Quinn 2 )ro P ose d that Govornment be asked to grant £200 t j open up a prospecting tract from Karangnhake towards Tui. Cr. Moore reiriiiidesl Council that a of money had aheidy been placed on the Estimates furtln's work, and it wes for them to find £1 lor £1 Bubhidj, and this Council have never yet been in a p >sition t* do; se\eial other votes were also in the same position. Inspector of Weiuhts and Mc-asme — On th»« motion of Cr Quinn, it was resolved the Council recommend the appointment of Mr. E. E h\urds a.-* Inspector of Weights and Measures f r Ohinemmi County. itondb wubsi ly — In xepjy to Cr Strange, it wis stated no eomniunica ion hid been rocnvcl from Government since last meeting, ie Kiib-idies for Rangiora road, or ColleU'a (•on 111 1 act.

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Te Aroha News, Volume V, Issue 232, 10 December 1887, Page 3

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OHINEMURI COUNTY COUNCIL. Te Aroha News, Volume V, Issue 232, 10 December 1887, Page 3

OHINEMURI COUNTY COUNCIL. Te Aroha News, Volume V, Issue 232, 10 December 1887, Page 3


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