The ordinary monthly meeting of Te Aroha Town Butu'ii was held oa last; Saturday oven* ing in the Boards ollico. Piesent ; Corns. Dobson, Fiazev, and Hotchen. Election of Chairman.— The first businesß proceeded with was that of tlio election of 'a chairman, in the room of Mr E. Quinn resigned* Ou the motion of Com. Hotchen, seconded by Com. Dobson, Com. Frazer was voted to the chair, pro tern. On the motion of Ccn. Hotchen, seconded by Com. Fnizer, it wa^ uuanimously resolved thnt Com. Dobs-ni be el cted chairman of the Board for the icmainder of the iorni during which 'the present Board will Hold office. Com, Dobson 'having taken the chair, and Gxpres-cd his > thanks, etc., for the -honour ferred upon him, ordinary business was pro- ; eiedod with. The minutes of the previous monthly .and' also of ppecial meeting were read and ccmGimed. CoirespQnlence : Outward. — Correspon- | denee was read to Piako C(>unf.y Council, agiee ; no;-t() Councils proposals' re -payment of clerk to licencing committee ; and t-> Mr J. Cornea, inlbrniiug him that his seat had boen declared vacant. • Inward Correspondence was read re the following : Ko 'ih.iines Harbour Board : J-rom Piako County Council, informing the Bom'd (who had written enclosing copy of (i. resolution pa<-se I at a public meeting held at To Aroha) that prior to 'their letter being received Piako County Council had taken action* with the object of endeavouring; to -have the Proclamation gvanti'is; exfceniort control to the Thames lla-bour Board (whort-Jjy the U|> country rivers would be include "l within tho't* limits) rescin lod Letter received. '
A letter was read from Ohinoiriun Ccunty Council, fhanking the Board foy their promise of assistance l&the same matter, and stating thai .a'pnbhe meeting would shortly bo held at ll J Bcroa, impeding the mutter, to which tho Board would ho invited to attend- deceived. A lenglliy communication was read from Messrs Bugrr.ill, Bros , Turua, having reference to the same subject, •■ nd giving a resume i of the hi.sior_> of the H;irbt>nv Board, its iovmer limit*?, and dues levied, e^c. Keiolvcd ou t 1 c motion of iVm. Vr^zer, seconled by Com. Holchen, that a roply he sent Messr* Bagnall, Bros., sta'in^ the Boaid would teud«r any .isiiwt.ance \\\ then 1 power. It was further resolved that the clerk be instructed to wiite to Government, supporting the action taken by Piako County C<>unii, in objecting to the extension of powers recently granted Thames Harbour Board by Proclamation. Waikato Hospital and Chari f ab'e Aid Board — A letter was road from tho secretary of the Hospital and Charitable Aid iard requesting to be informed if any lands within Te Aroha Town District had been »ot apart as hospital endowment. The Clerk was instructed to reply stating particulars respecting a building site" which had been hifh-rbo reserved as a hospital site, but which could not, however, be deemed un endowment. Koa-l leading to Wesleyan Church.— "Messrs Imvery and Alien were piesent, having been appointed at a meeting of the trustees of the Wesley-i n Church, on the previous Tuesday afternoon, as a deputation to wait on the Board with respect to having the road leaiiug to the Wesleyan church improved. Mr Lavery saiJ : The Woßh-yan's • purposed building a new churtfh on the site of thi' present chnrch to supply the increased accommodation required, but before going to any expense in the matter, v eie desirous that a much butter road be made, leading to the church. Knowing the Board were short of fun I*, they were prepared to give a substantial subsidy, viz. £10 towards the cost of carrying out the work, provided good substantial and permanent approaches were male. He haJ spoken lo the Board's En incer about the matter, who ustimatM the cost at, about £20. Ho wished the Bcva-d to distinctly und rstani the subsidy would not be given unless the woik was carrie i out in a satisfactory manner, and not in the etyle some little work ha I already been done lea ling to the chinch, wh.reby a dangerons open drain was left, which had been the cause ot several accidents. He considered th°y hal a good oloim on the Board to have the work done, seejng the great noel that existed for a better a;>proq<'h to the church, that tho woik would be of permanent benefit to tho town-hip, und that about £20 hid la'ely been sp,-nt in making a road to the .Roman Catnohc Chapel without any subsidy whatever being given Tlie Chau-itran said ho had visited th* place at *he reque-t of Mr Livery, and there was no doubt that the ap roach to the Wetle/an Uhurch was a b>d oup, especially ut night. If ih was cbne tenders would have to be c.ille I for the work, an I one of the con lifcions, in the present >-tate of the finances of the Board, must be that the eon'raotor wo-il I have to ! ie out of the proportion of the money to be provide 1 by the Board, for a time. Co m Frazer and Hotclien both pp >ke in support of the work a-< b ion highly neeessan , ! and seeing the liberal offer of a«sist H nce jrom the ehu'-ch, though aa effort should be made to hii»G it done. Com. Fnze. : It will leneoess-ry for us to obi am a small over raft in »ny i ase Com. Hotchen : We had better wait until there a:v Jive m "inher-*. The Chnirman .- I erhmly fc'ii'ilr, se-incr the hb-ral offer of as i tan r t'l • Wes!i-y,,n Chuich has offered, an I that approach s to the other churches h no bc«.n m.ide quo.i, the worU ouyht. to he d>ne. On the mo-ion of Com. Ti-a/er, sueonlol bv the Chairman, it was resolve I, Tnat the work of lormin^ appioiches to the Wesleyan Church he can le i out, and i hat the tmee ni'nnbeis of the Boar I beeonsti utej a Worn** I Comnii'tee with powei to net. Coin, ilotchen: If the work is d ne let it be done propel, don't :e.s have any moie botche I jobs ; \\i-'\e h.U enough ahea'ly, I should wish that the work he fi li-hi I to tho satisfaction of the Works Committee ,is well ua to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Night Soil Contra-t;— The Chairman, There is likely to be some trouble about, the night soil business. Sever il ot the towrppop c ue complainiMg of the powers eon'e re I upon the conttaclor, and the coutr tutor appears to have liccn labouring under a misapprehension as to the extent of his poweis, anl I hea-hai toll soveial persons that he could cart away nil n ght soil. Sections 47 of " The Public Health Ac^ 187(5," and por'ion of Saction 422 Municipal Corporations Act 1886 as bearing on the «u''ji ct, were read. The Cerk sail Mi Hetherington (whose con 1 1 act had been accepted for the removal of night sod at Is 2 1 per box, and emptying of cesspools at 14s 9d per cubic yard, at the previous special meeting ot the Boar ) had since said ho would not think of taking up the contract, unless he was protectcl by the Boird, with respect -to the r moval of all night soil, because otherwise he might be compelled to proceed to tho top of the township to perhaps one horse only, und the others nob icoogni&t his authority . To carry out the contract efliciently he would lune to employ n man legulaily, a;iJ |ay him high wages, and if only some few made u»e of tl.o sen ice ho would loose money b\ the undertaking. Com Fra/er: I Voull su_'g -st that Ih matter be allowed to stand o\er for a full meeting of the Boarl. The chief thing required i» to liavo sunken closets don." a>v.iy with, and I think if we pass a law that only earth ( losets be allowed, that all existing sunk elo-ets be filled up, and if the Inspector oi Nnisanco3 dov'B his duty, that is all that is required. Section 298 Municipal Corporations Act, 1881), as healing on the subject was then read. 'J lih Chairman: If Mr Hoiherington requires the Board to make it coropulsoiy on evciybody to employ him as contractor for the lemoval of night soil, I nm, afraid it would be a most difficult matter to' enforce such a law; an I would bo likely'to create a great deal of bad feeling. I think it would be better to take no furlh D r st. Ps in the' matter unril tho two vacancies' in theßo.ird" have been filled and let the matter be fully discussed ot a future meeting of members. . Keenest to Rescind Resolution:— The Chairman : Mr Jas. Mills called upon me this evening, and state I Mr John Comes would return on Dec. 15th, to reside at Te Aroha ; and asked that we should consider the advisability of rescinding the-resolution declaring his seat vacant, Seeing Mr Comes has been written to, informing him that his seat has been declarecl vncant, and that 'wo hare no guarantee thatr he is likly to remain in Te Aroha when he does return, I do not think it woul 1 be advisable to take each a fctep .as that suggested* b/' Mr Mills. - - Com.- Hetohen- : 1-ihink it was not just on Coined part v to go uway and n«v,er writo until ho had -been- übWnt irOm fou!" i»eetln<is. I think it is desirable wo .should try and have members, not orly now resident nmongsi us, but likely to be 'resident at Te -Aroha, and aU ays a variable" »hm required. ' Elect on of-Two Members— Tlie subjoft of the forthcoming eL-ction of two'ummboro vvtw then discusso 1 at somo lengMi. Gotxt. H^t«chen.siMdLhc^hotild I ju'i>pose'.tlMt the clerk, Mr Whilohoino, Le appointed EeUuning Oilicer. Chaiimnn : I certainly object to fhat, and think the cUrk, or indeed any one
jx^ooiatcl with the Board, should not bo appointed to the ofHce ; if- would he much hotter to lot some one unconnected with the<l fill the position. I propose thsit Mr H. Crump fee appointed Returning Ollicer, and that he he instiucted to proceed with ihe election forthwith. Ho was appointed by Government at the first general election of Commissioners, and so far as 1 know earned oat his duties on t.iuit occasion, s.tisfactorilv. The motion whs seconded by Com. FiaEor and cariied unaiiimou>ly. It wa* resolved on the motion of Com. Fm?ur seen'i<ied by the Chaiunnn, That (he Cleik of JL'iako County Council bo requested to supply the Board with a copy of the 101 l of fh'Ctors qualified to vote at the foitheoming election. Appointment of Valuators. — r lhe matiei of appointing a >or valuators, w as next discussed, the Killing Act 1876, providing th it on or Lcfoie January 15th in each year, a ii»t of all rateable property, set' ing forth tile rateable value in each- case, e hould bepiopared bv the valuer or v.duer*, ar»d transmitted lo t(u* local body. It was ultimate'y lesolved on the motion of Com. FVazer seconded by Com. Hotehcn, That a special meeting; (if the Board be convened for Monday e\eniiiGj, December sth, for the puipo^e ot taking steps to appoint a uilucr or^il'icis; aril nlbo lo take hito&m.H.nmm thua l\is:ihilitv of altering the time and dny of the \u-ek foi holding iliu Board meetings. rouiidkccpcr^ Statement: The \wn\keeper sunm.ttel hi- moivhly wi oit and sialcment of i.eeonnts. loctipt^ £10 7s 61; miiount due lo the Bo.ud at 2\ per cent on ncit piofit being 9s 21. Slate of Finances— Dismissal of Cleik and Eemo\al of Office :— A long discussion next took plat ere the Boards portion: It wns stated thwio wns a credit balance i\t the B ink of £3 9s 31. whilst theie were unpaid accounts to the extent of al)..ui £10 or £12, nirl theie would be the elect i-m expenses to be met in a few days ; al«o 1 Is lor Cleik and 5s for ollu-o each week aecuung. Clninnan: In t.'.e pr« q-nt stale of onv finances it will be noiCssn.y f« rua to economise in «'\cry po«sible «ay we can do s<i. Ido rot sec h.->\'v we ran stnke a uite, feo us to ha>e the money deii\.ible thcrclrom available much bi^lore June. At the picsent time tl.oie is lP.illy veiy lit le ullico s\ork ofnn\ km 1 to be (loi (». Com. Frnre-; Ti>e qnf-tion X hyp we justified in ependinsi boinuch ot the i.itfp.i^eis money in suup'y neepm;^ mi oHice open, when ther«3*i-» Bcarcdv any oll'ue xvoik to do. Ido not B<e how the Boaid enn get on very well ■without an office, neither do I see bow we enn go on running up a b>u; debt if it can be nvoided. Peihnp* Mr Holt would allow the Beard the use oi" tlm otlice for a tune tree of chai-ee to hold the monthly meetings in. (Mr Ilott being present, t.aul, As agent for the owner of tl c office, if the Boaid from mot t. s of economy thought it nece-"=.vry to ditcontiuue piyjng ofiice lent for a tune, he \*ouU let them have the use of U for their nieetMig-* free of ch-u-ge. until furtbei notice; bar of coursp lie could not lose a chance of letting the building it such oicuned; nor promise the u^e of the ofhee rent hoc foi any length of time). Chairman ; H yon di-enntinue a naid clerk, and the pi-cent oftlc => for a time, eit her Com«. Hotehcn or F»a7»*r will have t> do duty ns cJerk, at lenst until sucli Ume us two otlier member- were elected. Com. Frazer said he wonld sngjestthat the Chairman nc f as < lerk. Iho Chan man said the law did not p M-mit of his doin;? f-o, and lead section 12 Town DitvKt Act 1883 wiih lefeieuce to this matter. t orn. Hotehcn : In fhaf c\°r T shall pivpo^e that Com. Fra/er do the woik, for L sirin't. Com. Fr.izei : I am quite wii'.ns to lo mv part, b.'.t wish it distinctly un (er »oi>l [ hne no d. sup to turn the present eleik out ot a bill. t. oi toundeiti.kohHWiiik.nnU'ssat U>e expiesa wi-h of the other m mbeis of the Bo. id. Com. ITotehen expie«se 1 the opinion unieexi^tm^ cir. unistiincus it arpe.iic'l ivc^i u \ to take the fatep propane i, an I -.a 1 he uuiil I fcl)pj)Olt it. Kesohed on the motion o r Com. IYi/ei, Fecondei by Com tlotche , That m \ie'\ of the pre-ent* position ot th< j Bo rl, the pie^e- t oflire b" ri\c - up, and the sumccs of a p.iid cWk lie dispense \ with The motion wa^ cau.e I unanimously In leply to tl c Chairmin the Cleik sai 1 the foimer c'hanman, Mr E. Qainn. lull tlie a«ieoment lehis appointment ,is elik, and hal never deio-itel it m the Boaid's office; his engagement a weekly une. Ke«ohed unanimously, on the motion of Ch.ui man seconde Iby Com. llotchen, I'hat Com. Fra?er be a- pointed to act as cleik to the Boaid without salary. All the members ot the Board were agreed as to the necessity of aga>n having tl.e service* of a paid clerk and otlice, as soon as rii.ancts would permit, and theie was moie woik to do, as would be the cisc after a little time. Com. Fiazer was asked if he would allow the Board's office to be nt his stoic foi the pie-ent, and con=entmg to do so, on tlie motion of ihe Chairman seconded by Com. Hotchen, it was unnnimcufly lesolved. That on ,md alter December sth, the recognised office of the Boaid be at Mr Fra/.ei's store, und that due notice ot such lemoval be g.ven as soon as practicable. The clerk was instructed to make an inventory of the property of the Boiud. Some discub'iion took place re obtiming an o%erdiaft.
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Te Aroha News, Volume V, 3 December 1887, Page 2
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2,657TOWN BOARD. Te Aroha News, Volume V, 3 December 1887, Page 2
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