WINNERS OF CERTIFICATES. The following is a list of candidates in the North Canterbury district of the Canterbury Education Board who have gained proficiency or endorsed competency certificates for 1917: St. Joseph's (Ashburton)—Hanrahan, Lawrence; Cavanagh, Edmund. Killiuchy-Mcllwraith, Eva; Chappie, Ivy. Hurunui—Dicrce, Victor. Seavicw (Wakanui)— Page, Margaret. Eiffelton—Bisiiop. Doris. ML. Somers—Collins. Eileen; Morgan, George. Springburn Keig, Vera; Stagpoolc, George. Carcw—Fairburn, Agues; 'Pi:.ft. Lavinia R .. , Teddlngton—-Manson, Kenneth L. Southbridge D.H. —Hampton. (Wive. St. Joseph's (Lyttelton) -Ryan, Leonard E.J Gallagher, John J. Kowai Bush—Naismith, George. Arthur's Pass—Annan, George; Hate, Irwin. _ Aylesbury Bradley, Armor; Pascoc, James; Saunders, Edward. Gebbh-'s Valley-Brady, Edward. Greta Valley—Elliot, Isabel. Spotswood—Reimann, Franz; Sansom, Ronald; Smith, Amy; Stevenson, Boyd. Mackenzie—Chisholin, Cecil: Savage. Stanley; Brown, Ina; Johnston, Beryl; O'Connor, Eileen. ©mihl—Harris, John; Inch, Richard; love, Jonn. Scargill—Cameron, Edith. Port Robinson—Puschel, Olga. Domett— Jackman, Ida M.; Kelly. Vary Isabel. 'r. . ~., Birdling's Flat - Stott, Sidney. Okate Valley—Lcwton, Veronica. Little River—Fahey, Rose: Kelly, Cyril; Le Compte, Ivor; Samuels. Edna. French Farm—Donovan, Ronald; Stewart, Bhoda. Little Akaloa—Bailey. Edward C. B. L« Bon's Bay—Barker, Harry. Akaroa Convent—Glynan. Milton. St. Patrick's (Christchurch I—Campbell. Edmund; Consedine, Edward; Cairns, James; Flood, Sarsfield; Handisides, Claude: Hobcn, Cormac; Lanyon, Leonard; Matheson, Alex.; McKay, Boland; McKenzie. Thomas; O'Donoghue. Joseph; Polaschek, Stanislaus; Kodgers, Herbert; Stanley, Arthur: Glubb, Boscius. Belfast—Arps. Gladys M.: Brown, Leila A. A;| ♦Hooper, Adelaide A.; Manning, Vera ; Budkin, Eileen A.; Claridge, Victor; Grofskl, Eric Jas.j Harris, Frank V.; Henderson, Chas. R.( Neville, Robert K. H.; Poison, Ronald C; Robinson, Stanley; Roberts, George C.t Rudkin, Ernest E. Shirley-Barwick, Alfred; Bllton, Herbert; Birchfleld, Samuel; flrunsden, Kenneth; Chappie, Kingslcy; Chappie, Geoffrey; Johnston, James; Matson, Harold; Neutze, Roy; Richards, Charles; Tomlinson, Maitland; Halford, Winifred; Hammerslcy, Rmiiy; Smith, Thehna; Thompson, Ida; Tucker, Doris. Harewood—Burney, Joseph; Shipley. Burton P.; Brown, Doris E.; Pearson, Mabel R.; Wilkinson, KanCy A. . Southbrook—Beker. (ieorge; Hegan, Murray; John; Storey, John; Hawkins, Stella. Sumner—Allen, Cyril L.; Bradbury, Sidney; Burns, Gordon E. A.; Clarke, Wallace B.; Gibbs, Charles H.; Jamieson, Alex.: Dash, Lizzie G.; Goodcnongh. Vera H.: Jones, Rdsie E. C; King, Mona; Wain, Nina K.; Wiggins, Joan M. Lyttelton D.H.—Adams Charles; Barbour, Frank; Bain. Allan; Corkin, John; Campbell, Colin; Forward, Harry; Gallivan, Dennis; Hinds, Leslie; Loader, Harry; Miller, Gordon; John, Nelson; Pitcaithly, Laurie; Portcous, Cyrd; Sinclair, Donald; Vine. Ernest; Whitford, Clifford; Young, Hector; Arnesan, Aletha; Bradley, Melva; Curtis, Noeline; Dale, Bethel; Mill, Lucy; Loader, Lillian; McGrath. Violet; Smith, Maud; Sinclair, Sclma; Becd, Annie: Veal. Alice. Waikuku —Beaton, Mary Helen; Morriss, Doris M.; Tomlinson, Bita C. Fernside—Mcintosh, Ruby; Milne, Kathleen. Bangiora High—Burnett, Cartherine. Bangiora Convent —d'Auvergne, Bonamy; Hart, Herbert; Lynskey, James; Leonard, Morrison; Bobinson, John. Swatinanoa —Kelly, Bruce; Kelly, Leonard; White, Lilian. Cust—Tomlinson, Horace;- Tallott, Ed ward; Elliott, Isabel. Carleton—Bennett, George; Farr, Edith; Kerr, Leslie. St. Joseph's (Papanui)—Aitken, Edmund V.; Crook, Lily; Grim wood, Myrtle; Hcaphy. May. St. Mary's (Christchurch)—Badland, Matilda; Bradley, Mary; Campbell, Nona; Corrigan, Dorothy; Emmerton, Reuben; I-c Fevre, David; Lavery, Myra; Lawrence, Robert; Middleton, Normnj Mullany, Eileen; McCormack, Alice; Nutt. Rita; O'Brien, Sydney; O'Malley, Mabel; Vincent, Edith. Kiri Kiri—McKee, Emma; Allen, Eric. View Hill—Smith, Murray; Fantham, Edith. Oxford West—Morris, Chas. E.; Erich. Joseph V. Ashley Gorge—Harle, F. E. Onawe; Higginson, May. Cooper's Creek—Brown, David; Taylor, John. Oxford D.H. —Campbell, Minnie; Caverhill, John W.: Powell, John J. Scfton—Wilke, Amy H.; Leonard. Robert C't 'Manning, Henry R.; Quick, Stanley G.; Sullivan, Ijiwrence W. Loburn South—Blackett, Ivy. Mt. Grey Downs—Batchelor, Kale; Rowc, Emily, Ashley—Morris, Harry; Morris, Lorna; Smith, Louisa; Price, Florence. Mpringbank—Kennedy, Margaret; Teague, Lena Ivy. Eyreton West —Belshaw, May; Ironside, Waft«rj Maindonald, Edgar. Bangiora—Chambers, Frank; Fantham. Walter; Lambert, Colin; Payne; A. Hollier: Blackett, Albert; Smith, Charles; Bruere, Boris; Hills, Marjorie; Webber, Dorothy. Lyndon—Parnham, Wynyard H. E. Botherham—Fisher, Ben. Hanmer Plains—Carter, Edward; Piric. William; Lovcday, Clyde. Waiau—Bcaven, Ernest; Burrows. James: Knight, Keith; Mcßryde, James; Oldman. Albert. Culverden—Hoben, Sophie; Hare, Ralph; Butler, Leslie. Kaikoura D.H. —Gregory, Frances; Haswell, Malcolm. Kaikoura Convent—Mackee, Monica: Smith, Eaton. Tal Tapu—Andrews, Fred; Cossar. Gladys: Page, Edith. Prebblcton—Bigham, Ashlev R.; Cherry. Clifford T.; Douglas, Neil; Robins, Herbert Lincoln—Macintosh, Margaret. Ladbiooks—Quine, Leslie Jas.: Heath. Mabel E. Greenpark—Brown, Charles; Schrordcr. George; Barnctt, Doris. Broadfleld—Cunneen, James P. Papanui—Bishop, Henry; Dennis. Boherl H.; Driscoll, Alfred A.; Fleming. John; Jones, Malcolm D.; Lovetl, Tasman; Maindonald, H. Boy; Smith, Robert; then Tcsla L.; Claridge, Gladys F.: Cordner Mary E.; Ford, Marie W.: Gibbs, Gladys E.( Kettle, Melvina M.; Pve, Lily E. A.; Wood, Sybil M.; Yeoman, Hilda A. Rcolcliffs—*Logon, Alma; Moon, Ellii George; Truscott, Rubv S. St. Joseph's Charles, Flor. ence; Coatcs, Amy; Hickey, May: James Eunice; Jones, Veronica; Pearee, Ella. Addington Catholic—Anderson. Valarie Blake, Veronica; Burns, Doreen; Consedine Annie; O'Donoghue, Vera, Sacred Heart (Christchurch)—Brittendon Doreen; Jarman, Lorraine; McGarva, Annie Mollish, Eva; Murphy, Mary; Shrimpton Isabel. Southbridge D.H.—Adams, Leslie; Chap man, Harold; Cowan, Kathleen; Curran Eileen; Doyle, Myles; Everest, George; Gil bert. Cecil; Green, Ivy; Moriarty, Luke Ritchie, May; Young. Agnes. ■ Kaiapoi—Baynon, Eric; Bryden, Wm. Broadley, Edward; McLaren,' Keith; Mc Dougall, John; Price, Gerald; Shure, An u drew; Tcmpleton, Herbert; Allison, Ivy "rHackburn, Nancy; Colman, Charlotte; Hos kiin-Mlnnio W.; Sewell, Mona: Smith Emily; Taylor, Violet; Wright, Alice H. Bromley— Purchas, Lorna; Stephen' MuPicl. Lceston Convent—McCabe, Marv; Patoi Nclla. Opawa—Horrev. Bertha; Johns, Muriel Jones, Winifred'; Patterson. Irene: Wilkin son, Nancy; Campbell, Reginald: Did Reginald; •Hargreaves, Eric; Haskci Charles; Hills, Edward; McKee, Wallace Small, Ij'slic'; Snelling, Clarence; Todi Richard; Trist, Eric; Wright. Frank; Bel chcr, Ivy; Brown, Olive; Glastonbury, Dc lores. Flemington—Anderson, Claude AY.; Camr bell, Cecil J. L. Ash ton— Dean, Hasel M. P.; Woottci Vera L. Mason's Flat—Anderson, Alma; »Ear Evelyn; Mason, Dorothy. Horsiey Down —Skurr", Keith; Doyle, Katl) lecu. Amberley, Davis, Olive P.; McDonalt Margaret L. Broomfleld—Ncilson, Geoffrev. Tlnwald—Boyliss, Fanny '('„; »Browi Jessica O.; Clark, Hugh" F.; Mc.Millai John; Stevenson, Anna C.J *Stringfellov Mary. Ashburton High—Sullivan, John; Bruci J. H. W. Fairton—Chambers, Holly C. St. Joseph's (Ashburton—Hanrahan. Rai _ del; Dandie, Jennie. Sacred Heart (Ashburton) Lysagh Katie; Rapley, Margaret; Rutledge. Bei nice; Scolt, Maggie; Ainsworth, Kathleen Rokeby—Hooper, Samuel I>. Rakaia—Brown, Lilian; Morrison, Ev» Shannon, Corunna; Smith, Minnie. Mead—Burns, J. M. Esmc. Eyreton— Shepherd. William.
Clarkvillc—Hullen, .Tames ; Wyatt, Myrtle. Aranui—McLcod, Myste; Wilks, Herbert. Bur wood— Beimel, Frederick; Claridge. Jack II.: Davidson, George Y.; Lilley, Wilfred G.; I.itlrii, George ,1.; Barnes, May E.; Liggins, Vera R.; Thomas, Aileen <;.; Thompson, I'iri M.; Thompson, Anita. El in wood — Archard, Doreen; Blllcliff. Keta: Bowring, Gwendolyn; Bruce, Irene: James, Edith; .Tones, Constance; 1-iing, Irene; Tx.ngdin. Edfta; Proctor, Pearl; Held, Lillas; Rich, Nora; Ritchie, Clarice; Smith. Phyllis; Simpson, Edna; Anstiss, Morell; Brown. .Tolu:; Chambers. Livingston; Chester, Ainsley; Cooper, Sehvyn: Drarsley. Archibald; Fisher, Tracy; Grether, George; Hurdle, Stewart: Harle. Eric: Hatch, Arthur; Hiodic, Llovd; IToblis, Geoffrey; Holcroft, Allan: Johnston, Kenneth; Jones. Norman; Kay, Frank; Laurcnson, Donald; l.oiigdin, Trevor; Markholm, Mark: Miles. Ronald; Minson, Wilfred; Baslrick, Ronald: Redpatli, Jack: Robinson. Reginald: Schmidt. Conrad; Shaw, Wilfred: Styehe. Maurice; Stewart, Lindsay; Watkins, Rower; Wcblev. Ecwin; Willis, Leslie. Sydenham—Anderson. Edith; Black. Iris; Boyce, Gladys; Bradshaw. Hilda; Chiles, f'earle: Clarke, Sadie: <:ollins. Rita; Conpland. Ivy; Cunningham, Florence: Currie. Myrtle: Emerson, Mavis; Faas. Nellie: Fabian. Doris; Ferguson, Annie; Grant, Elizabeth; Hatchard. Mabel: Hawlcy, Con- , stance: Hooper, Eileen: Ives. Ethel: John- , son. Vera: Kennedy. Nellie; Kerr, Mildred: < Morton. Mona; Soman. Doris; Stace, Iris: Tarpey, Doris; Wolfreys, Marcella; Young, Kathleen; Collins, Arthur; Davidson, John: Fisher, Malcolm; Forrester. ; Thomas; French. Samuel; Gooseman, Trevor; Harrison, Robert: Hill. William; Keir, i Rhoderick; Kilroy, Walter; King, John; i Loney, Keith: Loney, Ralph: Milne, John: ] McGeoi-Kc. John; O'Callaghcr, Wilfred; : Pardon, Ronald; Tope, Henry; Pugh. Reg- ' innld: Riselev. Ernest: Russell, John; Savers, Charles: Still, Robert: Thornton, Wil- , Ham; Thornton, Ernest; Taylor, Wilfred; ) Trcneary, Arthur; Venning, Robert; Wil- < lougbby, lan; Watt, Keith; Young, Norman, j Woolstou—Ashley, John G.; Blazey. j Harold C; Butler. Russell: Dunderdale, j Leslie; Dykes, Andrew J.: Fastwick. Leslie , A.; Halliday, Loris; Houlton, Eric L.; Hyde, ] Harry; Jack, Thomas E.: Lyall, William j M.: McGregor. Horace S.; Metcalfe, Harold: ] Newton, Martin S.; Porterfleld, Norman; j Robinson, Ivan J.: Rogers. Charles A.; Tay- ( lor, Frederick: Watson. Keith J.; Wisker, . Alfred W.; Alexander, Dora E.; Archer. ] Edith D.: Rahman. Mattel F.: Blunt, Kath- ! leen G.; Coupland, Vera L.; Dalziel, Mary J M.: Gasson, Nora M.; Harper, Mary T.: ! Hurrell, Eleanor R.: Kerr. Janet B.; Mor- j riss, Olive R.: Mallctt, Muriel A.; Percy, J Euphemia Mc; Ramsay, Dorothy; Row- 1 lands, Marion E.; Thompson, Catherine. D.: Weathcrston, Mavis J.; Weatherston, Tui C. j Westerfleld —*Ferguson, Edward; Jamie- ( son, Athol; *Laffey, Martin; Langdon. , Susan; MeFarlane, Mildred; OKIs, Agnes; j Wright, John. Mt. Macdala—Holmes, Josephine: Grant- j Mackie, Margaret; Shannon, Alice; Wilson, t Kitty. j Mackenzie—Cottrell, Ethel; Murgatroyd, < Beryl. < Puaha—Humphries, George; Patten. Olive. ) Wharcnui—Bates, Jean; Diepenheina, ] Mavis; Gamble, Ruby; Marshall, Gwen; j Musgrave, Eva: Reid, Daphne; Efford, j Maurice; Cole, Alban; Haberflel-.1, Cedric; , Harris, Arthur; Johnstone. Percy; Messcn- ; ger, Gilbert; Mitchell, Vemet; Rhodes, ; Frank; Smith, Arthur; Stanton, Norman. Lismorc—Fleming, Alan; 'Foster, A. ■ Myrtle. Anama— O'Callaghan, John A. Alford Forest—Bates, William P.; Hick?. , Doris M. Chertscy—Bchrns, Ellen; Ruddock, Doris: Wilkinson, Kari M. Irwell—Doak, William E.; Millar. Amy E. j Yaldhurst—Dawson, Cecil; Johnston. Elizabeth. , Hornby—Bush, Rayner; Humm, Norman; Kavanagh, Jeremiah; Munro, William; Ken- j worthy, Herbert; Shirley, Harry; Clarke, Norah; Cooper, jean; Cooper, Jessie: Free- - man, Gertrude ; Horman, Dorothv; Pooley. Mabel. Methven —Bishop, Francis: Blackler, Ed- ; ward; Burrows, Catherine; Cranfield, Lionel W.: Gordon, William J.; Hume, Margaret; Seelen, George G. ! Springston—Hughes, John; McKay, Flora : M. J Springston South—Garland, Frederick : W.; Douglas, Olive E.; Torrens, Ida G. ' Doyleston—Hall, Kenneth; Turner, Francis. Dunsandel—Bilbrough, Ingram; Brown, Reginald W.; McPherson, Keith W.; Rourke, John; Reid, Nancy D.; 'Walker, Doreen. Wainui—Hopkins, Keith. Chorlton —Craw, Kathleen. Akaroa D.H.—Parris, Harold; Piper. Alan; Taylor, Peter. Halkett—Turner, Mabel. Courtenay—Bedford, Emily; McMeekan. Ida; McNae, Pamela. Duvauchellc Bay—Cossar, Mary; Ray. Stormont. Halswell— Gardiner, Robert B.; Irving. Emily; Park, Lucy; Park. Beatrice. Waipara Dalton, Gilbert; Goldien, Ralph; Knowles, Vera: Knowles. Owen. Mayfleld—Biddick, Arthur; Davis, Frank: Ellery, Bertha; Scwcll. Oliver. Woodend —Archer, John A.; Eder, Ernest A.; Pateman, Harry A.; Whitlow, John G.: Wilson, Ronald G.; Eder, Florence M. Riverside—Bonnington, Bertha; Bonnington, Evelyn: Wilson, McDougall. Wakanui—Eden, Marjorie; Fitzgerald. Edward. Hinds—Cook, Irene; 'Dalton. Eileen; Moore, Kathleen; McKcage. Konald. Lynton Downs—Payne, Cecil A. Kaikoura Suburban—Royd, Margaret. Willowby—Gorman, A. Julia: Lill. Hazel R. Leithficld—May. Marion. Loweliffc—Jewell, B. L. Lynnford—Butterick, Hazel. Winslow—Waller, Ella. Bollcston—Annctt, John T. Burnham— McGowan, F. Gordon; Bower, , Sidney L. Tcmpleton—Chattcrton. Winnie: Gordon, Lillacc; Gilberthorpe, Reginald; McMillan, Alexander; Work, William. GlentiinncI —Aitken, John C; Atkinson. Gordon A. H.; Barnard, Gerald J.; Drennan, John W.; Ledgard, Win. H. C; Smith. Albeit J. Lyndhurst—Dickie, M. Elien. Laurisloii—Goodwin. Winnie; McCormick, Helen; McCorniick, Roy. Springfield—Cockerell. Grace; Roaehe, , Emily; Mllliken, Albert; Roaehe, Frances; - Taylor, Cecil. Annat—Pelvin, Thomas. Russell's Flat—Walls, Marvyn L. D. Waddington—McMillan, Keith; Townsbend, Alan; Miller. Valmai; Rich, Florence. Homebush—Rusbatch, Fanny. Hororata—Matheson, Amuri; Oliver. Ida: Patterson, Nellie; Wright, Merle. Dartleld D.H.-McLaughlin, Vera. Grcendalc—Ridgen, Albert C.: Watson. Henry G. South Malvern—Abrahams. William K. I Kimbcrley—Reaman. Emma. Dariicld Convent—Dunne, John; Dunne. Kitty. Te Wiiipounamu College (Ohoka)—Lloyd, Moana. Technical School (Christchurch)—Burford, Alice; Radland, Charles; Bailey, Alfred; Eaton, William: Kilpatrick. Fred.; Madden. Thomas; Robsen, Huia; Schumacher, Ken.: Towart. Gilbert; Turpin. .las.: White. Keith A.; Wilton, Harold. Marshland—Dobby, Horace li.: Trcleaven, Roger. II.; Bcrryman, Florence E.: Jacob. Ada; Matterson, Idonca N. Ashburton—Barr, William L.; Cambridge, die F. G.; Clark, Raymond; Corbett. Colin A.: Craighead. Basil M.; Dunlop. Alan R.: Elliott, Desmond A.; Griffiths, Harry J.: Griffiths, William I).; *Hoskin, Edward A.: •Hughes, Richard N.; Marsden, Cyril II.; Moybury, Jack I-:.; Pecs, Norman'J.; Pocoek. Eric G. Z.: Pocock. Francis L.: Ramsay, Janus W.; Robilliard, Alan C.: Smith. Reginald W.; Smith, George; 'Thomas, George F.: Watt, lan 1..; Warden. Lindsay G.; Campbell, Lyall M.; Gates, Agnes j. IT.; Gibson, Meta; Humphreys. Edna M.: Marsden, Gladys N.; 'Matthews, Vivian \.: Mclntyrc, Ethel M.; Miller. Margaret 11.: Morriss, Rose: Stills. Florence M.; Thomas. Kathleen M.; Williamson. A. Marjory. Hampstead—Alen, Herbert: Beaumont, Rex.; Carter, George: Helen), Alfred: Ingram, Raleigh: Joyce, William: Little. Nathan: McClymont, Athol: Simpson. James: Crawford, Jessie; Crammond,Jessie; Gourdie. Marjory; Irian, May: Kerr. Noel; I Lamb, Daisy; Ramsey, Helen; Travis, Irene. ! Fast Christchurch Allan, Russell: Brough, William: Carl, Delbridge; GoodI child. Robert; Grummitt, Leslie; 'Haigh, Norman; Hannah, John; Harris, Herbert: i Hicks. Vernon; Higgs. Lance; Kent, Keith; I Kent. Thomas; Kirk, Herbert; Lock. Reginald; Luinmis, Selwyn; Lye, George: McKay, John; Pickles, George; Pitt, Fred.: Ramsay, Thomas; Robinson, Cecil; Rossitcr, Norman: Smith, Trevor; Smith. Herbert; White, Cecil; Agassiz, Irene; Atkinson. Grace; Barrett, Deane: Brewins, Florence: Brightmorc, Thclma; Cooper, Grace; Kills, Mamie: Forward, Mildred; Eraser, Blaine; Gibbs, Marjorie: Hannan, Kathleen; Hea-d, Doris; Heard, Molly; Hollander, Pessy; ! Lock, Flsie; Mansfield. Ivy; McNab. Isabel; Morgan, Freda; Nixon, Margaret; Prebble. I Olive; Robertson, Ellen; Robinson, Hazel: | Scott. Gertrude; Schwebc, Minnie; ShepI heard. Mary: Stanton, Beta; Taylor, Edith; Thompson, Adeline; Welsh, Gladys; Woodward, Dorothy; Turnbull, Janet; Younger. 'Lottie. '| St. Michael's (Christchurch)—Basher, Os- ! mond; Blake, Harry; Bradford. Percy; 'Cloudesley, Alice; Hullett, Grace; Kermode, Beryl: Kissel, Oscar; Moore, Lesley; Robertson, Eric; Robertson. Norman; Sheppard, Clcvc; Shier, Ada; Trevurza, Eric; Y\amer, Lilla; Wicks, Fred; Young, Philip. West Christchurch D.H.—Anderson. Donald; Berry, Lawrence; Bush, Eric; Cook, Frank; Cross, Molyncaux; Davis, Edward; FiiuiH'l'SOl), Joseph; Fanner, Philip: Galiagan, Bert; Hepwoith, Allan; Huttoil, Edgar; Jackson, Orton; Johnston, John; 'Marsh, Sydney: Mortlock, Leslie; Mannings, Geoffrey; F'earee, Hugh; Bobbins, Bernard; Smith, Harold; Smith, Percy; Thomson,
Thomas; Warring, Perry; Willett, William; Blundell, Nellie; Evans, Gwyncth; Graham, Milly; Hay, Irene; Hay, Ruby; Hales, Corie; Hepburn, Thehna; Hulbert, Mavis; Inkstcr, Edith; Parsons. Edith; Ricdle, Albcrtine: Ritchie. May; Smith, Barbara; Smith, Lilian; Turton, Olive; Woodward, Alice; Brown, William; Crajthorne, Lealand; Thomson. Keith. Somerfield— Bearne. Fred; Burrell. Percy; Graham, Lawrence; Jofilln, Percy; Munday, Stanley; Neville, Jack; Waddcll, Andrew: 'Wcndelken, Leslie; Cross, Zilpha; Davison, Vera: Elisor, Hilda; Field, Elizabeth) Farrow. May; Ferguson. Eileen; Hawkins. Marguerite; Hitchen. Francis M.; McKinlay, Ina: Munday, Doris: Silvester, Doreen, Smart. Hazel; Webster. Meri. Cashmere—•Carrick. Jessie; Goddard, Eileen; Pryce, Thehna; Varyhan. Eileen; Martin, Charles; Rowntree. Leicester. Wilson. Herbert.
Beckenham—Carlisle, Ivo: Gallagher. Jack; Gee, Alfred; Granger. Frank; Hollis, James; Moody. Herbert: O'Brien, Frank: Wilkins, Eric; Wilson. William; Dillon, Ticthella; Lockwood, Gwen; Palmer, Mildred: Talbot, Ursula. Richmond—BallantineJlelen : Bates, Olive; Bell. Florence; Buckclt. Margaret; Blcwelt, (oace; Cameron. Edna; Grubb, Florence; Gullick, Muriel; Miller, Muriel; Muschamp, Doris; Ncave, Phyllis: Pant tell. Shona; Penlington, Isabel; Pruden, Thelma; Pyne, Kathleen; Boss, Ada; Stewart, Gladys; Sillies, Muriel: Suckling, Marjorie; Watts, Violet; Abbott, Hanby; Abbott, Roy; Bermingham, Alexander: Brown, Hector; Clarke, Erl; Cooke. Leslie; Dalton, Allan; Falloon, Clarence; Gallaher, Harold; Lewis, Arnold; Milne. George; Pirie, Eric; Pillinger, Edgar; Pyne, Beynham; Sage. Oliver; Suckling. Ralph; Stephenson, Lawrence; Walsh, Ernest; Young, Hector. Waltham—Atkinson, Lester B.; Barnes, James G. i Browne, Cecil C.: Brunsden. Ronald H.; Cooper, Charles F.; 'Cotter, Gordon C.; Donaldson, Hv. P.; Fowke, Harold W.; Hall, Alfred G".; Harris, Norman; Hay, Thomas 0.; Heslip, Albert \V.: Hickman, Wilfred J.; Howarth, Arthur; Jackson, Malcolm N.; Kent, Arthur T.; Leatham, Maurice P.; Lilley, Frank I.; Lorimer, John D. L.; McKay, Alan N.; Moorhouse, Albert F.; Morriss. Marshall; Morrison, Norman E.; Schumacher, Albert C; Smith, C. A. Arthur; Smith, Clifford A.: Smith, Huia B. W.; Towart, George R.; Tull, William: Grcnfcll, Muriel R.: Halmshaw, Eileen F.; Jackson, Elizabeth F.: Johnson, Beatrice M. C.; Porter. Daphne M.; Baine, Gladys; Roberts, Winifred I.; Smith, Alma M.; Snecsby, Marjorie B.: Stuck, Zcalandia V.; Tibbs, Marjorie I.: Thompson. Irene E.; Vivian, Annie L. Linwood—Bampton, Lcath Helen; Barnes. Eileen O.; Cairns, Ida M.; Cookson, Lilian; Cornwcll, Daisy; Dawson, Myrtle A.; Hiron. Gladys M.; Jeiikin, Dorothy E.; King, Melba; Kinvig, Alexandra D.; Miller, Doris M.; Newton, Hilary M.; Orchard, Stella M.; Partridge, Winifred M.; Schumacher, Mary R.; Strange, Muriel O.; Sutton, Evelyn; Thome, Emily; Watson, Myrtle: Winifred M.; Booth, Frank L.; Carson, Stanley W.; Carter, Ernest G.: Donald, Gordon T.; Earl, Arthur Bichard: Ellis, George S.; Hoddinott, Leonard B.: Hoddinott, Norman C.: Jenkins, Cyril S.: Hopkins, Geoffrey; Hutch ins, Alan B.: Jones, Percy E.; Kecch, Charles W.; Kinge, Huia B.; Large, Fergus W.; Logic, Fred.; Matthews, William R.; Pitcaithly, William A.; Rickard, Lawr<mcc G.; Sim, Alan C; Thiele, Eric E.; Whitehead, Philips S. : Wilbrahan, Sidney L. New Brighton—Baker, Ivan; Mitchell, Hugh; Pritchett, Keith; Whittly, Arthur; Edmonds, Bita; Glasson, Kathleen; Gordon, Phyllis; Harding, Dorothy; Hooker, Eileen; Ives, Nellie; March, Maisie; Marriott, Gladys; Tilleyshort, Emily; Price, Dorothy. Spreydon— Grant, Charles; Harbison, Robert H.; Jowett, Roydcn A.; *Loveday, Lionel R.; 'Roberts, William S.; *Schlup, Herman E. J.; Smith, John 0.; *Streeter. John B.; Suttic, James: Baker, Irene E.; Barlass, Annie; Bloor, Vera E.; Campbell. Catherine W.; Marshall, Doris M.J Mer : rett, Mabel G.; Moore, Dorothea A. M.: Thornton, Phyllis. Biccarton —Cox, Victor; 'Carleton, Sydney; Carleton, Reginald; Exton, Leslie: Fletcher, Clarence; Franks, Leslie; Newnham, John; Richards, Arthur; *Wilson, Arnold; Austin, Sylvia; Bowes, Vera; Gawlcr, Annie; Mnniford, May; 'Stewart, Isabel; Taggart, Jean; Taggart, Isabel; Wright, Sylvia. Fendalton —'Bearpark, Samuel; Boyds, Arthur; McCrostie, Douglas; Bayliss, Olive; Burns, Grace; Brocklehurst, Joyce; Davies, Margaret; Everest, Caroline; Greer, Mavis: Hollobon, Myrtle; Stevenson, Edith. Heathcote Valley—Clarke, Archibald P.; Hedgman, Charles E.; McDowell, Alex. M.j Bloom, Lily E. E.; Cameron, Myrtle D.: Gibbons, Frances M.; King, Edna F.; Smith'. Dorothy A. Lyttelton West—Dalley. Leslie: Coleman, Fred; Henderson, Arthur: Pitcaithly, Alan; Plunket, Jack; Page, Fred; Perry, Walter; Fletcher, Jean; Gower, Violet; Huston, Evelyn; May, Bona; Miller, Merle; Parker, Etlie; Quartermain, Linda; Sneddon, Edith; Whitford, Eileen. Addington—Anderson, Muriel; Barber, Agnes; Beecroft, Ada; Bodgcr, Ethel; Booth, Gwen; Brewer, Nellie; Cook, Iris; Coventry', Elsie; Devereux, Ida; Gray, Myrtle; Hayward, Edna; King, Dwyllis; Manson, Esther; Osborne, Eleanor; Rose, PearJ; Saunders, Gladys; Saycrs, Gladys; Turnpenny, Elsie; Williamson, Elsie; Willis, May; Penny, Edna; Branthwaitc, Gordon, Butcher, Harold; Edward, Alfred; Glahville, Frank; Gibson, David; Halm, Victor; Hearfield, John; Herrick, Hector; Hore, Bert; Hoskin, Gordon; McCuffrcy, Arthur; McCormick, Clarence; Nicholls, Frank; Oliver, Philip; Oliver, Richard; O'Neil, Hugh; Smith, George; Smith, William; Williamson, Alfred; Wisker, Frank.
Normal D.H.—Baker, Walter; Balkind, Israel; Barnes, Reuben; Cook, James; Craighead, Eric; Clarke, Edwin; Floyd, Ross; Gill, Harold; Gordon, Thomas; Hamilton, Hector; Harris, Victor; Hasscl, Percy; Jacobs, Arthur; Liddiard, Frank; Mills, Murray; Moffat, William: Parr, Graham; •Oliver, Eric; Osmond, Alfred; Shelton, Harold; Wooff, Wilfred; Wilson, Charles; Bradley, Trixie; Drayton, Myrtle; Faville, Hazel; Grimmer, Helen; Grimmer, Mabel; Gosden, Avis; Hill, Irene; Loader, Iris; Lewis, Janet; Nevin, Lily; Peters, Cora; Hawson. Lily; Walter, Ngaio; 'Wood, Miriam; Whitehead, Vcrna; Wilson, Brenda; Pearson, Joseph; Gillespie, Winifred; Metcalf, Agnes; Neilson, Delcie; Pearson, Hope; Wilson, Douglas; McGee, Charles. St. Albans —Bedwell, Albert; Burgess, Ernest; Brosnan, John; Cardinal, Harry; Chappie, Maurice; Dinl, Mathew; Dixie, Leslie; Ford, Roy; Green, John; Griffith, Theodore; Hall. James; Hamilton, Maurice; Harris, Leslie; Hobbs, Leonard; Kellaway, Jack; Moss, David; Noonan, Roy; Norrie, Richard; Stafford, William; Thurkettle. Kceble; Woodward, Stephen: Bashn, Evelyn; Bowen, Mavis; Carter, Marjorie; Cox, Madge; Daly, Edna; Davidson, Eset; Edwards. Amelia; Hanson, Gwendoline; Jackman, Ethne; Joll, Grace; Laine, Doris; Marshall, Eleanor; Meadows, Emma; Moody, Gladys; Money, Eva; Maxwell, Edith; Purse, Mere!; Quartermain, Violet; Suite, Mary; Seymour, Jessie; Suckling, Verna; Taylor, Elsie; Trenherth, May. Nole— * Denotes endorsed competency certificate.
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Sun (Christchurch), Volume IV, Issue 1232, 23 January 1918, Page 6
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3,057PROFICIENCY. Sun (Christchurch), Volume IV, Issue 1232, 23 January 1918, Page 6
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