BABY'S BODY FOUND. CONCEALED IN A CEMETERY. The body of an infant, in an advanced state of decomposition, was discovered last evening under a pine bush by some City Council workmen engaged in clearing up the old Wesleyan Cemetery at Barbadocs Street. A man named Frederick Hobbs was working near the bush, when he came across the remains of the infant, which were wrapped in paper. The body had apparently lain there some six or seven months, having been reduced practically to a skeleton. Mr A. I). Dobson, city surveyor, was communicated with, and this morning he reported the matter to the police. An inquest will be held.
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Sun (Christchurch), Volume III, Issue 918, 19 January 1917, Page 5
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Sun (Christchurch), Volume III, Issue 918, 19 January 1917, Page 5
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