ST. ALBANS CIRCUIT. The quarterly meeting of the St. Albans Circuit took place last evening at the Edgeware Road Church. The Rev. A. C. Lawry presided, and there were 27 representatives present. Prior to formal business being transacted the following resolutions were adopted, those present standing :
Mr C. E. Salter moved and Mr C. F. Edgar seconded: "That this meeting desires to express its deep sympathy with the family of the late Mr Henry A'Court in their great sorrow, and prays that the consolation which cometh from above may be their portion. The meeting further desires to place on record its appreciation of the services rendered by Mr A'Court to the church. For many years he was choir leader, assistant superintendent and secretary of the Sunday school, and also filled the office of trustee. He was of a retiring disposition and would not consent to fdl any office which was likely to bring him into prominence. He faithfully discharged all the duties which devolved upon him and he has left us an example which we may well follow."
Tucker also moved and Mr W. Smipson seconded: "That Mr S. Brain, one of the Circuit stewards, having passed away during the past quarter this meeting express its deep sympathy with Mrs Brain and her son in their great sorrow. Mr Brain had for some years occupied the position of society ami circuit steward and his work was faithfully and cheerfully done, and his death is a distinct loss to the church. The meeting prays that his widow and son may he sustained in their sudden and sad bereavement."
Circuit membership was reported as numbering 33. The balance-sheet indicated a revenue of £l°o 2/2, and disbursements, including a deficit carried forward, amounted to £2. r )l 11/10. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the anonymous donor through whose liberality ii was made possible to secure the services of Sister Constance as deaconness to assist the president in his pastoral duties.
II was reported thai the sum of £IOO had been raised during the year for noma and foreign mission purposes. Messrs C. E. Salter and C. F. Edgar were elected circuit stewards. Miss 0. Philpott and Messrs W. H. Walker, IT. Lane, and A. I). Hassay were appointed as missionary treasurers; conference delegates, Mr G. R. Webb, Mrs J. E. Woodliam; substitutes, Sister Constance, Mr V. M. Brown. Motions were passed in appreciation of the services of the retiring circuit steward, Mr R. A. Tucker, and regretting the illness of Mr W. 11. Walker. Tuesday, April 17, was fixed for the next meeting of the Quarter Board.
Sun (Christchurch), Volume III, Issue 918, 19 January 1917, Page 5
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