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SYDENHAM PICTURES. One of the best of Keystone comedies, *<The Rounders," continues to be received to the accompaniment of unrestrained laughter. The study is ably supported by' several films varied in their interest, which go to make up a programme of general excellence" which -will be presented finally to-night. COLOSSEUM. '"The Rounders," one of the best of the Keystone Company's many excellent comedies, was again screened before a large audience last evening. There .are/ many splendid supporting "studies, notably one showing recruiting amongst the Moslems. The programme will be-presented finally this evening. ' *. ■ 1 HIS MAJESTY'S. *' The. Battle of. the Sexqs,'' the dramatic story which,has in it something of the problem play, has been attracting considerable attention. Capable acting and splendid photography, by
means of which is set forth a story of sociological interest, combine to make up a study of more than ordinary worth. This film, together with a number of worthy supporting subjects, will be shown for the last time this evening. OFERA~HOUSE. To-night the followers of vaudeville entertainment are given the final opportunity of seeing the current programme, as to-night's entertainment brings the' present season to a close. The programme is one of ; general excellence, and should not be liiissed. GLOBE THEATRE. The detective drama, " A'Fight for a Fortune,'' continues to find favour with large'audiences - . ■ Its many exciting episodes are followed with keen interest. "A Bathing Beauty," Keystone comedy, is an exceedingly popular supporting subject, and the programme generally is of a high standard of excellence. It will be presented finally this evening. EVERYBODY'S THEATRE. ' * Everybody's Theatre,'' the hand: some and cosy picture palace which has
just been completed in Cathedral Square will be officially opened by the Mayor (Mr H. Holland) at 2.30 p.m. on Monday. The handsome exterior is an indication of the pleasant and comfort "within, and the management have spared no pains to make the building as nearly perfect for the patron as could be. The central and convenient situation of the place will ensure a large amount of public patronage, arid the"splendid exclusive programmes that have been arranged for will result, beyond doubt, in that regular attendance of large audiences that really good shows always draw. " Warfare in the Skies" will be one Of the leading pictures in the initial programme, and there will be many other equally appropriate films giving sidelights upon the titanic struggle that is now agitating the whole of Europe. " With the Belgians in Action" and "New Zealand's Third Expeditionary Force" will be among the more particularly interesting of the other lilms screened. "Everybody's Theatre" is designed for the entertainment of everybody, and everybody will be welcomed and made comfortable, and everybody will be catered for.
' * THE COURT CARDS.'' Tuesday evening at the Theatre Royal will produce the first deal of the strongest hand of '' amusement trumps'' yet given to a local audience. The '' Court Cards,'' with their bright andunique entertainments, have for the past two years been making ' i a grand slam'' wherever they have appeared, and, judging from the booking office, another Mslam" will be added to the list by the Christehnrch season. All of the cards provided by Mr Warwick are excellent ;trumps, despite their varied "suits,'* ! and, as played by that skilful gamester, |Mr Sydney Manucring, they capture trick after trick through the whole evening's performance. Going " solo' 'in an astounding variety of ways the Cards invariably score, but are even more successful when declaring "abundance" i for it is particularly in the freshness! and originality of their ensembles, quar-! tet and elaborate scenas that this j company establishes quite a new standard of entertainment. Christchureli i theatre-goers will be glad to again wel- \ come Miss Maud Fane, Messrs Edgar ■: Warwick, and Sydney Mannering, who were here with the original "Scarlet Troubadours," but they will also discover in the newcomers, Misses Ma.udo. and Mitchell, and Messrs Graystone, Titchenor, / and Keats, artists, much \ above the calibre that recent costume comedy companies have accustomed the public to. Tuesday's opening deal of the curiously costumed "Cards" should see their gaming house, the Theatre Royal, packed to the doors. The box plan is filling at the Bristol, and will be available at the Toy Cave this afternoon and evening. Day sales of early doors and ordinary tickets are made at the Toy Cave and Miss Kobler's.
j MINA CALDOW. I The opening of tlie box plan for the iMina Caldow concerts at the Bristol on Thursday gave evidence of the interest | taken in this popular singer, and the | concert at the Choral Hall on Monday I promises to be an event of marked imi portance. This is what the Palnierston 'North "Times" says of the favourite I contralto:—"Miss Caldow has justified her hard work at Home. Her Voice, a powerful contralto, is beautifully trainjed. Her production is faultless, and the vocal vibration is without a /law in all registers. She has her voice under perfect control and is thus able to interpret her songs as only the most accomplished artist can interpret. Those who intend being present on Monday evening should visit, the Bristol and reserve their seats. During Miss Caldow's sojourn in the Old Land she appeared in Loudon at the Royal Albert Ilall, Queen's Hall, Crystal Palace, Palladium, Sunday Concerts, Steinway Hall, etc., and also throughout England, Scotland, and Ireland. The full programme appears in to-day's issue. Three shilling tickets are now obtainable at the box office. The doors will open on Monday night at 7J 5, the concert commence at 8, and conclude at ]O. \
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Sun (Christchurch), Volume I, Issue 306, 30 January 1915, Page 13
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922THE THEATRES. Sun (Christchurch), Volume I, Issue 306, 30 January 1915, Page 13
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THE THEATRES. Sun (Christchurch), Volume I, Issue 306, 30 January 1915, Page 13
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This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Christchurch City Libraries.