I OPENS ON MONDAY. iJ The new picture theatre, Everybody's, ! the opening of which everyone has been j expecting for the past mouth, is to j take place at 2.30 p.m. next Monday, the ceremony being performed by his Worship the Mayor. The interior of the building is even better than its exterior. There is a wide foyer leading to the main entrance, providing plenty of shelter, and this entrance hall is nnelv decorated in what may be called "Modern Greek" style. The interior is equally well designed, andthe ceiling is particularly well modelled in fibrous plaster. One unique idea is the method of lighting the auditorium, Avhich is done by means of reflected lightr- The lamps are reflected up to the white ceiling, and from thence spread throughout the building in dif- | fused light. As far as the seating is concerned, there is nothing more luxurious in any picture theatre in New Zealand, the seats being all of the "tipup '' pattern, upholstered in red plush. The auditorium seats 1040 people, about 420 being accommodated upstairs. The gallery is reached by-flights of stairs leading from each side of the main hall on the ground floor, and as a landing to these stairs there is a commodious lounge looking over the Square. The big gallery is arranged with a steepangled slope, which gives every scat an 'unimpeded view of the'large 27-foot: screen at the"end of the auditorium.: There is ample ventilation allowed for, there being nine circular windows..-in the upper part of one wall, besides Ventilation in the roof and walls. The building is practically fireproof, but it has the other safeguards of waterhydrants fitted in different corners, and two emergency exits leading into Chaneery Lane. In winter the building will be warmed with steam radiators, so that • it can be seen that every consideration has been given to the comfort of patrons. After Monday, Everybody's 'Picture Theatre will be open continuously from noon each day until 10.30 pan., and an orchestra, under the baton of Mr Albert Bidgood, will Jt>e in attendance from 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 and from 7.15 p.m. until closing time.* With all these attractions, and, with the added advantage of one of the latest projecting machines, Everybody's should be a most popular place of amusement.
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Sun (Christchurch), Volume I, Issue 303, 27 January 1915, Page 9
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Sun (Christchurch), Volume I, Issue 303, 27 January 1915, Page 9
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