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TERRIFIED INHABITANTS SHOT. WHOLE STREETS ON FIRE. OSTEND, September 1. Eye-witnesses state that the natives of Vise who escaped the shooting are now forced to build a road, connecting Vise-with Aix-la-Chapelle. The Germans are still burning whole streets of Liege, on the slightest i>rovocation. The Germans recently shot the terrified inhabitants of three burning streets, killing fifteen. In one case a boy of seven was shot because he

pointed a toy gun at German soldiers. Incidents frequently arise out of drunken Germans firing their rifles and then accusing the inhabitants of doing so. Then burning and murdering commences.

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Bibliographic details

Sun (Christchurch), Volume I, Issue 178, 2 September 1914, Page 7

Word Count

GERMANS BURNING LIEGE. Sun (Christchurch), Volume I, Issue 178, 2 September 1914, Page 7

GERMANS BURNING LIEGE. Sun (Christchurch), Volume I, Issue 178, 2 September 1914, Page 7


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