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A. & J. COOKSON. A CHEAP SPEEYDON PEOPEETY„ J3MALL DEPOSIT. BALANCE AS RENT; £575 NEARLY NEW HOUSE, 5 Rooms; •' plastered and papered; gas fittings; •< verandah; every possible cohveni-' ence"; half-acre of Land; nicely laid out in lawn, garden, and • orchard. PENDALTON. £9OO NEW BUNGALOW, 6 Large Room*; wide hall; gas and fittings; tiled ; hearths and. grates; wardrobes and all modern conveniences. Section' 30 perches, nicely laid out. ' c T E R MS.: CHEAP NEW BRIGHTON PROPERTIES. : DRAKE STREET—Cottage, 3 Booms, fus» nished; £l6O. ' V OSBORNE TERRACE—-Four Rooms j, coifc. ' veniences; furnished; £36o'. , '! KEPPLE' STREET—Five Rooms,•' £350. ' PAGE'S ROAD —Three Rooms; £22&_ ' : ' JERVOIS STREET—Over; j-Acre; £SO; LONSDALE STREET—3-16 Acre; £l5O. NELSON STREET—J-Acre; £l3O. - BOWHILL ROAD, Close to Be&cU—j-Acr«J £9O. ... .._■-.., ■ ; ESPLANADE—I-Acre-, £IBO. Near Pie&r SWANN STREET—i-acre; £50. : ...A..'* j. cookson; CIVIC CHAMBERS, MANCHESTER, STREE?. BUSINESS NOTICES. TJERBAL TREATMENT '. QF ':■ DISEASE. iv , - The organised opposition of the medical,., fraternity to the qualified and capable Herbalist is assuredly the best Testimonial that ' can' be given him.- : In all parts of the' civi* Used world the treatment )ofdis«ase IS'y '-He**'-"-bal Methods is rapidly, on, the increase. '.' .'.; I guarantee tcf Cure accept your; -case*. •» <lf-£o' my'*'op 1 raidn ,J yifpt"' case is hopeless, I shall not hesita.e to.sayU so. I invite you to consult me at demand to see the^thou'Saiias : "df Testimonials in my possession iron* all shades of society throughout the JDominioti,ra , nd thienideJcSriefefo* , yourself as to;whether I ; am pjasitiwfct. to secure the s,ani,e., fpl-., y ° U '-' .'... ? .i. : ' ,!!.:■<;'-«■ '.'.yaASTHMA, BRONqHLAIi ASTHMA, RHEUMATICS, GOUjT, SCIATICA,.. .LIVER AND STOMACH TRO«JBLESL v SKIN DISEASES, VARICOSE VEINS,. • ULCERS, GOITRE,, an* NEKVB - TROUBLES SCIENTIFICALLY TREATED. I am at present treating Patients in New South Wales, Melbourne, Durban, Moat* Video,-Belfast (Ireland), Cardiff (Wales), Nairn (Scotland), Bradford, and Leeds (England). Consultation is Free. Hours: 10 ajm. to . 7.30 p.m. . Closed Saturday from 1 p.m. to 10 a.m. on Monday. PROFESSOR F. W. WEBB, MEDICAL HERBALIST, 787 COLOMBO STREET NORTH, CHRISTCHURCH. .148

"Where are you going, my pretty maid?** "For Raven Tea,kind sir," she said. FREE Sample of "RAVEN" TEA. If your grocer 1 is riot 6ffer> ing YOIJ Raven Tea, he is not fair to you nor to hirnsdf.. ; Just sit down and teU us hirf ! name, mention the price of Tea you are now. using, and let us send you FREE a 2oz. Sample of a far better Tea at the same price. Then we will see you are supplied regularly if desired. ... ROYDS BROS. & KlftK LTD., CHRISTCHURCH. PICTURE FRAMING GIBBS'S PICTURE FBASONQ EBTABLISHMEIIT, 105: CASH&L STREET ' . . (Opposite .Ballantyne's)a ; , r" and Moderate Price*. "■'-""■■ Ring up 1569, and we shall bepleased to send for "your TMcturias.

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Sun (Christchurch), Volume I, Issue 118, 24 June 1914, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 4 Sun (Christchurch), Volume I, Issue 118, 24 June 1914, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 4 Sun (Christchurch), Volume I, Issue 118, 24 June 1914, Page 11


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