RECORD ENTRIES. The annual •winter show of the Northern Agricultural and Pastoral Association commenced this morning in the Drill Hall, Eangiora. The associationwas fortunate in securing excellent entries for the show this year, though the inclement weather experienced during the past few days has seriously militated against the show to a certain extent, as the flower and fruit sections would have been very much better had the elements been more kindly. Nevertheless the exhibits generally were j quite up to the usual standard, which ! is saying a good deal. Glancing over the catalogue, one can- ! not help thinking that the individual i number of exhibitors might have been larger, though possibly the quality of the farm and garden produce could hardly have been excelled, and the dis-j play made was representative of what the district can do in the production of grain and roots. When it conies to exhibiting growers do ,not, as a rule, exhibit very much desire to compete. Either it is too much trouble or is not worth while. If every farmer made a point of sending along even a very few entries, and what farmer worthy of the name cannot excel in one or two lines, then the Show would be vastly . im-. proved and made to advertise the-dis-trict. Just as much as the average! farmer recqgnises it as "a fair thing to pay an annual subscription to the local A. and P. Association, so he should make a of being represented in i the'catalogue of exhibits. , In the schedule the ladies are well catered for and the display of cookery was certainly an appetising one, though the open classes might have been better filled. Competition was better in the amateur classes and the quality was quite up to the standard in the open classes. Why - there should have been such a falling off in the entries in this division- —from 141 to 44 —is difficult to understand. The fruit section was one of the best in the show though the names of many of the ; biggest growers Sin the district were conspicuous by their absence. Competition was good l in the apples classes especially, and the display made was highly creditable. The preserves helped to make up a very good section. Rather a novelty was a bottle of gooseberries that were put down twenty-six years ago. This exhibit, for exhibition only, was made by Mrs F. A. Hills, and looked as though a very edible pie might be ma'de from the ancient yet. ' One of the most keenly contested sections was the school work division. Here entries ran to close on, thirty in some of the classes and the judge's tasks were not enviable ones. In the art and fancy-work division the shqjv was very strong indeed, some excellent specimens of photographic work being included. The needlework classes were keenly contested and the standard wate as high as in the cookery section.
Though the weather has been very much against cut flowers of late, the display was well up to. the usual and the pot plants were better than usual. The entries in this section showed almost a fifty per cent increase upon last year's figures. Farm roots provided one of the strongest features of the show. Numerically the. entry was about the same and the turnips and mangels were quite equal to, the big metropolitan exhibits. The Garden truck made, a splendid display. Judges spoke in complimentary tones of the grain, exhibit. The details- of the entries were as follow: — ' 1
The judges were as follow: —Cookery, Mr J. Sansom, Rangiora; dairy produce, Mr F. Gowan; honey and bee exhibits, Mr A.* Ireland, Brookside;-fruit and preserves, Messrs F. Sisson, Papanui, and- W. J. Courtier (Government Orchard Instructor); schools' and "art exhibits, Miss E. G. Freeman, Chjistcliurch; fancy work, etc., Miss Percy, Christchurch; woodwork, Mr W. Efford, jun., Rangiora; flowers and garden produce,. Mr. W. Jones, Exeter Nurseries, Papanui; farm roots, Mr W. B. Andrew, jun., Christchurch; grain, seeds, etc., Mr W. M. Shand, Christchurch. ' The following is, the prize list, the number of entries "in each class beinggiven in parentheses:— HOME INDUSTRIES. Loaf white bread (1): Mrs V. Oldman 1. Loaf brown bread (1) : Mrs V. Oldman 1. Six plain scones (3) : Mrs J. Anderson 1, Mrs Cissie Scliluter 1 and 2. Six fancy scones (1) : Miss Cissie Scliluter 1. Six girdle scones (1) : Miss L. Smith 1. . Pldte of •pikelets (1) : Miss L. Smith 1. Oatmeal cakes (1) : Mrs J. Duncan 1. (3) : Miss L. Smith 1, Mrs J. Anderson 2, Miss S. Busch 3. Sponge sandwich (5) : Miss M. Anderson 1 and 2, Miss J. E. Young 3, Mrs J. Anderson li.c. Sponke ,Cake (1) : Miss M. Anderson 1. Seed cake (3): Miss J. E. Young 1, Miss Cissie Scliluter 2. Madeira cako (1) : Miss M. Scliluter. Gingerbread cake (1): Miss L. Smith 1. Fruit cake (4) : Miss J. E. Young 1, Miss S. Busch 2, Miss Cissie Schluter 3. Collection of pastry (2) : Mrs <T. Anderson 1 and 2. Plum pudding (1) : Miss L. Smith 1. Two pounds separator butter (5): Mrs J. Fleming 1, Mrs W. F. Pannett 1 and 2. 21b gutter, non-separator (6) : Miss J. Croft ,1 and 2, Mrs Robert Smith 3. 31b salt butter (1) : Mrs W. F. Pannett 1. Fancy butter (2) : Mrs W. F. Pannett 1, Mrs J. Fleming 2. Pair of ducks (1) : Master J. Lawson Amateurs' Only.
Loaf white bread (3) : Mrs Burrows 1, Miss 'M'Mullan 2. Plain scones (5): Mrs James Thompson 1, Miss E. Y. Baker 2, Miss Cissie Schluter 3. Brown scones (1) : Miss E. Y. Baker 1. Fancy scones (1) : Miss Cissie Schluter 1. Girdle scones (2) : Miss M'Mullan 1, Mrs-, Burrows 2. Pikelets (3): Miss M'Mullan 1, Miss G., Smith 2, Miss Cissie Schluter 3. Scotch shortbread (3) : Miss M'Mullan 1, Mrs Burrows 2. Sponge sandwich (.5) : Mrs J. M'Kenzie 1, Mrs D. Kennedy 2, Miss Myrtle 3, Miss G. Smith li.c. Sponge cake (1): Miss M'Mill.in 1. Seed cake (8) : Mrs J. L. Blake 1, Miss M'Mullan 2, Mrs .James Brady 3, Mrs J. M'Kenzie h.c. .Madeira cake (4) : Miss Cissie Schluter 1, Miss M'Mullan 2. Mrs James Brady 3. Gingerbread cake (2) : Miss M. Anderson 'l, Mrs James Brady 2. Fruit cake (3) : Miss Cissie Schluter 1, Miss M'Mullan 2. Collection of fancy cakes (1) : Miss Cissie Schluter 1. of pastry (2) : Miss M'Mullan 1, Mrs Burrows 2. Collection of biscuits (1) : Miss C. Schluter 1. Plum pudding (1): Miss E. Baker 1. FRUIT AND PRESERVES. Collection of apples (2) : No award. Six dessert apples (G) : Miss J. Groft 1, T. Leech 2, Mrs Lewis Wilson 3. Six keeping apples (3): F. Horrcll 1, T. Leech 2. Six cooking apples (1): C. W. Bell 1. Six Sturmer apples (4): F. Horrell 1, Miss Kate Johnston 2. Six Cox's orange pippin apples (2) : No award. Six Peasgood's Nonsuch apples (1) : Mrs L. Wilson 1. Collection dessert apples (1) : No award. Four heaviest apples (1): Mrs F. A. Hills 1. Collection of fruit (1): Miss Stapleforth 1. Six dessert pears
(3): No award. Six keeping pears (2): F. Horrell 1, Miss O'Meara 2. Collection of pears (2) : No award. Six quinces (1) : Miss Esther Johnson 1. Collection of jams (1): Mrs R. M'lntosh 1. Home-made jellies (1): Mrs J. Duftcan. 1. Collection of pickles (1): Mrs J. Fleming 1. Home-made wine (1): Mrs A. Cooper I'. Honey, extracted liquid (3) : Domett Apiary 1, W. Heney 2. Honey, extracted granulated (4) : W. Heney 1. Honey, sections (4) : Domett Apiary 1, Mrs V. Pulley 2. Honey, full frame (1): Domett Apiary 1. Beeswax (1) : Mrs J. Duncan 1. SCHOOL WORK. Secondary Schools. —Set of geometrical constructions (8): C. King 1, M. Cresswell 2. C. Alexander 3. Six drawings of native piants (22): C. King 1, J. Paine 2, E. Sinclair 3, L. Breach v.h.c. .Map of South Island (27): L. Breach 1, S. Thompson 1 2, J. Paine 3, H. Miller vUi.c., W. Fleming c. Technical Schools. —Sponge sandwich (1)-: Jean Cresswell 1. Plain scones (6) : Alice Thompson 1 and 2, Molly Scott 3, "Kate Johnston h.c. Date scones (4) : 1 and 2, Molly Scott' 3. Alice . Thompson 1 and 2, Molly Scott- 3. Girls, under 16.. —Sponge sandwich (6) : Grace M'lntosh 1, Rita M'Gruer 2; Dulcie flenry 3. Plain scones (6) : Grace M'lntosh 1, Molly Scott 2, Rita M'Gruer 3. Date scones "(3) : Grace M'lntosh 1, Molly Scott 2. Model* Milking stool (4): R. t Clark 1,- C. Attawell 2. Model farm gate , (23) : C. Fandall 1, 'L. Hills 2, R. Wiltshire 3. Exhibit of woodwork (2): ,B. Frizzell 1, T. H. Blain . 2. Best collection of weeds (31): M. Gulliver 1, Jack Scott 2, S. Johnston 3, E. Sinclair v.h.c. Primary Schools. —Specimen of handwriting (23) : Dulcie Henry 1, Alice Thompson 2, Winifred Jordan 3. Map of North Island (s)': Robert Wiltshire 1, Alice Thompson 2,- Jeaii" M'Kenzie 3. ART AND FANCYWORK.
Landscape study, colours (3) ;„Miss Breacli ,1. Photograph, figure (4) : C. B. Wilson 1 and 2. Photograph, landscape: G. B. Wilson 1. Table centre, needlework (4) : Miss L. Coates 1, Miss G. M. Hammond 2, Miss Eva Kelland c. Doily (7) :' Mrs- Lewis Wilson 1, Miss Ethel Rutherford ,2, Miss R. Horrell h.c., Mrs D&lziel v.h.c. Tea cosy (1) : Miss Mona Forbes 1. Drawn-thread work <1) : Miss L. Coates 2. Embroidery (4) : Mrs CI Anderson 1, Mrs Lewis Wilson 2, Miss G. Smith h.c. Mountmellick work (4) : Miss Lyford 1, Miss J. Priest 2, Miss J. Dalziel c. Pillowshams (3) : Miss J. Priest 1, Miss T." Compton h.c., Miss J. Kerr c. Knitting, white " (6): Mrs Hessell 1 and 2, Mrs D. Graham "v.h.c., Mrs Hessell h.c., Mrs Lewis Wilson c. Stencilling: Miss Mona Forbes 1. Cushion (5): Miss Nellie Kelland 1, Miss; Lyford 2, Miss May Taylor v.h.c., Miss L. Coates c. Applique (6):' Miss, R; Anderson 1, Miss Mona Forbes 2, Miss W. Anderson v.h.c.,Miss B. Hammond h.c., Miss Jennings c. Coloured fancywork (2): Miss J. Kerr 1. Wood-carving, relief (1) : Mrs T. R. Cresswell 2 and h.c. r ' HORTICULTURAL. . Bridal bouquet (1) : Mrs Milner J l. Ball-room-bouquet (1) : Mrs Milner 1. ; Buttonhole (6): Miss A. Bristow X, Miss R. Horrell 2, Mrs J. O. Josling 3.. Lady's spray: Mrs J. 0. Josling 1, iirs, Miiner 2. Vase of flowers (3)Mrs Milner 1, Mrs J. O. Josling 2, Miss Horrell 3. Basket of flowers (1): Mrs Milner 1. Collection of. cut blooms (1): Mrs J. 0. Josling 1. Collection of autumn tints (3): Mrs Milner 1, Miss Horrell 2, Mrs J. 0. Josling 3. Fern (1) : Mrs J. 0. Josling 1. Foliage pot plants $6) : Mrs Milner 1, Mrs Jessie M'Kenzie 2, Miss Kerr 3. Decorated floral parasol (7) : Miss Gibbs Stanton 1, Miss Josling 2, Miss Edwards 3. GARDEN PRODUCE. s Beet (2) : F. Horrell 1, J. *L. Blake 2. Parsnips (4): F. Horrell 1, Mrs R. V.- Morgan 2. Carrots (5): F. . Horrell 1, J. L. Blake 2. Melon (2): C. W. Bell 1, J. L. Blake 2. Vegetable Marrow (2): H. Dicklioff 1, S.-A. Clark 2. Celery (1): M. Barrell 1. Leeks (3): M. Barrell 1, Mrs T. Croft, sen. 2. Onions, James Keeping (2): R. Borland 1, Geo., Sands 2. Onions, Brown Spanish (7): Mrs Lewis Wilson 1, 'N. F. Judkins; 2, R. Borland 3, W. E. Judkins li.c. Onions, Globe (1) : A. R. Borland. 1. Onions, Rocca (1): F. Horrell 2. Onions, six .heaviest (5) : W. E. Judkins 1, T. H. Blain 2, Mrs Lewis Wilson 3. Eschalots (4): V. 01dman_.l, F./ Horrell 2, J. E. Bums 3. Cabbage (2) : W. Heney, 1, F. Horrell 2. Savoy cabbage (1) : W. H. Leech 1. Heaviest cabbage (2): W. Heney 1, F. Horrell 2. Any other variety vegetable (3) : S. A. Clark 1, Rangiora High School 2, F. Horrell 3. Best collection garden vegetables (3): F. Horrell 1, J. E. Burns 2, Mrs T. Croft, sen. 3. "■ FARM PRODUCE. Table Purposes.—Potatoes, Up-to-Date (7): G. Baker 1, G. Baker 2. Potatoes, White Beauty of Hebron (2) : W. Stalker 1, Clark's Estate 2. Potatoes, Come to Stay (1-): W.
Hency. 1. Potatoes,. Early Rose (1): Mrs I. Thomson 1. Potatoes, 'Northern Star (2): .if. ■■ ; E. Burns 1, P. Horrell .2. Potatoes, Com- /i----monwealth Blues (2): J. E. Burns 1, ST. Leech 2. Potatoes, any other .variety (8): Mrs Robert Smith 1, Clark's Estate A. Cooper 3. Potatoes, collection '(3 X: ; Horrell 1.. • iJr.'Vri Seed Potatoes.—Up-to-Date (6) : G. Baker 1, G. Baker 2, W. Henejt 3. Come to Stay (2): W. Heney 1-, Mrs Isaac Thompson." 2. ■' Early Rose (1)": Mrs I. Thomson 1. North-, ern Star (2) : P. Horrell 1, J. E. Burns- 2; *•; Commonwealth Blues (1) : J. E. Burns 1". Any other" variety named (7): Mrs Robert 1; Smith 1, Clark's Estate 2, -A. Cooper S. Turnips!— Swede, any variety (8): W. H.' Le'eclr 1, J. E. Burns' 2. Aberdeen Green. Top (2): R. M'lntosh 1, W*. Stalker 2." Aberdeen Purple Top (2): K. "M'-Intosh 1: Imperial Green Globe (5): P. J. Dixon 1, . W. Stalker 2. Fosterton Hybrid* (l); R, M'lntosh 1. Lincolnshire Red (3): R. M'lu: tosh 1, P. Ji Dixon'2. Any other variety, white fleshed. (1): J. P. Croft 1. Three heaviest ■ turnips (1): C. C. Judge 1, Three heaviest swedes (1): W. Stalker 1.- - Mangolds.—Yellow Globe (10): W. Stalker 1, 11. Dickhoff 2, A. M. Carpenter 3. Long ' Red (8): W. Stewart i; "James Bunting 2, P. Horrell 3. Golden Tankard (5): W. Heney 1, P. Horrell 2.' Three heaviest Long Reds ■ - (2) : f W. Stalker 1, Baagiorn High School Three heaviest, any other 'variety (2): W. Stalker. 1, Rangiora HigkjLScliool 2. " * ' Carrots.—Red (3): W, H«ney 1, R. Peach 2« "\A hite (3) • A. Cooper 1, AV. Heney 2. 'Yellow (3): Rangiora High School 1, W. Heney 2. / GRAIN, SEEDS, ETC: Wheat.—Hunters' (3): Master L. Cham- ; bers 1, R. Marshall 2.,- Solid straw Tuscan (4) : R. Peach 1, R. M'lntosh 2, P. J. Dixon, 3. Pearl (1) ; .Tho'mas Wyllie 1. Anv other* variety, named (1)': Master L. Chambers i (Webb's Stand-up). . Oats: Panish (1) :-R. M'lntosh 1. Duns' (4y. R. Petrie 1, R. Marshall 2, R. M'lntosh 3. Algerians (1) : R. M'lntosh 1. GartonS (4) : Clark's Estate 1, R. Peach 2, F. J. Dixon 3. Any other variety (1)":< R. M'ln-f tosh. 1. • . " ■ Cape barley (1): F. J. Dixon 1. Peas.—Partridge (1): R. Peach 1. Imperialßliies .■(!),: J. E. Burns 1. White Ivory (1): R. Peach"l. . ' ■. v Sack oatsheaf-chaff (5): Clark's Estate 1 and "2, W. Scoon 3. t Grassseed. —Cocksfoot (1) :' R. Peach li - Cowgrabs. (1): R. Peach 1. Linseed (2) : R. M'lntosh 1, R. Peach 2. Collection farm All-round collection of farm, produce (1) • - R. M'lntosh 1.
/ - 1913 . 1914 Butter and preserves 76 ' . 59 Cookery ... 141 44 Technical School exhibits 64 178 Grain and Seeds 59 35 Farnf'roots .. . . 116 105 Garden produce and flowers Fancy work y ■ 77. 102 37 79 570602
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Sun (Christchurch), Volume I, Issue 69, 28 April 1914, Page 5
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2,498RANGIORA SHOW. Sun (Christchurch), Volume I, Issue 69, 28 April 1914, Page 5
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