Meteorological observations taken at the Magnetic Observatory, Christchurch, at 9.30 a.m. to-day:— Barometer, 29.672, steady. Maximum temperature during preceding 24 hours, 79.0. Minimum temperature during preceding 24 hours, 42.7. Air : temperature at'9.3o a.m. t 61.4. Humidity per cent., 61. Minimum thermometer during preceding 24 hours, 135. . Maximum temperature in sun during preceding 24 hours, 32.1. Wind, N.E., moderate. Cloud (0-10), 3. -i Rainfall during previous 24 hours,\ nil. \ Headings at Noon. Barometer, 29.646.' Air temperature, 60.8. Cloud (0.10); 7. Wind, N.E., moderate. WEATHER REPORTS. (Prom observations taken at 9 a.m.) Station. Wind. Bar. Ther. Wthr. Cape Maria'V.D.' SW 1 29.92 68 BC Russell, ....... E l 29.90 68 B Kaipara Sig Sto. . SSW f b 29.92 63 C Manukau Heads SW br 29.92 58 BC Auckland SW 1 29.87 65 C J East Cape ... NW 1 29 - 82 66 C Gisborne ..... W 1 .29.80 60 B Napier NW 1 29.81 61 B Cape Palliser. . Wf b 29.80 61 Z ■ „ „ . WNW 1 29.87. 63 BC CapeEgmont. . • -* NW I 29.83 63 BC VUnganui NNW 1 29.78 61 B Cape Campbell SW 1 29,57 57 ® Farewell Spit W b 29 " 75 61 ° Westport .... E 1 29 - 63 55 ° Groymouth ... El 29.60 59 O Bealey / Wf b 29.78 56 BC Christchurch . NE 1 29.80 54 B Timaru SI 29.61 58 BC Oamaru W 1 29.60 58 B Dunedin SW 1 29.56 53 BC Queenstown . . Calm 29. 56 BC •Nuggets ..... NW 1 29.51 54 C Bluff NW f b 29.54 54 OP Hanmer Springs Calm 29.62. .59 B Wind. — L., light; br, breeze, fb, fresh breeze; m g, moderate gale; -g, whole or heavy gale; w, gale of exceptional severity. Weather. —B, blue sky, be the. atmosphere clear of heavy; C, clouds, passing ciouds; D, drizzling rain; F, foggy; G, gloomy, dark weather; H, hail; L, "lightning; M, misty; .O, overcast, the whole, sky covered with thick clouds; P, passing showers; Q, squally; R, rain, continued rain; S, snow; T, thunder; U, ugly, threatening appearance; Z, hazy.
GOVERNMENT WEATHER FORECAST. The following forecast was issued by Mr D. C. Bates, Government Meteorologist, Wellington, at 9 a.m. to-day for the ensuing 24 hours: — Wind. —Freshening, strong to gale, westerly. Weather. —The weather will probably prove squally and changeable. Barometer. —The barometer has a falling tendency.
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Sun (Christchurch), Volume I, Issue 47, 1 April 1914, Page 6
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381METEOROLOGICAL. Sun (Christchurch), Volume I, Issue 47, 1 April 1914, Page 6
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