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MORE MILLIONS. ■ AUSTRO-CERMAN ARMY AT CRA« r COW, 2,500,000. United Press (Association. (Received 8.45 a.m.) Petrograd, October 2. It is officially announced from Vienna that the Austro-Oennan army defending Cracow numbers 2} millions. AT SERAJEVO. SERVIAN ATTEMPT ON THE CITY ABANDONED. i (Received 10.25 a.m.) Nisli, October 2. The Servians temporarily abandoned the attempt on Serajevo as the Austrians are in a strong position, the taking of which would necessitate great loss of life. IN EAST PRUSSIA. MILLION RUSSIANS MARCHING ON CRACOW. (Received 8.45 a.m.) ■ London, October 2. Advices from Petrograd state that a million Russians with powerful artillery are advancing towards Cracow, whither General Hindenburg has been recalled from East Prussia to assume command of the Austro-German for-

POSITION IN COLOGNE. PUBLIC FEARFUL OF ATTACK FROM AIRCRAFT. (Received 9.5 a.m.) Coepnhagen, October 1. Sixty thousand German wounded have reached Cologne. The exhibition and other public buildings have been converted into hospitals. Machine guns have been mounted on the Cathedral and on the roofs of hotels. The public are panicky, fearing air attacks.

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Bibliographic details

Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXX, Issue 40, 3 October 1914, Page 5

Word Count

Russia. Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXX, Issue 40, 3 October 1914, Page 5

Russia. Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXX, Issue 40, 3 October 1914, Page 5


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