[Pbe Puebb Association 1
Nelson, Julv 28
A decision of considerable importnice to acclimatisation societies was fiven by Mr Evans, S.M ~ to- lav. Ho icld that any person could lay a n inonnation for an offence under the Animals Protection Act, 1908, it having been decided elsewhere that only i ranger could do so. In the case in point, a man was charged on the information of the secretary of the local Society with being in possession of native game (pigeons) and with destroying indigenous birds (tin’s). The lofoiufant was convicted on each •barge.
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Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXIX, Issue 83, 29 July 1914, Page 2
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95ACCLIMATISATION. Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXIX, Issue 83, 29 July 1914, Page 2
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