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A. H. SORENSON, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, Surrey Street, Hawera. Bungalows a speciality. Ail classes of building undertaken, in town or country. Enquiries invited. Phone 253 :: Hawera. H. BOARD, JJEI.OKLAYIB, estimates Given for /Bricklaying, Concrete Work, Ete. ORDERS MAY BE LEFT WITH BELLRINGERS’. STRAYED. STRAYED into Crown Stables, Broadway, a Chestnut. Mare. Owner can have same on paying expenses. If not claimed within fourteen days will be sold. STRAYED. 11l OUND—Straying on m y property, at Ngaere, Four Weaners (no visible brand). Owner can have same by paying expenses. FRANK TECOFSKY, Ngaere. CARDIFF. WTEXT School Euchre Tourney and Social will be held, Wednesday, June 17th, commencing 8 p.m. Gents 2s, Ladies a basket. MOA ROAD BOARD. Applications, dosing at 10 a.m, on Saturday, 20th Juno, are invited for the position of Foreman, of Division 11. . Schedule of duties may be seen at the Board’s Office. H. TRIMBLE, Chairman. NOTICE. 'AS WILLIAM HOLMES has now -Cx. left us, we are open to receive applications for a suitable man to fill the vacancy. McDonald Bros., Nash Road. 1,1 " • Ml'DlrißST' DANCE.

A Euchre party and dance will be held at the Public Hall, Midhirst, on Wednesday, 17th June. Start at 8 o’clock. Gents 2s, Ladies Is. WANTED KNOWN—Owing to my tease, which expires at the end of this month not being taken up, I have decided to continue closing sale to the end of lease. Harris, Central Boot Arcade.' M SIX-ROOMED, Fully Furnished House, to let, for 3 mohths or more; every convenience. Apply this office. TWO Well-furnished Rooms to let, every convenience, h. and c. water, etc. Apply this office. FOR SALE—Promising Pedigree Bull Bitch (brindle), 6 months old. Also dog pup, same litter. Apply for particulars this office. SECOND-UAND Ford Motor Car for Sale. Apply this office. NOW is your time,, a line of 3s 6d Books going at Is 6d each at Hopkins’ Book Shop. ANTED—Good General Farm Hand, must be used to horses. Apply, Don. Sellers, Palmer Road, Kaponga. FOR SALE—Nearly new English Piano by Green and Co., London. Also good Violin. Owner leaving. Address this office. OOAA will secure 120 Acres in U' U/ grass, well watered, and subdivided, near Factory, School, and Railway; 6-roomed house and cowshed (12 bails). Stock can be arranged on easy terms. Apply early, McCburnape and Co., Broadway. ANOTHER good line of 3s 6d Books are going for Is 6d each at Hopkins’ Book Shop. LOST —From Ngaere (and since seen in Stratford) English Setter dog, two teeth missing; reward on returing to Cuff, butcher, Stratford. T HAVE purchasers for Good Second Mortgages. Send full particulars to J. B. Richards, Stratford.

SEVERAL now and second-hand O Alfa-Liival Separators for sale cheap. W. P. Brown, Cash Grocer, Regan Street. W ager, ANTED—Boy, for Printingroom. Apply sharp to Man- “ Stratford Evening Post.” WANTED —Woman or Girl for general house work, four mornings a week. Apply this office. CALL and get 3 Sixpenny Novels for Is at Hopkins’ Book Shop.

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Bibliographic details

Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXIX, Issue 45, 15 June 1914, Page 6

Word Count

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXIX, Issue 45, 15 June 1914, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXIX, Issue 45, 15 June 1914, Page 6


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