The time oj closing the entries for the big autumn fixture is now drawing near, and consequently-numerous entries are being received every day. The dog section is always a feature nt the New Plymouth Show, where possibly the best collection of; dogs in the Dominion is to be seen, and this year's exhibition will be no exception. The horse .section will also be verv strong, especially among the draughts where it is expected the competition will be very keen. The Holstein and Jersey classes in the cattle section will probably be the strongest, and amongst the entries will be . found the best strains in New Zealand. In addition to the splendid prizes allotted for fat cattle will bo specials amounting to £B, which have been generously donated by well-wishers of the Society. The competitions fo,r each day are numerous, and the prize money is good, so that the public should have plenty to interest them. Entries finally close for all classes on Saturday next, 14th inst. ■SILL- .._. J
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Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 34, 10 February 1914, Page 3
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170TARANAKI SHOW. Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 34, 10 February 1914, Page 3
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