■USINfcSS NOTICE*. ON YOUR NEW DRESS / v i V"'S#V MOREY'S NECKOR-NO SALE. We're pleased indeed at the signal success of this sale;" and'vhe faster the shelves are emptied _^. lf . the greater our joy. rT ~*■ But pleasure to us is p fit to you—that is, if you're one of the crowd of busy economists pick- - - ing up bargains. DRESS FABRICS THIS TIME. SUCH SPLENDID SAVINGS HERE! Really choice goods th se, embracing all the most fashionable and freshest materials. THESE PRICES PREACH ECONOMY: ASSORTED FABRICS RANGED UP IN 6 PRICES—f>' 6d, Hd, 9d, Is, 1s 3d, 1s 6d. Being new materials all double-width. These prices are a snip. PRACTICE MANY SAVINGS YOURSELF BY CALLING EARLY TO-DAY. '34 ACRES, FREEHOLD—AII ploughable; well fenced, lj miles from ' Stratford P.O. broomed house, outfiouses, etc. For Sale or exchange. ;: MORBY & SOM. URAMRI, • STRATFORD AND NEW PLYMOUTH. 'PHONE 160.
m Bottle of Choice Perfume makes an agreeable and acceptable CHEXSTMAS PRESENT. FIVER'S PERFUMES Please Particular People. Call, See, and Buy them at
STRATFORD ACCLIMATISATION SOCIETY. FISHING SMSON~OCTOBER 1, 1013 TO APRIL 30, 1914. LICENSES.— Men, whole season, ' available over all Dominion, 20s; women and boys (under 16 years of age), ss. Day licenses (available for Stratford District only), 2s 6d; halfseason licenses from December 20,1913 (available for Stratford District only), 12s 6d.' Licenses may be obtained from W. B. FEARON, Secretary. Licenses have been issued to the following:—A. N. Cameron, P. Croßsan, H. Voyle. Phillip Wright, W. Lovett, R. Spence, L. Riera, S. H. Bernard, Fred Collins, Frank Collins, 0. Vaughan, W. A. Rennell, Cbinont Lawrence, W. Wilson, Mark James, J. Brake, J. Fitzgerald, Mrs Craddock, Fred Huggard, A. J. Walters, W. A. Dingle, Peter Hunter, J. Fitzgerald, Jun., Fred Brake, W. A. Clouston, Vincent Kowalewski, A. D. Huggard, Q. Harkness, W. B. Fearon, R. F. Harkness. A Reward of £5 will be paid for information leading to the conviction of any person contravening the provisions of the Animals Protection Act, Animals Protection Amendment Act and The Fisheries Act. 10U N T Y j Stratford, W. P. KIRKWOOp, Cask's Ceupons Accepted.
COMMERCIAL HOTEL, STRATFORD. PATRICK PHELAN, Proprietor. T this popular and well-equipped v, Hotel the public may be sure of the best attention. Only the best of liquors stocked. Particular atten* tion paid to the cuisine. TERMS—£I weekly; 4s 6d per day. All meals Is. Telephone No. 77 :: Over the Bridge. AT THIS REQUEST OW RESIDENTS OP OPUNAO ROAtyAND CARDIFF, Cannon & c°BUTCHER G, OE BROADWAY, STRATFORD, Are now running their carts aloaj that route to Cardiff. Only the Best Meats Supplied. DAN MALQNE AND CO., [TINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS pORDIAL MANUFACTURERS, / F«*nton Street, Stratford. whom 5S Box 45
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Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 34, 10 February 1914, Page 3
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441Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 34, 10 February 1914, Page 3
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