MONTHLY MEETING. The ordinary monthly meeting of the Stratford Council took place on Wednesday, when there were present Cr. Hathaway (chairman), Crs. Smith, Thompson, Walters, Young, Marfell, Christoff el) Rogers, and Anderson. Engineer's Report. Mr. E. C. Robinson (engineer) submitted his monthly report, as follows: Tenders.—Tenders have been invited for—Contract No. 869, supply of 500 cubic yards of boulders on Toko Road; Contract No. 870, supply of 300 cubic yards of shell rock on Gordon Road; Contract No. 871, supply of .500 cubic yards of shell rock on roads in Mangaehu Riding. Contracts of other works in progress. —The Makuri Valley drainage contract has been recommenced, and is being pushed ahead vigorously. The boulder supply contract in South Riding and in the western portion of West Riding are proceeding steadily. The contract for supply at Cardiff is proceeding rather slowly. The Puniwhakau Stream Bridge at Youhg’s is completed, with the exception of the decking, which has now arrived, and which will be built in forthwith.
The concrete culvert at washout on Mangaehu Road is well towards completion. The roadman’s cottage at Toko is well in hand, and should be completed before Christmas.
Good progress has been made with the engine shed in Juliet Street South, and it will bo finished at an early date. : Crushing operations for the supply of maintenance metal for eastern portion of North Riding, and for the remetalling of a. mile of Beaconsfield Road, have been completed, and the plant is now being moved down to Waipuku to crush the material for rometalling Mountain Road from Waipuku Bridge to Waipuku Station. Arrangements have been made to obtain the necessary gravel blinding for the latter work.
General.—l have inspected Lower Palmer Road, and consider the request and proposal in connection with metalling to top of hill leading down to Kapuni Stream a fair and reasonable one. The distance is 18 chains, and the cost would be from £4 to £4 10s per chain. There is abundance of stone in the Kapuni at this point, and it would pay to get out a fair quantity. The cost of a light bridge over Puniwhakau Stream at its junction with Mangaehu Stream would be about £l3O. This would give Mr. Watchotn the access ho requires. So far I have been unable to obtain anyone to undertake the tunnel and filling on Barclay Road. The Cardiff Dairy Company wish to have about 60 cubic yards of crushed metal for repairs to their access road, when metal crushing is in progress at Cardiff, arid would like the working staff to spread same, paying the cost, of course, in connection with the work.
The schedule ‘ of accrued thirds to end of September last is to hand, and proposals' for ' the expenditure of same are required;%:the Land Board. Denbigh—l have,inspected this road, and its' a result recommend that when the crushing plant is available for the purpose, it be sent up there, and that it-crush out about 3QO yards of stone. Thbican’he obtained from an adjacent ,Creek . at a very cheap rates-• ' ; Road Roller.—This has arrived, and will he ready for work, probably by to-morrow. i v’ 't Foremen’s Reports. North Riding West.—Mountain Road: This road is in fair order at present: iSUOT -cubic;, yards have been obtained at Waipuku <Jfid for re-met-alling and maintenance, and one day’s work was put in at Manganui site for the same purpose. The necessary wood for the engine ifhile crushing at Waipuku has been< split, and carted to site. A few : of boulders havo been delivered on upper end of Rutland Road. Other roads are in fair order.
North Riding East. —The month lias been spent in crushing and delivering metal for the various roads in my portion of the riding, and for remetalling portion of Beaconsheld; 91 chains of this road have been re-metalled, the road generally patched, and a sufficient amount left for maintenance.
A suitable pit has been secured for blinding the metal on Beaconsheld Road.
I beg to ask that my wages be raised Is per day during the summer months, as, to make .the present keep everything going well, I have to do a hard day’s work in addition to the clerical work, inspection of my roads, and general responsibility attached to my position as foreman. I therefore trust that you will give this your favourable consideration.
South Riding.—All the roads under my charge are in fair order. I have ro-metalled 15 chains on the Lower Finnerty Road, and banked it up. East Riding, Toko.—All the roads under my control are in fair order. The Toko Road is getting very rough, through the metal wearing and leaving the large stones bare. The Toko Road East is how thoroughly dry, and nt for carting metal on. On Ahuroa Road West a portion known as Bell’s Saddle has been reformed. On Ahuroa Road East the, metal is getting very thin, and the maintenance is almost used. On Ohura Road, Songster’s Hill, needs banking badly. East Riding, Douglas—All the roadunder my care are in very fair order. We have been banking and doing general road work on the Ohura, Mangaehu, and Cowan’.
East Riding, Huiroa.—During the month general repairs have been carried out on Mohakau, Makuri, and Douglas Roads, a had cutting sanded on Akawa Road. I have had the old tram pulled up on Mohakau Road, and the big drain on Makuri Road East lias been cleaned by Mr. Ward. West Riding.—Some of the guard fences on Opunake Road No. 2 have been repaired, and the remainder will ho completed shortly. The side tracks on Opunake Road have been done up and the metal blinded, also a 9in. pipe culvert lengthened on Opunake No. ]. The Ronald Road is still very rough and needs rolling. On Hastings Road North the watertables have been cleaned and blinding put on the metal. A plough was kindly lent by Mr. Shrimpton and Mr. Haylock for ploughing the sides of the road. Mangaehu Riding.—During the month F have hoen patching metal, cleaning water-tables, and clearing slips on the Tututawa, Mangaehu, and Maugaotuku Roads. The Puniwhakau surfaceman has been clearing slips and cleaning water-tables on the Puniwhakan and Mangaehu Roads. All the roads lire' in fair order. Resolutions. In dealing with the report the following resolutions wero agreed to:— The attention of the ranger is to he called to stray stock on South Mountain Road. It was decided that the IS chains of metalling asked for on the South
Palmer Road ho put in hand, Eltham County Council to pay half cost. It was resolved that 60 yards of metal be provided for the Cardiff Factory, the laying of same to he done by 'the Council’s men and the Company to pay the cost. That the Land Board schedule bo filled in by the Engineer with the riding members. ft was decided to carry out the Engineer’s recommendation with respect to work on Denbigh Road. With regard to the steam roller, it was agreed to ask Mr. Anderson to provide a competent man to take charge of the roller for twelve, months. It was agreed to do the metalling required on Mangaehu Road (6 or i chains) at the same time as Toko Road East. Flosd Maintenance. The Chairman read the following statement with respect to road maintenance: — North Riding.—Main Road, number of miles of initial road 9, cost per mile £BO. By-roads, number of miles of metal road 42, cost per mile £SO. South Riding.—Main Road, number of miles of metal road 5, cost per mile £BO. By-roads, number of miles of metal road 29, cost per mile £6O. East Riding.—Main Road, number of miles of metal road 16, cost per mile £80; by-roads, number of miles of metal road 26, cost per mile £6O. West Riding.—Main Road, number of miles of metal road 15, cost per mile £80; by-roads, number of miles of metal road 24, cost per mile £6O. Mangaehu Riding.—Main roads, number of miles of metal road 10, cost per mile £80; by-roads, number of miles of metal roads 2, cost per mile £SO. Cost of metal per yard on road— Maximum per yard (cost) 14s, minimum per yard (cost) 6s. Total number of miles in County, all roads, metalled roads 178, unmetalled roads 64 (about). A vote of thanks was passed to the Chairman for the information. CORRESPONDENCE.
From the Stratford A. and P. Association, re danger to traffic arising from the high banks on the north and south sides of the railway crossing on the Flint Road, and asking the Council to remove their portions of the banks. It was decided to inform the A. and P. Society that the Council has no dangerous banks on Flint Road. From Mrs Jane Wickham, old Hospital Road, New Plymouth, with respect to Ahuroa Road. The Engineer was instructed to give the matter attention.
From the Town Clerk, of the Kaponga Town Board, asking the Council if it was possible to hire a roller from the Council for a week, or two weeks, early in the new year. Cr. Thompson moved, and Cr. Walter seconded, that the Town Board he advised that the Council cannot sec its way clear to grant, the request. From W. G. Malone, solicitor, re renewals of leases and grants of crusher, sites, etc., from Messrs W. E. Holland, William Richards, and John Smith.
It was decided that Crs. Hathaway, Thompson, and Christoffel .affix the common seal of the Council. From M. J. Eyron, Rimuera, Waikato, making application for position of driver of traction engine or Stracker waggon. The matter was referred to the Engineer, with power to act. From H. I). Morpeth, Clerk to the Waihi Borough Council, forwarding copy of resolution passed at a meeting of his Council on 31st ult. The resolution reads: “That it be a condition of al Ifuture employment on the Borough works that each and every person employed by the Borough Council must sign a declaration affirming his or her loyalty to the King and the Union Jack, and that none other than those affirming their loyalty to the King and the Flag shall be employed in any capacity on the Borough works, and that it be an instruction to the Town Clerk to forward copies of this resolution to all local bodies throughout the Dominion inviting co-operation.
Cr. Walters moved, and Cr. Christoffel seconded, that in the opinion of this Council it would be wasting time to ask men of the class referred to, to sign the declaration, as it would not be binding on them, for they neither “love God, their fellow man or their country.”—Carried. From the Stratford A. and P. Association, asking the Council to grant its employees a holiday on the People’s Day of the Stratford Shpw.
It was moved by Cr. Rogers, seconded by Cr. Smith, that a holiday be granted on full pay. An amendment was moved by Cr. Thompson, seconded by Cr. Christoffel, that the men be granted a holiday at their own expense. The amendment was carried.
From Mr Ai. Coutts, informing the Council that the trustees of the Waipuku Cemetery Board have lapsed through effluxion of time, and forwarded the following names willing to act as trustees Messrs Albert Adlam, Jethro Fenwick, Peter Thompson, Andrew Coutts, and John Davidson. Application tp be made to the Government to appoint, trustees as soon as possible. From Mr G. S. Noble, Makahu, re 10 per cent, fines on overdue rates and the Brewer Purai special.—Received. REPORT. The Chairman and CV. Christoffel reported at some length in connection with the Council’s deputation that visited Wellington with reference to the loans limit of the State Guaranteed Advances Act. Cr. Smith moved, and CV. Andcrsoi; seconded, that £ll ho devoted toward: the expenses of the deputation. It was also decided to forward ; vote of thanks to Messrs J. B. Him and C. A. Wilkinson, M.P.’s for their assistance at Wellington during the deputation’s visit. WATER CART. The Rnginecr mentioned that it wa; necessary to obtain a water cart foi work in conjunction with the stea i roller. Cr. Anderson moved, and Cr.
Christolfel seconded, that the Engineer he instructed to procure a water cart,—Carried. CONTRACTS. Tenders were considered for contracts as under:— Contract No. 869, for the supply and delivery of 500 cubic yards of boulders on Toko Road.—No tender received. Contract No. 870, for the supply of 800 cubic yards of shell rock on Gordon Road.—No tender accepted. Contract No. 871, for the supply of shell rock on roads in Mangaehu Riding.—No tender was accepted. THE HOSPITAL. Councillor Marfell brought before the councillors the question of making a strong effort to raise funds for the hospital, and stated that it was intended to make a canvass Of the whole of the hospital district, and asked the councillors to assist all in their power to make the effort worthy of such a flourishing locality. The Chairman expressed his full ’ sympathy with the movement, and said he would assist all in his power, other councillors also signified their willingness to help. DOG COLLARS. Mr Aagaard’s tender for the supply of dog collars at 6;Jd each was accepted. DEPUTATION. Mr Griffin waited on the Council with reference to the re-metalling of the Waiwera Road, and asked that the position of the road be amended slightly at one point. Tin’s and other matters that he brought before the Council were left with the Engineer and Mr Griffin to discuss at the place in question.
RATES. It was moved by Cr. Smith, seconded by the Chairman, that the ratepayers be notified to pay their countyrates by the 23rd December, but in eases where it is inconvenient to pay the whole by that day, the Council will accept half on condition that the balance is paid by the end of Jamiajw, 1913.—Carried. INCREASED SALARY. Foreman Kowaleski applied to the Council for an increase of Is per day during the summer months. The matter came up for a good deal of discussion. It was eventually moved by Cr. Walter, seconded by Cr. Rogers, that the foreman and the permanent surface-men-bo granted an increase in their wages of Is per day until the end, of April.—Carried, Cr. Christoffel moved, and Cr. Anderson seconded, that the foreman keep a weekly time-sheet, and that surfacemen. he paid only for time worked.— Carried. AN NUAL MEETING. The Chairman reminded the members that the annual meeting of the Council and election of chairman takes nlace at 12 o’clock sharp next Wednesday. ' NOTICE OF MOTIONS. Cr. Thompson, in accordance with Jo's notice, moved, “That, in consideration of the railway and factory traffic passing over it, that portion of the Finnerty Road from the Mountain Road to the dairy factory, be treated as a main road in the Council’s books, and included in the main road account.” The motion was carried. Cr. Young, in accordance with his notice, moved, that £35 be transferred from Tupia. Road to Runiwhakau Road. The motion was carried. GENERAL. Cr. Marfcll moved that the metal For the Gordon and Toko Roads be left in the bands of the Engineer, with power to act. Cr. Rogers moved that the Engineer be instructed to give an estimate at next meeting of the Council of the cost of putting the lower.portion of the Rem broke Road in order.—Carried. it was decided to leave the matte]- of fencing in the sites secured for a surfaceman’s cottage on Manaia Road in the hands of flip Engineer. ACCOUNTS. Accounts amounting to £1896 16s 9d were read and passed for payment.
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Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXIV, Issue 75, 21 November 1912, Page 2
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2,597COUNTY COUNCIL. Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXIV, Issue 75, 21 November 1912, Page 2
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