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Newton King’s Weekly Report. At Waiwakaiho on Friday, 16th, 1 had only a small yarding, and the majority of the cattle yarded were of poor quality. Bidding afe a result was dull, sale being made as follows: Mixed weaners 14s to £1 5s 6d, yearling steers £2 to £2 2s 6d, 15 to 20month steers £2 12s 6d to £3 6s, yearling to 18-month heifers £2 Is to £2 9s 6d, bulls £3 17s to £4 17s, store cows.£2 5s 6d to £3 13s, forward cows £3 17s 6d to £4 4s, fat cows £4 17s. At Douglas yards on Monday, 19th, for my annual sheep fair I had a good entry of sheep. Bidding at the hammer was dull, but good business was done after the sale at the following. rates: 2-tooth ewes 14s 6d, 2,4, and 6-itooth cavcs 7s 6d, 10s, 12s 7d, f.f.m. eAves 4s lOd to 9s 7d, full mouth “eAyes 2s 3d, 2-tooth Avethers 10s to ; 12s 4d, 4-tooth Avethers 12s 6d to 14s, lambs (good) 6s to 6s 9d, fair 3s 2d to 3s lOd, poor Is 6d, rams to 2i gns. At my Ur'enui yards on the same day sheep came fonvard in excess of advertised numbers, the cattle pens being only moderately full. I had ' a good demand right through for i cattle but sheep Avere not enquired for. Prices realised Avere: Good Aveaners £1 4s to £1 11s 6d, imor 15s Gd, . yearling heifers £2 2s to £2 ss, 18month heifers £2 11s to £3 10s, 2 to 2i-year heifers £3 10s to £4 10s, ■ 15-month steers 1 £2 13s; to £3 6s, poor £2 ss, 20-month to 2-year steers - £3 14s, store coavs £2 17s to £3 6d, good' fonvard and fat goavs £4 8s 6d ;to £4 15s, bulls £2 17s, 2-tooth Aveth;'ers 11s 4d to 12s 4d, hoggets 6s 7d, ■mixed cavgs 55,; ; ; . •-: v , j-; , | ,ii;: '' ■ At |my Stratford yards on 1 Tuesday very heavy entry of all classes yyoung cattle fteing yarded in the majority. Demand for these w,as only . limited consequently a good number Avent home. Prices obtained throughout shoAA-ed a slight decline on /former gales, store and fonvard coavs, lioaveyer, .keeping their late prices Avell. A good number of weaners were penned, the best price obtained for these . being l £1 15s for a choice lino of Jersey.;'heifers. Other Aveaners realised from 13s 6d to £1 2s 6d, poor 9s, yearling steers £2 2s 6d, 18 to 20raonth steers £2 19s Gd to £3 9s, 24year steers £4 ss, 24-year heifers £3 12s to £3 17s, store coaa-s £2 10s to £3 6s, forward coavs £4 Gs to £4 17s, fat coavs £4 17s to £5 12s 6d according to quality,, 34-year bullocks £6 to £6 ss, bulls £1 7s 6d to £4 11s,stg. £2.

On the same clay I held my annual ram fair in my Stratford yards at the same time as my cattle sale. Rams came forward in excess of advertised numbers, but bidding was dull and prices on the low side, realising as follows: Romney rams 1 tq Signs, English Leicesters 1} to 11-gns, Border •'Leicester If to 2gns, Shropshire 2gns, Lincolns i to 2gns. At Sitoney River yards on Wednesday I had full yards and good competition for nearly all classes, weaner s selling well compared with other centres. Prices realised wWe: Jersey weaner heifers £1 8s to £1 13s, good weaner steers £1 4s 6tl to £1 11s 6d, mixed good, weaners 18s to £1 Bs, 15 to' 18-month‘-mixed £2 4s 6d to £2 12s, 18-month heifers £2 6s 6d to £3, 15month steers £2 5s to £2 12s 6d, 18month steers £2 17s to £3 5s 6d, fat heifers £4 Bs, store cows £2 7s to £3 15s 6d, 2-year cm])ty heifers £3 15s 6d, forward cows £3 18s to £4 2s Gd, fat cows £4 8s to £5 10s, Jersey cow in milk £9, bulls £3 to £3 15s, lambs 5s- 6d to Bs, store pigs £1 Is to £1 12s, goafs £l. At Awakino yards on Thursday, 22nd, for my cattle sale and sheep fair I had a big yarding of cattle and sheep both being penned in excess of advertised numbers. I had a largo attendance of buyers from all parts of the district, and as the condition of cattle and sheep was very good T had a very successful sale. Bidding for sheep was very spirited, every line without exception being cleared at the hammer. The demand for store and forward cattle was also good, younger cattle not selling at the hammer: so readily, although the majority of these were cleared during the day. Good quality 31 and 4year bullocks sold very quickly at the following prices: 3i-year bullocks £5 17s, £5 17s.Gd, £5 18s 6d, £G 2s, £6 ss. £6 13s Gd, £G 14s; 3 to 31year bullocks &5, £5 7s, £5 9s; 21year steers (good) £4 5s to £4 455, small £3 Gs, 18-month steers £2 19s Gd to £3 ss, 21-year heifers in calf £4 Is to £4 6s, 18-month empty heifers £2 17s Gd to £2 18s, fat cows £4 17s to £5 4s, forward cows £3 18s Gd to £4, store cows £2 IGs to £3 8s Gd, bulls £1 to £4 10s, stags £3 Gs, cow i i calf £2 13s*Gd; lambs 3s 7d, 5s 9d, 5s Bid, Gs, 7s; 2-tooth wethers 10s Id to 12s, 4, G, and f.f.m. owes 10s, Gtooth Wethers 13s Gd, f.f.m. owes 7s 2d to 7 lid, f.m. ewes 4s 3d to Gs,

fat cavcs 10s 9d, fat Avethers 13s lOd, Lincoln rams 2' f to 2Jgns, Romney rams If to 4gns, border Leicester rams 2gns. At my Okau yards on Friday the sheep and cattle yarded Avere much 'in excess of adA'ertised entries and a very good sale Avas held. Bidding opened sloav on sheep but improved during the sale, most of the stock being cleared at the folloAving pripes: Lambs (best) 5s 9d to 8s lOd, good 4s 8d to 5s 6d, poor 2s Sd to 4s, 2tooth Avethers 11s to 12s, 2-tooth cavcs 12s lid, 2 and 4-tooth cavcs IPs lOd, 4 and 6-tooth cavcs 10s 3d, f.f.m. eAves 6s to Gs lOd, mixed cavcs 10s 4d to 10s lOd, f.m. eAves 3s Id, rams L) to sgns, 18-momth heifers £2 13s to £3 2s, 18-nvont'h steers £2 15s to £3 10s, 24 to 3-year steers £4 5s to £4 9s, poorer £3 IGs to £4 Is, bulls '£3 16s to £5 10s, 2.}-year in-calf heifers.£4 5s to £4 6s, forward coavs £3 19s to £4 2s, fat coavs £4 8s 6d to £4 18s 6d. At Toko on Thursday, 22nd, for my cattle sale and Aveaner fair all pens Avere fully-taxed. Good Aveaners sold Avell 'at prices in advance of late rates. Prices realised Avere: Store coavs £2 9s to £3 12s 6d, fonvard coavs £3 16s to £4 10s, fat and fqrAvard coavs £4 11s, fat coavs £4 11s Od to £5 4s according to quality, bull £3 to £3 10s, 24-year in-calf heifers £4 Is 6d, AA r eaner; heifers £1 7's to £!1 14s Gd, others 18s Gd to £1 3s 6d, j Avpaner steers (best) £1 10s to £1 17s Gd, others 13s to £1 2s, mixed Aveanej’s 22s to 295, others 16s to 18s 6d, poor 4s 6d, 18-month steers £2 14s 6d to £3 10s, dairy coavs £6 10s, mixed sheep 13s f.f.m gavcs 2s 6d. On Friday, 23rd, at my Kaponga sale , and Aveaner fair I had a very successful sale, all yards Avere filled to overfloAving Avith stock, mostly coavs and Aveaners. I had a good attendance of the public and an improved demand for Aveaners. I quote; Store coavs £2 tto £3 6s, fonvard coavs £3 10s to £4 Bs, fat coavs £4 18s to £5 16s according to quality, bulls £3 to £6, yearling heifers (poor) £1 16s, 18-month steers £3 4s, AA'eaner heifers (best) £1 5s 6d to £1 11s 6d, good £1 0s 6d to £1 4s, others 16s Gd, Aveaner steers (best) £1 8s to £1 13s, good 18s to £1 6s, others 12s to 15s, mixed iweaners (best) £1 10s to £1 14s Gd, good £1 0s Gd to £1 Bs, others 4s Gd to 15s.

At Po'hbkura for my annual sheep fair I had a good yarding of sheep and a good attendance of buyers. Bidding throughout Avas very good for all classes. The Avhole yarding (Avith the' exception of two small pons cleared after the sale) being sold tat the hammer at the following rates :;Lambs (best) ss' 6d to Gs lid, poor Is 4d to 3s ®d, 2-jfooth Avethers 11s,’id,| 2 and 4-tooth '(poor) 9s 4d, 4; and 6-tooth wethers ISs lOd, 4-tooth Avethers 12s Sd to 13s lOd, 4-iooth eAves 9s lOd, 4* 'and 6-tooth cavcs 13s 3d, mixed 2tooth sheep 10s Id, f.f.m. ewes 5s 9d to 8s 9d, old eAves 2s to 4s 6d, Lincoln rams, £1 Is, Romney rams -4 to’ 2-fgns. At Rahotu on Tuesday I had a heavy entry, of all classes, all pens being Avell filled. I also had a good attendance of buyers. The inquiry for weaners, was better .than at, previous sales land good, business Avas done during the afternoon, practically every line being cleared. Best mixed Weaners made £1 Is to £1 11s, bthers 18s to 19s Gd, Jersey Aveaner, heifers £1 10s, Aveaner steers 12s to £1 7s, 18-month steers' £2 12s Gd to £3 4s 6d, 18month heifers £2 11s to £3 2s, bulls £1 to £2 17s, store coavs £2 18s to £3, fonvard coavs £3 14s to £4 ss, fat and fonvard coavs £4 11s, fat coavs £4 10s to £4 15s, 2-tooth eAves 12s, fat lambs 9s 6d, store lambs 7s 3d. During the Aveek I ha\ r e sold privately a good many lines of stock at 'the folloAving rates: Mixed Aveaners £l, £1 2s, £1 ss, £1 7s Gd; 18month steers £3 11s; coavs and calves £4 10s, £4 17s Gd; fonvard coavs £4; fat coavs £4 15s; fat coavs, prime, £5 10s; 2i-year heifers in calf £4 10s; dairy coavs £6 ; 2-tooth cavcs 12s Gd ; f.f.m. ewes 5s to 8s 3d; old ewes 3s to 4s; lambs, best, 8s Gd; others 4s Gd to 7s; poor 3s to 3s Gd; hoggots 12s Gd, mixed sheep 8s Gd; 2-tooth Avethers 11s 9d to 12s 9d; poor 10s; 4-tooth Avethers 13s Gd to 14s; rams If to Signs.

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Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXII, Issue 58, 4 March 1912, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXII, Issue 58, 4 March 1912, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXII, Issue 58, 4 March 1912, Page 3


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