THE MONTHLY MEETING OF THE COUNCIL. A LENGTHY MEETING. The ordinary monthly meeting of the above Council took place on Wednesday, when there were present: Crs A. Meredith (chairman), McCutchan, Bacon, Roberton, Oleland, Jury, Coyne, and Higgins. The minutes of the previous meeting wore read and confirmed. Engineer's Report. Mr E. C. Robinson (engineer) submitted his monthly report as follows: Tenders.—Tenders have been invited, closing at this meeting, for the following works, which have been laid oif during the month and drawings and specifications for which have been prepared : Contract No. 30—Renewal of Makahu stream bridge, Makahu Road. Contract No. 31—Formation of 20 chains of Marco Road. Contract No. 32—Formation of 20 chains of Poarangi Road. Upper Mangaohu Road.—Nearly a mile of this road has been laid off dining the month for dray road formation, and a further mile for felling and clearing. Drawings, specifications, etc., have been prepared in connection with the two works, and submitted for approval to the Public Works Department. I have asked that they be returned as promptly as possible, as it is necessary that the work should be put in hand during the summer months.
Murcott Road.—During the month the suspension bridge on this road partially collapsed, owing to one of the cables having gradually perished underground at the anchorage, and fractured. lam having the roadway raised and temporarily supported in order to safeguard it, while the anchorage can bo excavated and the portions of cable underground replaced with steel rods.
Tapuni Road.—Some months ago I reported that during a heavy flood a filling on this road had been washed out, but no action was taken. Mr Foley, a settler having a holding beyond the said washout, is now anxious that a bridle track be made round it to give him access. The survey to take .land for road at Tapuni bridge has been put in hand. Thirds.—ln the proposals for expenditure of these submitted to the Land Board for expenditure recently all the sections on Mangapaka Road were included for repairs to Prospect Road, when it was intended, >l, think, that only one section, should be so included. The thirds' for ’ remaining sections were to be for Marco Road extension, I and if this is. so, an. alteration' fin < 'the proposals submitted is necessary.-:;' j| . , .!</' (X ciUi , Vera Road.'—fin connection with Mr E, McCluggagc’s application to fence along the lower side of this road, I do not think it would prejudice Unsaid road, providing it is kept a reasonable distance from the formation, also provided’it is understood that the Council could require the fence to be removed at any time, and that no compensation for damage to fence owing to slips, etc., being thrown off the road formation could be entertained.
Ohura Road (Central Riding).—As the Public Works Department is now using to a very considerable length the whole of the portion under County control, and have been snigging timber, etc., along if, I recommenct that thoy be asked to take it over until such time as the railway construction work in the' vicinity is completed. The remaining matters in connection with general maintenance, etc., are dealt with in the foremen’s reports. The following business was transacted arising out of the engineer’s report :• — The tender of Messs Langdon and Jensen for Contract No. 31 was accepted.
The matter of contract No. 32 was left in the hands of the engineer to attend to.
Contract No. 30: The engineer was instructed to accept Mr Grayling’s tender provided that it is a reasonable one. It was decided that a track be made across the Tapuni Road at a cost of £o. The matter of a fence asked for by Mr McCluggage was left in the hands of the riding members.
The clerk was instructed to write to the Public Works Department re taking over portion of the Ohura Road (Central Riding) as recommended by the engineer. The engineer’s report was adopted. Foremen’s Reports. The Strathmore foreman, Mr W. Atkins, reported as follows:—I bog to report on the progress of works for the past month:—Repairs have been done on the following roads: Brewer, Mangachu, Murcott, Makahu, Akama, Kirai, and the East Roads. Some of the above-mentioned roads are still in need of further repair work, particularly the Akama, Brewer, and Mahgaehu (Upper) Roads. Slip-clear-ing could be done to advantage on the latter road. Brewer Road—The metal in a cutting situated between the Mangaohu bridge and the dairy factory, Makahu, has broken up rather badly, and will require several yards .of metal to re-instate the road .it this point. The necessary timber for re-timbering a portion of the drainage tunnel near Mounsoy’s Ford is to hand, and will be put into position as circumstances permit. The metal in the Brewer-Kirai tunnel requires patching, also some fallen papa carted out, and the watortables attended to. Kirai Road—About fifteen yards of shell rock could be procured from the pit in Mr Mollory’s and put on the road, costing about 12s per yard. East Road—A large wooden culvert
near the junction of the East and Favicr Roads is in a very rotten condition. A portion has already fallen in, but what work was necessary has been carried out. A renewal in either pipes or wood will be necessary at an early date. Ohura Road—Several small matters require attention on the metalled portion of this road, and will bo attended to during the current month. I also hope to carry out what repairs are necessary between 26-mile peg and Ngatimaru. Mahakau Road—A large slip has been cleared, and the earth used in improving the approach to the bridge, and banking metdl near Te Wera. This road is in very fair order, with the exception of that portion between the foot of saddle and the tunnel, which will be attended to as is convenient to do so. Holidays—The time-sheet furnished by me represents the time actually worked, and .1 understand I can have the four days allowed by the Council at any time best suited to the Council and myself. Mr H. Jamieson (Whangamomona Riding) reported as follows:—Prospect Road—As instructed, I have had the necessary work completed on this road, also replaced three old culverts with concrete pipes, and have now left the road in good order. Whitianga Road—Just as the work was about complete on this road, two more heavy slips came down, and had to be removed, and the road is; in very fair order at present., Putikituna Road— Should the weather,,continue fine, the work on this road will be completed in the course of, a week. Whangamomona Road—The worst parts of this road are being attended to. Kohuratahi Road—The clay part of this road requires a, good bit ; of work, reforming in places, rounding up, and watertabliug. Two new flood openings are required for this road before winter. Those at present are very rotten. As I have only a few small culvert pipes left I would be glad if you would procure some more. Some councillors expressed their opinion that the foremen should submit their reports to the engineer a few days before the meeting of the Council and then their suggestions could be included in his report. Correspondence. The following correspondence was read and dealt with as under: — From the Audit, Office returning balance-sheet of • the Whangamomona County Council for the year and halfyear ending 31st March, 1911, also the balance-sheet..ending 30th September, 1911, which have all been ccr-tifled.-—The balance-sheet was adopted and publication authorised.? ;■
From the Public; Works Department re. Brewer Road (Strathmore to 'Mu'rcott). with referenda ito .the provision of, .further money! i for work; on' ithe above-described road, and informing the Council that on the current year’s estimates there is a vote of £4OO, £ for ,£ on account of £I4OO. An authority for £4OO ; was issued to the Council -in- March .last,-‘and ho expenditure came to charge in that financial year, it had of course to be reprovided ; and further that there is available l for authorisation a ! furthor sum 1 ' ; ol v '£looo, and' if 1 th 6" Council would’! submit proposals thrbugh the Resident Engineer in the' usual way, authority would, if plans, etc., are satisfactory, be duly issued.—lt was resolved on the motion of Cr Coyne, seconded by Cr Diggins, that the engineer submit plans to the Department for the expenditure of the £I4OO For one mile of metalling on Brewer Road, north-east of the factory, and filling in of gap between Makahu stream bridge and the tunnel, and that a letter be forwarded covering the position of the subsidy. If approved tenders will be called to close it next meeting if possible. From the Public Works Department informing the Council that instructions had been given to urge all local bodies to push on with such Government grants as are now under offer, or as are already authorised to them. The grants referred to were: Mangaehu (Upper) £ for £, Mahakau, Matirangi Road bridge, Mangaowata, Marco, and Marigare.—lnformation to be supplied. v From the Public Works Department re Putikituna Road, informing them that the sum of £25 was on the 9th ultimo issued to the Council for clearing slips on this road from its junction with Kohuratahi Road to the saddle, a distance of 40 chains, and further, that this is only part that has been recently .handed over. —Received. From the Clerk of the Ohura County Council re alteration of boundary between Ohura and Whangamomona Counties adjusted at the present time, as there are several ratepayers contributing to both Counties for the me property and that they have made •in application to the Ohura Council to have the whole of their property included within the county.—lt was resolved to ascertain from the Ohura County Council the piece of country referred to with a view to discussing same at a later meeting.
From, Mr V. Klee resigning 'his position as surfaceman to the Council. —Resignation accepted. From E. W. .Hodder, asking the Council if it woujd give him the proper width of footpath in. front facing Ohura Road, and that same be ;ct out by the Council’s engineer.— Plie engineer was instructed to give - bo necessary information asked for. From Mr Alex Klee, re drainage from road running through section Xo. 20, Whanga township, as follows: As I am anxious to improve tin's secdon and to fill in part of the gully, thereby incurring considerable .expense, I would respectfully ask that your Council bear the cost of putting -.uitable drainage through the gully in the form of pipes to carry away the water. I. would point out that the drainage and soakage has been increased by the road drains cut lately,
|which all discharge directly into my section, and as I am anxious to improve the section and alter the present unsightly appearance of the place, I trust that your Council will seo its way clear to assist me in the matter.—Mr Klee to be notified that the Council cannot see its way clear to comply with his request. From Messrs Edward R. Wilson, E. W. Wilson, W. O. Wilson, and D. A. Dickson, settlers on the Putikituna, Road. They petitioned the Council with reference to the Putikituna Road. They understood at last meeting of the Council that it was decided to postpone the spending of the Government grant on the Putikituna Road until the matter had been considered. The road is in a very bad state and if the work is postponed it will mean that the winter will be on us before the work can be finished, and the road having no chance of settling will be a bog all the winter. Under these circumstances they would therefore urge the Council to spend the grant without delay, and would further recommend that the work be done from the bottom end so as to fix up two bad places before the winter sets in.
Mr Murray, District Road Engineer, New Plymouth, also wrote on the same matter, asking the Council if it would undertake the expenditure .of balance £63 on Putikituna Road wid cning.
It was decided on the motion of Or McCutohan seconded by Cr Coyne, that a copy of Mr Wilson’s letter be forwarded to the District Engineer, and that in connection with his telegram asking the Council to expend the balance of grant, the Council is of opinion that the said balance could be more advantageously spent by him, and that in view of the representations of the settlers, the Council is of opinion that the matter is one of urgency.
From Mr A. Coyne, informing the Council that the Murcott bridge cable broke down, and to save the material it requires attention at once.—The chairman brought up the matter with respect to the Murcott bridge that dollapsed rather suddenly and had instructed the engineer under the circumstances to attend to same at once. The road was in credit but that credit was handed over to the Brewer Road, and the Murcott was now in debit. The repairs would cost about £loo. Cr McCutchan moved that the chairman’s action in ! connection with the Murdott Road- bridge be confirmed, and that the cost of re-in statement of same be charged to the Strathmore Riding (Special fund tj account.—rThis was seconded by Cr Coyne and carried'. '■ 1 ! ■ 1 • !!' ! |,-I : / River and Road Reserves. '* The following applications were! r<?-i ceived dealing with the above, and doalt with as under:— From Alex Klee, applying for permission to occupy that portion of river reserve adjoining his section No. 20 in Whanga township. He said he was willing to accept same subject to any conditions the Council may impose as to resumption, etc., and to pay, a nominal rent therefor. Trojh 'A. jDan, making an. application for river or road reserve bounding his freehold sections, 'and offering the sum of 10s per year, for the reserve.
From W. H. Reader, asking the Council for a month-to-month or year-to-year lease of portion of the road and river reserve on the Whanga Road, for a distance of about six chains, near the slaughterhouse site, and offering to pay the sura of £1 per year for same. From F. Calgher, in connection with his application at the last meeting of the Council for lease of reserves along the bank of Whangamomona stream. He said he was willing to take same at the rentals mentioned in his previous letter on whatever tenure the Council can see its way to let same. From Messrs Court and Cottier applying for a lease or a right to occupy the piece of river reserve adjoining the slaughter-yard on the Whanga Road, and offering a rental of £1 per annum, and would be- willing to hold it under such conditions as the Council may suggest. From Messrs Court and Cottier making similar application for a lease or right to use the piece of river reserve situated between the river and their bakehouse premises, and offering to pay £1 per annum as rental, and would be willing to comply with any reasonable conditions the Council may suggest. It was decided on the motion of Cr Bacon, seconded by Cr Higgins, that the applications of Mrs A. Dean, and Messrs Court and Cottier (near bridge), A. Klee, be granted at a rental of £1 per annum, and that Mr Calgher be granted the river reserve actually behind his property, and portion of the road reseiwe opposite hotel site at a rental of £1 in each case, all to be subject to one month s notice to be given for resumption. In the case of Messrs Court and Cottier and Mr W. H. Reader applying for the same reserve, lots were drawn and resulted in favour of Messrs Court and Cottier. Riding Business. Central Riding.—lt was decided to call for fresh applications for the position of surfaceman to replace Mr Klee, who resigned, on the same conditions. The engineer was instructed to have some repairs effected to a culvert on Vera Road. It was decided that in view of the heavy indebtedness on the Kohuratahi Road and the urgent necessity of expenditure for the near future the Council is of opinion that the Riding members should convene a meeting of ratepayers concerned in order to discuss methods of financing same. Tahora Riding.—Cr Roberton moved
that the expenditure of the accrued thirds on the Rimuputu and Pukcho Roads be put in hand by tho engineer, as spocilied in a previous resolution hy tiio Council. It was resolved that the surplus metal in the kiln on Mangaowata Road be carted down to metal a bad place in block cutting some 20 chcains away. Notice of Motion. Cr Coyne gave notice to move at next meeting of the Council that the Brewer Road be treated as a main road from its junction with Ohura Road, Strathmore township, to its intersection with the Pahautuhia block. Genera!. It was decided to obtain two forms so as to' provide seating accommodation for deputations waiting on the Council. Accounts amounting to £4OO 7s 9d were road and passed for payment, and tho Council adjourned at 9.30 p.m.
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Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXII, Issue 37, 26 January 1912, Page 3
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2,853WHANGAMOMONA COUNTY. Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXII, Issue 37, 26 January 1912, Page 3
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